V is for Vampire

Rukia walked brisky down the dimmly lit street. She had stayed out too late studying for finals once again. A rustle to her left caused a slight squeak to escape her mouth, but when she turned there was nothing. Instantly, she was regretted not calling her brother to come pick her up. He would have understood why she missed curfew. .. probably. Then again, this was Byakuya.

Shaking herself of wondering thoughts, Rukia focused on getting home, but that was a tall order. Every little noise caused her to jump and quicken her pace until she was a quarter of a mile from her house.

The air around her turned freezing suddenly, and a tall man flashed in front of her. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked with a husky laugh.

Rukia turned to run, but a red haired man grabbed her by the waist.

"Can we share, Ichigo?" He asked the man in front of her. "She smells amazing."

"No. She's mine, " The man growled stepping out of the shadows with red eyes.

"Too bad. She would have made a delightful snack." The red haired man licked his lips, flashing his extended canines.

"Renji, let her go." With a quick tug, Rukia was free of her attacker's grasp. Ichigo shoved her behind him, baring his fangs in return.

"Whatever. She's yours." Renji said before he disappeared.

Ichigo turned to face the frightened girl, but she kicked him in the shin and fled.

A husky laugh escaped him. "Little girl, didn't you know vampires love the chase."

Letting Rukia hid, Ichigo trailed slowly after her listening for her rapid heartbeat.

Rukia hid in a dilapidated shrine, hoping to throw the vampire off with the wild animals that she knew lived there. But, her attempt was in vain as she noticed the air freeze around her once again.

"We meet again my little butterfly." Ichigo said as he pussed her roughly against the wall.

He nuzzled her neck, tickling Rukia in the process. A loud laugh escaped her.

"Cut! Everyone cut!" Hisagi yelled."What was that, Rukia?"

"I'm sorry it tickled!" Rukia replied with a blush as she shoved Ichigo away.

"Great our movie should be called Tickled by the Vampire instead of Seduced by the Vampire," Hisagi murmured as he walked away. "Everyone take five!"

Ichigo threw an arm over Rukia's shoulder as the crew vanished. He leaned in closer whispering in her ear, "You and I both know that not tickle, midget."

"Uhmm, but my brother is standing over there with Senbonzakura out, and he looks like he wants to murder you. I had to do something." Rukia told him innocently.

"Standing and wants are present tense words, midget." Ichigo turned to stare where Rukia's line of sight was staring.

"Shit!" Ichigo leaned down to kiss Rukia on the cheek. "Gotta -"

"Scatter, Senbozakura!" Byakuya said loud enough for the couple to hear him.

"Nii-sama, please don't kill my boyfriend!" Rukia called out as Byakuya shup'd after Ichigo.