April 2014~ 19 Weeks

Ana's P.O.V

I read Teddy his third story in bed to try to get him to sleep. His terrible twos are popping up early. He was ansy when I was getting him into his pajamas. I was able to get him to drink his milk to get him to sleep quicker. I turn to look at him slowly closing his eyes and I slowly make my way out his bed. I pull the blanket over him and turn on his night light. I tip toe to the door and turn off the light. I walk to the door with my hands on my back. Little blip is kicking my lower organs like a punching bag. I walk into the bedroom and Christian is getting in bed after working a full day at work.

"He finally fell asleep?"

"Yeah. He passed out before I got done with good night moon. How's your back?" I ask as I get into bed.

"The shower helped. I didn't think 30 would make me this old."

"You want a back massage?"

"I'm suppose to offering you the massage."

"Let your wife take care of you. Turn off your shirt and on your stomach."

"Okay." He takes off his shirt and turns over on his stomach. I get on his back and start working out the kinks in his back. "How does that feel?"

"Really good." He groans.

"We need to talk about Teddy. I'm worried about how he'll be when he becomes a big brother."

"I thought we had more time."

"Well we have four months to get ready." I move my hands to his shoulders and neck. "What should we do? Talking won't be enough to convince him."

"What about we take him to one of his friend's parties. He can play with younger babies and he'll feel comfortable." He mumbles.

"That sounds like a plan. I know he's gonna live his brother or sister. How about we have some mommy and daddy time before we go to bed?" I whisper in his ear and he's fast asleep. "Oh poor baby." That massage made him fall asleep. I pull the covers over us and turn off the lamplight before I go to sleep.

Corner Cafe

I walk into the cafe to have lunch with Kate. She's still on maternity leave since having Ava and it's her first time being out with the baby. I spot her from behind with Ava sleeping soundly in her stroller.

"There's my two favorite people."

"Hey You." Kate stands up and hugs me. "That baby's already starting to pop out."

"I know. This one is popping out quicker than Teddy. Ava's gotten so much bigger since I last saw her." I say sitting down in my chair.

"I know. She's growing like a weed. How's Teddy been?"

"The terrible two's have started already."

"Oh no."

"He's testing our patience right now. Christian still sees him as our little baby so I'm over here as the bad guy."

"Well you both gotta be a team about it. Otherwise he's gonna run to dad whenever he's in trouble."

"I know. We gotta get Teddy ready for the baby. We're gonna get him ready for the baby and he just started pre school."

"Maybe I can bring Ava over and he can get adjusted to a new baby around. Also we need to plan your gender reveal." She says as she holds my hands in excitement.

"You just love party planning don't you."

"Well I have plenty of time on my hands."

Doctor Greene's Office

"Surprised your husband isn't joining us today." She says as she checks on the baby in the ultrasound.

"He had back to back meetings today but he'll be at the next one."

"I know he's excited about finding out the gender of baby number two."

"Yeah. Meanwhile we're trying to keep up with Teddy."

"Having a toddler while pregnant can be exhausting but the key is having a partner. You need to let Teddy know he's still loved but that's there's going to be changes happening."

"How do we do that?"

"Take a day where you spend the day with him but also start to discuss ways to discipline him. That way he won't try to retaliate when the baby comes."

"Thank you Doctor Greene." I step off the exam table and leave her office.

I walk into the house and Teddy is asleep on the couch while Christain held him against his chest in his arms. I smiling looking at the two of them sleep peacefully. I set my bag down and walk over to them. I crouched down to sit on the couch and woke Christian up by rubbing his shoulder.

"Hey sleepy head."

"Hey. When did you get home?"

"I just got here. How was the both of yours day?"

"Fine. It was boring at the office today. I got to leave early and I picked up Teddu from school. How was your day?"

"Good. Met with new authors and did my quarterly presentation for the board. Had my appointment with Doctor Greene and Blip #2 is cooking good in here." I say rubbing my stomach.

"That's good."

"I wanted to talk to you about Teddy."

"Me too. I know he's been acting out lately and I've been putting it all on you to discipline him and that isn't fair to you. We need to be a team."

"Thank you. I'm glad you said that cause I got this today." I pull out the baby doll from the bag. It's a classic baby doll with a blanket wrapped at the bottom.

"You got the doll?"

"Yeah. I figured we can start with this and work our way from there."

"Mommy." Teddy wakes up and Christian sits him up with him.

"Hey baby. How was school?" I say running his head.


"Me and daddy got you something for you." I hand him the doll.

"Mommy's having a baby and this will give you practice." Christian puts the doll in Teddy's arms and shows him how to hold it.

"Baby sister."

"You might have a sister or a brother. We'll know very soon." Christain says to him. I smile looking at him hold the baby like it was his real sibling. Hopefully when the baby comes, he'll feel the same.