1 Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon or any other related characters.

This story takes place after the Dark Masters, but as of now Apocalymon never happened yet.

The Angel Digidestined

It seemed all the Digidestined ever did these days was walk. They walked through deserts, dense forests, beaches, mountains, and almost any type of terrain. Now they were in a forest. Everyone was hot, weary, and famished. It's been a few weeks since the defeated Piedmon. The Digidestined all thought they would be able to go home after the battle, but they were not able to. So they searched for a way. Izzy theorized there may be a reason for them not being transported back. What that reason was no one knew. So they searched for a way home.

"Tai, I'm tired. Can we take a rest?" Tai looked down at his little sister Kari.

"Let's keep going. We might find something up ahead," he said. He didn't mean to push everyone; he was worn out as well. He knew there wasn't anything to eat in this area. They looked the night before and to their dismay found nothing. The children all went to bed hungry. He just wanted to make sure that didn't happen again.

This irritated Matt. "Tai, everyone is tired and hungry. We need to take a rest," Matt said quite annoyed but tried not to yell by biting down on his teeth. They were walking all day. It was about time they took a break before someone collapsed.

"Yeah, I know. But we might-"

"Find something," Matt finished. "We might not. Let's just rest for a while. We all need it," now he was yelling. He glanced over at his brother who decided to rest under a near by tree with Mimi and their two digimon partners. The two of them looked exhausted. He couldn't believe how stupid and selfish Tai was being.

"Well I think-" Tai began and started to get annoyed at his friend. Why must he always question everything I do?

"I think Matt's right." Tai looked up at Sora. "We're all tired. Maybe we can find something to eat around here," She reasoned. Sora tried to keep the peace. Matt and Tai fought a lot, and she didn't think the team needed it. Tai looked down at his sister who looked back up at him with pleading eyes. Then he looked around at everyone else. They all looked drained.


Everyone was happy with their leader's decision. They found a clearing in the trees and decided to camp there for the night. "What luck, right by a lake," Gomamon cheered happily. The fury seal-like creature scampered over to the mass of water and dove in.

"I'm so tired," Mimi yawned and stretched out in the soft grass. "Why do we have to walk so much? This really stinks" the girl complained. Even though Mimi has changed and grown up a lot since they first arrived, she was still Mimi.

TK was walking by and heard Mimi's complaint and smiled at her. "So we can find our way home," He said optimistically.

TK was always cheery, except for when they were in a battle. He walked over to a tree and took a seat next to Kari in the shade, who was talking to Gatomon. Besides with their brothers, they stick together more then the others, mostly because they are closer in age. The two became good friends in their short time knowing each other.

"I got another one!" Izzy cheered as he pulled a fish out of the lake. Him and Matt were appointed to catch the fish for dinner. "Good, now we each have one for diner," Matt said as he and Izzy gathered the fish to cook them. At least they got to eat tonight. Throughout the day Matt worried that without food their digimon would not be able to digivolved in the event of an attack. At least now they could.

Later that night they all sat around the fire, except for TK and Kari. The youngest two were sleeping. "Tomorrow, we can go over to the other side of the lake," Tai instructed.

It didn't matter to Matt. Server was a huge continent. There was still so much unexplored territory. "Sure, why not," The blonde said sleepily from across the fire.

"Just as long as we don't walk all day," Mimi said half asleep and rubbed her eyes.

"Fine then it's settled," Tai said as he walked over to a tree and sat down against it. He had first watch tonight.

"So, these are the Digidestined," said a dark, creepy voice out of the darkness. "Ha. It should be easy to destroy them all. But first I must find which two of these pathetic humans are the Angel Digidestined." The voice faded out into the darkness.

The next day, they began another long and tedious walk. "I hope today won't be like yesterday," Sora thought to herself.

"Matt, are we going to do a lota walking today," TK. asked his big brother, Patamon lying atop the younger boy's green hat.

"Well, I hope not," he responded and looked up at Tai who was walking without a care in the world. How can he just go on like that?

"Oh, okay then." He rushed up to Kari and they began to talk.

"Aww, aren't they just so cute," Mimi began. "They make the cutest little couple."

Matt looked up at her, "Huh? What ya mean? They're only eight."

"Yeah, I know, but that's what makes it so cute."

He looked at the two if them. "They are kind of cute," he thought. Then he thought to himself, 'Damn, I'm hanging around her too much I'm starting to think like her. Like a girl!'

"But they're just kids." Matt laughed and kept walking.

"What's so funny," Tai asked. He turned to look at Matt.

"None of your business," the blonde replied. It was obvious Matt was still angry at his leader.

"Oh. Okay, fine then Matt. Be that way." They walked the rest of the way in silence.

"Hmm. So they are the Angel Digidestined. Who would have known," The voice said.

"Master, don't under estimate them, it could be costly," said a weaker voice.

"When I need your advice I'll ask for it! Now shut up," he replied angrily. The smaller voice was quiet. "I'll make my move soon," he laughed quietly.

It was night, and everyone was getting ready to go to bed. Luckily this part of the forest had fresh fruit and berries. The digimon set off the gather dinner while the children prepared the campsite. The digidestined, not being from this world, let their partners be in charge of food since they knew what was good to eat and what was poisonous. "Matt, you have the first watch tonight," Izzy said.

"Okay, sure," Matt said not too thrilled. At least he didn't have to wake up in the middle of the night, so he didn't argue.

"Followed by myself, Joe, and Tai," Izzy continued. Everyone laid by the fire for warmth from the chill of the night. Except Matt. He sat against a tree keeping a watchful eye on his friends.

His eyes grazed over the children. Why were they still here? They saved the Digital World; they should be able to go home. Izzy had trued to contact Gennai a few times, to no avail. Finally the old man replied to the younger child's constant e-mails. All he was able to tell them was that he didn't know why they couldn't return home, but there must be a reason. Matt sighed.

Of course there was a reason, but what was it? Was there another evil digimon out there they had to fight? Matt was done with fighting. He and his friends were put in so much danger to save this world. He now knew why they had to do it, why they were chosen. But why was this responsibility theirs alone to bear?

"Matt, you're being awfully quiet." The blonde looked at his side. Gabumon sat next to him keeping him company and ready to spring into action if they were attacked. Matt smiled at his digimon. His partner was always at his side, and Matt cared deeply for his friend. When they did find their way home, would he ever see Gabumon again? His smile slowly faded and he took out his harmonica and started to play a sad song. Gabumon loved the sound of Matt's harmonica. He always felt at ease when he played. As Matt played, he unknowing lulled his baby brother to sleep.

"Tai. Tai wake up."

"Hmmm..." Tai opened his eyes to see Joe bent over him. "Oh, it's you," he managed to say. 'What time was it?'

"Glad to see you to. It's your turn," he said as he helped Tai up.

"Oh Yeah, right," Tai mumbled sleepily as he got to his feet.

"Okay, good night Tai," Joe said stretching out under by the dying fire.

"Night," Tai answered. Not ten minutes after Joe had wakened him up; Tai fell right back to sleep.

"Tai! You fell asleep again!"

Tai awoke with a start. "Huh?" It took Tai a few seconds to register what was going on. Matt was standing over the brunette furious.

"Tai, you can't fall asleep while on duty," Matt yelled at him. He had just woken up to see Tai fast asleep.

"Sorry, Matt. I was just so tired. I couldn't help myself," Tai defend himself. He stood up and stretched, he didn't realize how long he had been asleep. It felt as if he had just closed his eyes five seconds ago.

This only angered the blonde more. "Maybe you wouldn't be so tired if you didn't make us walk so much!" The yelling woke everyone else up.

"We didn't walk that much yesterday Matt!"

"Not again," Izzy said as he got up. Why did they have to wake up to Tai and Matt arguing?

"Just ignore them," Sora said stretching her arms behind her.

"Would you please quiet down, I'm trying to sleep," Mimi whispered rolling over.

"Here comes another wonderful, peaceful day," Joe said as he walked over to the river to splash some cold water on his face.

After everyone fully woke up, they stopped Matt and Tai's fight. "Okay you two, that's enough," Sora yelled as she pushed herself in between them. They just turned around, crossed their arms, and walked away. She sighed.

It was then, when Sora noticed TK. and Kari weren't at the camp site. "Hey, where's Kari and TK," she asked. Everyone looked around, but they were no where to be seen. Gatomon and Patamon were gone to.

"Kari," Tai called.

"TK," Matt yelled. There was no answer.

"Maybe they went to find something to eat," Mimi suggested.

To be continued...

Okay this is my first fic so please don't go to hard on me.