12 years ago...

Six year old Kate Kogane watched the facility burn down in flames from a distance with her father and her ten year old cousin. She wore a plain white t-shirt that reached down her thighs nearly touching to her kneecaps. Both her hands and shirt were caked with blood. Blood she spilled not too long ago with maddening calm blood lust mixed with icy rage. She struggled not to focus on that and tried to warm under a blanket that covered her head and body, protecting her from the cold and snow.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" her cousin Alex asked finally. Breaking the long silence they had between them.

"No," Kate said lowly shaking her head, "at least not now." She looked at him reluctantly and asked, "Did you find them?"

Alex sighed heavily. "No… I'm sorry. Elena, Felix, Emily and Glade's bodies are still missing. We can't find them anywhere." He clenched his jaw as he growled, "But I don't think that sadistic doctor had any heart to give them a proper burial, either."

Kate sighed in grief and continued to watch the fire burn. The night was too silent for her liking. She just wanted to scream, letting all her anguish out and hear voice echo across the mountains and valleys.

"All those people who worked in that facility," her father said hesitantly to her, "they're really…?" he trailed off from his words seeing the pain that inflicted in her violet eyes.

Kate nodded grimly. "I broke." She whispered. "I lost control in my other state that I… they're dead. All of them are dead."

Her father and Alex didn't dare say a word. She let her blankets slip out of her shoulders, revealing cat like ears sticking out of her head.

"I killed them…"