6 - Sudden Beautiful Lie

She felt guilty.

Guilty that she was doing something that she had told herself that she wouldn't do.

"Satsuei o tsudzukeru!"

She pointed a finger at the gang bangers that had decided that shooting at her even though she had shown that it was worthless, in less than a second energy gathered around her finger as she smiled. The ground beneath them exploded, sending shrapnel and rubble flying as well as shaking up those who had thought that maybe shooting her wasn't such a good idea. Those who got hit wouldn't die, she'd gotten better control by now. Her stomach had went silent, but the enticement of a free snack was more than enough to make zap those too slow to run and turn them into more food.

Taylor had never wanted things to go so far.

She knew what she looked like, she knew that someone had more than likely gotten footage of her.

The worse part was that she couldn't bring herself to care.

She didn't feel bad that she had ate these people, to get Bakuda she felt like she'd do anything right now, but she felt bad that she had to resort to doing this.

These people did have lives, some of them weren't here of their choice, others had no other choice, some despite their many flaws were good people, others were trying to change.

Maybe she felt remorse because she was seeing their lives?

Everything up until that last delicious bite!

It was an odd feeling.

She'd fly through the night sky, the sound of bombs in the distance seeming to become dimmer and dimmer as the world around her seemed to shrink. Interrogate this person, turn those who attacked to candy, eat the few she needed to keep moving, she'd feel a surge of strength ever so minute, and then she'd keep moving. It'd probably only been an hour max, she couldn't tell, the city was pretty big after all and as she thought more and more on her actions she felt and odd detachment settle over her. With each life she took into herself, and she could actually feel them sitting there this time just like with Lung which was a conscious effort on her part, it became just a bit easier.


She suddenly felt tired.




The gunfire stopped and then it would return.

Her teeth gnashed as she felt herself smile, chomping and chewing at the lollipops in her hands, each of the candy orbs falling to bits so very easily.

Her stomach gurgled, it wanted more.

She remembered her Mom.

How she had said that this was for the best, and that one day what she had done to her would make sense.

Lives that weren't hers flashed before her eyes for scant seconds for every person she consumed.

A part of her hated her Mom.

She could admit that.

She resented the fact that for the sake of creating a hero that could one day destroy the Endbringers her Mom had cursed her with the gnawing hunger and powers that had resurfaced after she died.

It was too much.

The fact she died and left Taylor with her Dad, that had no clue what Taylor was really going through despite his best efforts, and had her essentially deal with this alone hurt the most.

She loved her Mom.

She loved her Dad.

Taylor found herself back in the moment in flash, staring down the woman that had caused her to go this far.

For some reason the city burned around them.

Where were the heroes?

The bomber looked tired, her outfit was covered in grime and she sagged just a bit even as she hefted what looked like some sort of portable launcher and pointed it at Taylor.

"So, you're still fucking alive? I'm surprised but that just means I get to test more bombs on you, you fre-"

The pink beam hit her in her chest before she could finish her monologue.

In the place where Bakuda stood was a human sized cookie of her.

It was still for a moment, but then began to move.

Taylor couldn't stifle the giggle that escaped her lips.

"Wow, you have enough ego to still move? I guess I never thought that was even a possibility, I wonder if I had given Lung a second to react would he have moved to?" Walking over slowly to the large cookie she smiled as she came to stand over it, red pupils and black sclera gazing madly at the cookified Bakuda. "Guess we'll never know."

"Now, Bakuda, I made a promise to myself that by the end of this, I was going to eat you." Taylor licked her lips as she picked up the cookie one-handed. "And well, really, I'm so very hungry so excuse me~." Her mouth opened up, the gaping maw revealing her sharp canines and then...

Crunch Chew Chomp Munch Chew Munch Crunch Smack Chomp Smack Crunch Chew Chomp Munch. Chew. Munch. Crunch. Smack. Chomp. Smack. Crunch. Chew Chomp. Munch Chew. Munch. Crunch. Smack. Chomp. Smack. Crunch. Chew. Chomp. Munch Chew Munch. Crunch. Smack. Chomp. Smack. Crunch. Chew. Chomp. Munch. Chew. Munch. Crunch. Smack Chomp. Smack. Crunch. Chew. Chomp. Munch. Chew. Munch Crunch Smack. Chomp. Smack Crunch Chew. Chomp. Munch. Chew. Munch. Crunch. Smack Chomp. Smack. Crunch. Chew. Chomp. Munch Chew. Munch Crunch. Smack Chomp Smack. Crunch. Chew. Chomp. Munch. Chew. Munch Crunch. Smack. Chomp. Smack Crunch. Chew. Chomp. Munch Chew. Munch. Crunch. Smack. Chomp. Smack Crunch Chew. Chomp Munch. Chew. Munch. Crunch. Smack Chomp. Smack Crunch. Chew Chomp. Munch. Chew. Munch. Crunch. Smack. Chomp. Smack. Crunch. Chew Chomp Munch. Chew. Munch. Crunch. Smack. Chomp. Smack Crunch. Chew. Chomp. Munch Chew. Munch. Crunch. Smack. Chomp. Smack. Crunch. Chew. Chomp. Munch Chew Munch. Crunch. Smack. Chomp. Smack. Gulp.


She licked the crumbs off her lips and looked down at herself.

For the first time she really looked at herself.

Taylor felt herself start to shake.

The toned pink limbs, the slim waist, the bust... they... they weren't...

She shot into the air, an aura of pink roaring off her form.

What was she?

What had she done?

And why... why had she enjoyed it?

She felt lost.

What was she?