My Hero Academia: Deku of the Haki

When Izuku was four his dreams of being a hero was crushed. However, instead of saying sorry, Inko calls in an old family member to help her son in his trying time. Reluctantly she calls in her father, a man who had mastered an old and forgotten form of martial arts. Watch as Izuku harnesses the power of Haki!

A/N thanks to everyone who supported me in this story. Now to address something, some people have asked that I not give Izuku One for All and instead let him keep on using Haki. Well, in response to this in the words of Hiimdaisy's the Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater: Let's Destroy the Shagohod…

"Shut up it's my body, I'll do what I want!"

(Ahem. Sorry, I don't like to be rude, but I couldn't resist a joke)

I don't really care if it's used too much, whether people like it or not, Izuku will get One for All. It is a pivotal power and plot point in the My Hero Academia Universe and Izuku has to be the one to inherit it because he is a true hero and serves as what connects All Might and Izuku.

Also, while Haki is powerful it does have its drawbacks.

For example, if used too much it can be depleted and has to recharge apparently, and Armament is not an absolute defence, if enough physical force is applied it can break through. For example, if he went up against Nomu per se. Sure, he would be able to bypass his shock absorption, but the thing is physically the same strength and speed as All Might at 100% - which All Might even said he had to go beyond that to defeat it.

Not to mention people like Stain or Hitoshi Shinsou who would be immune to Conquers Haki, the latter due to his Quirk's ability to dominate another's mind or be faster than Deku's current speed. While Observation allows the user to predict attacks, it doesn't help if they are faster than he is. Without One for All, he would still be physically as fast as an above normal human. Albeit a bit faster with training but not Full Cowling fast.

And let's not forget All for One – the literal symbol of EVILLLLLLLL! – who has over a thousand Quirks at his disposal and could level city blocks with a flick of his wrist. I'm still not even sure it would be effective against his overwhelming power.

He needs One for All as he is the only one that is truly worthy to inherit the power. Also, I have plans when he combines it with Haki – I need something to help him recreate Luffy's Red Hawk – which is only possible because of his devil fruits second Gear. It won't be fire, but it will be something else.

Plus, All Might will give him a reason why he needs to transfer the power to Izuku. If you don't like my direction you are free to stop reading and I will take no offence.

Chapter IV: One for All

Izuku stared in confusion as he stood before the number one Hero – All Might – the Symbol of Peace. The man who was renowned for single handily bringing the crime rate in Japan down massively, becoming a deterrent on crime itself whenever he appeared. His actions had earned himself the title of 'Symbol of Peace'.

Not only that but a few hours ago he was saved by the legendary hero himself and even assisted him in the battle of the sludge villain. The man then went on to tell him – after initially telling he couldn't – that he could, in fact, be a hero because of his bravery.

It was something like this that Izuku should be focusing on…however…

"You want me to what!?"

He stared in shock as the man nodded his head. "I want you to inherit my Quirk, what part of that didn't you understand?"

"Oh, I don't know maybe the whole INHERITING THING!? What kind of a question is that!? Inherit your Quirk! Do you have any idea how insane that sounds! Y-you can't just give a Quirk away like a present or a pair of socks! They're supposed to be individual powers that are unique to a single person! Sure, there are cases of the same Quirks being passed down genetically, although with a few differences, but you're talking about actually giving me your Quirk! And as far as I know, we are not related, although that would be totally awesome being related to you-! N-Not in a weird way and It's impossible because I know who my father is. But then again, I haven't seen him in ten years and blah, blah, blah, blah-" ** he trailed off into a mutter as All Might just stared perplexed.

"…Uh, kid? I think you're overthinking this whole thing…" he didn't hear him as he sighed.

"Knock it off already!"

That finally snapped him out of it as All Might sighed. "Look, there are a lot of things I keep to my chest. But this something I'm not lying about. A lot of the time the media tries to guess what my power is, thinking I have super strength or power boost. But I manage to avoid those questions and keep my Quirk a secret." He looked up to the sky as his hand stretched to the sky.

"Because it would do no good if they discovered that the Number 1# Hero was born Quirkless." Izuku gasped and stared at the man.

"You…were Quirkless too?" he nodded.

"Yeah, since you told me the truth of your power and because of what I said before, I feel like I owe you the truth. Yes, I too was born Quirkless. Until I met someone that changed my life around. She gave me this power in order to save the lives of the innocent and protect this fragile world. It is the ability to transfer this Quirk to another individual." He held out his hand as it almost seemed to shine.

"The power I have is called…One for All"

"One for All…like the three musketeers quote?" All Might nodded as he chuckled at that.

"Yes, see how it works is that it started off as one power and then that power was transferred to another. The new user cultivated that power and passed it on to another. This process was repeated several times over the past hundred years. Each time it was passed on it became stronger. It is a crystalline networking power that gives me the power to save those that cry out in fear. I am the 8th user of this power and now…I hope you will become the 9th…"

"…But, why are you giving it to me? Surely you must have had someone else in mind before me?"

"Yes, there were others that I considered or were recommended to me. But honestly, you were braver than any of those heroes that were out there today. Braver then even me, someone I believe is worthy to inherit this power. You embody the very virtue of Heroism and Self-Sacrifice that I believe makes a Great Hero…" he looked down as he grasped at his side.

"But also…I won't be able to do this forever." He gestured to his frail and injured body.

"You see me as I am now, right? Today was just an example of what could potentially happen when my body can no longer continue being a Hero. One of these days someone is going to get the drop on me, my body will shut down or I'll lose my step and I will die or be forced to quit. Do you know what will happen when that occurs?"

"…The crime rate will increase. The foundations that you laid by being the deterrent of evil will crumble and panic will ensue." He nodded as the thought alone scared both of them.

"In order to prevent that, the Hero Academies are trying to pump out more heroes in order to dissuade that inevitability until I find a successor to my power. But before that, I must ensure that this power is safely passed on to the next generation of Heroes that will protect this world. It is a power that must continue to fight against the darkness. But I cannot just hand this power over to any individual. I need to pass it on to someone who embraces the ideologies of Heroism and Self-Sacrifice…just as my master did so for me." He gestured to the boy before him.

"You are the only person I have met that fits these criterions. You are the only one I truly believe is worthy of inheriting my power. In you, I see now the next 'Symbol of Peace'…" Izuku stared in awe as he felt the weight of the man's words and the belief, he had in him.

It was something he felt proud of.

"However," he looked up as All Might waved his hand.

"You don't have to take this power if you don't want to. You just said before that you would prove me wrong and become a Hero without one. I'll take no offence and find someone else. I just wanted to offer you the same chance I was given because I believe that you are the one that I can entrust this power to…But it is your choice young Midoriya." Izuku took a moment to ponder as he weighed the options before him.

One for All…A quirk that was passed down from one hero to another, getting stronger as each generation cultivates it. That kind of power would surely help him along his path to be a Hero. It would go against everything he had stood for. But at the same time, it was also everything he wanted to be. A quirk that was the same as his idol.

Not only that but All Might felt that he was worthy to inherit such a power. Him of all people.

Initially, he had planned to continue his Haki training and become a Hero without a Quirk. To prove to everyone who ever doubted him wrong, that even someone without a Quirk like him could become a Hero.

But on the other hand, he also considered what All Might had told him and what would happen if he was no longer around and how he was deemed worthy of becoming the next Symbol of Peace. There were no doubts that there would be many risks and problems that would come from inheriting this type of power. Villains that wanted his head, disasters he would be expected to avert and lives that would be depending on him to save them with a smile.

It was everything that he wanted to be a Hero and he doubted – for a moment – that he wouldn't be able to live up to such an expectation…

But then he thought what a True Hero would do.

A True Hero would take on this responsibility, this power that protected the weak and helpless and use it for good. To ease the burden of the man that had done so much for the world without complaint and reassured him that he would carry on his legacy and protect the order he created.

He knew his answer.

"Yes…I'll do it…I'll inherit your Quirk and become the Next Symbol of Peace." All Might smiled.

"Thank you, young man…"

Meanwhile – Mie Prefecture – Uraraka Residence

Ochako Uraraka sighed as she placed her school bag down and flopped herself on her bed. School had felt particularly long that day and she was just glad that she could go home and relax. Of course, she still had her training to do, plus the study session she planned with Izuku later that night – but even she needed to relax every once and a while.

She looked over to the side of her bed as she focused on a small picture frame that sat on the bedside table.

The photo was that of a young Ochako and a young Izuku as they both wore their training uniforms outside his grandfather's dojo. The photo was taken to commemorate the day the two had moved up to the next level of their training.

She smiled as she looked at the smiling and the determined face of her childhood friend.

Ever since she met him seven years ago her whole life had changed.

Her family was becoming more well off – not enough to make them rich but enough to live more comfortably. She was taking her hero training more seriously – more than she did before – and she had managed to gain more control over her Quirk thanks to his analysis and suggestions. She honestly never thought that all these would happen if she hadn't been saved by the green haired wannabe hero. But whatever the case was, she was happy that they met that day.

"Oh, speaking of which…" she looked at the clock on the wall

"It's almost time for us to chat." she ruffled in her bag for her phone. "Strange, normally he would have called me first…must have got caught up watching a Heroes work again, that otaku" she chuckled and checked the news feed. Images of All Might appeared as he vanquished the sludge villain.

"Today the famous number one Hero – All Might – successfully defeated a powerful villain near the Tatooin station in Musutafu. The villain now identified as 'Sludge Man' was taken into custody shortly after and is being held at Tartarus."

The news reporter said as she perked up at the area. "Oh! Something about All Might in his area! He would definitely be all over that!" she watched the news.

"Several Heroes were already in combat with the villain when he had taken a local middle schooler as a hostage – identified as Katsuki Bakugo – who possessed a powerful explosive based Quirk. The explosive fire and hostage situation made it difficult for the heroes to intervene."

"Explosive? That sounds like the boy Deku was talking about. Kacchan?" she thought to herself as she watched the news.

"For a time, it seemed that the heroes couldn't do anything until a bystander rushed out onto the scene."

"Bystander?" she had a bad feeling in her stomach as she watched the news.

"Another local middle schooler apparently rushed onto the scene, despite the warnings of the pro-heroes."

The images then showed a green haired boy rushing past the crowd as Ochako's eyes widened in shock. "D-DEKU-KUN?!" she screeched as she watched him run.

"The middle schooler – now identified as fellow middle schooler Izuku Midoriya – rushed onto the scene and managed to physically harm the villain with an unidentified Quirk. His actions were apparently enough to stop the hostage from choking until All Might saved the day. The official statements from the Heroes at the scene have advised civilians not to interfere in ongoing hero work. but public opinion, however, praises the boy for his quick actions and note his promising career as a potential Pro-Hero."

Ochako stared at the screen as the footage showed the boy rushing into the heat of the battle and accessing his Haki. His attacks physically harming the villain as he pulled the boy halfway out and speaking his inspiring words.

On the one hand, Ochako felt an immense amount of both fear and pride for the boy as he rescued the teen. His actions and is words filling her with hope and pride that he would become a great Hero like she knew he could be. She even felt proud when she knew that the boy, he rescued was the same one that had given him the derogatory name until she changed it for him. It showed his true character and Heroes Heart…

But on the other hand?

Back in Musutafu, Izuku had just accepted All Might's offer as the man nodded to his successor. "All right, tomorrow is a Thursday and no doubt you will have school tomorrow. Give me a couple of days and by then I'll have sort out a plan for you to inherit-!"

"A phone call…is here! A phone call…is here!" both stopped as they instantly reached for their phones.

Both took a blinking look as Izuku embarrassingly held up his phone. "Sorry, it's mine." He said as the man chuckled at the ringtone he chose. Even though it was the same one he had. "Ura-chan?" he sounded surprised as he looked at the ID.


"Uh, a childhood friend of mine. Her names Ochako Uraraka – but I just call her Ura-chan for short. Sorry, this will only take a minute." He explained as All Might nodded, and he answered. "Hello?"


Both men flinched at the loud voice that sprung out of the speakers as the physical word of Deku went straight through his ears, while All Might clutched his heart and sputtered blood out of his mouth.

"Shiiiiiit! Why are these kids trying to give me a heart attack?!"

"Deku-kun! I just saw you on the news! Are you okay?! Did you get hurt?! Are you hurt?! What the heck happened over there?!" his ears still rung as the desperate sound of his childhood friends concern continued to roll out of the speaker.

"She's sounds…concerned." All Might jested while cleaning his ear as Izuku nodded.

"You have no idea…" he muttered before bringing his attention back to the phone. "U-Ura-chan, yes I'm okay. I was just on my way home when I got caught up in the incident, nothing major and nothing I couldn't handle."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am perfectly fine. I'm just on my way home now," On the other end he could feel her narrow her eyes.

"So, you didn't get hurt, not a single scratch?" he flinched when his fingers brushed against the bandage under his eye and the ones placed on his arm as a precaution. "…Izuku…" she stressed his name out as he doubly flinched at this.

"Uh oh, she called me Izuku, not Deku. She only calls me that when I've messed up!" All Might he looked confused.

'How's not being called Deku a good thing?'

"W-Well I may have gotten a little scratched up, b-but I am completely fine! Nothing major and I had my Haki up, I was perfectly fine. Trust me." He tried to reassure her.

"But why did you run in like that? I know that he was one of your classmates, but why did you just rush in? What were you thinking?" she asked as he sighed.

"It's because…it's because it was my fault the villain was there in the first place. I got in the way of All- I mean a Heroes work and the villain escaped. And when I saw that Kacchan was taken hostage my body moved before I could think because it knew I had to do something to make it right. I knew it was risky and I knew that I should have just waited for another hero but…someone told me that a Hero has to be willing to put his life on the line to save others. If I couldn't do that…then I would have no right to try and be a Hero. I'm sorry I made you worry."

All might smiled slightly behind him as he knew that this boy was the right choice to become his successor and inheritor of One for All.

On the other end, Ochako sighed as she too had a small smile.

"…It's okay, I should've known you'd do something like that. It's just a part of who you are… Deku-kun." He sighed in relief when she called him that. "But that doesn't mean you can keep doing that kind of stuff!" he flinched when her voice gained an annoyed and commanding tone.

"You're not a licenced Hero yet, and I don't want you to do any unnecessarily reckless things until we're both Pro-Heroes, understand?" he rapidly nodded his head even though she couldn't see him.

"Y-Yes, Ura-chan! I promise I won't do anything reckless until we're licenced!" he responded stiffly as she nodded.

"Good, I'll call you later when you get home. We still have our study session on tonight," he nodded.

"I remember. I'll call you around seven, okay?"

"Okay, bye Deku, say high to Inko-san for me."

"I will," she hung up as he sighed in relief. He turned to see All Might as he had a knowing grin on his face as the boy looked confused. "What?"

"Nothing, nothing. I'll text you the address later with where to meet up." He shook his head. 'Yong love…such a beautiful thing.' He thought as they exchanged numbers and departed. The sun began to set as the wheels of fate turned and the path for Deku – the next Symbol of Peace – was about to begin...

Aldera Junior High – The Next Day

Unfortunately, that had to wait as Izuku still had school to attend to.

After meeting All Might and having a panicking mother to deal with once he got him, All Might told him to meet him at Dagobah Beach on Saturday so that they could plan his training to inherit his power. Apparently, even though he was involved with a Villain incident the other day he was still required to go to school – seeing as the incident took place on a Wednesday and not on a Friday. Which allowed All Might to begin working on a plan for the young boy while he was attending school.

But the major problem Izuku was worried about was his old childhood friend – Bakugo.

The boy was furious with him the other day when he showed his Haki abilities on national TV – due to the sudden appearance of All Might – and he saved Bakugo from being devoured by the sludge Villain.

The boy himself had made it very clear that he was pissed that he 'hid' his Quirk from him for years. He feverously believed that Deku had been hiding his Quirk to make him look bad and steal his spotlight when that wasn't the case at all.

He was worried what the boy in question would do once he saw him again. Afraid he may even try to pick a fight with him to prove whose Quirk was the best.

"Ah man, I'm really not looking forward to this…" Izuku moaned as he walked into the school.

He instantly spotted Bakugo as the boy walked up behind him, steeling himself for whatever he was going to say. But to his surprise, the boy just ignored him and stormed his way towards the classroom, which left Izuku in a state of confusion.

"That was…unexpected?"

Brushing off the strange behaviour from Bakugo, Izuku made his way to his class as he wondered what sort of plan All Might had for transferring his Quirk. His mind still not able to fully process how it was even possible for a Quirk to be transferred in the first place, but he digressed, at least he wasn't going to cause a scene at school so there was a positive.

'The last thing I need is Kacchan causing a scene, I could just have imagined how it would have gone…'

A scenario played in his head as the angry boy ran at him with explosions in his hands, doing massive damage to the school while crying out 'Deku! You are a fucking liar! I'm going to kill you!' which would then lead to massive property damage, followed by a lawsuit from the school that would put both their families into large amounts of debt and their hero careers in jeopardy. He would have to move out into the streets where he would have to sell his body just to get -

'You know what I think All Might is right, I over think things too much'

He entered the classroom as sighed and placed his bag on the hook of his desk. As he sat in class, he noticed something odd, small whispers around him and curious glance coming from the other classmates. Normally this wouldn't bother him as he was used to being ignored by them.

But this time they seemed to be actively directed at him.

'What the hell?' he thought to himself as he noticed some of the guys in his class looking at him differently, while the girls seemed to glance blush and then turn away from him. 'Okay, that's not normal…well for this school at least?'

Class went on as Izuku tried to concentrate on studying but he kept feeling eyes on the back of his head as he would notice one of the students look at him but turned away when he looked back. It was the strangest thing. Whenever a question was asked, he was the first one the teacher pointed to and when he answered correctly, he was praised. When he had to take some paper to the teacher's office, some of the other students offered to help.

Hell, even some of the other teachers even commented on him positively when he passed down the hall.

It was around lunch time when Izuku finally managed to figure out what was going on when he was sitting by himself.

"Excuse me?" he looked up to see some of the girls from his class – the ones that usually avoided him like the plague – as they seemed to be smiling rather strangely at him. "Can we sit with you?" a girl with she asked as he raised an eyebrow.


"Can we sit with you?" she giggled "You're from the same class as us after all." The girl with horns growing out of her head said as she stood with the others. "I think it would be awesome if we all sat together."

"…But you guys never wanted to sit next to me before, like ever. What brought this on?" he asked as they seemed to blush and stare at his right arm.

"Well, because-!" she never got to finish when one of the other students – a large guy with a flat top hairstyle - bulked up and slammed his hand on the lunchroom table. Nearly cracking the who thing with his brute strength. Luckily Izuku managed to save his food before it was crushed.

Now he could have easily avoided him, but honestly, he needed to know what the hell was going on.

"Hey, Midoriya! What the hell, you think you are top shit now because of yesterday?!" his large arms tightening the table as Izuku looked passively at the boy.

"Yesterday, with the slime guy? What does that have to do with anything?" he asked as this seemed to piss him off more.

"That's it! I'm going to-!"

"Mister Kaito!" they turned to see a teacher as he stood in front of them. "You wouldn't happen to be picking on one of your fellow classmates now, or using your Quirk during school hours, would you?" he asked as he glared at the boy. The boy flinched as he put the boy back down.

"N-No sir, we're just…discussing things…that's all" he said before he turned around and left with his posse.

"I'm terribly sorry about that young man. Rest assured that student won't be bothering you again." The teacher said as he smiled at Izuku. This creeped him out as he had known this teacher for a long time and was perplexed on why he would bother to help him now when he never had on the past.

"Uh…thank you?"

"It's no problem. My student's safety is one of my top priorities after all, especially one that has such a promising Hero Career." He wrings his hands together and smiled. "I must admit thou it was a shock to see one of my own students being involved with that Villain incident the other day. But I was even more surprised that you possess such a powerful Quirk. It truly was amazing."

'…Uh…so that's what it was.'

He realised now that's why everyone around him was treating him differently. Everyone had seen the incident last night on the news and how he managed to injure the villain. They had made the mistake in thinking that his armament Haki was his own Quirk. Now because of it, they were treating him like he was one of them. Like the past ten years of bullying and isolation were nothing but a little mistake that could be swept under the rug…

It honestly made him sick to his stomach.

He got up from the table – ignoring the man – as he decided to go eat somewhere else. The teacher tried to call out to him, but by the time he turned around the corner, he was already gone.


Izuku sat on the roof of the school as he looked up to all the passing clouds above him. His mind wandering back to the last ten years of his life and how just one day had seemed to change that. In the past, he had been ignored, bullied and rejected from all forms of social interaction. He didn't mind so long as he had his training and his best friend that saw him as he truly was…

So why did he hate it that everyone was treating him differently?

He sighed as he looked up at the clouds that passed him by. The teacher's words still buzzing in his brain as he wondered what it would be like when he 'inherited' All Might's Quirk. How would people treat him when he actually did have a Quirk? Would it be like it was with everyone being nice to him, or would it be just like before he revealed his Haki abilities and he'd be the 'loser' of the group? He honestly didn't know.

A soft buzzing caught his attention as he pulled out his phone and found a text from Ochako.

Ura-chan: Hey Deku, how are you?

Deku: I'm fine, everyone is treating me weirdly here.

Ura-chan: Weird how?

Deku: Just…different…people think I have a Quirk now because of yesterday and are treating me different. I don't know how to respond?

Ura-chan: Hmm…well, I don't think you should worry about what they think. Remember sensei's lessons? Don't care what other people think, just be the beast that you can be…

Ura-chan: *Best* that you can be. Because one Day they will know the real you. The Deku who can do anything!

He smiled softly at the encouraging words from his childhood friend as he felt his mood lighten from her words alone. He was so glad that he had a friend like her and that she knew just what to say to make him feel better.

Ura-chan: School is SOOO~ boring without you. I really wish we went to the same school…But only ten more months until U.A. and you better be in there

Deku: You bet, we promised after all.

Ura-chan: : )

Ura-chan: Oh, by the way! Your grandpa said he was coming up to visit in a couple weeks and said I could come too! My parents said it was okay and let me go so I could find a place to live when I get into U.A. Isn't that great?!

Deku: Absolutely! Can't wait!

She left the message as he closed his phone, happy that the universe decided to lighten the mood with his best friends' encouragement and glad that he could talk to her about anything…That made him pause as he thought about All Might and One for All and the secret, he would no doubt have to keep from everyone, especially her and for some reason…

He didn't like that

"Ah man…I didn't think about that…shit!" he cursed as he looked up again at the clouds and wondered what he should do?

The Following Saturday – Dagobah Municipal Beach

Dagobah Municipal Beach was once a beautiful and lush beach that was the pride of the small area. However, due to the currents that picked up rapid amounts of trash from the coastline it soon became a large junkyard, where illegal dumping became regular. This was the location that All Might had texted him as he waited for the man in the parking lot.

But as he waited his mind was still on the secret, he would have to keep from his best friend and knew he had to talk to All Might about it. "Ah, there you are young Midoriya, glad to see you are early."

He turned to see the skinny version of his idol as he waved in his overly large coat. "Well, you told me to be here by 5 am. So, I decided to get here a little early. I'm guessing my training has something to do with the garbage here?" he asked as he nodded and turned to the rubbish.

"Correct. The reason I brought you here was so that we can begin training your body to withstand the power of One for All."

"Train my body, withstand? What do you mean by that?" he asked as All Might held up a finger.

"You see One for All is unlike any Quirk known to mankind. It is a culmination and crystallization of eight other people that have used and added onto this power for generations. A normal body that suddenly inherited this kind of power won't be able to handle the strain…"

A mental image appeared to him as a silhouette of Izuku's body was ripped apart. "An Untrained body would be ripped apart and your limbs would more than likely explode off your body."

"My limbs would what?!"

"Mhmm, One for All is a powerful Quirk. If you're not ready, it can kill you." He told the boy as he gulped. "But…" the man said as he recalled the incident two days ago. "You told me that you spent ten years training your body, correct?" he asked as the boy nodded.

"Can you do me a favour and take off your shirt?"

"…You know that's not something a grown adult should say to a minor right?"

All Might coughed up blood as he laughed. "I guess you're right!" he wiped the blood off his lips as he looked seriously at the boy.

"But seriously, I need to see if your body is already suitable to handle One for All." He nodded as he removed his tracksuit shirt and revealed his upper body – still clad in a skin-tight T-shirt – as it showed off the years of training, he spent to attain Haki.

"…Not bad," he observed the body and lifted up one of his arms. "A lot sturdier then I thought it would be. Well, this will make it a lot easier for you to inherit my Quirk. You may even be able to receive it right away." He said as Izuku gasped a little in awe.

"Really, just like that?"

"Hmm, when I inherited One for All my body was a lot sturdier that it made it easier for me to use it. When I first met you, I assumed you were one of those fanboys that didn't do a lot of exercises and would have a weak lanky body...No offence."

"None taken," he waved it off.

"Anyway, seeing that you have a much sturdier body you should be able to take One for All now. Not what I had planned, but never look a gift horse in the mouth. We can still use this space for training, but at least now you'll have a better grasp on it. So…" he buffed up, "Let's skip right to the award ceremony then." He reached for one of his hairs when Izuku raised a hand.

"Wait a minute." He stopped as he looked at the boy.

"There's something that's been bugging me. You said you could give me your Quirk, but you never really explained how that works or what will happen to you. You said that seven other people have had this power, but if that's the case then where are they now and what happened to them? What will happen to you when you give me your power? What are you hiding?" he asked as All Might stiffened a little.

To be truthful he hadn't expected the boy to question the transfer process of One for All, or whatit would mean for him, and he dreaded telling him the origin of it as he didn't want to let the boy know of…him…not yet anyway.

But from what he could guess the boy wasn't going to let it go so easily as reporters trying to figure out his powers. He seemed too determined to just let it slide, not to mention it wouldn't do the kid good to hide stuff from him.

The least he could do was tell him what would happen afterwards.

He sighed before shifting back to his skinny form. "Well…for one thing the previous users are all dead, and it had nothing to do with the transfer I can assure you. But the normal process of transferring this Quirk…is that the previous user will begin to lose One for All. Which means when I give this to you, I will begin to lose my power… and I will no longer be able to be a Hero." Izuku gasped at this as he stared at the man.

He couldn't believe what he just heard. All Might, giving him his powers, would effectively end his career. He would be directly responsible for the end of the greatest Hero this world would ever know.

He would be the one that ended the era of All Might…

"Y-You've got be kidding me!? You're going to lose your powers if you give me your Quirk!? W-Why the hell would you try to keep this from me!? How the hell could you expect me to be okay with this!? I-I can't accept your power knowing that!" All Might shook his head as he pointed at the boy.

"Young man, I was going to lose my powers eventually when I found my successor. Whether it was you or someone else, the transfer of One for All would happen. There's no getting around that. And I can't keep doing this forever, I'm on borrowed time as it is. Point is that one way or another I will no longer be the Symbol of Peace. Which is why I need you to take this power and become the next one…"

Izuku shook his head as he could not believe this. "…H-How long until you lose your powers?" the man sighed as he held up his fingers and counted.

"If I'm careful and not over exert myself I could last maybe a Year, Two if I'm lucky. But when I give this to you my powers will begin to dip daily…knowing that you have a stronger body means that it will start to drop soon. But at least this way you'll be able to master it more before you get into U.A. that is the school you're applying for, right?" despite this, he nodded.

"Well U.A. is not the easiest school to get into, and you'll be going up against those that have had years of practice with their Quirks. Your abilities may give you an edge, but when it comes to One for All, you'll need all the advantage you can get." Izuku shook his head as he gripped his fist.

"But…I can't do that, knowing that you'll lose your powers… I-I can't be responsible for your end…I can't." The pro-hero looked at the boy before he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Young Midoriya…do not feel bad about this. One or another this was always going to happen. At least I know that I'll be giving my Quirk to a truly worthy successor. You've already shown me your Heroic Heart, and your utter determination. I know you'll be able to do this." Izuku listened as he shook his head and looked out onto the ocean.

The large piles of garbage blocking the rising sun as it began to peek over the edges of the pile. He looked down at his hand as he processed everything he was told and gripped it tight.

"All Might…" he said as he turned to the man.

"I will take your power, but can we at least hold it off for a bit? just until I feel like I'm ready to take this power from you. I don't want to be the reason you can't be a Hero anymore. To do that would not be very Heroic of me…I'm sorry." A tear fell down his face as he felt he was disappointing the man who only looked at the boy and smiled.

"Okay…I can see that this was a lot for you to process and I apologise. I shouldn't have been so hasty giving you my powers. So, we'll make a deal. We'll hold off giving you One for All, but only for six months. I at least want you to have a firmer grasp of it before the U.A. Entrance Exam." He wiped the tear from his face as he pointed.

"Make it Seven," he chuckled a little at this.

"Deal…" they both shook their hands as the man coughed. "Well then seeing as you won't be taking in my powers just yet and factoring in your body, I'll have to edit my plans for you."

"Plans?" the man smirked as he bulked up and pulled out a sheet of paper.

"This, my Aim to Pass: American Dream Plan!" he slapped the paper as he read over the plan.

"Whoa, you really planned everything…even when I sleep?"

"I'm not going to lie to you boy, this plan is not for the faint of heart. It will be gruelling and-!"

"This doesn't seem too hard, yeah I think this can work?" All Might blinked as he stared at the boy.

"Huh? What do you mean this isn't hard?" Izuku smiled as he shook his head.

"Sorry I didn't mean to insult your work, but…this kind of stuff I did when I was a kid. My grandfather used to put me through all kinds of training in order to get me to awaken my Haki. Back when I was five, he once threw me down a bottomless ravine and ordered me to climb back up."

A small Izuku could be seen screaming as he fell down the ravine.

"And then there was that time he threw me into the forest for a whole night to see if I could survive…"

A small Izuku was thrown into the forest screaming as angry eyes glared from the darkness.

"And that one time he tied balloons around me and sent me into the sky until I thought of a way to get back down..."

Once again, a screaming child Izuku could be seen floating up into the air as several balloons were tied around his waist.

"But honestly it wasn't that bad, it definitely helped me get stronger and allowed me to think of new and inventive ways to survive. Honestly, the stuff you wanted me to do, seems like a walk in the park compared to that?" he laughed with a bright smile.

All Might just looked on in shock as he stared at the boy like he grew a second head.

'Kid…any one of those situations could be misinterpreted as child abuse!' He thought as he stared at the boy.

"Anyway sounds like I need to edit this plan and come up with a new one. Factoring in both your abilities and your body. But the main point is for you to clean this beach." He gestured to the large piles before he grabbed the top of a fridge.

"Think of it as the starting point for your career as a Hero, by helping the community. Back in the day Heroes used to do things like this before it all became about popularity and fame. This will remind you about the roots of Hero work and why it must never be forgotten." He smashed the fridge flat as the sun shone behind him.

Izuku stared in awe before he nodded and slammed his fists together as one arm was coated in Haki.

"All right, let's do it, Sensei!" he proclaimed as the man nodded and they began to train and prepare for the day that Izuku would inherit One for All and start his path on becoming the next Symbol of Peace. However, he knew that eventually, he would have to talk to the man about his best friend and the secret he had to share with her…

He just hoped he would understand.

And Scene. Well here is chapter IV of Deku of the Haki. Now I got a lot of backlash from people saying, don't give him Haki keep him without it. Saying it would be Hypocritical after his declaration. But the fact is I always planned to give him One for All. It is a main part of the My Hero Academia story and essential to my plot and the powers I plan to give to Deku. I've left my reasons at the top of this and am sticking to it.

Some have even asked I give him the Rokushiki abilities from the CP9. And for that I say…Maybe?

I do like some of the aspects of it, and I might have Izuku develop them himself in conjunction with One for All and Haki. Geppo, Kaim-e and Soru seem useful and I could see him using them in the Sports Festival. Tekkai just seems like a weaker version Haki, without the coating. Will have to think of a way to incorporate that. Shigan might be too lethal for Izuku's taste, and Rankyaku would defiantly be useful with his legs.

But the Rokugan might be deadly for Izuku and if I gave it to him it would be a last resort kind of attack. I may even have Izuku develop them on his own, make it in this universe his creation. Because he is a bright boy and I could see him try to develop new ways to use Haki.

Anyway, in this chapter, I wanted to focus on what happened after Deku saved Kacchan from the slime villain. How everyone would react differently to him thinking that he had a Quirk now. How the people who had ignored him for years now trying to chum up to him. Hopefully, I got it right but let me know if I should change it.

Anyway, stay tuned for the next chapter and the many more in…

Chapter V: No Secrets from Friends

Ps. For my RWBY followers decided not to change too much of King of Darkness, leave the title but change the summary, and try and make a workaround, sorry for the drama. Leave a Review and see ya soon!