Grace Swan was returning to Forks. After her mother and father split her mother took both Grace and her younger sister Bella with her to Phoenix, Arizona. While Bella was happy for the change Grace were upset to be moved from her friends and the small Washington town. So, while Bella stopped visiting after awhile she continued her visits to Forks every year. The moment she had turned 18 both her and Bella moved to live with their father again, while her mother ran off with her boyfriend.

The moment she got off the airplane in Seattle she grabbed her bags and dragged her unwilling sister to meet their father for him to pick them both up. "Grace, Bella!" Charlie exclaimed trying to get their attention, waving his hands out the car window. Grace grabbed Bella's hand and pulled her to the car.

"Grace, not all of us are as tall as you!" Bella complained. Her slightly taller stature resulted in Bella always feeling shorter, especially when she complained about her more "feminine" shape and long legs.

"Well come on then Bells, or else I'm not coming back for you," as she stuck her tongue out at her sister causing them both laugh. She stops just a little short of the cop car and almost trips taking both sisters down. She opens the trunk and takes Bella's bags in her hands and places both sets of luggage in the trunk, while Bella slides into the back seat. Grace was used to being responsible since Renée was never really there as much when Phil entered the picture.

Taking a breath and closing the trunk, she walked over to the passenger side door and got in. "Hi, girls!" Charlie greeted, excited both Grace and Bella were staying with him until further notice.

"Hi, Dad!" Grace replied back happy to be heading back to Forks, the place she felt she truly belonged. Bella just stared back at him and then continued ignoring him and sulking.

"Has she been like this the whole trip?" Charlie whispered to the eldest sister.

"Yeah, she's not happy." Grace thought back to when Renée brought up the idea of her and Phil hitting the road. Bella pleaded with her stating Grace had just turned 18 and why couldn't Grace and she just stay in Phoenix. Grace had brought up the point that she had not finished high school and barely could take care of Bella and herself during some of Renée's and Phil's weekend trips, so it became settled that Grace would wait until she had graduated high school before deciding whether or not to care for Bella.

"What happened while you were away?" Charlie asked hoping to catch up on what happened in the few months since Grace last visited.

"Nothing much just working on college applications and looking into nursing programs." Grace had decided from a young age that she wanted to help people and nursing seemed like a good plan for her. She knew the University of Washington had an excellent nursing program so she was working her but off to get accepted and qualify for scholarships.

"Jake visited last night to ask me if you, Bell, and I wanted to come over to dinner this weekend."

"Sounds good I've missed him and the boys while I was gone." Grace thought back to all the summers she had spent with Charlie and how she spent most of them at La Push, hanging out with Jacob and his friends.

"I know you have Grace they are all you talk about when you get back into town, I sometimes think you just come back for them," he said jokingly. He looked over at Grace and saw how she was starting to fall asleep, he looked back at Bella and saw her staring out the window with earbuds in. He turned down the radio and continued the drive to Forks in silence.

When Grace wakes up from her nap she looked over to Charlie and saw him driving and she also looked back at Bella and see her staring out the window. She glanced out the window and saw the "Welcome to Forks" town sign. Her heart rate increases, excited to be home at last. After Charlie pulls into the house's driveway and stops the car she gets out and grabs the suitcases from the trunk. Bella reluctantly looks at the house from the car, until Grace knocks on her window and motions for her to get out and help.

"I'm going to show her around Grace, bring the rest of your stuff up once you're done," Charlie said to Grace patting her shoulder before grabbing some of her and Bella's things. She took a deep breath in and out and took in the luscious scenery of the forest in her backyard.

After she finished taking in the surroundings she missed dearly she grabs the last suitcase and enters the house. She climbs up the stairs and enters the childhood bedroom she and Bella shared. Her part of the room was filled to the brim of pictures of her family, her friends in La Push, and one of her and Jacob, whom she considers her closest friend. She put her bag down and pulled out her cell phone to text Jacob telling him that she got into town. Almost, instantaneously she received a text that said, "come out front" from Jacob. She looked out the window and saw him outside waving, with his hair pulled back. Grace ran down the stairs, narrowly avoiding falling on her butt towards Jacob.

"Jake!" She screamed when she ran out the door giving him a giant bear hug. He gently reciprocated the hug laughing at the speed she ran out of the house at. "Why are you here Jake?"

"You know the old truck I was fixing up over the summer? Well, your Dad just bought it from me for Bella." Grace thought about how she tried to help Jake fix it over her last visit and how she ended up making things worse, she decided to make him snacks from then on and talk to him while he worked on it.

"That's awesome Jake, glad to see you're becoming profitable in your hobby," She teases lightly smacking him. "How long are you going to be here anyway?" She asked hoping he wasn't going to immediately leave.

"Well my dad is watching football with Charlie so at least another hour or so. I have to teach Bella how to work the thing though, so that might take awhile."

"Oh," Grace said, slightly disappointed. She was so excited to see Jacob that she forgot her sister needed his help. "That's ok, I'll go clean my car up a bit then."

"Sounds good," Jake said with a smile, "take care of my first pet project why don't you." He joked before running off to the orange truck. Grace walked off to the shed that her car was parked in. She opened the doors to the shed and pull the cover off of her precious car. The sleek, black, vintage sedan was given to Grace by her father the first summer she visited him after her 16th birthday, and Grace loved it, even more, when he told her Jake had fixed it up for her. After getting in the car she backed out of the shed and took her baby out for a joy ride through the backroads through the Forks forest.