Please note that I only own the plot. And also let it be known that all these stories take place after Descendants 2.



Jane, daughter of Fairy Godmother, was sitting on a bench, reading 101 Dalmatians, when her boyfriend, Carlos de Vil, sat down.

"What are you reading now?" He asked with a smile that slid off his face as he read the cover of the book Jane had snapped closed when he had sat down.

"I... um..." She took one look at his downcast expression and scrambled to apologise. "I'm so sorry, Carlos, I've actually never read this story, and I was curious and-" Carlos cut his girlfriend up with a quick kiss to the lips.

"It's nothing you need to apologise for, Jane. It just caught me off guard." Carlos laughed bitterly. "Kind of pathetic, that I'm still afraid of my mom."

"Not at all, Carlos!" Jane shot back. "It's natural. I mean, I can't imagine..." she trailed off."

"Can we leave this discussion for another day? I'm tired, and I really don't want to have this conversation now."

"Yeah, Carlos. Yeah." Jane said, wondering exactly what Cruella de Vil had done to her son. What had her boyfriend been through?


Sorry this one's kinda short. I have trouble writing a lot of people, especially ones that aren't my OCs. I can do Hadie pretty well, but that's because he never really had an established personality. At least, not a cannon one.

Reviews are LOVE

Lily Giselle Rose