Hey guys, it's me! I hope you enjoyed the story so far, and I'm proud to present chapter 14! Enjoy!

Maisie had no idea how long she was crying. It felt like hours have passed, but the moon was still out and stars continued to sprinkle the sky.

Claire was sobbing onto Owen's shoulder and Owen was trying to not cry, but two tears trickled down his face no matter how much he tried to keep it in.

Blue had no idea how to react. Her claws were shaking slightly and her vision was blurred from the tears.

"Ian?" Maisie whispered, "I don't know if you can hear me, but I hope heaven is fun. You can run around with Charlie, Delta, and Echo. Dad told me about them. He said that they're Blue's siblings. You could also run around with the Indoraptor and the Indominus Rex. My grandfather would love to meet you too…and…and-"

Maisie began to cry again when two screams were heard. Two men covered in leaves and pine needles emerged from the bushes.

"I'm telling you, Henry. If I see another dinosaur today I'll retire right now!"

The man then noticed Ian and Blue and immediately turned around. The first guy was revealed to be Mr. Smith. The other guy, Dr. Wu, pulled Mr. Smith by the collar and turned him back around.

"Hello, Mr. Grady. Do you remember me?" Dr. Wu asked innocently.

"Yes…" Owen muttered, "What are you doing here?"

"The police found out about the Trikylosaurus and want to arrest us. We decided to stay here for a day until we heard a loud roar in the distance and escaped to this very spot."

Owen nodded as he began to walk toward Ian.

"I guess the raptor is dead huh?" Dr. Wu said as he looked at Ian.

"Thanks, Captain Obvious. Yes he's dead!" Maisie barked as she wiped away tears.

Sirens than began to go off in the distance.

"Oh no, the cops!" Dr. Smith gasped as he collapsed.

"Not again…" Dr. Wu sighed.

Dr. Wu took out a small machine with two small wires with pads on the end. He then began to electrocute Mr. Smith until he woke up.

"Thanks, Henry," Mr. Smith said as he sat up groggily.

"Wait, do you just carry a defibrillator around with you?" Owen asked.

"Sure do," Dr. Wu replied, "This tiny kit also carries things to do bloodwork, surgery, and bandaging!"

The sirens came closer and closer.

"Can you give me a favor, Mr. Grady?" Mr. Wu asked desperately, "Can you hide me and Mr. Smith when the cops come?"

"No," Owen replied.





"Can you bring Ian back to life using the machine thing?" Maisie asked, "If you at least try, we will hide you from the cops,"

"I don't know, kid," Dr. Wu replied.

"Do you want to be in prison for 10 years?"

"Okay fine! Smith, come here,"

Dr. Wu took out the machine again and turned up the voltage to the highest notch it could.

"Stand back," Dr. Wu commanded, "Clear!"

The shock began. The first time nothing happened. Same thing the second time, and the third time, and the fourth.

"Face it, Maisie," Owen said, "Ian is dead,"

"Please do it one more time," Maisie said, "I have a good feeling about this one,"

The final shock was done, and nothing happened.

Maisie began to cry. Owen and Claire hugged her. Blue turned away, she couldn't bear to look at a once hopeful moment to be reduced to dust. Dr. Wu and Mr. Smith just stood there looking confused.

"Thanks for trying, Henry," Owen said, "There's a big bush a few yards away, you two could hide in there,"

The two men darted away as the family and Blue said her goodbyes to Ian.

Owen and Claire walked away, followed by Blue. Maisie planted a kiss on Ian's forehead before whispering goodbye.

As her back turned, she heard a rustling noise. She turned around…nothing happened. She turned her back once more, and the rustle was heard again. This time, when Maisie turned around, Ian's tail supposedly moved positions. Owen then called Maisie, so she ran toward him.

Maisie walked for a minute before turning back around. Ian's body was gone.

"Dad!" Maisie yelled, "Ian's gone!"

"He's dead, Maisie," Owen replied.

"Someone must've taken his body then," Maisie stated as she pointed at the spot where Ian's lifeless body was.

Owen and Claire ran toward Maisie with Blue at their heels. Blue was sniffing the area where Ian was. She then perked up and began to yelp.

"What is it, Blue?" Owen asked as he quickly began to look around.

A cop car suddenly appeared and parked right where Ian's body was. Three cops got out of it.

"Where's Dr. Wu?" The blonde cop asked.

"Not here sir," Owen replied.

"I heard him a few seconds ago. Tell me where Dr. Wu is or I'll call backup,"

"He's not here,"

The blonde cop muttered something and turned his back to Owen. His eye suddenly was caught on Maisie.

"Hey, are you the kid that escaped Lockwood Estate?" The cop asked with a scowl.

"Y-yes sir," Maisie replied.

"By order of the government, you must come with me,"

"You will not touch, Maisie!" Claire yelled as she was pulled back by another blonde cop.

"It's the government's orders! Maisie, or whatever your name is, come here now,"

Maisie tried to back away towards Owen, but the cop grabbed her and began to drag her to the car.

"Maisie!" Owen yelled as he tried to break free from a dark-haired cop who restrained him.

Maisie screamed for anybody, anything. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't fight back, she couldn't call Ian, Blue disappeared, she was just about to give up. Until the cop car was suddenly crushed by an unknown force.

"What in tarnation?!" The blonde cop yelled as the car alarm went off.

The cop was suddenly grabbed by something and thrown into the nearby shrubs. The other two cops ran toward the thing and attempted to shoot it. Blue came from behind the cops and attacked. Once the cops were defeated, the thing and Blue looked at each other with a smile. The thing then went over to Maisie and nudged her with its snout. Maisie rolled over and came face-to-face with bright yellow eyes.

It was Ian.

"Ian! How did you…"

"That defibrillator worked Maisie," Owen replied with a smile, "How did he survive with losing so much blood though?"

"It's called distraction," Dr. Wu said as he came out of the bushes, "While all that cop stuff was happening, Ian limped over to us. We didn't scream at the sight of him, he came cautiously, so we knew it was him. I did a blood transfusion with blood that Blue donated He instantly shot up once he heard Maisie screaming,"

Ian embraced Maisie in what seemed like a hour long hug. Ian was even getting teary eyed. Claire, Owen, and Blue then joined the embrace.

"Can we get in on the action too?" Mr. Smith asked as Ian crushed Mr. Smith in a hug.

While all the commotion was going on, Blue saw the T-rex poke his head out of the trees.

"Did you see what happened right now?" Blue asked, "Ian is alive!"

"I saw everything from the moment he died," The T-rex replied.

"Why didn't you do anything?"

"I did,"

"Why did you do?"

"Who do you think scared Dr. Wu and his assistant over to you?"

Blue was speechless. She whispered thank you as she hugged him. The T-rex then ran off to explore more of Las Vegas.

Blue ran to Ian and kissed him again. Maisie laughed at this, especially when Ian turned as red as a tomato. The family then walked home together, knowing that a wonderful life awaits them.

I'm so sorry this chapter took forever, life happens. I hope that this chapter wasn't too cheesy, but I tried. I'll write an epilogue and an alternate ending, I promise. Thank you for reading. Beast boy and the Indoraptor are Beast mode!