The Better Ending

Summary: A man, a woman, a choice on a train. An alternate ending to an otherwise excellent series. EuShin pairing.

Since the ending of displeased me, I wrote my own. I hope it helps you heal, as it has helped me.

Please refer to Twitter user ppeanutbutt for the fanart she made for this story. It's absolutely gorgeous, so go give her some love on my behalf!

Together or not at all

Eugene looks back at his beloved, tears forming in his eyes. "I'll keep going forward. This time, you must take a step back." He says in a small voice, pleading for her to understand. Her eyes go wide as she looks at him, then she firmly grabs his coat in a death grip.

"No," she snaps, looking scared and annoyed all at once. "Either together or not at all."

The tears spill as he realizes that this woman, his wife, would never let him walk into the flame alone. She was both the flame and the strength at his side, a dichotomy he hadn't fully understood until now. She steps closer to him, nodding toward the Japanese businessman.

"He's our shield. Shoot the link. We're both empty, but they don't need to know that." Eugene gives her a half smile, before turning his attention to the Japanese soldiers he had been slowly herding backwards out the door and through the next compartment. He stands his ground, almost takes a step forward until a small hand at his back reminds him he has something worth living for.

He shoots the link seconds after they enter the tunnel, pulling Aeshin close as he ducks, so the businessman is their cover. The Japanese soldiers know better than to open fire in the dark, shouting obscenities as their part of the train slows and is abandoned on the tracks in the tunnel. Aeshin kisses him softly and Eugene loosens his grip. She looks over his shoulder and gently opens the hand he's still using to grip the Japanese Baron. And without remorse, she pushes him out off the cliff, not even blinking at his scream as she cups Eugene's face.

"Are you alright?" she asks, a tremor in her hands. Eugene grins, pulling her to him and kissing her for all he's worth. By the time they come up for air, he can tell she's weak-kneed.

"Never better."

Aeshin stares at him in horror for a moment, angry he would ever think to leave her like that. "You reckless man," she growls, grabbing a fistful of his lapels. She pushes him back, slamming him against the wall. Eugene grunts, confused, and only barely manages to blink as she covers his mouth with her own. But he doesn't stay this way for long, relaxing into the kiss and pulling her closer against him. Her hands slide up to cup the back of his head, rising almost on her tiptoes in her enthusiasm. Aeshin relaxes as he deepens the kiss, showing her he's here and he's real.

The kiss leaves him dizzy and happy to be alive.

To be Continued…

For all of my friends who watched the series with me, loved it... and suffered the ending as though it was their children; please have an alternate, happier ending where Eugene is still the smartest man in the room, as he always was.

I love you all, this is for you.