Hey everyone! I'll keep this brief. Soryr for not uploading in like 2-3 weeks. I was really busy. I knew I could never upload every week, but I'll still try and upload whenever possible. Sorry! That's all I had to say, now read!

A week later, I got into a rhythmic cycle. I'd wake up, do whatever, and then walk outside at late hours of the night. Risku move? Absolutely, but it was rewarding. I'd go out with nothing but my usual clothing and my phone. I even had a couple hundred bills in my pocket that I had from the bank robbery. I wasn't going to use them at all, but I just had it as bait.

You see, a thug knows what other thugs think. I've been through the thought process before. How they choose their victims, how they choose who to rob and at what moment. I knew all of it, which is why I left myself wide open to be caught.

I walked my way to the beach once again. Oddly enough, I actually have no idea how to get to that beach from my apartment. I just keep walking. Venom would guide me through the dark streets and take me there, but he never told me how to actually get to where we were going. I'd just look down at my phone the entire time, read articles, look at some funny pictures, and more.

"Those guys have been tailing us for a while you know," Venom snickered in my thoughts.

"I know," I laughed with him, "It's what I want."

I just kept reading the article as I heard the steps of the group behind me. Four people? Five? I don't remember, but it doesn't matter.

The article was just talking about a recent villain situation. All Might himself stepped in to save two kids. There was some context at the beginning of the article to the situation. Basically, some sludgy looking villain robbed a bank and then ran away and then kidnapped some kid with an explosion quirk. The interesting part, to me that is, is that some kid ran in there. He didn't even have a plan, he wasn't even a pro. He didn't use a quirk at all. Venom said it was pathetic but to me, I read that and my heart felt touched in some way. A kid running in to save his friend.

I wanted to see that more often. I wanted to see more people get help. Around my neighborhood, you were on your own. No one helped anyone. We were just the thugs and low lives.

All Might, of course, would come in and help the kid who was doing a heroic thing. He would of course, only help the heroic kind of person.

"Izuku Midoryia," I said, saying the name of the kid in the article. I'm sure you know him, Doctor. I know him too of course. Everyone knows who the number one hero is. And, at least for me, I got to have my fair share of encounters with him.

"Bakugo Katsuki," Venom grinned.

We passed by a dark alleyway and I knew what was going to happen. The thugs behind me were stalking me, chasing me so that I get in the right position. They were going to grab my hoodie, drag me in the alleyway, pull a knife to my chest or a gun and then threaten me. An interesting situation tho would be that a few of them would use their quirks to threaten me. Now that was something I wanted them to do.

And they did exactly as I thought. I was pushed into the corner, with a knife aimed at my chest and some ugly bastard breathing down my throat.

"Give me all your money!" He commanded. He was just reading off the script.

I gave him my phone and I started to laugh.

"You gonna use your quirk?" I mocked him. I felt the tip of the blade edge closer and closer to my chest.

"What? Getting angry? Sorry. Sorry. I'm just not getting used to being mugged you know. How are we meant to do this? Is there like a script for me to follow?"

He looked me in the eyes with pure, childlike rage as he pushed the blade. He kept pushing forward and forward, but nothing happened. The other guys started to walk back, realizing what was going to happen. The one with the knife looked down and saw his weapon completely entangled in black webs.

"Full Cowl!" I shouted.

"Aye, sir!" Venom shouted back to me as my body became cloaked in the black and grey suit. Before, I was Jin. But with the suit on, I was whole. I was Twice. I was both Venom and Jin.

The webs twisted the knife around and aimed at the fella's arm. We jerked it straight in there. He screamed, and the rest of his "friends," started to run away.

"They aren't very Izuku Midoryia-like, are they?"

"Of course they are!" I said without realizing what I was actually saying.

More black vines sprouted out of my body and grabbed the kids that ran. They all screamed. It was hypocritical. I'm sure at home they would mess around with their friends and talk about a situation.

"What would you do if you fought some real tough guy?" I thought to myself that would be what they would say.

"Man, I ain't no bitch! I'll fight that dude! If he hurts my brother I'm hurting him real good!" Venom finished my thought for me. He took it a different route than what I was going for though, but the same message.

"Help!" They shouted. "Please, He-" I dragged the group into that well of darkness with me, and in a few seconds, I left it as the only uninjured man. They were all knocked unconscious.

This same cycle of events had been happening over the first few weeks of me and Venom's rekindled relationship. It was fun. I felt good doing this. I actually knew some of those punks from high school or other places. Their names? Of fucking course I didn't know them. Why? Because I didn't care.

I turned around and shot a black web from my wrist to take my phone back. I looked in the reflection to see what the Full Cowl suit looked like for a second.

"Lookin gooooooood!" Venom laughed like a hyena. He was on a high over the weeks, just being able to let loose on thugs or on the garbage on the beach. I looked over to my left, deeper into the alleyway, and I saw a man's hand sticking out from the darkness. There was a knife beside it with blood coloring it entirely.

I don't know why, but heart felt like its stopped. I couldn't see the rest of the body, so maybe I thought his hand was cut off? Didn't matter. My breathing heightened, my vision became blurry, and I started to see illusions again. I could hear people scream at me.


"You killed a man!"

"You're a monster!" They just kept repeating over and over again. I put my hands over my ears and I felt my whole body tense up. Everything became mute for a moment, but I could hear one voice out of the thousands.

"Jin?" It said. "You okay buddy? Buddy-dude? Brother-"

"I'll kill both of us." I heard that overlap everything. I opened my eyes and I started to tear away at the full cowl suit.

"Jin?! Jin! What are you doing?! Jin-"

"I won't let you kill him! I'm done! We won't kill anyone else!"

"Bite off his head." I heard from an unfamiliar voice. It sounded like Venom, but it was more aggressive.

"No! No, not again!" I ripped into the suit so hard I actually started to tear away at my own clothes.

My body dragged itself onto the brick wall and it stayed there for a few seconds. It was like I was being pushed by a cop or something.

"Jin! Calm down!" He sounded surprisingly mature. "We aren't killing anyone! We just punched him! Like everyone else, we just punched him and did a few cool tricks!" I looked over and saw a black web surrounded the arm. It pulled him closer to me and I could see his whole body now. He was as fine as a beat up thug could be.

"Oh...oh…..oh.." My breathing returned to normal and I regained control of my body.

"Do you need a break or something? Maybe some pills to calm your nerves?"

"No. No, we need to clean up the beach. We are almost done. Just another week or so." I ignored the pills comment. Ironically enough, I ignored that comment just like how I ignored the rest of my pills. I hadn't gone to the pharmacy in months. I was scared to, for some reason.

Was I? Actually, I think Venom was scared. Maybe I would grab some new quirk restricting pills and they might actually work since Venom himself started to adapt to the pills, I doubt they would work. But there is still the possibility that those pills could've ended our relationship completely.

I took a few deep breathes to regain my composure.

"Full Cowl."

"Right." The black cloak covered me again. I was Twice again. I was whole. And just in time too. I heard shuffling in the distance. Probably a fight. I checked it out, and I was right.

After that, I heard a scream. It was a woman getting mugged. I stopped that. Then there was a drug deal. Stopped it. Then there was just a group of thugs that looked like they were going to do something. I beat them up. Then there was some guy stalking a girl. Stopped him. A guy passing the speed limit. Stopped him. Guy stabbing someone stopped him guy selling drugs stopped him gang fight stopped that-that-

Sorry. Where was I, Doctor?

I spent the night just beating up criminals. It gave me a rush. I felt happy and so did Venom. Just seeing myself beat those guys mercilessly gave me a feeling of hope. They can be stopped. And the best part about it was, no one could stop me. Not a hero, they wouldn't even be around here. Not some thug and Flint wouldn't even be outside.

I swung from building to building. I remember some old dude yelling, "ya damn vigilante!" That made me smile.

"Looks like I upgraded from a villain to a vigilante."

"Sure, and I upgraded from the washing hero to all Might. Shut the hell up."

I found myself in front of the pharmacy, somehow. Guess Venom wasn't even paying attention to where we were. I looked down and saw a woman leaving it and just about to enter her car.

"Hey," I said suddenly, finding myself beside her at a moments notice/ How did I get there? Wasn't I at the top of a building look down on her a moment ago? My body kept doing things on its own, moving before I knew I wanted to move.

She turned around in a startled motion as she dropped all of her things. She would look up at me and breathe a sigh of relief.

"Oh, it's you, Jin," She said as he picked up her belongings. I helped her.

"I haven't seen you come by the pharmacy in a while. A few weeks maybe? A month?"

"I've been busy."

"You've been taking your pills, right?" She looked at me like she genuinely cared. I don't know how she knew all this about me, she was just someone who worked at the pharmacy. Maybe one day while I was getting something I ended up striking a conversation? Maybe I had told her everything about me? No, that'll be weird. No person alive would want to greet me if they figured out what I did.

"Of course I have. I'm not some lunatic," I responded with a fake as hell smile.

"You've been feeling better right?" She asked, brushing her hair to the side.

"Better than ever," I think at that moment I completely forgot about Venom. Forgot that he had re-entered my life.

The conversation was at an end. She drove off in her red car, and I gave chase. I don't know why, but I had a weird feeling about her. She reminded me of Miss, back at school. They both looked pretty young when I had met them.

I noticed in the distance a group of people huddled together. They didn't look violent, but that can be said about all criminals. I dashed forward with the black webs grabbing onto the rooftops and streetlights, and I took them all out.

I'm not sure if it was my sense of justice that told me they were criminals,.or if it was Venom's sense of brutality. Or, maybe it was Twice's sense of neutrality.

I followed the woman home, making sure she entered her apartment safely. When she locked the door behind her, I knew it was my time to leave. Seeing her reminded me of everything I was doing. I felt worried about her driving home safely in this neighborhood. No one should ever feel that way. I stormed back to the beach and continued to clean it up.

I was so tired. My head hurt like hell and my body ached. I probably threw up a few times and went through a few hallucinations, but that didn't matter. I kept cleaning up the trash. As my body lost conscious I could feel Venom take more and more control.

What I had planned to do over the next few weeks I had done in a single day. I cleaned up the beach in entirety and finally, I got a good view of the ocean.

"Let's go pay Flint a visit," that was the one thing I remember saying in that hazy night.

"Sorry, what?!" Venom actually sounded concerned.

I dawned the Twice suit again and swung off onto the distance. I raced to my apartment with my mind focused on nothing more than fixing the neighborhood. I would have to take down Flint that night.

"Hey! Let's talk this through, Jin!" I kept swinging. "Jin! We can do this in like, two days! Take a break, you haven't rested at all today!" I ended up missing my next shot onto the streetlight and fell onto a load of garbage in the alleyway.

"You're going to die, Jin! Listen to me, you braindead idiot! Take a break! Hell, I'm not even in the mood to fight Flint today! Let's do it tomorrow-"

"That's another day where Flint is still in power. That's another day where people can get hurt. We take it all tonight." I got up and collapsed. I grit my teeth and got up again. I looked up at the sky and instead of a pitch black and a white moon, all I saw was a mucky green, with everything around me having an odd, fuzzy aura. The garbage actually smelled nice to me. It smelled better than me at the point since I was drenched in sweat and vomit.

"Remember what you said. We will become the symbol of evil that takes care of all the scum. We'll make the scum into something worthwhile, right?" I leaned against the wall, panting desperately, reaching out for some symbol. A symbol of peace to help me with this fight so that I wouldn't be alone left to fight off an entire gang and their boss at the darkest hour of the night. I wanted that symbol of peace and justice.

But nobody came.

I pushed forward, alone. Left in the darkness without any light. In that night, I was going to become the light everyone needed. The light the grandma next door needed. The light that would help the little kids play outside safely.

I saw my building, with Flint's boys in front of it, smoking their cigars and just resting like they owned the place, which they did.

"Jin, you going to die."

"Been waiting for that ever since I got this scar." Instead of sneaking into my apartment through the window, like how I normally did, I walked up the gate and met his goons face to face.

"Bitch," I said to them. "Where is Flint."

They got up.

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