I don't own PJO, Uncle Rick does!.

And sorry for the 2 week long update schedule, my life's been pretty hectic this past few months.

and I will try to update whenever I can. SORRY!

A bronze image showed Long Island Sound.

They saw boats, filled with demigods, speeding towards Manhattan. On the first boat, the flag of kronos was proudly displayed.

Andy was quick to start. "Scan the perimeter of the island" She said hurriedly. "Now!".

Anthony shifted the scene facing the harbor. Boats and Ferries were piling on to the docs, piles of dracaenae were shuffling out. There were hellhounds, at least a pack, swimming in the rivers, to the other side. And down below the boats, were telkhines- sea demons, which were currently going up the docs.

The scene kept shifting, each one as bad as the previous. Tons of Monsters were entering Manhattan already.

Suddenly Andy spoke out. "What's happening outside of Manhattan?" She asked. "is the whole state asleep?"

Anthony frowned and shook his head. "I don't think so, It's strange, as far as I can tell, Manhattan's the only one asleep." He hesitated. "But there is also a fifty mile radius around us, where time's running really slow."

"Kronos" She said." He's slowing down time."

"Maybe Hecate as well." Said Katie Gardener.

"They've got Manhattan surrounded in layers of magic, Outside us, they might not even know something's wrong," He said. "Any Mortals coming toward here, would slow down so much, that they wouldn't know what was going on."

Andy sighed. "So we really shouldn't expect any help coming in then?"

But it sounded more like a statement than a question.

He nodded.

Anthony turned away from the shield and toward the group of Demigods that they have gathered. They all looked scared and stunned.

He really couldn't blame them, there were more than a hundred monsters coming, and there were only approximately forty of them, and with no one to hep them...

Andy, with a straight warrior face (as he liked to call it) said.

"We're going to hold Manhattan."

"Um. . . Andy, but Manhattan is huge." Silena said nervously.

"We have to, there's no one else who's going to, except for us."

"She's right" Anthony defended."the Gods of the wind should keep the skies clear, so Kronos will try a ground assault, we have to cut off all entrances to the island."

"They have boats." Michael Yew pointed out.

Anthony was about to say something, when Andy interrupted him.

"I'll take care of it" She said.

"So we have the air and water covered, last thing we need to plan is how to block all entrances to the island." Anthony said."We have to guard the bridges and tunnels. . . Okay, Let's assume that they'll try a downtown or midtown assault first, since that's the quickest way to the empire state. So, Apollo cabin, to the Willamsburg bridge, Demeter cabin, to the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel, Connor take Half of the Hermes cabin, cover the Manhattan Bridge, travis take the other half and cover the Brooklyn Bridge" He stopped, but added. "And no stopping for looting and pillaging!"

The Hermes cabin complained at the last one, but accepted without further complaint.

"Silena!, take the Aphrodite cabin to the Queens Midtown Tunnel" Andy said.

The aphrodite kids buzzed at that, murmuring that they could stop by fifth Avenue along the way.

"Alright, Jake! Take the Hephaestus cabin to the Holland Tunnel, and cover it, Greek fire, traps, whatever you've got." Andy continued.

"59th street Bridge, . . . Clarisse. . . is. . not. here." She faltered.

"We'll take that." Anthony said and turned to his second in command. "Malcolm, take the others and activate plan- twenty three. Just like I showed you, and hold that bridge."

"You got it."

"I'll go with Andy" he said."We'll go wherever we're needed."

someone form the Back said, "No detours You too!"

There was giggling from inside the group.

Anthony looked away, face slightly red.

"We'll all keep in touch." Andy said."With Cell phones"

"But we don't have cell phones" Silena Protested.

Andy grabbed one from a lady 's phone and tossed it to her. "You do now."

"If you need us, call my number, pick up any random phone, use it once then drop it, borrow another one if you have to, that'll make the monsters zeroing on you harder." Anthony stated.

"And no keeping of phones." he added with a glare to the Stoll brothers.

"Hold it, you forgot the Lincoln Tunnel." Jake Mason said.

But before anyone could say anything, a girl's voice called out.

"How about you leave that to us."

He had never been so happy to hear that voice in his life.

"Thalia!' Anthony cried.

They Parked outside of Battery park, where the Hudson and east River came together.

Andy dislodged herself from her position at the back of the motorcycle, and unwrapped her hands from Anthony's waist.

She started walking to the water surface, "Wait here," she called out to him.

"Andy, you shouldn't go alone"

"Well, unless, you can breathe underwater. . . "

He sighed. "Fine, just be careful"

She grinned as she stepped into the water. "back in a flash."

Anthony waited, for what felt like hours to him.

he was waiting to see if that seaweed brain was alright.

He wouldn't want anything to happen to her.

He waited and waited, and finally She came out, perfectly fine.

"It Worked!" She grinned happily.

" Good", Anthony said. " Because, we've got other problems, The Apollo cabin needs help, another army just entered the picture. And it's being led by the Minotaur."

She nodded, and let a loud Taxicab whistle.

Blackjack came swooping down, not a moment too soon.

"Get on Porkpie." she said while mounting on Blackjack.

"we've got people to help" she helped him up the Pegasus.

"We need to get to the Willamsburg bridge" He said, "And quickly"

Andy nodded and turned to her pegasus.

"We need to get to the Willamsburg bridge fast, you think you can make it there in time?" She asked the black winged animal.

Blackjack whined and neighed.

"Yeah, yeah, now let's go!"