AN: Ok! Here we go! Another day another part of the Apprentice! Jaune's family is back and not all is happy! And things get a bit tense in the Arc family!

"Jaune. It is nice to see you again." Juniper almost hissed at her prodigal son. Jaune glared at his mother as he coughed.

"Mom. I would say that it's nice to see you."

"But an Arc never lies. I'm glad that you still remember that." She glared down at Jaune the lion faunus glaring at her son as-

"Ahem! Hello Miss Arc. My name is Weiss Schnee. I am your sons' partner-

"I know who you are Schnee. How are you enjoying your little pet? Has my son already rolled over for you after you taught him some tricks?" Juniper growled her blue eyes burrowing into Weiss's as Jaune gripped her hand.

"Don't let her get to you."

"If the Schnee is bothered by something like that, then she has no business being a huntress let alone dating my son. Though I doubt you still call yourself that do you Jaune? Or are you still shocked to see your real family?"

"I am shocked that you cared enough to come Juniper." Weiss saw the faunus bristled her arms heaved as the tallest of the sisters a faunus that was next to a brown-skinned human put a baby? In her arms.

"Juniper? Watch your tongue, boy. Just because I might not be seen as your mother does not mean I will hesitate to rip it out of your mouth."

"Well, I'd like to see you try."

"Did you just test-

"Enough! Mom! Jaune it is so good to see you again!" The only sister not in armor smiled she wrapped Jaune up in a bear hug as he coughed.

"Saph!? Not now!" Jaune gagged as Weiss saw his cheeks flush.

"Oh if I can't say hello to my baby brother now then when can I? You made me so fucking worried." She hissed in his ear before turning to Weiss, who bristled before she felt arms wrap around her.

"Thank you for taking such good care of my brother Weiss.' Saph? Said as Weiss was for the first time in a long time taken off foot.

"I... yes?"

"If you ever hurt him they won't find your body K?" She asked as Weiss nodded dumbly.

There's the hostility.

"Saphron! Why are you hugging her!? She is a Schnee!"

"And Terra is a human mother. I don't hate all humans just because of their family." Saphron hissed her jeans strained as a tail opped out of the back of it. A long fluffy tail-

"Hey there! Name's Yang! Yang Xiao-long! Nice to meet you!"

"The fuck are you wearing?" Jaune asked as Yang came in a suit? Yang had a pressed golden suit with a fancy yellow hat on as-

"Who the hell are you?" Juniper asked as Jaune gulped.

"The fuck are you doing?!"

"Meeting your parents!"

"Yang not now!"

"Jaune? Who is that?"

"She's my girlfriend! Yang, Saph-

"AH! You are dating!?"

"Who do you think you are to date my son?" Juniper hissed as-

Don't say the woman fucking your son, don't say-

"I'm fucking your son," Yang said as Junipers jaw dropped.

Dammit. Yang thought as Jaune slapped his face.

"Dammit, Yang," Jaune said as she felt like his worst fears where going to come true.

"Yang! What the hell are you saying!?" Weiss shouted, elbowing the taller girl as she held out a hand dumbstruck to Juniper who looked like she was honestly debating ripping her arm out of her socket before beating her to death with it.

"Jaune? This is your girlfriend?" Saph asked curiosity in her eyes.

"Yeah? Why?"

"Um... she kinda looks..."

"She looks?"

"Like all of your sisters." Saph finished as Jaune gagged.

"I don't have a complex!"

"Says you," Saphron said her eyes narrowed before Juniper picked her mouth up and coughed.

"So you are the one dating Jaune?" Juniper asked as after her incredulity left she had an almost relieved look on her face.

"Um... yes? I've only been dating him for a few weeks, but I am very happy!" Yang bowed as Juniper looked Yang up and down. Looking at Yang like she some kind of rare animal in a zoo as she nodded.

"Well... are you sure? Are you sure you and Jaune are dating?" Juniper asked this time it was Yang's turn to narrow her eyes. She put a protective around Jaune's beck she pulled him to her side as Jaune blushed.

"Yes, I am sure I am dating him. How the hell would I not know if I was dating my boyfriend? It would be hard to miss."

"I thought he was dating Weiss." Saphron and Juniper said at once. Yang blinked owlishly not quite sure how to answer as she coughed.

"Um... no? Jaune's dating me. Weiss is his best friend and partner. She's great! Don't get me wrong but come on. Look at me." Yang said as Weiss had the strange urge to stab her right in her chest.

"What does that mean?" Weiss asked glaring as-

"It means Jaune likes women that he can not use to clean his teeth with Schnee," Juniper said as Yang coughed, Weiss's face went beet red as Jaune had to grip her hand to stop her from drawing her weapon and attacking her then and there.

"Why I never! Jaune! Let me go!"

"No, Weiss! You are going to do something that you will regret!"

"Oh please Jaune. Let her go. Have her attempt to harm me, and you can clean her up off of the floor." Juniper growled har ices turning a freezing blue.

"Ok! let's not fight! Mom, you promised me that you would not do this!" Saphron said as she tripped her moms' shoulder lightly.

"Jaune is back, he's alive isn't that what matters?"

"I... I suppose." She said looking down-

"Why did you think Jaune was dating Weiss?"

"Do you even know what tact is?" Weiss asked Yang as Saphron pulled out a small piece of paper.

"THis." She said as she held out a paper a letter? An ancient mail letter With Weiss holding Jaune's noose like it was some kind of leash and collar? Her foot on his shoulder, her eyes in a vicious glare. Jaune looking up at her lovingly as she took a dominant position over him in the room with the words My favorite Schneestress. Written on it-

"Weiss?! What the fuck!? Who told you, you could put a fucking BDSM photoshoot with my boyfriend!?" Yang shouted her eyes, flashing crimson as she began to ball her fists. Weiss was her friend but if she thought that she could take her man she had crossed two lines too far.

"I didn't! IT was just a joke we did to make his family initiated! He told me that it would get under his mom's skin!"

"Well, he was right about that. It did get under my skin." She growled as Saph coughed.

"Alright! Enough! We have got enough awkwardness out of our system! So can we all get along? Please?" She asked, begging her mom to back down.

"I... fine. Jaune come on. Get your things."

"What? Why?" Jaune asked blinking owlishly.

"Why? Because we are leaving." She said as-

"Yeah no," Yang said folding her arms standing in front of Jaune.


"Look mama Arc I don't know where you think you are taking him but Jaune ain't going anywhere that is not in my chest or between my legs."

"You really do not know how to be a professional, do you?"

"I don't really care Weiss," Yang said glaring at Juniper.

"What do you mean Jaune is leaving?"

"He can not be a legitimate student of Beacon. There is no way they let him in when I specifically asked Opal if he was found to not admit him. They would not allow him in with my word against it."

"Wow, you are a bitch." Yang paused a blade was at her neck before she could move. She saw a flash of blue as Juniper was placing a massive claymore at her jugular.

"You want to say that again? Or do you want to keep your head on your shoulder?" Juniper asked before-

Her bale glowed black as it suddenly plummeted to the floor. The blade crashed into the grown, making a loud thud! Ring out as she gasped.

"What the hell?"

"Please do not threaten my paters so readily! I would hate to have to fight such a revered huntress out of her prime!" Pyrrha chirped appeared from behind Yang with that smile she only wore when she was doing her best to not beat someone to death.

Jaune gulped as even if it was his mother, he felt his hand grip his satchels Weiss had slowly without drawing any attention to herself drawn her rapiers. As for a moment, Jaune saw his other sister draw as it looked like he was going to have to fight his family on their first meeting after all these years.

"Well, I can't say I saw this going well," Jaune said as he took a pitching stance-

"Ok. That is enough." Opal said, appearing behind Jaune shipping a mug of coffee lowering his hand as she smiled.

"Juniper. How good to see you. I hope my students are giving you a warm Beacon welcome." Opal said, smiling as she sipped her coffee.

"Opal! You should train your muts to not attack their guests."

"And I should not have to tell my guests to not threaten my students. Jaune is under my charge."

"What?! But I asked you to not let him in!"

"Ah, yes. I ignored that."


"Because he has talent. To waste skill is never something that I allow. Even if I respect you and what you have done, I will not let talent go to waste. You surely know me better than that?" Opal asked as Juniper glared at her.

"You knew my son was alive and you did not call me!?"

"Why would I?"

"I am his mother!"

"And he is an adult. If he wanted to contact you, he would have done so. The fact that he has not speaks much more to your parenting ability than my lack of investment. Or should I say lack of parenting capability? Given your obvious tension with Jaune?" Opal asked as Juniper went beet red. She picked up her blade as she coughed.

"You should watch your mouth."

"Why? I didn't remember any of my kids running away from me?"

"Ouch." Jaune hissed as Sapron coughed again.

"Once again! Can we please not fight!? I brought my son with me, and I will beat the first person to put him in danger into the ground before they can blink! On either side." Saphron glared at her own mother than to Jaune's friends. Both felt a wave of terror go down their spines as the mother lion prepared to defend her child.

"I was just about to suggest that you do not fight here but take it to the very safe and controlled environment of one of our many combat arenas." Opal offered trying to have the bare minimal bloodshed where a camera could catch it and be brought back to sue her or the school.

"Hell, I'm game to fight! I could use something to punch." Yang said, knocking her fist together as Pyrrha smiled.

"Oh I would feel bad about fighting an elder, but I can make an exception! Just this once." She smiled again as Juniper growled.

"All of you have no respect!"

"Respect is not given Juniper, and if what you have done to Jaune is true? Then you have not earned it."

"Watch your mouth! You are a Schnee!"

"Yes. Yes, she is a Schnee Juniper." Jaune said as she finally found the courage to say something that he wanted to say for a very long time."

"She is a Schnee and in the few months that I have known her? Weiss has been more of a family to me than you have in my entire life. So as far as I'm concerned? Except for Saph, she is my real sister, and you all are just strangers that I just happen to be related to." Jaune said before turning away and walking off.

"I will take that as my leave," Weiss said smirking as she followed Jaune.

"I'll follow them. It was a pleasure meeting all of you! And I hope to see you all again very soon!" Pyrrha said with all the sincerity of a receptionist asking you how your day was going. As the team turned around and walked away...

"So... what's your name?"

"Adrien! His name is Adrian! He's your nephew!" Saphron said as Jaune held up a small human child. The child had skin brown like a bar of milk chocolate was put in front of him.

The baby giggled as Jaune gulped. He looked like he was going to ask Jaune to hold him...

"He looks like he wants me to pick him up."

"Then do it! He probably wants to meet the handsome man that is his uncle!" She said as Adrian giggled holding out his arms. Jaune slowly took the baby in his arms and began to hold it at arm's length.

Jaune winced he did not like children. He was ok with them. The group he had lived with had been a semi-large one. And some children were made.

He looked at the squirming baby holding it as it laughed in his face.

"Come on Jaune, ease up babe. Not like he's going to bite your arms off or anything. He's just a baby." Yang jocked staring longingly into the adorable squishy ball of joy that was soon to be her nephew too.

"If you like him that much then you hold him." Jaune pawned him off to Yang. She picked him up quickly as the baby cooed.

"Awww how are you cutie?" Yang asked, pulling the child to her chest, he blinked twice in confusion but seeing another bright mop of blonde assumed she was one of his other familiar faces and giggled holding out his arms.

"Aw! You are so cute! I got your arm!" SHe said, pulling one finger as the baby giggled adorably.

"You see? He's not that bad! Look, he loves me! Don't you love me?" The baby squealed loudly as Jaune sighed.

"If you like him to keep him."

"Hey! Little bro, that is your nephew, he wants to get to know you ok?"

"Saph no offense, but until yesterday I did not even know that he existed ok?" Jaune said as she sister narrowed her eyes as she gave her I am watching you, you little shit look to him.

"Jaune I wonder now who's fault is that?" She asked, smiling sweetly as Jaune blushed. He coughed, looking away from Saprhon as he turned to her wife. He did not know her name, but she was attractive.

I didn't even think she went that way. Jaune thought as she sighed.

"Hey there! I'm Terra! Terra-Cotta! I guess I'm your new sister! Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you!" She said, holding out her hand as Jaune took it.

"None good, I imagine?"

"If I told you that you are right, what would you say?" Terra asked. Jaune let out a small self-deprecating smile as he shook his head.

"Not that I am shocked, but it would have been nice to know I was almost loved."

"You are loved you, idiot. Just because we did not think you should be a hunter did not mean that we did not love you." Saph said, punching his shoulder. The blow was meant to tease, but she often forgot her strength, and by often Jaune meant she could hit like a truck and did not know how to hold back to save the life of her son. She hit Jaune's shoulder, and his aura flashed as he briefly wondered if his arm was going to be ripped out of its socket.

Jaune yelped as-

"Wow, bro. Wait to go. You still can't take a hit." His third eldest sister Jade said. She narrowed her eyes, her fluffy lion paws that Jaune would never admit to liking when she cradled his head in them glared.

She looked like the rest of his sisters which was to say that she looked like a carbon copy of their mother. Blonde hair and blue eyes. Robust musical features and a glare that could freeze a ball of fire dust.

"Well excuse me but if you would care to know I just took a train to the face and I walked out more or less in one piece. So there, how's that for not being able to take a punch? When did someone drop a train on you?"

"Jaune you do know that when we found you your leg was about to be ripped out of your body? You were dying." Weiss said still blaming herself for the incident on the train. She knew that she could not have seen that happening to Jaune, but the wound was still fresh.

Just focus on the family in front of you. And think about beating half of them down in the arena, and you will see yourself in the future. Weiss thought as Jaune sighed. He rubbed his head as Saprhon sat him down on his bed next to Yang, who was oddly good with Adrian.

Holding him up and down. Making him giggle and cry out in joy as he was shaken.

"Jaune are you sure that you are better? We heard about... everything... do you need or want to talk about it?"

"Not now," Jaune said, turning away, he knew that his mother was talking with Opal right now. He wondered if Catherine was there with her.

Who am I kidding? Of course, she's there. And I feel bad for Catherine for once. Mom is not going to be happy.

Catherine felt the blow hit her face. Her mother hit her hard as she took a step back. Her cheeks stung as the first struck.

"How dare you!?" Juniper shouted as Catherine looked away. She did not want to look her mother in the eye after the incident came to her.

"You knew Jaune was here! You knew that he was in danger, and you did nothing?! What kind of sister are you!?"

"Jaune is an adult! He can talk to you if he wants! I told him to talk to you! The fact that he didn't is his fault!" Catherine tried to defend herself. Her mother looked at her with fury in her eyes as she growled.

"I don't know what is going through your head! But I don't want to look at you! Let alone talk to you!" She hissed, turning to Glynda, who winced as Catherine took the brunt of her aggression on her.

"And you!"

"I am glad to see you as well Catherine, though I do take it that the sentiment is not mutual?"

"You are damned right; it is not!" She shouted her fists balled up as Glynda took her anger head-on.

"You do know that Jaune did ask me not to contact you, right?"

"And you let him!? Why did you listen to him!? He is a child!"

"Like I said, he is an adult. And he did not want to contact you. Why can't you just admit that your son had grown distant from you?"

"Because he has it in his head that he can be a hunter! And since I failed to beat it out of him as a child, I think that it might just get him killed! It is bad enough to know that your child was sexually attacked. That is already bad enough but to know that he is going to keep going to the school where it happened?!"

"That is his choice, and I respect it as should you Juniper."

"Opal you are on thin ice as it is. Do not push me."

"No. No, I am not on thin ice. You are on thin ice. You have come to my academy caused problems with my students and made several of them feel not safe. I would not be hard-pressed to ask you to leave and to let the Vale police be aware of a potential kidnapping plot."

"You have more nerve than I gave you credit for Opal."

"And you are more out of touch than even I thought you could be. Please just listen to yourself. Jaune made a choice for his life, and he is willing to live with the consequences of it."

"And if they get him killed!? What and I going to do if I have to bury my son!?"

"What will you do if you need to bury your daughters? What does that gender matter to you when it comes to a dead child? Dead is dead Juniper and what is between their legs has nothing to do with grief, does it?"

"I have one male. I have one son. I would cry for any of my children, but I have one son."

"And that makes him worth more than your daughters?"

"No! But I have more... I only have one baby. And-

"Is he a baby now? He has a lover. He is with her every day. Do you still think he is a child that is needing to suck on his mother's teat when he is in danger? He is a young man, and he can stand on his own feet."

"Thank you. I did not see you come in Raven."

"I can come without the doors."

"I have you to thank for saving my son's life. I wish to extend my gratitude to you for that." Juniper said as Raven frowned.

"I did what I could, but I missed the other..."

"It was not your fault... it was not your fault either Opal. Jaune made his own choices to get here. What happens to him is his fault alone." Juniper did a one-eighty as Opal coughed as she swore she misheard.

"Did... did you just say that what happened to Jaune is his fault?"

"Of course, it is. I am not happy, but he is at the center of his own life. He made a choice to come to Beacon; he can not complain about the consequences of his actions."

"He was raped! Your son!" Glynda shouted growling as Catherine nodded.

"I know that Glynda ns I am upset but... no one told him to go to Beacon. He came here of his own will, and he can only blame himself."

"You don't hear yourself talk much, do you?" Glynda hissed as Opal narrowed her eyes.

"Juniper we do not blame victims in Beacon. What happened to your son was a tragedy."

"One that he brought on himself. He came here knowing the risks. How can I feel sorry for someone that has acted constantly against his own interest when then turn back to harm him?"

"You should watch that tone. At the rate he is going, he will be my son in law soon. If you think you can speak that way about him, you are mistaken."

"He came to this school against my wishes. He got himself hurt and rape because he wanted to be a hunter. It is not blaming to point out a fact. He wanted this, he got what was coming to him."

"Juniper! Listen to yourself! Think about what you are saying!?" Glynda shouted as the faunus woman shook her head.

"I see it. I can see how this has been. If he wants to get himself killed? Then fine. He says the Schnee is more a family than me? The mother who carried him for nine months and raised him in a home full of love and care for the offspring of one of the worst faunus rights abusers in history? If he wants to live and consort with those who will belittle and use him? Then that is his fault, and as far as I am concerned, he is asking for anything else to happen to him."


"Say what you want Glynda from now on he is no son of mine." She said as-

"Honey," Nicholas spoke for the first time since he arrived he had not said a rod not embrace his son who he had seen for the first time in nearly a decade. His wife turned-

Whap! He slapped her hard, the huntress training kicked in, and she punched him in the face. His blow stung, but hers sent him flying tumbling twice before he stood up bloody nose as he coughed.

"Nicholas! I-

"Don't ever talk that way about our son again. Do I make myself clear?" He asked, cleaning his bloody nose as he growled.

"So you have been traveling? How did you find people to travel with?" Saph asked as she walked with Jaune Yang and Weiss. Saphron had left Terra and her siblings to talk with each other.

Pyrrha stayed back to keep their attention as they walked. Saph was curious about the three of them. She wanted to know who was so influential in her brother's life that he would say they were more family than her or their mother.

"Yeah, I went with a group of mercenaries. It was fun. Until most of them died. Then it was less fun more depressing."

"I'm sorry... did you... where you close to most of them?"

"As far as I could be yeah. It was rough losing people, but I made it out ok."

"If you want to call barely alive and undernourished ok then sure. But you really need to watch it. I just got your clean bill of health from the nurse, and if you think I am going to let my partner run into danger with no backup, then you have another thing coming." Weiss hissed as Jaune sighed.

"Yes, Weiss."

"Good boy. Not in that way Saph..." Weiss said doing her best to not offend the one Arc sister that did not seem to hate her for being born.

Really faunus hating a human just because she exists then complaining when a human does the same seems more than a little bit like a hypocrite if you ask me. She thought as the elder sister smiled.

"Oh it's fine, I'm just interested to see that my brother has been whipped so easily." She said with a teasing grin, Jaune flustered as he looked up to his sister and hissed at her. "I am not whipped!"

"Yes, you are." They said as Jaune sighed.

"I am not! But even if I was, I would not tell any of you! I am just glad that the people from my ground are not here to see this! They would be so pissed!" Jaune said as-

"Oh, would we?" A burning voice said as Jauen spun-


"Jaune. So nice to reunite with you after all this time." Cinder cooed. She smiled down as Jaune froze. Jaune felt his jaw go lock he took a half step back, but pure fear held him in place. His body began to shake he felt his blood go cold as-

"Ah! You must be a friend of Jaune's." Saph said before taking one look at Jaune's body language and knowing that he was not having a good time.

"Oh, you could say that Jaune and I knew each other very well back when we traveled together. Did I tell you that I was the one to help him with his dust bombs? In fact, I mentored him with our mentor. I was like a big sister to him back then." Cinder cooed as she put on arm around Jaune, pulling him back. The eep he let out could have been a dagger in Weiss's heart for the look of fear and begging for help that flashed on Jaune's face.

"Hey there! Yang Xiao-long! Can I get my boyfriend back? Please?" She asked grinning her eyes flashing to crimson as-

"Ma'am. Do we have to do this here?" Emerald asked slinking behind Cinder as she smiled.

"Ah, Jaune do you remember Emerald? You met her briefly."

"I... I can't say that I do."

"It's fine. I was not... not like this when I last saw you. It is good to see you live Jaune? I think."

"You think?" Yang growled as Cinder laughed she let Jaune go easily he dove behind Weiss as Cinder sighed.

"Well, that was fun Jaune. Tell me, do you have a date for the dance?" Cinder asked politely.

"Yes. That would be me." Yang said putting an arm around Jaune pulling him to her.

"Well, we shall see. There is a raffle where the most popular boy gets to dance with the most influential transfer student. I hope that we can catch up." Cinder said, running a hand on Jaune's arm making him shiver.

"Come Emerald we must be off."

"Yes, ma'am. Jaune, Yang, Weiss, Saph?" She said following Cinder. Jaune held his breath until they left.

"Are you ok?" Weiss asked as Jaune coughed and shook his head.

"Who the fuck was she?" Yang growled as Jaune gulped.

"She... she was someone that I never wanted to see again in my life."

"She said she taught you? is that true?"

"She... she did a lot for me, Weiss. But she is not a good person. Stay away from her, or you will regret it. Trust me. I regret it and so did our mentor" Jaune hissed as-

"Jaune! Weiss!"


"Hello, sister Jaune as per your request it is done." Winter smiled as she held out a piece of paper.

"It is!?"

"Yes, Jaune I had to pull some strings and convince father but! As of right now, I am proud to call you Jaune Schnee. Welcome to the family brother."

AN: OK! And that is it! Jaune switched team! Maybe the Schnee's will treat him better than his own family? Cinder is back and she had a bit of a flame for Jaune and it looks like the Arc family might be beyond fixing! The story is nearing the end! A bit to the year anniversary for it! And it's looking like there will always be a fight! Next is Bastion! And then a Commission fic of a Strong Dad Jaune on a mission to adopte them all, in Papa Arc!But that is for later and untill then take care and thanks for reading!