(AN) Hi everyone! While I am working on a larger IR story, I wanted to put together this collection of snippets based on Ichigo and Rukia. Each snippet will follow a letter of the alphabet and a prompt until we get all the way from A to Z! Most of the stories will be based in the Bleach Universe, but some are AUs. Lengths and ratings will also vary! I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach.

A is for Assassin


A small, dark figure approached her target. He stood on the balcony smoking a cigarette, away from any of the party's patrons. The glimmer of a kunai in the moonlight gave away the assassin's location right before she brought her weapon up to her target's throat.

"For an assassin, I figured you would have better sense than to isolate yourself. It makes you a harder target for people like me." Rukia said as she nicked his skin; yet, the young man did not flinch.

He continued to smoke like she wasn't even there until he said, "Maybe it was I who wanted to draw you in…" Ichigo whirled around in an instant pinning Rukia to the nearby wall, banging her hand against it until she released her grip on the kunai.

His eyes were a burning amber fire when they glazed into her amethyst pools.

"I was just giving you our normal greeting, love, no need to get offensive," Rukia whispered as she kicked the side of his knee, causing him to slightly loosen his grip, but he remained standing. "Unless you want to play?" She purred, neither one moving from their position, but both were trying to find a weakness in one another.

A devastating smile crossed Ichigo's lips as he looked at his lover. "Who's the best assassin is our favorite game to play." A suggestive tone filled Ichigo's voice as he took in Rukia's tight black ensemble. "Why stop now?"

Rukia's amethyst eyes lit up with desire, pulling Ichigo to her roughly. They may try to kill each other, but they could nor would they succeeded. Their ability to care went window when their lips met.

Their dangerous game was always filled with lies and failed mission reports when they were each other's targets. Their superiors suspected nothing out of the ordinary since they were the best of the best, but the two assassins preferred to keep their battles in bed, keeping their love hot and secret, just the way the two liked it.