Author's Note: A couple of things before we get started.

I'm trying to structure this story similarly to the manga itself, (almost) following the example of volume 5, which means one overarching story, while each chapter deals with different threat. It also means that chapters will only have a moderate length and I'll be including explanations to new cells and other concepts; if I miss something don't hesitate to ask.

To avoid confusion; when U-1146 and AE 3803 are addressing/referring to one another in conversation, I'm going to use Hakkekkyū and Sekkekkyū, as they apparently refuse to use their numbers, just to make it easier to distinguish who they are talking to/about. Also thanks to the anime I'm now so used to hearing it.

This story takes place after chapter 27, so especially for those who've only seen the anime, there might be a little spoiler or two.

Now, let's finally get to story, I hope you enjoy.


Part 1

For most of the body it was a normal, calm day. Almost all cells went about their business undisturbed and untroubled, blissfully unaware of any potential dangers. Within the liver however, one street was strangely quiet. A few perturbed erythrocytes were nervously discussing the fact that several buildings here, many of which resembled little factories and workshops, had been found empty, or at least their residents had been completely unresponsive.

Minds were not exactly eased by the two leucocytes, who were already at the scene, as even they seemed troubled, as well as displaying fresh bruises they had inflicted on each other. The little fight that had broken out between them upon meeting had only lasted a few seconds, but hadn't inspired confidence in the none-immune cells watching. Now the two were standing next to each other in front of an abandoned house, though tension between them remained like a brewing thunderstorm.

Neither Memory T-Cell nor NK were pleased to be here, once more forced to work together. If they were honest, it was only because Dendritic Cell had asked them to investigate, though he hadn't told them what specifically to look out for. Perhaps even he didn't know.

"This doesn't look like any virus I've ever seen." NK noted grimly, running a finger along a rather small whole in the wall of a hepatocyte's home. Not even her fist could have fitted through it. "Just destruction and not an infected cell in sight."

Memory T-Cell frowned, ignoring his still stinging nose, where her elbow had hit him earlier. "Think it might be cancer again?" Frankly he'd hoped to be rid of him for good after their second encounter, but he knew better than to count on that.

The female lymphocyte shook her head and entered through the nearby door, T-Cell following her somewhat begrudgingly. She had arrived sometime earlier and already taken a look around. "No; there is no sign of proliferation. But I found this." The darkened room was a workshop filled with flasks, stills and various other tools, and in a corner T-Cell saw boxes labelled 'Bilirubin'. Meanwhile NK dragged something out into the light that was falling in through the door behind them, tossing it right in front of the other lymphocyte.

He kneeled down for a closer look, adjusting his cap out of habit. "She's long dead." It was a cell, one of the hepatocytes, but something was strange about the body.


Cells that make up 70 – 85% of the liver's mass, the body's largest gland. Their tasks include: Synthesizing and storing proteins, such as blood proteins like albumin and clotting factors

Storage of glucose (as glycogen) and fat (lipoproteins), giving them a role in regulating the carbohydrate and lipid metabolism

Detoxification/ modification of waste products (such as bilirubin, created when haemoglobin is being deconstructed) and other foreign, harmful substances (such as alcohol and drugs)

The production and secretion of bile, which is then stored by the gallbladder until needed for digestion.

"Is it just me or does she look drained to you too." The cell looked skinny, as if starved, the pale skin fallen in, the cytoskeleton standing uncomfortably out, even under the long lab coat she was wearing.

NK nodded, her dark eyes narrowed. "It's weird alright." She merely confirmed, arms crossed in front of her chest and featuring an uncommonly contemplative expression. "I'm gonna see if I can find whatever caused this." With that she simply walked off. "And whatever it was, it is clearly no longer here."

Even though this was something NK regularly did, it also didn't fail to irritate the T-cell, but this wasn't exactly the time to pick a fight again. That hadn't exactly worked out in the past. Later maybe. When his side didn't hurt as much anymore.

Instead he grabbed the dead body and threw it over his shoulder. "Fine. I'll take this one and see if Dendritic or maybe Memory Cell can dig something up." He shouted after her as he stepped back into the street. "Hey, you better stay in touch!"

She raised a hand as if to wave dismissively, but didn't turn around, simply continuing to walk. "Yeah, yeah; whatever."

T-Cell gritted his teeth, supressing his resurfacing anger. "Dammit NK."

"Good day, Memory T-Cell." A warm, friendly voice suddenly greeted him from the side.

Taken by surprise his annoyance almost immediately dissolved and peeking over his shoulder saw what at first glance looked like a Macrophage. There were several differences however; the dress was more copper in colour and aside from her spear she carried with her a large net. "Oh, Kupffer cell."

Kupffer cell

Specialized macrophages that reside in the liver, removing bacteria and damaged erythrocytes from the bloodstream though phagocytosis.

"My, my, isn't that one of the hepatocytes?" She asked still smiling as he turned around, noticing the body he was carrying.

T-Cell nodded. "Yes; she and a few of her neighbours recently got killed. You haven't noticed anything lately?"

Kupffer cell placed a hand on her heart. "I assure you, we didn't let any bacteria or viruses pass. But this." Something like a frown flitted briefly across her face. "I've never seen or even heard of a germ that would do something like this. Do you have a lead?"

"Not yet, but we're already on the case. So is one of the NK cells." He couldn't help but pull a face when he mentioned the other leucocyte.

She either didn't notice or at least didn't address this, only smiled once again. "Very good. My fellow Kupffer cells and I will keep an eye out and inform you should we find anything suspicious." The specialized Macrophage assured him.

"I appreciate it." It was frankly reassuring that someone else besides NK was now on the hunt as well. And no matter what role they played, macrophages could always be relied upon. However this begged one troubling thought: what enemy could have escaped them of all cells?

The abdomen was always a busy place, with the digestive tract being the entry point for a wide variety of germs and other pathogens, which tended to provide the body's leucocytes with enough work to keep them occupied all day, even when everything else was quiet.

U-1146 had just finished quelling an invasion near the pylorus by some germs, which had hoped to escape the stomach acid. Instead of the much more inviting duodenum or a comfortable blood vessel however, they had been greeted by a couple of neutrophils, brandishing combat knifes. All in all a rather normal day. Just a short visit to the wash station and he'd back on patrol.

It was then he heard a familiar voice. "Hakkekkyū-san!"

He looked up and saw AE3803 coming towards him, her smile just as bright as ever, a basket filled with nutrients swinging at her arm. "Ah, Sekkekkyū." 1146 greeted her, his lips moving to form a subtle smile.

"I see you're working diligently as usual." She noted cheerfully, but he could have sworn that there was a hint of worry lingering in her amber eyes, when she regarded him.

"What?" Only now did he really took notice of the other erythrocytes around them, most showing a mixture of fear and disgust, when they took as much as a peek at him. Unfortunately, he was used to those reactions. "Oh yes; hadn't had time to clean up yet." 1146 admitted, as he examined the extent of cytoplasm across his uniform. It was perhaps a bit more excessive than he'd previously thought.

"Really? It looks like it's already starting to dry." 3803 pointed out with a little frown, but her smile made a quick return. "You look like you could use a break. Hey, I'm headed to the liver, why don't we, after I've finished my delivery, grab a tea together?"

Her joviality was admittedly rather contagious, something he had come to appreciate. Around her it was easy to relax, which was something he as a white blood cell found very valuable amidst constant battles for survival. He was truly grateful to count her as a friend, the only erythrocyte in this body, who didn't shy away from him or his colleagues, no matter how bloodied they were.

Yes, a break really wasn't a bad idea.

1146 nodded. "Alright. Go on ahead; I'm just going to try and clean this, before I catch up with you."

Her smile widened, obviously glad he'd accepted, a heart-warming sight to be sure. "Okay, see you in a few." Her expression however immediately faltered, when they heard an all too familiar sound. Both looked up to his receptor. "Oh, or a bit later."

"Maybe this will be a quick on." Still, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Go get them!" 1146 heard her shout as he rushed off. She really was a special one.

As soon as U-1146 had disappeared behind a corner AE 3803 was on her way again, though she walked slower than usual, deep in thought. She was worried. It hadn't been long since a battle at the stomach had nearly cost him and Eosinophil their lives. She'd seen them on the stretchers, covered in their own cytoplasm.

Her body still shivered at the memory. If U-4989 hadn't shown up to calm her down and cheer her up when he had. No, this time Hakkekkyū would be fine. He'd survived so many battles with hardly a scratch; that one time had been a horrible exception.

3803 took a deep breath. She had to focus, or she'd only get lost again.

Despite the nearby attack things were calm around her, common cells were relaxing or playing games with others to pass the time, while her fellow red blood cells were making their deliveries undisturbed or talking with each other, enjoying a brief break from their duties.

Further down the road one such group caught her attention.

"They're really pretty. Where did you say you got them?" A red blood cell with short blond hair asked, looking at another's wrist.

"One of the hepatocytes." The owner of said wrist replied, brushing a strand of her long brown hair away from her face, the tag on her hat identifying her as AB 2934. "I guess she was bored and got herself a hobby, so when I made my last delivery she gave me a few of these."

"That's so sweet." The third of the group noted, a long, auburn plait reaching almost to her waist. "And it even fits perfectly too."

Curious 3803 stepped closer to have a look. "Huh? What are those?" She asked, earning the three's attention.

AB 2934 smiled at her, not minding the intrusion. "Bracelets. Would you like one too? I have a few to spare." They were indeed small bracelets, each a simple crimson cord with a glassy red pearl, while some had two.

Having never really received a gift before 3803 beamed. "Yeah, sure." The younger erythrocyte replied excitedly. AB 2934 put one with two pearls around her right wrist, the thin cord cool but not unpleasant against her membrane. The bracelet proved light and stayed in place even when she moved her arm, which meant that it fortunately wouldn't hinder her during work. It would be a shame to have to take it off for most of the day. "Wow thanks."

"And these are for you." AB 2934 gave the other two theirs, putting the rest back into the little bag all erythrocytes had at their belts. "Well, I got to get going again."

"Well, don't forget to take a break once in a while." The short-haired one reminded her. "You look like you could use some glucose."

Now that it was mentioned, AB 2934 looked indeed a little pale, a bit like she'd been running around the body for three days nonstop. Seems like it wasn't just Hakkekkyū-san, who overdid it from time to time. "Yeah, it's been a while; just got to finish this one delivery, promise."

"Alright, take care."


The small group dispersed and AE 3803 looked at her new piece of jewellery again. It really was pretty and matched her jacket perfectly. She couldn't wait to show it to U-1146. Hopefully he'd like it. In good spirits once again, her earlier worries forgotten for the moment, 3803 continued on, humming happily as she walked down the street.

"Guess they never learn." U-4989 was covered in bright red cytoplasm from head to toe, more dripping from his knife, but there was a satisfied smile on his lips.

The Listeria which had invaded the body through a blood-vessel near the stomach hadn't put up much of a fight, with their only advantage having been numbers. Now their rod-shaped bodies were covering he floor, a few of their numerous lash-like flagellums still twitching helplessly. It seemed they had witnessed the other germs get killed and waited for an opening; a vain attempt with so many leucocytes around. The damage was minimal, the platelets already fixing the hole in the wall, while the passing erythrocytes tried to keep as much distance from the battlefield as possible.


Ubiquitous bacteria ingested through the consumption of contaminated food, such as improperly processed meat, fish and dairy products. Usually harmless to healthy adults, with symptoms only appearing when large numbers of listeria have been ingested, causing fever and diarrhoea. Dangerous to those with compromised immune systems and pregnant women, as they can harm or even kill the unborn child.

U-1146 wiped off some of the cytoplasm on his face, though he had a feeling that he was more distributing it than anything else. "At least the stomach didn't get injured." The last time that had happened, he and Eosinophil had almost died defending the body; subconsciously his free hand briefly ran across his own abdomen, where he'd been injured.

"Hey 1146; you're alright?"

He hadn't even noticed his mind wandering off until his friend began waving a hand in front of his face. "What? Oh, sorry. I was just in thought."

"Maybe you could use a break." He wasn't used to see 4989 frown, especially not with a hint of worry. Did he really look that bad? Well, he had been going through quite a bit; recently there had been a few too many near death experiences for his liking, but such was the job.

U-1146 sighed and straightened his cap. "I was actually trying to take one, when the attack happened. Perhaps I have better luck this time."

"Well, after you cleaned up a bit." U-4989 pointed out, his more usual smile returning. "Looking like this even platelets are going to run away from us."

1146 was about to reply, when another voice joined in. "You boys seem to be having fun."

Both neutrophils looked around and spotted a cell they hadn't expected. "NK, what brings you here?" 1146 hadn't seen her since the last incident with cancer.

The female cell shrugged, sabre swaying at her hips. "The job of course." She simply retorted nonchalantly.

U-1146 wasn't convinced; it was more likely that she simply wanted to do things on her own as usual. This lone wolf-act would surely get her killed one day. "You seem troubled. What exactly are you hunting this time?"

NK merely raised a brow. "Why must something be wrong? You know I'm patrolling the entire body at all times."


Ignoring his reaction she kneeled down next to a Listeria-body, giving the corpse a brief examination. Was it him, or was she acting stranger than usual? "But it seems there are only common bacteria here, so I guess I'll see you around."

U-1146 was torn between inquiring further and letting her simply walk away again, but before he could open his mouth, all three noticed something strange. It was an erythrocyte, coming their way through the blood vessel, but for some reason he was heading right towards them, looking quite distraught and not carrying anything with him.

"White blood cells!" He suddenly shouted, waving with his free arms. "Please you have to come quickly! My friend just collapsed!"

"Collapsed?" 4989 asked confused, when the other cell had reached them.

The red blood cell nodded, catching his breath. "Yes. She wasn't feeling well, but before we could take a break she blacked out! I have no idea why!" He explained hurriedly. "I don't know what to do. What if she is infected or something?!"

It was unlikely, given that without a nucleus erythrocytes were useless to viruses, but 1146 was troubled by the new nonetheless. "We'll check on her. Lead the way." 1146 promised, which seemed to reassure the nervous erythrocyte somewhat.

"What about the Listeria?" His friend asked, pointing at the corpses.

"They're not going anywhere, let's go."

The red blood cell ran ahead, the two neutrophils following and 1146 was surprised to see that NK was coming along with them. She had to be looking for something specific, which wasn't a good sign.

On their way 1146 noticed that they were headed towards the liver, but diverged slightly until they reached a crowd of red blood cells, all talking nervously with one another, none taking notice of them approaching. "Please stand aside!" U-1146's voice caught everyone's attention and at the sight of the two bloodied neutrophils they hurriedly made way as if they were somehow contagious.

On the ground before them was an unconscious erythrocyte, her skin as pale as that of a neutrophil and covered with sweat. A basket was still in her arms, however the nutrients she'd been carrying were now strewed about. The surrounding red blood cells continued to back off further, every single one of them showing fear, some now whispering anxiously to one another again.

"Hey, are you alright?!" As the first to arrive, U-4989 shook the erythrocyte's body, kneeling by her side, but she swayed lifelessly in his arms. His fingers reached for her throat, but judging from his expression didn't feel anything.

"She's dead." NK noted dryly, joining them, but displayed no emotional reaction, her face a blank.

"But how?" The neutrophil exclaimed confused. "I don't see any injuries."

"No idea." U-1146 replied; he hadn't seen anything like this either and he gritted his teeth, feeling very uneasy now. This couldn't be good.

"Let me see." Rather roughly NK took the body from 4989, checking it much more thoroughly than the germ earlier. 1146 looked around. The other erythrocytes watched with horrified expressions, rendered silent for the moment. NK either didn't notice or simply didn't care; neither would have surprised him. "No virus obviously, but no sign of cancer or a bacterium. Damn." She finally concluded.

"So you are on the hunt."

NK looked up, meeting his glare. She seemed to consider something for a moment, before she rose again, letting the erythrocyte's body simply slump on the floor, much to 1146 distaste. He was however glad to see that at least the still kneeling 4989 made an effort to put her into a more dignified position and even placed her thin, pale hands folded on her body. "Fine, if you must know, something killed a few hepatocytes recently, so Dendritic cell sent me and Memory T to investigate, however neither of us knows what it is yet. Whatever did it seems to have vanished."

"And now a red blood cell." Two very different cells; it didn't make much sense. Most germs were very specific with their targets. "You think they are connected."

The short haired female rolled her eyes. "Are you dense? They have to be."

"Uh guys, what's that on her wrist." U-4989 interrupted, pointing at something around the victim's right wrist. It looked like a red bracelet, but U-1146 had never seen erythrocytes wear any kind of jewellery, as they could hinder them during work. But that wasn't what had caught his friend's attention.

"It's moving!?" U-1146 exclaimed, his hand reaching for his knife out of instinct.

Like a small worm the supposed bracelet had begun to wriggle. It bloated and several dents showed, before it suddenly just fell off. And then it split along the dents.

"It's multiplying!" NK shouted, blade drawn, as all five parts began to move again, each a new worm. "Kill them quickly!"

The watching red blood cells began to scream in panic and started to run, desperate to get as far away from the worms as possible. U-4989 jumped back on his feet, blade drawn. "What are they?"

"No idea, but we can't let them escape!" 1146 replied, stabbing the closest worm, pinning it to the ground, where it wriggled desperately for a few moments before lying still.

NK's blade cut two apart in one move and his friend got another. "One is getting away!" 4989 yelled, pointing at the last one as it tried to reach a red blood cell that seemed frozen with fear. But before any of them could deal the killing blow someone else stepped forth.

"Not to worry."

Him, 1146 had not expected to see. "Dendritic Cell."

With the struggling worm in hand the green-clad leucocyte turned to his colleagues, displaying a relaxed smile. "Ah U-1146, I noticed some commotion. Am I correct to assume that these are responsible?"

The neutrophil nodded. "Yes, but we have no idea what those are."

Dendritic cell took a closer look at the thing, which was still trying helplessly to free itself from his grip. "Plasmodium." He rather quickly concluded, glancing compassionately had the dead erythrocyte on the ground, his smile faltering for a moment.

"What?" None of the other three leucocytes had ever heard of it.

"Plasmodium falciparum. They are parasites that cause Malaria. At first they infect hepatocytes, and then they move on to read blood cells, digesting the haemoglobin."

U-4989 pulled a face. "Disgusting."

"So you knew all along?" NK growled dangerously, evidently annoyed.

Dendritic cell however didn't seem the least bit threatened by her demeanour. "I didn't, not until I saw this trophozoite, though I had my suspicions, when I found a strange little creature following the latest mosquito bite." He told her, before he threw her the worm-like creature. With a swift move she cut it apart, while it was still in mid-air.

Plasmodium falciparum

Unicellular parasites introduced to a host body by the bite of an insect, most commonly the Anopheles. At this stage they are called sporozoites. They first infect the liver (hepatocytes), maturing into schizonts, and multiply, becoming merozoites, before getting released into the bloodstream, where they invade erythrocytes. There the parasites continue to multiply asexually and devour the haemoglobin (having reached the throphpziote-stage), destroying the host cell in the process and moving on to more red blood cells. This circle continues in the bloodstream, while some turn into male and female gametocytes, which can be absorbed by a mosquito again, where they reproduce sexually, creating new sporozoites.

1146 looked back to the dead erythrocyte. "There have to be more, if several hepatocytes have been killed. We have to find and destroy them all."

"That always was my plan." NK noted confidently, letting her bloodied blade rest on her shoulder.

1146 declined to reply. The obvious problem they were facing was that they didn't know where to start. The body after all was vast and those things could have gotten anywhere, travelling attached to an erythrocyte.

A frightful shout suddenly tore him from his thoughts. "Please, help me!" All four leucocytes turned around, seeing that the previously frozen red blood cell had regained her wits, with tears now streaming form her eyes.

Alarmed U-4989 reached for his knife again. "What is it?"

"AB 2934; she gave me this bracelet when she came from the liver! I think it's one of those things!" Everyone looked at her wrist, where she was indeed wearing a similar looking bracelet, even if it looked smaller.

4989 took it and tried to carefully remove it, without hurting her. "Damn, my knife can't cut through it." He growled and moved on to try to tear it off with bare hands. It yielded similar results.

"If these things are feeding on erythrocyte, maybe it would be saver to simply kill the host." NK suggested nonchalantly, not even a hint of pity or concern anywhere in her expression.


Both neutrophils subconsciously moved their bodies between her and the once more paralyzed erythrocyte. 1146 was tense; this was not a virus that had taken over. This cell could certainly be saved somehow. "NK, we're supposed to keep the body safe, which includes the cells living in and providing for it. If we can save her, we will." U-1146 reminded her coldly.

The female leucocyte frowned, before she finally sighed. "Fine. Show me the damn thing already."

Somewhat relieved, but still wary, 1146 nodded and turned to the auburn haired red blood cell. "Go on."

Still frightened the erythrocyte hesitantly raised her arm, by the look of it ready to burst into tears again. Impatiently NK then grabbed the extended arm, pulling the girl closer. 1146 was ready to step in, clutching his own weapon, as was 4989 by the looks of it. All eyes were on the sabre, the blade due to the angle pointing at the erythrocytes chest.

Much more carefully than 1146 had expected, NK continued to cut through the crimson ring, cytoplasm gushing, probably what the parasite had already absorbed from its host. Dead the foul thing briefly shivered before simply falling off, merely leaving a few red dots behind on the pale membrane, likely a bite-mark.

"There you go."

The young erythrocyte remained shaken, staring frightfully at her newly freed wrist, Dendritic Cell gently placing a reassuring hand on her shivering shoulder. U-1146 gave her a few moments, before he addressed her again. "Do you know anyone else who got one of those things?" He asked her calmly, though his visible eye all but glared; if they didn't act quickly, there was no telling how many erythrocytes could fall victim to this parasite.

Slowly she nodded, not meeting his gaze. "As far as I know 2934 only gave them to RD 9843 and AE 3803…"

Every mitochondrion in him stopped working in that very instant. "AE 3803?! Are you sure?!"

Caught off guard but his sudden shift, the erythrocyte jumped, the long plait falling off her shoulder. "Y..yes," She stuttered fearfully. "Why?"

"1146…" His friend began, also aware of whom that number belonged to.

"You go find the other!"

Slowly AE 3803 wiped the sweat from her forehead, looking confused at the wet back of hand. Why was she so exhausted? It only been a few minutes since she'd made her delivery, but even before reaching the address, she had started to feel a bit tired.

And it had only gotten worse since then.

Finding a nearby bench in a side street, 3803 decided to take a break. Maybe a few minutes to catch her breath would be enough. Besides she'd be meeting U-1146 soon for a nice tea and in her case a bit of glucose. Hopefully she hadn't taken too long; he shouldn't have to wait. Not to mention that he would only think her lost again.

AE 3803 closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Only a few moments.

Strange, her wrist felt a little stiff. Actually it seemed to be pulsing as well. Feeling a little dizzy now, 3803 looked at her wrist, eyes immediately drawn to the red bracelet. Was it maybe a little too tight? Perhaps it would be best to take it off.

She just had to pull…

AE 3803 froze. She couldn't even move it!

Even with using more force the bracelet remained defiantly in place and at this point she could feel fear crawling up her spine. She jumped back on her feet, swaying as she did, her head feeling strangely light all of the sudden. What was going on?

Breathing heavily at this point, 3803 was frightened to notice that her vision was darkening, her legs trembling in the effort to keep her standing. Why was this so difficult? Somehow this just had to get off!

She continued to struggle for a while. And then she simply gave up. She just didn't have the strength anymore. It was a terrifying realization, chilling her to the core and she could feel tears in her eyes. Her body started to feel like a distant, heavy thing, barely connected to her now spinning head.

Was she fainting? What was happening to her? Please someone help!


Suddenly she felt utterly alone in the encroaching darkness that swallowed up all sensations. It was like being cut off from the world around her. And no one seemed to notice.

Then from somewhere very far away she heard a familiar voice shouting. It was strangely muffled. "Sekkekkyū!" Was that him? "Has anyone seen AE 3803?!"

She couldn't feel her body anymore, while all that was left of her vision had been reduced to a tiny circular window. It was all so blurry. The ground appeared to be getting closer. Hakkekkyū-san … I don't feel so good.


Author's Note on Malaria:

Malaria is a disease that is rather wide-spread in tropical and sub-tropical regions, such as Sub-Saharan Africa or Southeast Asia. There are in fact several species of Plasmodium that can infect humans and cause some form of Malaria.

Plasmodium falciparum is the most dangerous one, causing the life-threatening Malaria tropica.

The other species are Plasmodium malariae, vivax, ovale and knowlesi They all can make you sick, but they aren't as dangerous as falciparum, but still possibly lethal. And yes, it was confusing at first to my classmates and me in microbiology that Plasmodium malariae only caused a mild version of the "real" malaria.

In case you're curious: In the story I described the trophozoites as rings/bracelets with one or two pearls; the idea to depict them as jewellery was inspired by the similarly looking celtic torcs.

Also when we looked at Plasmodium infected erythrocytes on smear preparations (blood spread across a microscope slide), during our education, we were greeted by hundreds of cells with smileys in them; no joke, when you take the blood sample at the right time that's what they look like. "I have smileys." kinda became our code for malaria. I always felt a little like the parasite was silently mocking us…