Whumptomber is here! 31 days of hurting characters WOOO!

I'll be writing Almost Human Season Two this November for Nano Wrimo. So! This list of prompts is what I am using warm-ups :D.

Some of the ficlets are connected, some are not.

Sadly ffnet doesn't let me tag more than two for a crossover. This is star trek aos/doom/almost human/maybe the boys.

Day One: Stabbed

"Shit!" John cursed, stumbling into an alley. He put his hand on his stomach and felt more pain shock him up his side. There was blood on his hand when he pulled it away.

He looked back out towards the street but the perp was most likely already gone. He went to get his phone out of his pocket to call Dorian when more pain shot up his side. He removed his hand again, stilling as he saw the blood.

Wait-He shouldn't be bleeding.

He tenderly lifted his shirt, revealing a bleeding stab wound.

He should be healed already.


He bit his lip to stop himself from screaming as he took out his phone and dialed. He put the phone up to his ear.

"Please pick up, pick up, please pick up," he chanted to himself, trying to psych himself out.


"Dorian! My location. Now," John growled, clutching his side harder. So much pain.

"On my way."

He barely heard Dorian's response through the ringing of his ears. Instead of hanging up, he crushed the phone in his hand, causing it to burst in a shower of glass. He gritted his teeth and did his best to breath through the pain.

"John? Where are-John!" Dorian rushed to John's side, looking him up and down. "You seem to have bits of shrapnel in your side. I'll get an ambulance to take you-"

"No! No hospitals!"

"But John, you're wounded and you are bleeding out, we nee-"

"Hospitals can't help me! Just get me in the car and take me to Rudy's! Now damn it!"

"I don't advi-"

"I don't give a shit about your advises, just get me in the fuckin car!"

Dorian heaved John into his arms. One arm under his knees and the other behind his shoulders. John's blood started to seep into Dorian's shirt. Dorian's internal systems were screaming at him to take John to the hospital. Red codes blaring in his cortex were hard to ignore as he loaded John into the passenger seat.