Hello. This story is about Gordon Tracy's hydrofoil crash during his W.A.S.P days. This story is written all from Gordon's perspective. I hope you enjoy !

I do not own the Thunderbirds, I am making no profit from this story.

I could not believe it, I Gordon Tracy the first W.A.S.P pilot to test the new hydrofoil craft. Created by William Bennett, this magnificent boat is the first in the world to reach a groundbreaking top speed of 400 knots. "Alright Tracy, stop daydreaming."

"Yes Sargent." I replied. "I am bringing vessel too top speed." The boat glided like a dream across the water, only having the occasional movement of the hull lifting out of the water to allow more speed.

"Greeting Mr Tracy, it's William Bennett here. Just checking on how she is doing ?" I reached forward in the tight spaced craft and pressed the com switch.

"Like a beaut, Sir."

My Sargent replied back "Be a bit more specific Tracy. Stop sounding like you're desperate to buy it and give us a proper report."

I chuckled. "Yes Mam." I coughed to clear my throat. "Well Mr Bennett, before I was rudely interrupted."

"Funny, Tracy." Spoke the Sargent.

"And again Mam. Give me a break will you. So, anyway the boat is performing well. All system checks seem to be in order, the boat is gliding beautifully."

"Perfect." Spoke William. "I assure you that this craft will be a life saver in the nearby future. A vessel to reach anyone, anywhere in no time at all."

The Sargent coughed and said "Well we are very grateful for this opportunity. As one of the leaders of the World Aquanaut and Security Patrol. We pride any craft which protects marine life as well as saving lives around the world." I cut in saying

"Ah, Sargent that was so sentimental. I think I might cry."

"Alright Tracy, get over it." I laughed

"Hey, Mr Bennett It's quite cramped in here. A little space would be nice, I can only just move my arms."

"Well, Mr Tracy. To reach the boats full capacity speed I needed the craft to be smaller, less weight to carry." I sighed, but it was a reasonable reason. I looked over to check what speed I was gradually getting too: 200 knots. My Sargent then spoke through the radio com.

"Come on Tracy it's not too bad in there. It was the only reason why you got the opportunity to test the craft in the first place, because of your small structure."

"I'm not that small." I said in defence. "Besides you told me, you picked me because of my unique abilities, and my dedication to the W.A.S.P team." She sighed.

"No, I don't remember that. Although, I did hear you mention that whilst you were sleep talking the other night, so you must have dreamt it."

"I do not sleep talk, Sargent !" I decided to change the subject "I have just reached speed, 220 knots."

William Bennett spoke next "Excellent, how do the controls feel Mr Tracy." I tested the controls by gradually moving the joystick both left and right, the craft eased though both directions and I was pleased to confirm.

"Controls are steady and stable Mr Bennett."

"Perfect Mr Tracy, she really does look like a dream out there." I smiled. The Sargent spoke then

"Right Tracy, we will leave you now. Make sure that you radio in when you reach top speed."

"Yes Mam." I replied, looking over at the speed monitor: 290 knots. There was still a long while to go, however the peace and quiet would be nice for once. I reached over and switched the com switch off and peered out of the window in front of me. The sea looked beautiful though the tiny window. The sun gleamed across the vast ocean and the waves made that wonderful sounding, crash against the boat.

I'm looking forward to return home, and now definitely more excited to tell everyone about testing the hydrofoil craft. I cannot wait to see my brothers. The last time we had been all together was at least 5 months ago during the christmas holiday. I have however, seen Scott a couple of months ago when I took a day off to the visit him at the United States air force. We spent the morning wandering around the aircraft hangar, looking at all the new models he had been flying. After that we visited Virgil at his college, where he took us to the finest cafe in all of Denver. I saw Alan a month ago while I took a short weekend trip back home. It was spring break for Alan and he had just returned home from Wharton Academy. I decided to surprise him and hide in his closet, so when he opened his door I jumped out and scared him. His face was incredible. I scared him silly, just a shame I didn't have a camera with me. John however, I hadn't seen since christmas. We still do the occasional telephone calls, however we never seem to plan a time to properly spend together. John and I never really have anything in common, he like space and I like the ocean, but out of all my brothers I get along with him the most. He is always there for me when I'm down and he knows what to say to make me laugh. I really miss John and next week I'll be able to see him again. This time though I think that we are going to have to make a commitment to each other to spend more time together.

Moving away from my thoughts I look over at the speed monitor: 350 knots, I was almost there. I had sweat forming on my brow and whipped it off using the back of my hand, since when did it get so hot in here. I looked to the controls in front of me and saw an illuminating red button marked; air conditioning, that cannot be good, I thought and decided to radio com the Sargent and William Bennett.

"Tracy !" Spoke the Sargent "Reached top speed yet ?"

"No Sargent, there seems to be a problem with the air conditioning system."

"Getting a bit hot and bothered are you ?" the Sargent replied "Don't worry I'll inform Mr Bennett as soon as he returns from the restroom. You will probably just have to wait it out until you reach top speed."

"Copy that" I replied, shuffling uncomfortably in my seat as my sweaty uniform began to stick to the chair. I switched the com switch off and all of a sudden the boat jerked forward. My head bashed against the headrest of my seat, which cause a sudden headache to brew. I carried on pushing the joystick forward, I guess the craft would be alright once I reach top speed.

Speed monitor now read 370 knots. William Bennett now spoke through the com.

"What's going on Mr Tracy ?" I swallowed the lump forming in my throat.

"The air conditioning system seems to be down sir. Speed now 372 knots." The boat then jerked again, but now a loud bang echoed through the vessel.

"What was that noise Tracy ?" Now spoke the concerned Sargent. The sudden noise deafened my hearing, I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest. Sweat now ran freely down my face, my hand shook as panic began to take over.

"I..I ddon't kknow." I stuttered

"Tracy!" William Bennett exclaimed "The engine has blown, stop the boat and we will come and get you!" I looked over to the speed monitor trying to process any sense of thought: 400 knots, I finally made it. The boat jerked again which caused me to lose my grip on the joystick. I grabbed for it, and pulled it towards my chest.

"Gordon, slow down !" Shrieked the Sargent.

"I'm trying !" I shouted. However, I looked over at the speed monitor and was surprised that it was still staying at 400 knots. I continued to pull the joystick, ignoring the slippery texture my sweaty hands were producing. "Breaks are unresponsive." I panicked. I was having a full blown panic attack. I don't know what to do. My Sargent then mumbled.

"Gordon. Brace for impact." Adrenaline overwhelming me, I pulled off my safety harness and stood up to look out of the tiny window. But before I could process the view of impact the boat jerked again. I tumbled falling into the control panel, I cried out out in agony as pain formed around my stomach. I heard glass smash above me and felt sharp stings of glass falling onto my head, I quickly pulled my arms over my head to protect myself. The vessel groaned loudly following by a crash of the ferocious waves of water, pouring in. Water became slippery under my shoes, I stumbled back, hopefully reaching my chair, but slipped. I was falling, I could not stop. Then pain, my back. I heard the crack as my back hit something hard. Screaming now, wanting this nightmare to end, breathing is now more difficult, controlling it was out of the question. The once, beautiful ocean was now my suffering, it is strangling me, I coughed trying to stop the water from entering my lungs. I'm drowning, I'm actually drowning.

The End of Chapter 1.