
Part 11


Izuku smiled as Tenya gathered up the last of his clothing supplies that he'd need for the journey. He was a magnificent tailor and everything seemed to be in order. He'd have to talk to Katsuki and Kirishima tonight to make sure that they were all on the same page. With the new information he had about what the old King was looking for, he felt better prepared for the upcoming search. Tomorrow he'd get more dried supplies and herbs to take with them for meals. In the meantime, he just wanted to catch up with his friends. Of course, his dragon wasn't too far behind. He was always watching, yet giving him his space to interact without interruption.

"So, I take it that you're going further out beyond the main camps?" Tenya interrupted his thoughts.

"Yes, I have to. I feel like there's something we've been missing. Something important, and it's only natural to start looking for places we've never been."

"I just hope you'll be careful, Midoriya. I've been to the Vale, it's not a pretty sight. The old kingdom has been abandoned by common folk for many years for good reason." He sighed. "I've heard the tales that the Vale holds all the old families of dark magic. A good wizard will not make it too far inside before the enemy is alerted."

"I'm not going to the Vale, yet." He smiled at his friend. "I wouldn't go in there unprepared. I'm going to be just outside of it. I need to know what I'm dealing with and I figure the towns and camps around it will know something. Why were you in the Vale?"

"My older brother." He sighed. "There was an enemy he was chasing away from our camp and he went into the Vale after him. The warlock had taken so many of our healers lives, wizards and seers as well. Calling them false teachers and wielders, not true holders of magic. He was a stain on our way of life, on good magic everywhere. He nearly killed my brother that night. I had to go into the Vale after him to save his life and bring him home. He has never been the same since."

"Where is he now?"

"He resides in a healing center in my old town. My mother sent me away because she wanted me to be safe. I fought to stay, but I had been told that I was next on his list. They found it nailed to the gates the next morning." Tenya looked down at the shirt on the table in front of him. "I send them money, and goods every month along with a letter. It's the only thing I can do."

"I'm sure they appreciate it." Midoriya smiled.

"I hope they do." His smile didn't reach his eyes. "I really hope they do."


Bakugou sat at the table next to Kirishima in Deku's hut. Said wizard sat across from them as he took inventory on all the things he'd collected so far. He said they were in for a long journey this time, to a place just outside the Vale. There were encampments there, places Toshinori told him to check. The hybrid shivered at the mention of that place. The old kingdom was just inside there. The Vale held old families who didn't abandon their king. Living or dead, that blight on the land was a bad omen. Inside the Vale was the epitome of dark magic, the heaviest of wielders, the lowest of the low. No good magical being with a pure soul that entered the Vale left it alive. At least, that's what all the legends said.

"We're not going in there, Deku." He growled out.

"No, I don't plan on it." The wizard answered. "The Vale isn't somewhere you go lightly. I'd need a lot of preparation for that."


"Vale?" Kirishima piped up.

"The Vale is the old kingdom. The outsiders of dark magic, the ones who were faithful even after the downfall." Bakugou explained. "It's not talked about a lot, especially since people want to forget."


"We're going to the camps outside of it, miles away from it. There's no towns really close to it anymore, not after the incidents." Deku looked down at a worn map. "Master Toshinori gave me this as a guide. All the towns have moved in a ring around the old kingdom. They don't trade with it, and they never enter it. However, some relatives of the people live there and they'd have some answers for us."

"Relatives, eh?"

"Yeah, people who settled after the downfall. A lot of people left the old kingdom and moved on."

"When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow morning, we take flight and head toward the first town. It'll be about a three day trip to the first camp." Deku pointed to it. "None of them take hybrids though. You'll have to hide your status's and we'll have to land a day out at each camp and walk in on foot."

"Fine." Bakugou looked down at the map, his red eyes focused on the grayed out center where the Vale was. He didn't realize how large the old kingdom really was. The vast area of dark magic and old worn homes a testament to an age long-past.


Izuku sighed as he packed up some dried meats and fruits. They would leave in the morning and he was hoping that the feeling in his gut would subside. Something wasn't right out there and he wondered how they would avoid the lurkers. He heard stories about them, even before he became the pupil of Toshinori. They would hide in the tows close to the Vale and snatch up people for use. The old King erased their brains and used them to capture the weak-minded and enslave them. Izuku shuddered at the thought.

"Don't go out there, Midoriya." Ochaco sighed as she placed a hand on his own. "You don't have to do any of this."

"I do." He replied. "You don't have to worry. This is what I'm meant to do."

"But Izuku, what about ..."

"There's nothing to fear." He patted her hand back before releasing her grip. "I'll be well protected."

He walked away then to meet with the rest of his group before moving on to the food hut. Dinner would be served soon and he wanted to make sure he got a good meal before the morning. He decided they'd skip breakfast to get a head start and only stop when they got hungry enough. Katsuki assured him that he could deal with it. Hybrids often had to go long periods without food. Izuku didn't like the sound of that. Didn't like the fact that anyone would go hungry.


Bakugou huffed as he was surrounded by people on all sides. Deku on one, shitty hair on the other, and then all of Deku's friends around them. His eye twitched, his body stiffened, but he held his tongue. The only things keeping him in check were shitty hair and Deku on either side of him. Deku especially, since he felt his scarred left hand slowly move along his thigh. He chewed another piece of snake, the tough meat bending easily under his hard jaw, as he turned out the rapid-fire conversations.

With a sigh, he let his mind slip away, his body taut with tension as he brought forth a memory he wished to forget.


The camp was quiet, he walked along the perimeter, a blonde-haired girl on his arm. She was nice enough, he supposed, but she changed within the last few weeks. He thought nothing of it at first but his dragon was restless. Camie was hyper, energetic, all the opposites of her normal self but he just thought that maybe she was trying not to be so depressing for once. Once the rounds were complete, he said goodnight to her. They parted ways, and then the loud bangs and explosions woke him from his sleep.

Kurogiri stood at the other end of the camp, fires blazing behind him, portals everywhere, people screaming. Camie stood next to him, her body melting away into a crazy looking woman with pigtails. A crazy laugh escaping her lips as she licked them wickedly. His eyes darted around the camp looking for anyone, any survivor, but it was too late. White hot fire split his side before he felt himself tumbling backwards and hitting the ground hard.

Shigaraki stood over him with a gleaming silver blade and a sadistic smile on his face. He had trusted someone, trusted them completely, wanted to help and this was his price. If Deku had not found him, he would've died.