Here stands a man

At the bottom of a hole a hole he's made

Still sweating from the rush

His body tense

His hands, they shake

Oh this, this is a mad boy

Maybe it's the cold that finally wakes him from a dreamless sleep, far from rest, but the closest form of sleep Loki has been in years; drugs.

He isn't particularly fond of them. His mind is, or was, his greatest weapon. He cares not for the fogginess Midgardian drugs leave with him, or the fact that he is unable to truly control himself when under their influence. Which he really should be used to, Loki muses, as he's been under the influence of Thanos for years. It's then, when his breaths start to come fast, body betraying him by trembling, when he notices the borderline painful press of metal on his tongue; restricting its movement. This only drives Loki into further panic, as perhaps they plan to sew his lips shut again. Loki struggles to take deep breaths, not wanting anyone to know of his plight. Surely, with this knowledge and the knowledge of his true biology, they would deliver him right back to Thanos, and never turn their backs. He could handle Asgardian torture, but not Thanos.

Not again.

Here stands a man

With a bullet in his clenched right hand

Don't push him son

For he's got the power to crush this land

Oh hear, hear him cry, boy

"He's awake." came Natasha's clipped tone, startling the other Avengers. Eyes turned to the muzzled god, still laying on the floor of the cell where they had dumped him, the only noticeable difference now was the fallen god's harsh breathing.

"Loki." Thor's voice boomed, and the god's shoulders tensed by a fraction.

"Loki, we know you are awake. Get up." The thunder god continued. There was no "brother", only "Loki". Tony couldn't explain why that made him feel a bit sick, but he was sure his face was green when Loki finally did rise, slowly. Loki's face mirrored perfect sadness. He swayed slightly as he rose to his feet, yet straightened his posture as though afraid to be reprimanded for not, taking a few steps towards Thor. When he did so, Clint and Natasha drew their guns, and Loki froze. He seemed to be contemplating something, and Tony watched his eyes drift from longing to quiet despair. He stepped backwards, though seemed unsure of himself.

Tony was sure he'd seen that longing before.

"You will be returning with me to Asgard, Loki, where father will decide your fate." Thor declared. Tony watched, stupefied, as fear surged through Loki's eyes. His posture seemed to stiffen, as though bracing himself. It's just an illusion, a lie, he wants you to pity him until you drop your guard. But Tony couldn't help but doubt that...until he finally noticed what was amis. With that sudden revelation, he let out a scream of anger, taking in Loki's slight flinch and hating himself for it; hating the team.

How were they such idiots?

"Open the doors! Open the goddamn doors right now!" Tony screamed again. The others stared at him in slight suspicion, and Loki stared at him with dread. Tony knew that dread, he'd felt that dread. But it wasn't just that in which enraged Tony. No, no.

It was the green gaze that portrayed such emotion.

Fucking green eyes.