For those who haven't watched Venom, please stay clear of this story as it contains major spoilers! Don't fault me if you decided to read this despite my warning!

Thank you

He skidded to stop and breathe still, trying to calm his pulsing nerves from the running he did. He didn't know where he must go - the only thing he must do, was getting out of that place and out of security's sight. Away from that hellhole where they locked innocent people and put them as illegal test subjects.

They, the infamous Life Foundation, a not-so-large company in San Francisco that tried to help humanity and finding a cure to any kind of diseases, including cancer. It all started by one son of a bitch known as Carlton Drake. This guy had groundbreaking record for running the company at such a young age with just his wisdom and knowledge. And then he decided to build a rocket in a quest to find a cure into the stars up there.

Insane is probably the right choice of word to describe Drake. Humanity haven't fully-discovered their homeplanet's resources and its materials, and this crazy guy wanted to travel into the void in hope to search something useful for them.

With the insane man, comes an unhealthy method of 'saving' humanity. There were rumors, some of them including deaths, kidnapping and etc., It made both Drake and Life Foundation so famous it brought up tons of attentions.

How Drake was able to dismiss them? This man is a bloody genius and knows how to hide things from his parents. Of course he had evil tricks on his sleeves.

6 months ago, when he was ordered to interview the CEO by his boss regarding Drake's biography or his space probe or something like that, he had to politely stood back, asking the old man to find someone else to do the job. Both men know the rumors about Drake, and he took it too literally. To question such person would be like someone begging to punch himself.

But, his boss urged him to take this chance to benefit both his reputation of his own show and for Daily Globe. In the end, he begrudgingly accepted it and tried to behave like a usual reporter he was.

After spending a wonderful night with his ex-fiance Annie Weying, in his apartment, he accidentally found that her work laptop was on in the middle of the night. He was about to turn it off however, the reporter remembered Ann mentioned she was working as the lawyer on behalf of Life Foundation. Half-heartedly, he browsed her files inside, or anything that links to the company. And he came to realize the rumors weren't hoax.

A little devil whispered to his ear - pushing him to expose Drake's horrible crimes live in front of the camera - He already made up his mind to sabotage the interview and bring up the allegations of performing life-threatening experiments out of script.

However, his ambush plan didn't go well...And everything went so quick. From getting fired due to no solid evidence and losing his job to his girlfriend broke up with him, angry that she was being used like a mere tool for him. He absolutely did not mean that - He had a strong self-esteem that he'd manage to exploit the evil man.

Drake had turned Eddie Brock's life upside down.

"Have a nice life."

It was not his fault - it was Drake's. It was all his! That S.O.B will pay for what he had done. And now Eddie had gathered enough "sources" from the lab before. He would go to the Daily Globe and shoved the evidence to his boss' face.

"Shit..." Eddie breathed in and out. Surprisingly, he wasn't tired from the chase and his body didn't show any sense of fatigue at all. Instead, he was actually panicking.

Eddie looked behind at the distance. No headlights in the midst of the fog, meaning no security cars coming after him. Good, at least he didn't have to worry about that for now. That's a relief.

He thought he was about to crash into one of them in the midst of sprinting, as a sudden brightness appeared out of nowhere and blinded him like a bat. It was fast, and it was getting closer and closer, and he couldn't see anything. As soon as he lowered his arms and opened his eyes, the light vanished.

What was all that about? Eddie confusingly thought while brushing his clothes from the dust and twigs.

Speaking of twigs, the way he tackled two men who tried to block him, the way his body able to jump so high and made a hole on fence, and destroyed the trunk twice his size before. Eddie was bewildered at himself.

His body felt extremely different as if it wasn't his.

Whatever, now he got proof to charge Drake using the photos Eddie took from that haunted place. There was nothing to worry about.

The former reporter began to walk and took out his phone, checking if it's in good condition after all the stunt. Sighing in relief after confirming that there's no damage, Eddie opened it and browsed through his gallery.

One, two, four - there were six photos in total, including those bloody eyed corpses and homeless people who got locked in. And one of them, Eddie's friend, was also in there.

Maria had always sitting in front of Mrs. Chen's store, and the woman whom Eddie always interact with every single time he wanted to buy sometis going tohing I will have in the store after moving into a cheap apartment. How Eddie got closer to a homeless woman was because of a newspaper.

She took all of it from the stand just right in front of her, and sold it to everyone. Eddie could always go to the other newspaper stand, but he didn't - because this woman tried to help herself to survive the harsh life, and Eddie acknowledged that. He was willing to help her by deliberately bought the papers from her grasp, even though Eddie himself is on state of crisis. Since then, an unwitting bond formed between the two.

There were still a lot to cover back in that lab. But Eddie stopped his actions after he saw Maria desperately slamming her hands on the formidable glass and calling his name. Anything Eddie did to get her out eventually succeed until, all of a sudden, Maria lunged onto him-

"God..." Eddie mumbled as he instinctively touched his neck. She was strangling him. He could have sworn there was something moving in her eyes and both of her hands, and that 'something' got into his somehow.

And then - Maria went limp and her life was gone...

Drake has gone too far. He needs to be stopped.

Closing his gallery, Eddie was about to make a call to Dr. Dora to tell her he's alright. However, he immediately halted as he saw the notification bar.

There was no service.

"Really? At a time like this?" His frustation was growing. Shaking his head, he put his device back in his pocket. Hoping the mobile network would work as soon as he got to his apartment.

That aside, his stomach was growling loudly. How the hell could he get hungry that fast? He had taken a dinner before sneaking into Life Foundation with the doctor's help.


Is it just him? Or is the forest was wider than he thought?


Minutes of walking and walking. Yet not a single building on sight. The woods really is wide, huh?

Wait, no. He already went in a hundred of times during his past job to encourage people to care for nature, and the only forest in San Francisco wasn't this dense!

'Okay, calm down - calm down, Eddie. Y-You gotta be walking in circles right now. There's no need to panic...'

A howl in the distance made his shoulders jump and he turned around. A wolf? Since when there were wolves in this city!?

"No, no, they must be sending some dogs. Or dog-wolf, whatever..." He chuckled as he reassured himself. If the security had sent packs of canine, he ought to run-



Letting out a girlish scream, he fell down onto the soil hard as he groaned from the pain.

Eddie quickly got up and didn't think twice to dash throughout the woods. To where, he doesn't care as long as he moved from this place or found someone or anyone, and asking them for some help. Hopefully they willingly would.

After several dose of running later, he eventually got out of the trees somehow. And lo behold, a civilization is right on sight. But it wasn't a tall building, it's a small wooden house that only has two stories, old wooden fences around it and there...is a farm? Where are the buildings?

Since when did his town has a cowboy living? ...nevermind, he could think about it later. Right now he needs that place to hide from whatever is chasing him.

Eddie jogged towards the house and looked back once in a while. His paranoia was making him uneasy.

As soon as he was in front of the door, he unhurriedly knock it - trying so hard not to bang it and startle the people living inside from his fear and hunger.

And the door swung open, revealing a child around 6 years old.

"Uhm, hi..." Eddie awkwardly greeted while putting his hand up. He wasn't sure if the kid looked terrified or-


The child closed the door in front of Eddie's face. The American felt a sudden guilt.

"Mama! Mama!" The boy skipped back inside, and his voice was still clear for Eddie to heard. "There's a boogeyman in front our door!"

Definitely terrified. Eddie was genuinely in shock that some brat called him a fictional monster. It hurts him right in his poor heart.

However, he immediately recovered as a strikingly beautiful woman opened the door. She was shorter than him, and was wearing an apron over her dress. Eddie believed she was in the middle of cooking.

"Can I help you?" She cautiously asked. Well, he can't blame her after scaring her children away.

"Oh, good morning, miss."

"Actually, it is already evening, sir."

Before Eddie could continue on, he was surprised from the woman's words. He took a glance up yo see the sky is dyed orange and the night is coming soon.

What in the world? Wasn't he got into Life Foundation at night?

"Um..." Eddie was in numerous thought, but continues. "I-I'm sorry, I kinda lost track of time." With his swift talk, the atmosphere wasn't as weird as before now. "And yes, I need some help. There's uh... something out there that might be chasing me and-"


"Yeah, probably wolves - Wait, you know?"

"Quick, come on in."

She swung the door was wide enough for him to enter. Eddie was hesitant and lost in thought at first, but walked in the house nonetheless.

"Excuse me..." He muttered before seeing the woman frantically close and locked the door.

"They usually roaming out during dusk." The woman checked the situation outside from the window for a while before shielding it using a barricade made of wood, and she did the same thing to the other windows. Thanks to the candle lit by the boy on the table, it gave them some light.

"Go lit the other ones and the fireplace." She said to the boy who nodded in confirmation. "Please help me move this sofa to the door."


Breaking from his stupor, Eddie moved to the other side, whilst she's on the other, and put his hands under the sofa.



With a nod, he lifted the soft furniture-


-easily like a thin paper. Instead of helping, her mouth agaped at the stranger. She was lucky enough to quickly stood back before the arm rest could hit her chin hard.

"Uhh..." The awkward atmosphere made his shoulders heavier, along with the kid who had been poking his head out from the kitchen. To break the tense, Eddie opened his mouth. "lady?"

The woman blinked and pointed at the door. "J-Just put it in front of the door."

He nodded, carefully moving back and gently placed the sofa horizontally. He felt nothing. No shoulder ache; his back was perfectly fine. The way he lifted it was amazingly balanced.

"It supposed to be heavy..." Eddie brushed his palms and had a bewildered look on his face. The things back in his apartment was twice more heavier, he had to drag some of the furnitures to fit his taste, which took like 2 hours. Eddie had no strong muscle either.

'What the fuck is happening to me? ' Eddie sighed and rubbed his aching neck and his chest as well.

"Are you alright?" The woman asked as he brushed his face, trying to get rid of his sudden tiredness. "You can stay for a night if you want. We have a guest room upstairs."

"N-No, I'm fine." He shaked his head nonetheless. This woman had given him shelter, and now he's going to complain about his fatigue? He rather kept it to himself and not causing the lady to worry more about him.

But then, his stomach was growling loud enough to echo through the hallway.

"...Sorry." Eddie sighed shamelessly. "Do you have uh, a food or anything to eat?"

"Oh, we're just about to take a dinner." She walked to the kitchen, as Eddie followed the suit.

With a hasty steps on the staircase, the boy came down from the second floor. "Mama, I have closed the windows upstairs."

"Good boy." His mother praised and gave him a pat. "Dinner's about to start."

"Uh-huh!" He nodded brightly and took a seat at the dining table.

What a happy jellybean.

"Mama." With a frown, the boy called while eyeing Eddie. "Why is boogeyman here?"

'Oh, wow.'

"Son, how many times I tell you that boogeyman isn't real. Gosh, it's that man's fault for corrupting the kid." The woman sighed and set the plates down onto the table. "Please have a sit, mister."

"Thank you..." Eddie quietly drag the chair out and hastily took a seat across the family. Candle light set on the middle. And one near the door frame. The room was quite dark, but it was enough for them to see each others' faces and their meals.

Eddie had a strong urge to swallow the food along with its plate. He was super hungry. He wanted to maw it up, however, it'd be very impolite thing to do given that he already stepped in a house with a family he didn't know of.

"Let's eat."

Right after they started to eat, he hurriedly stuffed the rice and the meat inside his mouth. Chewing loud enough to interrupt the two.

"So, where did you come from, sir?" As if breaking the weird tension, the woman gently asked Eddie who immediately swallowed and frowned.


"No, I mean, which town are you living at?"

"What do you mean?" He had a perplexed face. "Here - San Francisco."

"San what?"

"San Francisco." Eddie noticed her puzzled look. "Well, if this isn't San Francisco, then where are we?"

"The Western Border." The woman then, made an 'o' with her lips. "Or perhaps you are from the east?"


He didn't know how to respond. He was lost in thoughts. One thing for sure, he wasn't in his city anymore. And this house looked like something come out of the old millennials. No lamps, no air conditioner or even a freezer and they used a fireplace. Was the family has an odd taste?

Eddie eventually shook his thought off and to prevent any misunderstanding from the kind lady, he nodded.

"Y-Yeah. I'm from there..." On a second thought, he decided to ask the lady. "If I may ask, uhm, can I use your telephone?"

"Tele...phone? No, we don't have that, sir."

Eddie blinked but nodded. "Oh, s-sorry." and he continued with his food. Weird...

Moments later as they were finished. Eddie asked to the woman who was currently washing the dishes.

"So, uh, you're living here alone with your son?" He casually asked.

"Oh, my husband is on a quest. He'll be back at tomorrow morning."


"Papa is an adventurer!" The boy held his chin high. "One day, I'll become an adventurer like him, too!"

"Really? Wow, that's great." Eddie half-heartedly smiled. It's not because he didn't like the kid's ideal dream to follow his father's footsteps, but it was Eddie's.

He's feeling sick - head was spinning. Not sure if the family has a medicine for that, but he didn't wasn't going to ask for it. Eddie didn't deserve all this kindness they had been throwing to him.

"Mister, are you also an adventurer?" The boy asked nicely and Eddie quickly shook his head.

"No-No, but I'm actually a reporter...was." The American added.

"What's a lipowter?" The little kid couldn't pronounce properly. However, Eddie understood that he may have still learning how to speak some complicated words.

"In a nutshell, I informed people about the events going on all day so they'd know what's up once they opened up the internet or a TV."

The kid was making weird, confusing faces. Eddie had to hold back a chuckle. Well, can't blame the kid. Sooner or later, his parents will teach him about everything.

"Uhm, I've never heard about it before..." The lady had finished her work as she hung her apron on a hanger. "Is that a new job?"

They were confused. Hell, Eddie was even more confused than before.

"Well, it's a-"


The former reporter jumped and instinctively let out a small scream and fell down from his chair. The owner of this house gasped in shock.

'Wh-What the hell was that?! '

"Sir, are you alright?"

She went and helped Eddie back to his feet. When the lady touched his warm hand, Eddie was shaking as if he could collapse anytime soon. She could even feel his body's temperature started rising slowly.

"V-Voice, did you hear a voice?"

"What voice?"

As she placed her palm on Eddie's forehead, her eyes opened wide.

"Oh gosh, you have a fever." She then, wrapped his left arm around her neck. "Let's get you upstairs."

"No, no, I'm okay...!"

"No, sir, you are NOT okay."

Ignoring Eddie's stubbornness, she brought him up to the second floor with a slight difficulty. Using one hand to open the door, she finally got him in the guest room and gently put his limbs down onto the bed.

"I'm gonna go down to get you some water."

"Wait...miss, you don't need to do that..."

His weak voice couldn't reach her and she was already on her way. Suddenly, his vision began to waver and eventually he got cut out from the world.


The man grumbled and slowly opened his eyes. What he saw first was nothing but a dark ceiling. His senses began to come back.

Eddie was covered in blanket and he could feel something wet on his forehead - It was a handkerchief drenched in cold water. He moved his head slowly to the left, a candle and a glass of water were on the nightstand. There was a window, like downstairs, it was blocked by a large wood. Not entirely, there's a small gap that allowed the moon shined through.

The hospitality of this family was heartwarming. But, like he said, Eddie didn't deserve it. And now he had to repay them back in some way.

Pushing himself up as the handkerchief fell onto the blanket, he forced his pained limb to grab the water. Once he got his hand on it, he instantly gulped it all up.

"Gah..." Eddie put the empty glass back. "Hits the spot..."

Not really. Refreshed, yes. But his unusual sickness is starting to overwhelm him again. He needs a doctor, and fast.

However, he couldn't go right now. He could tell it's already night, and recalling the lady's words, wolves were starting to roam outside. Seeing that she was awfully serious, Eddie instantly believed it.

"What's wrong with me..." Eddie groaned while cracking his neck. But then, he heard a rattling sound coming from right on the window.

He narrowed his eyes at the small gap around the wooden barricade. There was a shadow moving outside.

It perked Eddie's interest as he quietly stood from the edge of the bed and carefully move towards to investigate.

The floor creaked each time he set his foot on it. And each time it did, it always disturbed the hell out of him.

Once he made it, he swallowed his saliva, and slowly moved his head in front-

Stay away from the window

He gasped at the hoarse voice and whipped around behind. There was nobody. He must have imagining things because he was tired. It usually happened to many people, as he once read an article about it.

Sighing as if to ease himself, Eddie returned to the window and peeked through the small gap-

A yellow eye is looking back at him. And an axe chopped through the barricade, almost hacked his forehead. It was just an inch beside his.

"Holy shit!" Eddie hurriedly retreated back. As he motion backwards, he thought he was about fell onto the floor, but somehow he didn't.

Eddie's body moved on its own as if was being dragged by a force, and his back eventually hit the wall.

At the same time, the wooden barricade was broken from being slashed into several pieces. And then, something came in.

It was a small green creature wearing nothing but a loincloth. Its yellow eyes were eyeing Eddie whose back is still kissing the wall. A saliva drooling out between their sharp fangs.

This was no wolf. And it was probably the ugliest thing he had ever seen in his entire life.

On the creature's hand, it was the axe from before and it was raised high as if ready to chop Eddie in half.

What the hell is this guy?

Great. Now the rough voice was back.

'Okay, he's just one dude...I can make it out of do- '

The door was just right beside him, but two of its companion entered. Both were using daggers and Eddie noticed there were green liquid on each of their blades. It halted him from running away.

Instinctively, as three creatures creeping closely and sneered at him, Eddie raised both of his hands up in a surrendering manner. Those things were threatening him, or so Eddie thought.

What are you doing?

"I-I'm, uh...I'm putting my hands up."

He replied to the growlish voice unconsciously. The voice, his tired body or the monsters in front of him, either way, it stressed the living hell out of him.

You're making us look bad!

Both of his arms were quickly lowered down by yet another unseen force. Yes, it wasn't his doing. Something was controlling his limbs. Was the voice doing this?

Eddie was shocked and he tried to brought his hands back up, but it had proven to be strong. In response, Eddie put all of his might and struggling at himself.

"No...!" His arms finally raised up again. "No, I am not!"

Yes, you are!

It put his arms down, again. And Eddie fights back.

"No, I am not!"

Yes, you are!


"No, I'm not!"

Yes, you are!

And again...

"I'm not!" Eddie was breathing heavily from the struggle. As if looking at a good comedy, the monsters were cackling loudly at his laughstock performance.

Why would you do that?!

"Because it's a very sensible thing to do?!"

I will take care of this myself!


One of the creatures quickly leaped and jammed the stained dagger on his left leg. Eddie screamed in agony, it was happening so fast as he went limp and fell down.

Without mercy, the thing rapidly stabbed his leg, making Eddie squirming side by side. And then, one with the axe jumped towards him.

"No, no, no! God, NO!"

Before the weapon could end him, Eddie's right hand unconsciously stretched out - and a black thing was sprouting out of his entire hand and lunged towards the monster. It was sent out of the window.

The tendril retreated and his hand was back to normal. Unaware to him as Eddie was busy strangely staring at his own limb, the other creature who was stabbing him was thrown and slammed onto the wall with the same tendril coming out of his leg.

Hearing a gruesome sound, both Eddie and the last monster looked at the bloodied corpse plasted on the wall. And strangely, at the same exact time, they were looking each other - perplexed and wondering what happened.

"I-I'm so sorry about your friends..." Eddie's voice cracked in frantic. Although he was geniune about it, the creature did not care and charged forward.

Too scared to dodge, he raised both of his arms out of reflex and shut his eyes. Again, the black tentacle sprouted out of him and wrapped around its neck. Completely suffocating it before throwing it onto the ceiling. Its head stuck inside and body went limp.

His 'hands' retreated back, breaking Eddie out of his stupor due to a sudden recoil. Gasping as he looked around, Eddie shakingly stood up. Then, he noticed one thing.

"My leg! I was stabbed and it's-" He constantly and panickingly checked his wounded part. Turns out, his lower leg was completely fine regardless of his tattered pants.


He was hurt. He felt the pain, and it was horrifyingly real.

"W-What the hell, what fixed me?"

Not 'what'; 'who'!

Before Eddie could suck the air onto his lungs, he heard a scream - it was right beside this room and it was human. They need help.

The former reporter immediately pulled the door and exit, but somehow it was unattached from the hinges and got sent back outside as it created a rectangular hole. Eddie made an exasperated look.

"Oh, not again!"

Ignoring the anomaly he did, he hurriedly and went straight to the source. And the same thing happened to the poor door he was meant to open normally.

Eddie couldn't care less about it as he spotted the same monsters cornering the frightened kid around on the bed. Weapons at the ready.

Before he could do anything to help the boy, Eddie's left hand moved on its own and held the side of the broken yet intact furniture. He was still holding its doorknob. And an idea crossed his mind.


Bringing up their attentions, the monsters halted and looking at Eddie. The next thing they knew, they were faced by a door.

Eddie swung with all its might and their body flew to the side, some who were lucky on the floor managed to survive however. He let go of the parts of what's left from the door, and spared a small moment to check the kid's condition. Relief swept his worry away as he was seemingly uninjured.

A snarl turned his worry up again. One monster near his left leaped with its club ready to pommel Eddie down. And the expected thing happened; Eddie was yet again saved by a thing appeared from his chest. Grabbing its face and pulled it closer for Eddie to grasp him and took an immediate action to slam it on the floor hard.

A disgusting splatting sound as its brain was destroyed.

"Urgh, God..." Eddie grimaced as his hand was covered in blood. "Sorry, I'm so sorry!"

Stop apologizing!

Unbeknownst to him, the tendril sprouted out of his back to the wall and dragged him. Rescuing Eddie from his own demise by a knife.

As it trying to pull out its knife that is stuck, the other companion ran towards Eddie. His right hand instantly grabbed a leg of a chair beside and swung onto it once the monster got closer.

Seeing it went unconscious as its body ragged towards the end of the room, the last one finally got its knife back - cackling in succession. But unfortunately, its glorifying moment ended as soon as something latched around its body.

With its body wrapped, the tentacle pulled and raised it in front of Eddie who already stood.

"Jesus, you're looking more ugly this up close." He said in disgust, as its saliva drooling and yellow eyes squirming in fear.

Then, he noticed his free hand was clenching into fist and slowly raising. But strange enough, a black entity started to cover his entire arm up to his shoulder - and his hand (?) was even bigger than before and even more muscular with some white tainted veins here and there.

Eddie stared at his arm and the trapped creature confusingly back and forth. His mind was clouded with more questions. But, as he could feel the monster was trying to get out, Eddie reflexively hit its head with his huge knuckle and put it into sleep.

It fell down as the tendril and his arm was turning back to normal.

Outstanding! Now let's bite all their heads off and pile them on the corner.

"Why would we do that...?" He looked around at the mess. Stunned.

Pile of bodies...Pile of heads.

Eddie frowned in questionable face. The fact that the voice cheerfully exclaimed inside his head sent a chill running on his spine.

"Mister, how'd you do that?" The boy, looking surprised, questioned the puzzled Eddie.

"I-I dunno..." He shrugged. "Look, kid, we both really have to get out of here fast!"

-An ear-piercing scream came out from the first floor, and it somehow stung Eddie.


"Hey, wait!"

The boy got up from his bed and went out of his room in a second. If Eddie wasn't stunned from the sound, he would have stopped him.

Noticing the unconscious monsters slowly waking up, Eddie hastily went out, passed through the hallway to the stairs. He saw the boy down there stopped in mid-way, shaking as if he didn't know what to do. Once Eddie hurriedly stood by his side, he opened his eyes wide.

Those green monsters were going to rip her dress. She was pinned down and couldn't do anything but screaming for help -


The next horror scenario had struck Eddie to immediately took action before it could happen.

Hearing the rough footsteps from behind him, couple of monsters were chasing after him. Without looking back and grabbing the kid, the black tendril knocked the monsters away from his back and giving them some safe space.

His free left hand stretched out - the long tentacle goo attached onto one of the green monsters at the far right. While moving to a safe spot, he swung his arm to the left, sending every single of those creatures away from the woman.

Eddie stopped and put the kid down around the corner.

"Stay put, okay? Just don't move!"

The poor kid didn't say anything but nodded. That alone, gave Eddie a straight answer. The American turned back to the woman.

I wonder what those green things tasted like...

She was about to be pinned again, however Eddie saved her by dragging her to him using the same black entity. Once she got closer to her son, she quickly embraced him into motherly hug.

Eddie returned his attention forward and anxiety rushed over his entire body.

One, two, three came down from the stairs, five, ten...there were twenty of them in total. All of the monsters were snarling and cautiously took a step towards them.

"U-Uh..." Eddie gulped, and even though it's shaking, his arms stretched to the side in protective manner.

Want to switch?

"What-what are you talking about?"

Let me take the wheel. The voice excitingly said. You will stay at the passenger's seat.

"Haha, that doesn't make any sense at all..." He sarcastically and quietly laughed.

One of them threw an axe and Eddie ducked to the left. The back of his hand latched out a tentacle and grasped the handle of the flying weapon. Instantly, he swayed his arm and throwing its own weapon to its master. Straight up in the head.

Eddie wanted to throw up at the graphic violence he caused. He had to get used to this. These weren't humans; they were bad monsters who deserved to die for attacking them and sexually assaulting the lady of this house.

Yes - They deserved to die.

One of them ran with its dagger and lunged toward Eddie. The same phenomenon happened like his arm - his right leg covered with a large black biomass, the shape made his leg look inhumane. With that, he kicked the charging monster to its chin, killing it instantly.

Seeing this, they changed their tactics by attacking at the same time. Some leaped towards him, some rushed with killing intent.

Eddie tried to defend himself and the family with everything he threw upon the green spawns. If one managed to pass from his side, 'it' tackled them away from Eddie's body. The whole things happened for a while, and some of the opponents are either dead or remaning unconscious.

There were seven more left. Panting, he decided to make a plan for the family to escape. He couldn't do this forever. His body felt sore and he's very tiring.

Still eyeing the monsters, Eddie crouched and whispered behind. "We gotta get out of here."

"B-But, how...?" The woman, who was hugging her scared son, stared at the door. And the monsters were blocking their way. "T-They won't let us go through..."

"Don't worry. I got an idea." Eddie tried so hard to reassure them and not letting his anxiety to best him.

He slowly stood. "Hey, uh, can you help us escape and...do your own thing?"

This would have been much easier if you let me take control!

It sounded very impatient already. But Eddie ignored the meaning behind those words, as both of his palms closing together. When he opened them, black slime linking each hands. It looked like an interwined webs.

"Err, how does it work?!"

As one of them lunged to attack Eddie, it got trapped by the goo and Eddie's hand began to wrap around its neck and snapped - ending its life as the corpse fell.

"Oh, so that's how it is." He could use the slime as a shield, and he looked around his shoulder. "C'mon, I'll clear the way!"

Once the two got up, they began to move around the monsters. Eddie wrapped an attacker before knocking it away to its companions. It was rather easy, as they finally reached the door. Eddie kicked the sofa to the side for the lady to open the door while Eddie's watching their back.

The lady swung the door opened and freedom was in the air.

However - a giant shadow blocking their view.

She looked up, only to see the same disgusting face like the rest of them. The woman and her son were now quivering in horror. And its hand raised high.

Eddie wondered why they took so long and he looked back. Eyes widened at the giant in front of them, and the fact that they were going to be squashed like an ant made him skipped a beat.

-Riddled bodies of the family will haunt him forever.


Without thinking twice, he pulled them back to the house as they skidded on the floor. It was too late to stop it, the incoming fist was hitting his entire body like a train. His body was sent back deeper into the dark side of the house.

He rolled around like a ragdoll before eventually stopped.

What were you thinking!?

Eddie was still alive however, his body don't. His left arm was twisted into abnormal way, and both of his leg were fractured alongside his neck and spine. The only functional part was his right hand.


He tried to scream, but the only thing he could do was letting out a squawk. It wasn't long for him to understand that his jaw was broken.

"P-Please, don't hurt my child! J-Just take me! Please!"

"M-Mama! Mama!"

The other monsters were regaining their senses and made their way to the family.

The worse of all. He was forced to see the whole event of what's coming to the woman and the boy. He wanted to get there, he wanted to help the citizens from the repulsive pests. He tried to move his body but they wouldn't obey.

None of this would have happened if we just left them.

No, they are good people - they helped us and gave us food. Even a room for me to sleep! They are nice to a pathetic shit like me!

They had done so much for him. But, was this how he repay them? A bad end like this...?

I need to help them! I must help them..!

Eddie's right arm flapping up and down, trying to drag his broken body forward. The terrible monsters already tore the woman dress apart, and the little kid was about to face his doom by a knife on the eye.

They were crying for help. And it fueled Eddie's rage and will to keep moving. Each parts of his limbs were painful to bear.


Soon, a goblin who was cackling smugly turned its face behind. There, it saw Eddie's weak attempt to move, and he was barely moving from his position. The damned creature then produced its dagger from its hip, and dashed towards Eddie.

Once the goblin crouched at Eddie's side, it stared at him pathetically as if taunting him to come at it. There was a fire in Eddie's eyes, and he lifted his hand and grasp the goblin's neck. It playfully jumped backwards and laughed.

...Fine. I will handle this alone!


The goblin slowly stopped laughing and saw Eddie's eyes moving unnaturally, and his arm stopped on the ground flatly. Stunned, the monster leaned in closely to his eyes. It turned black and white, and it repeatedly go on and on.

Was he already dead? Then it'd be a complete waste of time. It was no fun!

The goblin frustratingly kicked his dead body and was about to return back.



Eddie choked its larynx and he glanced the goblin right into its yellow eyes. There was no life in his eyes.

No fear.

No anxiety.

No mercy.

Dark matters appeared all around him - on his hands, legs, chest, everything. It twisted his left broken arm back to its place along with his legs and dislocated jaw as cracking sound could be heard. Every parts of him were forcefully healed in a wrong, atrocius way.

Scared, the goblin stabbed his right black arm to no avail. The blade was hitting a solid material -not as fragile as a human skin - it repeatedly jammed the sharp blade and putting more effort into it. Eventually, the staned dagger snapped into two.

Each time it struggling to free itself, the more strength Eddie put on his hand.

His entire body was now cloaked, and he was gaining more mass. Eddie stood up in a most puppetry way; the black slimes pushed him up from the floor as if working like a foundation for him.

The goblin stared silently in horror at the person who was now very much taller and bigger than before. His black body had faint white veins. The black entity creeping onto his head - his lower jaw and forehead produced and replaced by sharp tooth before closing Eddie's face entirely.

Would a goblin regret his actions? Surely not. They weren't mindless, but they had no sense of moral as they are ferocious monsters who kill men and steal women into their own plaything and discarded them like a toy. Everything they did was just for fun.

Only fate would end their wicked life.

And today?

The hammer has dropped.

It had no nose, lips, hair nor ears. Those wide irregular needle-sharp fangs that looked like it was grinning the whole time.

Today marks the day where he will be judged-

It opened its mouth wide, revealing a red-long prehensile tongue covered with saliva, licking the frightened goblin's head around as if tasting him.

-by the devil.

Out of blue, the black monster mawed his head before it could do anything and blood guishing out everywhere, gaining the attentions from the goblin's friends as they stopped their horrible acts as they instinctively released the family.

They saw another monster out of nowhere eating their own kin's body whole. Its white eyes narrowed into slit.


It could talk like a human being. But the grave voice was nothing like human.

"W-What is that..." She mumbled.

With a tearful voice, the woman shakingly looked around. The goblins were surprisingly scared of it. She immediately took this opportunity to cover herself with what's remaining of her dress and ran toward her trembling son.

"Not half-bad..." The dark creature slowly growled and turning its head to the side towards the gang. "but I like it!"

It was so fast - the monster lunged with its claws stretched out and grabbed an unlucky goblin, before pommeling him into pulp. Satisfied, it ripped his head apart before swallowing it into its stomach.

They fought back for their ownselves just to survive. One leaped onto its back, using a knife and jammed it. However, the giant was unfazed by his attempt.

Sprouting a tentacle from his body, it wrapped on the goblin's leg and pulled him in front. Hanging upside down, he could clearly see the bloodied-sinister grin as it drools. He squirmed to break free, screeching as if begging for any sort of help.

The black monster was absolutely enjoying every moment of it.

It chuckled as it grabbed his head, muffling his scream, and squeezing it like a lemon.

"Puny spawns."

And pouring the essence into its mouth and tongue.

What's left of the goblin was thrown outside like a discarded puppet. Completely horrified, the rest of them flee from the scene. The monster crouched and showed its long tongue.

As if the group excited it more, it pounced and grabbed two by the heads outside, easily created a hole on the wall. Biting one alive, leaving his legs splatting on the green grass, while tossing the other and knocking three goblins down that tried to escape to the forest.

Then, sensing a danger, the black monster stopped a punch coming from the hobgoblin waiting outside all the time. It growled and slowly turning its head, towering him. White eyespots turned into slits as if mocking him..

As the claws closed and penetrating his skin, dark blood pouring out and he howled in pain. Before he could do anything, his fat body fell down as it grabbed him by the leg and started slamming him repeatedly and mercilessly, until the ground painted red.

The ground trembled each time. Miraculously, he was still alive and head spinning. It didn't take a long time for him to eventually died by blood loss or head trauma.

After that, the monster threw him back onto his friends. They were about to got up however, it was too late and they were trapped under the fatty. Trying to claw their way out, they sensed the weight was getting heavier as if a giant rock was placed on top of them, and it tormented them.

The monster stood on the dying hobgoblin's stomach. Letting out its tongue in glee, it raised its foot and began to stomp his gut.






And again.

He coughed out of blood. The goblins below were suffocating and they cried in agony. Their abdomen crushed slowly and painfully. The unbearable weight overwhelmed them, and soon their visions wavered.

One last stomp had ended their wretched lives.

The monster momentarily checked them. A wide permanent grin was always on its face.

The sun slowly rised from the east. There stood a feral monster on a pile of bodies, and it roared to the sky - not of anger nor rage; out of pride to celebrate its victory for the whole world to hear.

The woman and the child had witnessed the brutality of the beast the whole time.

But Eddie, he was inside that thing all along and had a close experience from all the bloody violence of the horrible monstrosity. His body was controlled by something inside him and moving like an animal. Every time it walked, his skeleton felt like melting and stretching in a wrong way.

When it humped back from the bodies onto the soil and crouched, the thing looked around and searching for any goblins lingering around, or 'juicy brain foods' in its dictionary. Eventually, its eyes met both parent and child.


His mother tried to comfort the trembling kid. Both of them were extremely traumatized by this lovecraftian monster.

Eddie couldn't blame them. He didn't know what the hell was going on.

And then - what made him in deep fear was the monster walked towards them. Loud and menacing 'thump'-ing sounds produced on each steps he took.

'No! What are you doing!? Stop! '

Eddie couldn't do anything and just watching helplessly as this thing lowered its head onto the family. With the same grin, it opened its mouth. Eyes shut tied as the woman embraced her terrified son.

"Where is the nearest town?"

She gasped and her shoulders jumped at the demonic voice. Opening her eyes, she almost passed out from the monster's face.

"A...Aa..." Her voice trembled and not a single words coming out of her mouth. But, mustering up her strength, she gulped and pointed to her left.


The monster followed and it saw the road heading straight towards civilization. When it turned back however, she squeaked and unwilling to accept their fate.

But what comes next was unexpected.

"Thank you." and then he raised his head back.

Leaving her stunned from its irritated and loathful comment, it crouched with all fours and rushed its way akin to an animal pouncing towards the town.

"Ma...Did that boogeyman save us...?"

After he said such unexpected words, his mother's eyes rolled back and fainted due to stress.

"Ma? Mama! Wake up!" The kid shook her to no avail. Guess she wouldn't be waking up anytime soon...

In a vast space that none human could enter - where the Gods and Goddesses gambling together to satisfy their desires, [Illusion] smiled sweetly at her decent roll, again.

For the second time today, she had her dice showing her good numbers and her adventurers were able to conquer tough situations. Alas, they returned safe and sound and heading back home with triumphant grins.

It was a marvelous news for her, and she was extremely glad. [Illusion] had a high confidence because of it, and she took her dice again and began to roll.

However - She gasped.

On the board, the numbers were so ugly enough for her to avert her gaze. The same fate happened once again, and this moment will forever happen.

Once the adventurer returned to his home. He, along with his family are doomed to die.

Her shoulders slumped in genuine sadness. If only she had the power to revert time, but Gods and Goddesses don't possess that kind of thing.

Across the board, [Truth] laughed mockingly at her bad luck. Like her, he was a God. A cruel one that is. And now, he was waiting for their misfortune to come thanks to her.

But she already got used to it - being laughed at. If anything, she was more worried about the poor family and not herself.

If only he was around near them...But that one adventurer was on another quest that is so far away. And it was only a matter of a minute for the family to have their last moment.

[Illusion] sighed. No more crying over spoiled milk - the next roll will be-


The two higher deities were in surprised that the parent and the child were still survived after their house were raided. Putting more surprised that the creatures were killed one by one.

By what? Who?

The questions lingered on their head. [Illusion] had experienced this before when every time she did a bad roll onto an adventurer, but when he showed up, he somehow severed the fates of both him and the girl.

They saw a small black tentacle arose and appeared from the board. Turning into a figure of a man coated in black and tainted with veins. The piece then, moved on its own to the town.

Who was this person?

One thing for sure, is that this man wasn't bound by the rules of this world.

Like him, this man isn't bound by wicked fate.

Hello there. I see you made it through here. So! let us talk about Venom. In case you have read read this story, then I can only assume you already have seen the movie. But, I'll put this just for a safe measure:


The movie itself had so many plotholes! One step on the hole and you'll enter the abyss full of questions. Like, why the hell it took some guy to go this place to this place for 6 months!? Why Ann had her laptop opened when Eddie and her were having "fun"? If it opened for a day, then I must ask: WHERE CAN I BUY THAT?

And there's too many to list. The weak parts of the movie either than plotholes are:

1. Carlton Drake. The so-called evil man who had an evil messiah complex with his E-V-I-L ways of saving humanity had a weak motivation.

2. The supporting characters were boring. Except for Stan "The Man" Lee!

3. Sony handled Venom's character was wrong. Venom is called loser in his homeplanet? Like...wtf? They already messed up his origin, and now they messed up by stating Venom is the weakest of his kind? O_o

4. Corny dialogues. Like this for example:

Riot: "VENOM! Get on the ship!"

Venom: "No! I won't let you destroy this planet!"

Riot: "Then dieee!"

*cue guttural noises intensifies and a lot of OOF*

That's like something straight out of Bayformers! And I didn't like that at all.

5. The introduction of the SECRET CHARACTER for the sequel sucks so bad. If Sony don't change Woody's terrible wig in the next movie, I'm gonna cry...*sniff*

And that's probably my whining. There seems to be more that I failed to spot. Now the positive parts are pretty much Tom Hardy's performance, providing voice for the black symbiote, and Venom biting people's head off on screen. Now that's what Venom fans were eager to see. I had no problems with the CGIs, and the action scenes are good. Tom did a great job.

The great: This Venom is actually better than Topher Grace's Venom (dude, where's your tongue?). And I honestly enjoyed Venom rampaging in the big screen. Overall, the movie is solid 6/10 from me.

End of rant!

Now onto Goblin Slayer: Oof, the past controversy, which still lingers around the community until now. All I say is that I can't blame people who went in blindly because I understand, and this Goblin Slayer belongs to the adult box where Berserk and his companions are living. Now, that aside, we should really complain why the hell are they changing GS into CG in some scenes? Jesus, it reminded me of Berserk 2017...

Anyways! After seeing Venom and Goblin Slayer, I had a terrible, worthless idea of putting Eddie into GS - which what I thought it'd be cool but in reality, it isn't. Whatever, this is Fanfiction! Crazy stuffs happen on this site! XP

Oh, the rest of my story? Don't worry. The documents are safe with me, I just need to reread them up. Speaking of that, it made me stressed that I used too many wrong words and almost got me down. "Almost". I don't know why, but it just did...

Wanna see the continuation? Be sure to leave a REVIEW to bring my motivation up and running. Cuz that is all I need and nothing else - other than my phone and laptop.

P.S. I have suffered into a new hell. There was no turning back on Granblue Fanfasy now...

P.S.S. Jeanne had joined my crew today. She's all I need...