I don't own Twilight. No copyright intended.

Chapter 2

Trinity POV

"Come Trinity, Audrey. Aro is ready to see you," Alec said. I nodded and let him pull me from the room. Thankfully, Jane picked Audrey up and carried her to Aro's study.

Knock, knock.

Alec knocked on the door to Aro's study and opened the door. One by one, Jane, Alec, Audrey and I filtered in. My sister and I sat in the chairs situated in front of the desk. Alec stood next to me and Jane stood next to Audrey.

"Ah, Alec, Jane, Trinity and Audrey," Aro greeted. "How are you?"

"I am well. Audrey is anxious though," I replied.

"Really? It's alright young one, no one here will hurt you," he said. Audrey's nerves settled a bit, but she stayed alert, especially after earlier.

"It's not that. I'm just slightly afraid for Trinity. When she is angry or annoyed, she can get violent," Audrey said quietly. I knew this, Audrey is a compassionate person. She knows when I need something, and what I need too.

"Okay, you said earlier something about not letting the sun hit your skin. Can you explain why?" he asked, curiously.

"We are allergic to the sun. Basically, if the sun touches our skin we have a violent reaction and we feel like we're being burned," I said. "Would you like to see if your gift will work on me?" I asked, holding my hand out.

"Of course. Why wouldn't it?" he asked.

"I have a very strong mental shield, even stronger than Bella's. I can control it completely. Audrey has a weak mental shield, but I personally think she has a physical shield," I explained. Aro nodded and took my offered hand. His eyes slid closed as he tried reading my mind. "I'll take it down now," I said. I took it down and ran all my memories through my mind. Different emotions flitted across his face as he invaded my mind. Ranging from shock to anger before settling in a calm mask.

I didn't notice I was crying silently until Alec wrapped his arms round me and wiped my tears away. Audrey was also crying, and Jane was comforting her. No one knew, but Audrey and I had a special bond that allowed us to feel each other's emotions and have a mental conversation. She had listened to my memories along with Aro and was feeling my sadness, causing her to cry.

"Are you okay?" Alec asked. I nodded my head.

"Yeah, just some of the memories are hard to remember," I answered. "Audrey can feel my emotions and listen to my thoughts due a special link we share. Nobody, apart from the people in here, knows about it. Not even Bella," I said, looking over to my sister. He nodded but kept his arms round me. Surprisingly, I didn't want to move.

"Will you join the Volturi?" Aro asked suddenly, jerking me from my thoughts. I looked to my sister, as she looked at me also. She nodded, and I answered for us.

"We will. But can we request going back home to tie up loose ends?" I asked. "We can also monitor the Cullens for you if you wish."

"You may. But in at most three years, you must come back here, and we will change you," Aro said, holding out his hand. I clasped my hand with his and shook it.

"Deal," I concluded.

"Alright, you may leave now then," he said.

"But you told the Cullens and my older sister they couldn't leave until dark," I said.

"Yes, but you can take our private plane home if you wish," Aro offered. I nodded.

"Thank you," I said sincerely. We stood and exited the room. Jane picked Audrey up and Alec, carefully because of my broken arm, picked me up bridal style and they sprinted to the garage.

When we reached the garage, Alec unlocked a Ferrari and we all climbed in, Alec driving, me in the passenger, and Jane and Audrey in the back seats.

After a 30-minute drive, we arrived at the airport and we walked onto the plane. When we were in the air, before I fell asleep, I called Charlie, telling him a tale about how one of my friends had died and I was at their funeral. It wasn't true of course, but it would explain Audrey and I's three-day absence.

I spent half of the journey sleeping on Alec's shoulder. Sometimes I would wake to check on Audrey. The second time I did this, Alec pulled me onto his lap and I curled into him and drifted off once more, melting into his touch. By the time the plane landed, the four of us had formed a very strong friendship and I knew I loved Alec. We got off the plane and Alec and Jane picked us up and ran through the forest and towards our house. Before we broke through the treeline, Alec put me down and hugged me gently.

"I'll miss you," I whispered. I gave them my number. "I'll call whenever I can, okay?" I said. They nodded. I gave Jane a tight hug and then embraced Alec tightly. After Audrey hugged Jane and Alec goodbye, we waved and then I picked Audrey up and gave her a piggyback ride home.

When I opened the door, Charlie came rushing in, speaking as he walked in.

"Bella?" he asked. He stopped when he saw us. "Trinity, Audrey. Where were you two?"

"In Italy. One of my friends died in a car crash and we were at their funeral," I said.

"Oh, well, I hope you're both okay," he said, seeming slightly sadder. That was what I hated about Charlie, he preferred Bella. Its always Bella. I try telling myself it's not true but always lurking in the back of my mind, I knew he didn't really care, not many people did. I knew, Audrey knew.

"I'm going for a shower and to put Audrey to sleep," I said, gently pulling Audrey towards the stairs. "Come, sister."

I pulled Audrey up the stairs and she got dressed into a nightgown, while I showered. I laid her on the bed and sang her favourite song to her, rhythmically stroking her hair, soothing her. She fell asleep curled up next to me. I closed my eyes and drifted into a light sleep.

I was woken suddenly by a loud bang. I jerked up and saw Audrey was already awake. I looked through the window and saw Charlie screaming at Bella and Edward. I rolled my eyes before going over to our shared closet. I picked Audrey an outfit. I gave her a pair of black leggings and a purple tank top with a black hoodie. I put on a pair of dark-washed skinny jeans and a blue halter neck top, wearing my denim jacket on over the top. I slowly walked downstairs, my sister following.

I dropped onto the couch and turned the TV on quietly. We sat and watched it, ignoring Bella and Charlie when they came into the room. After a few hours, Bella and her boyfriend came downstairs, almost silently, and into the living room where we were sat. Bella stood in front of the telly, blocking our view.

"Trinity, come on. Leave Audrey here, you are coming with us," Bella said.

"And where is it I am going that Audrey cannot come?" I asked, fake sweetness leaking into my voice.

"My house," Edward said, frowning. He obviously didn't agree with what they had discussed upstairs. I rolled my eyes.

"I will come but if you really think Audrey won't find a way to get there, then you are stupid. She is coming whether you want or not," I said getting up.

"Fine, let's go then," Bella said. Edward nodded and picked me up in his arms, waiting for me to pull Audrey onto my lap and Bella to get on his back, before running to his house.

When we arrived the first thing Bella did, Bella being Bella, she fell. Edward dropped us, and I hissed venomously at him. Audrey glared at him murderously, I knew that if he wasn't a vampire, Audrey would have jumped at him and hit him profusely.

"Ouch," I said sarcastically. He glanced at me before rolling his eyes and looking back to Bella. "Oh, I totally accept your apology Edward, don't worry about it," I said, sarcasm dripping heavily from each word I spoke. Before he could say anything, a blonde vampire walked outside, a brunette just a step behind him.

"Bella!" the brunette said, her eyes clouding over as she tried not to cry. I rolled my eyes.

"Esme!" Bella cried, launching herself into her arms. Okay I was officially annoyed, luckily, Jasper couldn't feel my emotions. "Carlisle!" Bella said, tears clouding her eyes as she hugged the blonde vampire tightly.

"Noting the late hour, I guess this isn't purely a social visit, Bella. Shall we take this inside?" Esme said, leading us all into the dining room, a room they probably didn't use often.

While they all sat down, I walked over to the wall, standing there with Audrey on my hip. She snuggled her face into my neck and started drifting off, I nudged her awake but didn't make her move or turn to face the Cullens. I tightened my hold on my sister slightly as the rest of the Cullens filed into the room and sat down at the table. Watching silently, I noticed Bella sat but Edward continued to stand, standing next to her chair, his hand on her shoulder.

"Well, Bella. Would you like to say what you called this for?" Carlisle said.

"Well, the Volturi have said that I have to be changed within a year or they will kill all of you, including my birth family," Bella said. I snorted almost silently, but Bella continued, not hearing me. "I wanted to vote on my immortality." I laughed at this, ignoring the looks I received from everyone except Audrey, she knew what I was thinking.

"Who are you?" Esme asked.

"Oh, so now you notice us. Thanks," I said, sarcastically. She ignored my remark and kept a questioning look on her face. I could tell she didn't care about us either. I rolled my eyes. "I am Trinity, this is Audrey. We are Bella's half-sisters," I said.

"What was so funny Trinity?" Carlisle asked.

"I will answer when you tell me everybody's names. Or I will keep calling everyone by their nicknames I have in my head," I replied, sharply.

"What are you calling them in your head then, Trinity?" Bella asked. I rolled my eyes.

"That is over-energetic pixie, Doucheward, Blondie and that was as far as I got," I responded, pointing to Alice first, then Edward, then the tall blonde female. Audrey giggled as I said them, nodding her head in agreement. Carlisle cleared his throat.

"Well, yes. This is Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Alice, Edward and Esme," Carlisle said. I looked at them all as they were introduced. First was Rosalie, she was pretty but personally, I think Jane is prettier. Audrey, who read that thought, laughed and nodded furiously in agreement. Second was a buff male who had lots of muscle, reminding me of Felix. I laughed at the thought. Next was a honey blonde who had a slightly pained looked on his face. I had met Alice before. I glared at her quickly, the others not noticing. I knew Edward's name and Esme's from outside. I knew Carlisle from the hospital.

"Well, I was thinking that it was funny how you think that you can vote on Bella's mortality. It is either change her or be killed. It's also not up to you whether she is changed or not that is her choice. You can't run away with her because Demetri would just track you down and then kill you for not changing her," I said. Edward chuckled.

"I was thinking because Bella is a shield, and other vampires' gifts won't work on her, then Demetri won't be able to track her," Doucheward said. I nearly hit him. Audrey felt my growing impatience and hugged me tightly. I calmed down but glared murderously at him. He flinched subtly but Bella didn't notice.

"Trinity! Be nice," she scolded. I just rolled my eyes and walked outside, still holding Audrey in my arms. When we were at the treeline, I stopped and sat on the floor, situating Audrey on my lap, before pulling my phone out. I scrolled down my contact list until I found the right number. I hit dial and put the phone on speaker, so my sister could hear. They picked up on the first ring.

"Hello?" The person on the other end sounded bored.

"Alec," I greeted.

"Trinity. Is Audrey there with you?" he asked. I laughed and replied.

"Yes, are you busy?" I asked.

"Not now, Jane is on guard duty, but she finishes her shift in 10 minutes. Not that I'm happy to talk, but aren't you normally asleep by now?" I laughed.

"Yes, but Bella dragged me to the Cullen house. She decided to vote on her mortality. Personally, I think it's a stupid idea," I said.

"I second that," Audrey said, giggling slightly.

We started talking about lighter subjects and I didn't realise it was nearing dawn.

"I'm really sorry, but we have to go. It's nearing dawn and I don't want to risk getting hit by the sun," I said.

"It's fine. We'll talk soon. I miss you," Alec said.

"I'll miss you too," I heard Jane say.

"I'll miss you more," I said.

"No, I'll miss you the most," Audrey said, a cute pout on her face. I poked her nose.

"Okay you will, but seriously, we need to go," I said, seriousness colouring my tone.

"Talk to you later," Alec said, before hanging up. I slid my phone back into my pocket and we walked back to the Cullens. When we got there, Edward was irritated, and I smirked at him.

"Can you take us home?" I asked, innocently. Edward huffed and shook his head. I sighed, I put Audrey on my back and made sure she was holding on tightly, before running and jumping onto Edward's back when he turned to Bella. "I said, can you take us home?"

Edward huffed again but scooped Bella up into his arms and took off back to our house. He dropped me and Audrey off at our room before proceeding to Bella's. I sighed and changed into black and purple PJ's before helping Audrey into PJ's. I flopped down onto the bed after making sure the curtains were drawn tightly shut, not allowing any sunlight in. Audrey climbed on after me and snuggled into my side. I heard her in my head.


I really miss Jane and Alec.

I know I do too. Do you think Aro will let them come and stay in a house here?

I hope so. I really want to see them. Can you call Jane and ask her to ask Aro is they could come stay?

Of course, I will.

I sat up and grabbed my phone. I turned it on and called Jane, putting it on speaker once more.

"Hello?" she said.

"Hi Jane," I said.

"Oh, hello Trinity, I didn't expect you to call," Jane said. I could faintly hear the surprise in her voice.

"Neither did I but Audrey wanted me to call you. She wants to know if you and Alec can come and stay in Forks while we're here," I said, playing with my sisters' hair.

"Let me ask Aro. I'm sure we'll be allowed to come," Jane said.

"Thanks, text me when you can?" I asked.

"Course," she responded. "I need to go. Bye Trinity, Audrey." I dropped the phone on the bed. I leaned up against the headboard and closed my eyes. Audrey sat in my lap and curled into me. I drifted to sleep peacefully.

When I woke again, it was sunset. Carefully, so as not to wake my little sister, I eased her off my lap, so I could reach my phone. I picked it up and saw I had a few texts. I opened the first one.

Alec and I are just packing, we're allowed to come – Jane

The second was also from Jane but the third was from Alec.

We're just boarding our plane. Alec is looking for houses we can stay in while we are in Forks – Jane

The plane has just landed. I'll text you when we arrive at our house – Alec

I don't know why but whenever I think of Alec I get this fuzzy feeling in my stomach. I know I love him, I just haven't told him. I was happy and couldn't wait until they got here, and we could stay with them. Charlie wouldn't care.

I got up, careful not to wake Audrey, and grabbed some clothes before going to the bathroom. I took a shower, letting the scorching water relax my stiff muscles. I wondered what my scent smelled like. I made a mental note to ask Alec, or Jane.

When I was finished, I turned off the water and climbed out the shower. I dried myself and put on a pair of dark washed skinny jeans and a long-sleeved dark red top with my signature pair of heeled boots and denim jacket. I walked back into my shared room and got the hairdryer out. I plugged it in and started drying my hair. As I did, I heard Audrey go have a shower. After my hair was dry, I brushed it and pulled it into my favourite two French plaits. Once I was ready, I checked my phone again.

The house is ready, and you can come whenever you want. We're both home – Alec

Audrey walked into the room and I sat her down and did our usual routine of me drying and styling her hair. I looked at what she had chosen to wear this time. It was rose patterned black leggings with a red tank top and a black cardigan, with black boots to finish. I nodded in approval.

When I finished, we looked at ourselves in the mirror. Audrey was 4'7", smaller than me. Her red hair I had put up into two French plaits. She was curvier than a 10-year- old should be, but I reckon she got that from mom. I switched my eyes to myself.

I was 5'4". Audrey's red hair was the exact same shade as mine and my hair was also up in two French plaits. My figure was curvy, and I almost always had boys drooling over me. I never dated any of them, I was too busy taking care of myself and Audrey.

I walked downstairs with Audrey, grabbed a pop tart for us each, and took my sister to the car. Alec had texted me the address and I drove there with the radio playing. I sang to most of the songs and before I knew it, we were pulling up to the house. When I parked, Jane and Alec were already at our doors. We got out and they immediately hugged us. I embraced Alec back tightly and hugged Jane just as tightly.

"Come on, we'll show you around," Jane said, taking Audrey's hand and leading her inside. Alec offered his hand out to me and I immediately took it.

"Let's look around, shall we?" I said, a smile playing on my lips. Alec's face lit up with a smile of his own.

"We shall," he replied.