Chapter One




"Ana, we are really going to miss you here – you are one of the best employees we have ever had, please accept this as a token of our appreciation." Mr. Steele says handing her an envelope.

"Oh, Mr. Stee…I mean Ray, you have already done so much to help me during my studies, truly this is not necessary…"

"Nonsense…" Ray remarks interrupting what he has come to know as Ana's genuine modesty.

Four years ago it had been his sister Caroline who convinced him to hire the then teenaged college student to work part-time, his past experience had taught him that college students were flighty and unreliable, but he had never been more pleasantly surprised, especially considering the disaster that was his brother's kid Paul, Ana was exceptional. She never once called out for a shift, often taking extra hours when they were shorthanded or when school was on break. Unlike other students who opted for beach trips, Ana used school breaks to pick up extra hours and learn more about the nuts and bolts of the business. She was a quick study who became a valuable team member, assisting with digitizing the store's inventory and cleaning up other processes which made them more efficient. She even helped to develop an accounting program for Steele Hardware and helped him market it for sale to Intuit for a tidy sum – that was why he was handing her a check for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, with a note imploring her not to insult him by refusing to cash it. He knew that would do the trick because Ana was nothing if not polite, and she would never want to deliberately insult anyone.

"Thank you Ray." Ana finally acquiesced taking the envelope.

Ana had known that Ray was not keen on hiring her to work while she attended WSU – she could only imagine what his previous forays into the world of student part-timers had been like, heck, his own nephew Paul had been such a disappointment, who could blame the man. She worked hard to make herself a valued team member, because not only did she like the work, she really needed the money the part time work provided her.

Unlike her friend and future roommate, Kate Kavanaugh, she did not have unlimited funds as she was raised by a single mother, and though her mother was completely devoted to her and her education, having saved religiously since the day she was born, capable of paying her tuition fees not covered by her numerous scholarships, Ana felt it was her responsibility to contribute by making money to pay for her books and incidentals like gas for her car, school supplies and clothes. She also managed to put away money every year for a rainy day – it always seemed to be raining in Washington.

Ana's father had died the day after she was born – Ana remembered her mother's attempts to hide her sadness when she was little and would ask questions about her daddy – after all, her friends all had daddies. Frank Lambert, though still very young had provided for his wife and daughter, shortly after his death Carla learned that there were four life insurances polices totaling four hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Carla used those monies to purchase a modest home in Vancouver, paying cash, ensuring that Ana would always have a home and would be raised in a middle class neighborhood situated in one of the best school districts in the state. She placed the remaining money in high yield certificates of deposit, and an interest bearing money market account so that in spite of the absence of another household income or child support, Ana would have to want for nothing. In addition to Carla's salary as a legal secretary and subsequent promotion to supervisory legal secretary the monies insured that Ana had access to all of the same advantages as her peers, such as quality daycare early on, modern dance and piano lessons, school trips and mathletes, she was able to buy her a decent car when the time came to get to and from campus as she spent her four year tenure at WSU living with her mom at home. It was much more practical for her to commute to campus, it made no sense for her to pay boarding when they lived just fifteen minutes away.

Ana worried that her mom, who had dedicated her entire life to raising her and making sure she had everything she needed and most of her wants, would be all alone. With her new life in Seattle, Ana would for the first time in her life, live on her own and away from her mom for long periods of time. Carla had prepared for this, Ana, not so much. After her father's passing, Carla had been singularly focused and never even had so much as one date. At first it was because she was heartbroken over Frank's passing, ultimately she never met anyone with whom she felt a connection, in spite of a considerable amount of interest in her. Admittedly she really never put herself out there and she had no regrets – believing whatever is meant to be would be.

Ana decided early on she wanted to be a forensic accountant, there was something about the balance of numbers that called to her, making things add up gave her a real sense of accomplishment. Because of her aptitude for numbers she was heavily recruited by several large firms. Ana had chosen to work for GEH because she had been impressed by the philanthropic reputation of its CEO. She and Kate had briefly fallen out because Ana refused to use her leverage as a highly sought after accounting phenom to secure her an interview of the CEO. Kate was seriously the most spoiled rotten person she had ever encountered, and though they were friends, she had no doubt that Kate felt said friendship entitled her to whatever her heart desired, she was after all the Kate Kavanaugh. That little kerfuffle may have been the raindrop that started the ripple, but Ana held the idea of scorched earth where Kate was concerned in abeyance, for now.



"To Ana!"

She was jerked from her reverie by the celebration she found herself in the midst of.

Ana blushed from all of the attention.

"Ana, sweetheart. Sorry I'm late." Carla whispered to her rushing in.

Carla had been invited to her daughter's going away luncheon by Caroline, whom she had met a few years back when she and Ana had been grocery shopping. She and Caroline became friends, sometimes attending craft fairs or chick flicks. Caroline was divorced and her son Martin was around the same age as Ana, but attended college out of state.

"Hey Mom!" Ana hugged her mom tightly, thrilled by her surprise attendance at her going away soiree.

"I wouldn't have missed this for the world, a little birdie told me about the party." She stated winking in Caroline's direction.

"Let me introduce you to Ray Mom."

Ana couldn't help but notice that Ray had not stopped staring at her mom – who was beautiful, but very understated, she was much more mom than glam.

"It's nice to finally meet you Mrs. Lambert, Ana and Caroline talk about you so much I feel as though we've already met."

"It's Carla, please. Very nice to meet you as well Mr. Steele, my daughter believes you walk on water."

"Now, if I call you Carla you must call me Ray. Ana is one of the best employees Steele's has ever had. We are sorry to be losing her."

Caroline had been trying to get Ray and Carla together for three years, but that Carla was a tough one to back into a corner, and with her brother working almost every day at the store, it was an exercise in futility, but THIS, this event Carla could not miss and she made sure to lay on the guilt so thick she could scrape it off with a putty knife. Talking her into taking the afternoon off had been easier than she thought, and Carla was happy to oblige – for Ana of course.

Ray's ex-wife had run off with another soldier while Ray was fighting for his country during the Gulf war and he vowed never to marry again. Over the years he had dated some, but had sworn off settling down, his trust had been destroyed. He threw himself into his work and only really took time out for his other love, carpentry. Ray had built a beautiful home on land he and Caroline inherited – he called it his life's work and was very happy when Caroline and Martin moved in after her divorce.



Ana pulled into the garage at Grey House, she had been in Seattle for two weeks, she and Kate had settled into their new apartment in the Kiara – a beautifully appointed apartment building in downtown Seattle near her work. Ana never dreamed she could afford to live in a building like this, especially right out of college, but with Kate splitting the bill, she now lived in one of the most secure, gorgeous high rises in the Seattle area. One day she would own her own home, it would be her dream come true.

"Anastasia Lambert, here to see Ms. Fraiser." She stated confidently, much more confident than she felt in fact. Inside she felt as though she was playing dress up in her smart new duds from Ann Taylor accented by her new, gently used Jimmy Choo pumps she purchased on Tradsey.

"Sure Ms. Lambert, here is your temporary ID badge, please take the elevator to the twelfth floor, the receptionist there will direct you further."

"Thank you."

Ana would feel completely unnerved if it were not for the fact that GEH had recruited her, she had been heavily recruited by many employers at the recommendation of her professors and advisors with corporate connections, having a 4.0 GPA, being a CPA and class valedictorian had its benefits.

"Oh, I am so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

Ana said in apology to the impeccably dressed young man she'd practically run over while staring at her temporary ID badge.

"No problem." He responded as they entered the elevator.

"What floor?"

"Twelve please, I'm headed to HR, my first day." She beamed.

Ana could slap herself for the overshare. She was caught off guard by the gorgeous man in front of her, generally this is the type of guy who fawned all over Kate and failed to even notice her.

"Oh? What department?"

"I will be reporting to Mr. Roach the accounting director."

"I see, Roach is a good man."

"That's good to know, I only met with him briefly during my panel review a month or so ago."

Before long the smooth elevator ride came to an end, and she had to leave her hunky co-worker behind, she noticed he had punched the button for the twentieth floor, figuring their paths would rarely cross.

"Well, have a good first day, Ms….?"

"Oh, Lambert, Anastasia Lambert. Thank you, you have a good day as well." Ana said stepping from the elevator, glancing back to smile at her own McDreamy as the doors closed.

Good lord, I hope everyone here is that nice she thought as she approached reception.



"Alex, I need you to get me a background check on a new employee, dig deep."

"Yes sir."

"Her name is Anastasia Lambert."

"Yes sir."

Alex Welch is worth his weight in gold. Christian knew he would leave no stone unturned. He had resisted the urge all morning to request the background check, in all honesty he had no idea why he felt compelled to do so, but he had not been able to stop thinking about her, maybe it was the fact that she clearly had no idea who he was. He was intrigued.

Anastasia Rose Lambert

DOB: September 10, 1997

Current Address: 111 Terry Ave N, Seattle, WA, Unit 702

Former Address: 46191 NE 95th Street Vancouver, WA

Mother: Carla Mae Wilkes-Lambert (8/3/77)

Father: Franklin Desmond Lambert (2/11/76 – 9/11/1997)

Education: BS Accounting/Forensic Accounting/CPA

Washington State University

Class Ranking: 1 GPA 4.35 (Statistical) Class Valedictorian

Banking info: Bank of America, Vancouver

Savings Account Balance: $189,000

Checking Account Balance: $22,349

Previous employment: Steele's Hardware, Vancouver, WA (8/20/2014 – 5/30/2018)

Employment: GEH, Assistant Accounting Director, Salary $175,000

Registered Vehicles: 2013 Honda Accord (MGS 219 Washington State Tag) Silver.

Relationships: None found

Christian pored over her recruitment information and found that Anastasia had been heavily recruited, they were lucky to have hired her considering some of the heavy hitters that wanted to snag her – think tanks and the like. Turns out she managed to graduate with a minor in forensic accounting while maintaining a 4.0, while studying to become a CPA an exam for which she sat and passed one week after her college graduation. She did all of this while working part-time at a hardware store.

What is even more amazing, is that she with the help of a few of her fellow college nerds developed accounting software for the hardware store where she worked, and received college credits for that as well. The owner of the store eventually sold an updated version to Intuit, and basically forced Ms. Lambert to take a portion of the profit, he actually did it for her, that's how she came to have just under two hundred thousand dollars in her bank account, to date she only spent a portion to buy her mother a new Mercedes SUV, and a few thousand for a rent deposit and new clothing for her job here.




"Fuck! Yeah just like that, hold still."

"Oh Christian, oh my God."

Suzanne screamed as she came, she had no idea she was in for such a workout tonight – if possible his dick seemed somehow bigger tonight.

"Fuuuuuck!" Christian roared as he came.

He quickly withdrew from Suzanne and rolled onto his back trying to catch his breath. He had never been so hard in all of his life, he had never come so hard either. As soon as he caught his breath the guilt washed over him. He cuddled with Suzanne who had started to doze – but understood what had just happened could not happen again. He could not be that guy.

He was not even sure what happened or why. Instead of his very hot, very flexible girlfriend, it was thoughts of the sweet young thing with whom he had shared an elevator that got his mojo working in overdrive that evening.



"Frustrating business concerns?"

"What?" Christian responded, pulled from a disturbing article about a local publishing house editor who had been jailed after ten of his former assistants came forward with accusations of drugging and rape.

"Last night…you seemed to have a lot on your mind." She purred, tracing her finger on his thigh.

"Is that your way of telling me you enjoyed last night Suzanne?" He said, mildly annoyed by her attempts at seduction, focusing once again on the article. He really wasn't in the mood for post coital performance review. Besides, Mrs. Jones was tidying up from serving their omelets, so right now was hardly an opportune time to discuss his sexual prowess.

"Whatever Christian…" She snapped, moving her hand from his thigh.

"Mercurial much?" She continued, standing to leave.

"What has gotten into you?"

"What has gotten into me is I want a real relationship Christian, I want to talk, I want to know where this is going…"

"Here we go…" It always came down to this. He turned his attention to her now standing frame – irritated that he was now in this place yet again, with yet another woman. Nine months, a new record. He had hoped that someone with Suzanne's sensibilities would have been less emotional, she was an attorney for fuck's sake but alas, he had been wrong.

"What is it that you want from me Suzanne?"

"I want to know you Christian. I want you to talk to me…other than when you're fucking me. The rest of the time I might as well be a fucking statue."

"That language is very unbecoming…" He said dismissively, he knew this was classic avoidance and scapegoating – make it about her behavior, not his – a shitty thing to do to her, but he lacked the energy to handle this emotional display so early in the morning, and before his breakfast had the time to digest even. Deep down he knew that while he liked Suzanne, she like other women he had dated over the last eight years or so were little more than bed warmers and a release for his libido. He was a real bastard and he knew it.

"Yeah? Well fuck you Christian! How's that?"

"I thought fucking me was what you wanted to talk about." He responded with an impassive gaze that exuded an artic coolness. Suzanne knew just as he did that they were over.

With a huff she turned and walked to the elevator and out of his life.

"Would you like another cup of coffee Mr. Grey?"

"Yes, thank you Mrs. Jones."



"Tell Ethan, thanks but no thanks."
"I figured that would be your response, but he did ask me to try. Are you sure you don't want to try again with him?"

"Very." Was Ana's only response.

During her first semester at WSU, she had met Ethan, after Kate insisted she attend a party at her parent's home.

Ana and Ethan had hit it off and went out on a few dates. By the fourth date he had begun to pressure her for sex and she ended it before it got started. She later found out he was seeing someone else the entire time unbeknownst to his sister, and while it stung a bit that she had allowed him to kiss her and feel her up – she was thrilled that she never had sex with him.

Her first time however, had been equally disastrous.


Jose was a friend, who after the first year at WSU had gotten tipsy with Ana one night while she was visiting Kate and they had had sex. Kate had gone to her room and passed out, leaving them alone in her living room, so she never told her it happened, somehow she felt that was best. The experience was painful and quick – and it took another year for Jose to finally get the message that there was no second chance forthcoming. She tried being his friend, but he wanted more and she wasn't ready for the complexities a relationship would bring, that and Jose was entirely too intense, too focused on her and she had goals.



"So, how was your first day at GEH, you think you'll like it there?"

"So far so good, I have been tossed right into the fray. I am directing the departmental audits which will begin this week – I will be working with department heads to determine their needs."

"Have you met boy gorgeous yet?" Kate asks nonchalantly.

"No Kate, I have actually been busy doing my job, they don't pay me to fawn over the CEO."

"And pay you they do! I am so jealous – the kind of money you're being paid is unheard of for someone right out of college."

"You do alright do you not?" I say raising an eyebrow at her. Kate, while working an entry level position at Kavanaugh Media, is technically one of its owners - a multi-billion dollar conglomerate. She could most certainly afford to live here on her own, considering her father pays the majority of the rent and all of Kate's share of the utilities, only because I insisted on paying part of the security deposit and something for rent, no one lives anywhere for free. Kate pays nothing out of her salary and receives a monthly allowance of fifteen thousand dollars from her parents, that Ana has heard her refer to more than once as chump change, in addition to her fifty five thousand dollar per year salary. Her graduation present was a brand new Mercedes E class coupe and her parents provide her with a gas card. She spends all of her money on partying, clothes and booze, not necessarily in that order.

I never talk about money with Kate, she only knows about my salary because she snooped and saw my offer email – I would never, ever tell her about the money from Mr. Steele or all of the money I saved while working there, living at home meant I had very little in the way of expenses so I lived on a very tight budget. One of the main reasons we became roommates – is her father wanted her to live with me, he feels I somehow am a good influence on his daughter. I am no one's babysitter though, she will have to find her own way. If what I have seen this past two weeks is any indication, I may have to modify my Ana buys a townhouse timeline.

With my paying only about fifteen hundred dollars a month for my rent and utilities – I will be able to save a decent amount of money. I have factored in monies for food and clothing, I will need to continue to update my wardrobe, but I will do it slowly, buying a few pieces a month until I have a classic business wardrobe befitting someone in my position. I have a five year plan, and I plan on working the hell out of it – I see myself in that townhouse with an almost forty percent down payment.

One of my first big expenditures will be next summer, when I plan to take my mom on a European vacation, something she has always wanted to do, I want her to have the time of her life, she deserves it so much for all of the sacrifices she's made to make all of my dreams come true.



"Christian, look – I may have overreacted this morning. I just wanted you to know that (sigh) I have developed strong feelings for you and it's hard knowing you're not there too. I never meant to pressure you. Call me."

He had been dreading listening to her message, knowing he would have to deal once again with dreaded closure.

Christian knew he would call her, though she would not be pleased once he did. It was clear that he needed to stop wasting her time, as it was now obvious she wanted much more from the relationship, than he was willing to give her. He was nothing if not generous, he did wining, dining, lavish gifts including designer clothes, jewelry and in one case a new car, he just did not do more.


"Taylor, I am staying inside today, I will head down to the café and grab a sandwich."

"Do you want me to accompany you Sir?"

"No, not necessary, besides, it's after two – the lunch crowd will have long since dissipated. And who are we kidding, the place is wired for sound and video, you can monitor me." He smirked.

He travelled to the fifth floor, there was an atrium there where he liked to sit in the corner that was somewhat obscured where he could not be seen by passersby.

"I will have a curry chicken salad in a spinach wrap and dill pickle spear, and whatever infused water you have today."

"Today is pineapple."

"Very well, thanks."

"Are you dining in today?"


"Your GEH card please."

Christian handed his card over and the cashier slid it through the card reader while he placed a ten dollar bill in the tip jar.

The GEH café uses a no cash, no credit system – employees use their ID cards to scan for meals and drinks and are billed at the end of the month, they can opt to be billed or have the amount payroll deducted. Employees love the café which offers convenience and good, healthy meal choices at a price subsidized by GEH.

Christian heads to his favorite spot, away from the main seating area and as soon as he reaches it is stopped in his tracks.


"Hi there yourself newcomer – it seems you have discovered my hideaway."

"Is there a reason you need to hide, that sounds awfully mischievous."

Christian roars with laughter, he found her beguiling…in a good way.

"No Ms. Lambert, I just like this little nook because it offers time to enjoy quiet without being noticed, people here seem to talk shop all the time. Why are you tucked away over here?"

"Well, I was so busy, I almost forgot about lunch really – I looked up and realized it was almost two and decided to find a place to actually eat the lunch I prepared. They were kind enough to allow me to use one of the microwaves to heat up my pasta. From this vantage point I can see the atrium and still see what's going on around me. Why are you having such a late lunch…um…?"


"Chris." Ana repeats, wondering why the hell she's smiling. "Would you like to join me?"

"Sure." He says taking a seat.

"So, it has been a few days now, how do you feel about the company and your new job?"

"I know I sound like a neophyte, but being here is incredible, I feel as if I made an excellent choice in GEH."

"Choice? What do you mean?" He asked pretending no to know, curious to know why she chose GEH.

"Well I was recruited by a few companies out of college and I chose GEH largely because of the CEO's philosophy on philanthropic work, here and all over the world. I mean I know the company is a for profit entity, but the money they invest in simply feeding people - I, I just wanted to somehow be a part of that."

"I think that's the first time I've ever heard anyone say that about working at GEH."

"Really? That's too bad, how long have you worked here?"

"I've been around for a while now." He remarks effectively brushing off the question.

"So what about your experience with your counterparts, how are you finding that?"

"Boy, you ask very pointed questions Chris. Well, I find most to be dedicated professionals with a true mission towards excellence. It is pretty clear Mr. Grey and his team demand as much. There are some areas where fresh eyes are needed – sometimes when it comes to dealing with numbers people can become stagnant in their methodology, especially when things add up – but there is more to accounting than black and red, there are ways to streamline processes and save money while maximizing resources…"

Ana stopped talking feeling as though she was boring her new friend.

"I have gotten carried away, sorry you are not even eating your wrap."

"No, not at all, I am genuinely interested in hearing what you have to say."

"Well, at any rate it has only been a few days and I love what I have seeing so far."

"How do you like working at GEH?"

"I love it, I cannot imagine being anywhere else."

"Very encouraging. Are you from the area?" They sure didn't grow them like this in Vancouver she thought.

"Yes, Bellevue, what about you?"

"Well I live here now, but I grew up and went to college in Vancouver, my mom still lives there."

"So, it's just the two of you?"

"Yes, the two Muskateers. My father was killed in a car accident when I was a baby and my mom never remarried." For the life of her Ana couldn't understand what it was about him that made her spill her guts every time she saw him.

"Does your family still live in Bellevue?" She asked desperate to stop talking about herself.

"Yes, my mother and father are still there in the house I grew up in, along with my little sister, who should be moving to the city soon. My older brother owns his own construction company."

"I kinda wished I had a brother or sister – it would have been nice to grow up with a built in best friend." She says smiling.

"Funny you should say that, my brother and sister are my two closest friends. No matter how much I achieve, I am just Chris to them – it keeps me grounded."

Where the fuck did that come from. He had never divulged that kind of personal information, to anyone. Her corresponding smile made it worth every syllable though.

"Welp, I have to get going – I cannot have my boss or the big boss thinking I'm some sort of slacker now can I?" She says adding a giggle that nearly stops his heart.

"Ms. Lambert, we certainly cannot have them thinking that."

"Ana, please."


"Later Chris."




His conversation with Suzanne had been the most excruciating closure discussion he'd had thus far. He really liked Suzanne, but he saw no future with her, he had not bothered to spend energy really getting to know her. He felt bad, only because she felt hurt, but not because he would miss her – there was nothing that distinguished her from past girlfriends, perhaps there was nothing that distinguished him – he had never tried for more.


"Hello Mr. Grey, this is a surprise."

Don't worry dude, you're doing a great job, I need to pick your brain.

"I understand you are currently in the midst of an audit, anything I should be made aware of?"

"Well, no. Ms. Lambert is highly competent and poised. Everything is running like clockwork."

That's my girl. Where the hell did that thought come from!?

"I would like to have the findings of the audit presented at the department heads meeting on Wednesday, I understand that the audit will be complete by then, yes?"

"You are correct sir, if not before, Ms. Lambert has been powering through the analysis at a rate that will make that target date feasible."

"Excellent, I would like for Ms. Lambert to present the findings."

"Yes sir." Roach responds after a beat.

"Thank you." He disconnects the call.



"Ana, you promised we would go out this weekend and shake our freshly college minted asses." Kate whined in an exasperated tone.

"Well, that was before I was informed that I would be presenting the findings of the departmental audit at the department heads meeting next Wednesday, so I am going to be working over the weekend."

"How are things going at work?"

"You mean do I know how to make a latte or research sources? Yeah I know how to do that." She states rolling her eyes.

"You have to show them what you're made of Kate, you have to use this time as an assistant to make a name for yourself, you have to prove your value by showing them how capable you are, I know you can do it. You were the first freshman editor of the WSU Standard…ever. You got this!" Ana says hoping to encourage her friend, Kate has a tendency to expect things to come easy to her, the truth of the matter is that everyone knew she was Eamon Kavanaugh's daughter and felt she would be a natural when the former editor graduated, though she did an excellent job, it was not exactly a merit based appointment – she basically slid into home plate on name recognition alone.

"You're right, I have to step up my game, I need to relax, it has only been a couple of days after all."

"Exactly." Though if she had bothered to intern at Kavanaugh Media instead of jetting off to the Caribbean or whatever jaunt she deemed more important than preparing for her career she might have a handle on this right now, truth is I could care less that Kate chose to party and not prepare, no judgment there, I have a problem with her whining about getting coffee and doing research when it's literally all she has prepared herself for professionally.

"It's going to take years for me to make my mark, but whatever. That smells great, what are you cooking for dinner?" …aaaand we're back, attention span of a toddler.

"Just spaghetti."

"Oh yum, smells soooo good – yell when it's done, I need to call Stacie, she promised to get me front row for Dolce and Gabbana during fashion week."

"Sure thing." Yep. Deep as a puddle.



Christian watched as Ana pulled into a parking space near the garage exit in a well-lit area near the security booth. Good girl. He hurried down to reception which is manned by security officers on the weekends. Just as he fake signs in getting a raised eyebrow from Joe the weekend daytime watch guy, he hears the ding of the elevator.

He turns to find a surprised Ana heading towards the desk to sign in.

"Chris? Hey!"

"Hey Ana."

"What are you doing here on a Saturday?"

"I have some work I want to get on top of, what about you?" What I'd like to get on top of is you little lady. Stop it Grey, you do not shit where you eat!

"Well, I have a report to present at the heads of department meeting on Wednesday, I'm a bit nervous, so I just need to get my bearings – I want our department to come across as professional, competent and dedicated. And there I go again."

"No, really you are fine. From what you told me over lunch the other day – you have confidence in your team yes?"

"I do."

"Trust your instincts, you will do well. Grey can be intimidating – but he doesn't bite." Not unless you want me to baby.

"You've met him?!" She asks incredulously.


"Well, what did you think? I mean the women in our department are all in love with him while the men seem terrified of him." She remarks with a giggle that warms my non-existent heart.

"He is direct – no nonsense I appreciate that in an ogre."

"A man who does so much for poor people is no ogre, he strikes me as a very caring person."

He willed himself to stop looking at her lips.

"Sounds like you did your research, what exactly did you read?"

"Well, I'm sure you know about GEH's farming initiatives – he is a doer and not a talker – I read extensively about his infusing resources into the farming communities in northern California during recent droughts, including personnel, equipment and education on sustainable technologies. That takes dedication, thoughtful research and a level of care not to just throw money at a thing…annnd I'm doing it again."

"No, no you will find that I appreciate people who are both well-read and passionate." He noticed her slight blush at the compliment, a gorgeous hint of pink. Beautiful modesty.

"Well I'm going to head upstairs and get started – I will only be here a few hours today and tomorrow."

"Would you like to meet in the atrium for lunch? Around one?"

"Sure, I brought a sandwich. I will see you then."



Christian had lunch with Ana both Saturday and Sunday, he had never met anyone like her.

He spent both days listening to her talk about everything from synergy in numerical systems to finding bargains utilizing online thrift stores. She was so open, wise and fearless, Ana was authentically Ana and he was in awe of her. It struck a bit of fear within him, this thing that caused him to be drawn to her –he worried that come Wednesday she could very well be angered by his omission. He shrugged off the notion of angering her after all the loss of friends is just sometimes the cost of doing business, at least that's what he told himself.



"Ana, did you camp out here over the weekend?" Roach remarked staring at the preliminary document Ana handed him.

"I know it seems voluminous at first glance, but honestly the matrix I used did all of the work for us – the input took hours, not days, I honestly only spent a few hours here each day. The truth of the matter is that the input I received from the various departments was concise, making the final analysis less taxing – no pun intended."

"Well, Grey will be pleased by this for sure – have you begun work on your presentation?"

"I have, I should have a draft for you to peruse before I leave today, that will give us all of tomorrow and Wednesday morning for necessary tweaks."

"Good deal, and if this report is any indication, you will do just fine. Grey appreciates hard work and professionalism – so no worries."



Ana had chosen a gray pencil skirt with a lavender cashmere twinset and black pumps, Ana wanted to be stylishly corporate, but taken seriously – not looking as though she is playing dress up.

For the first time since arriving at GEH, Ana had travelled to the twentieth floor and was ushered, along with her assistant Hannah to the executive conference room, where they loaded her presentation and placed the corresponding documentation at each seat for the attendees.

Ana ignored her sweaty palms, hell, she has been introduced to everyone who would be in attendance at this morning's meeting – everyone that is with the exception of the elusive Mr. Grey. To her chagrin, she was well versed in his philosophy, his philanthropy, his history with GEH, but absolutely nothing about the man himself – in the time since her interview she never even Googled him personally – every search she conducted was about him in association with GEH. None of it really mattered she thought – in all likelihood she would see him from a distance at best two to three times a year.

At about five minutes before the start of the meeting the department heads file in, she had heard Mr. Grey abhorred tardiness. She chatted with Mr. Roach and the other attendees, including Ms. Bailey, when she noticed a quiet unease amongst the attendees, an involuntary straightening up of sorts, without even turning to look in that direction she understood that the man himself had just stepped into the conference room at eleven sharp.

Ana steeled herself and turned to greet her boss's, bosses' boss.

What tha…

A/N: Please let me know your thoughts.