Author's Note: My first DP and KP Xover fanfic! Read and Review please! Hate mail doesn't matter as long as it gives me an idea how I should improve. But I'd love some constructive criticism.

No DxK ships though. Kim and Ron are still together and Danny and Sam are a couple, trying to make the long-distance relationship work. Oh and btw Kim and Danny are both 18 here.

EDIT: This chapter has been replaced! I split up the two parts into separate chapters, since I've been rewriting the second one. So don't get confused if you find some stuff you've read before in the 2nd chapter!

Just a disclaimer here so I don't have to say this before every single chapter: I do not own Danny Phantom or Kim Possible. Butch Hartman and Disney Channel do.

On with the story!

"I've pulled all-nighters in the past, I can do this," a weary 18 year old Danny Fenton told himself, plopping on his chair, a huge stack of paperwork piled on his desk. It was way past midnight, and despite the lack of ghosts in Middleton, he was struggling to finish his assignments on time.

His summary on the principles of micro-dynamics left unfinished, Danny decided to take a walk- no, a flight, to freshen up his mind. Yeah, that's what I need, he thought.

Danny got up from his desk, and with a bright flash of light, he changed into his ghostly alter ego and swiftly jumped out of the window. The cool evening air whipped his face and he suddenly felt more awake than ever before.

It had been weeks since he last changed forms. Danny was a student at the Middleton Institute of Science and Technology, and they weren't kidding when they told the college applicants to get used to the vast amount of assignments given. He didn't have much of a social life unlike the others, to be honest, yet he still fell behind on schoolwork. Middleton really was a gold mine of geniuses, just do some digging and you'd find a handful of child prodigies. Heck, there were a pair of twins in his class who were a few years younger than him and were still on top.

Danny had ignored the warning, since his giddiness of possibly achieving his childhood dream of becoming an astronaut (despite having been to space a fair few times already) had completely overwhelmed him. Now, though, he was starting to reconsider.

But there were advantages not being in Amity Park. There were practically no ghosts at all, and almost no one there recognised him as the hero who saved the Earth, giving him a lot more personal space than he would have back at home. The Bueno Nacho was arguably a better restaurant than the Nasty Burger, though there were a fair few tantrums thrown by several die-hard fans of the place (most notably a blond boy in an oversized red jersey), but that was bearable compared to the ghost attacks and the possibility of explosion due to overheated condiments.

Danny felt sure he was happy here. Despite the workload, he had a few friends who he had fun hanging out with, he was living his childhood dream, and was in a better environment where he didn't have to worry about his dad's driving.

Best of all, it was just a quiet little town with no ghosts, where things rarely happened.

But at the moment, right when Danny was starting to enjoy himself in the air, a flash of green and blue suddenly shot down to the ground and his own thoughts were interrupted.