
A ten-year-old, petite raven haired, girl had run into the forest. This was a safe haven she always went to during hard times. She sat, curled up like a ball, next to a stream and cried. She tried to imagine sweet fairies flying about and greeting her but it was in vain.


She turned around quickly to see what the noise was. There stood a blonde haired and green-eyed boy, not too much older than her she presumed. She stared at him with water filled eyes and asked "A-Are you a fairy or demon?" The boy looked at her for a moment smiled and said "I'm a fairy prince. My names Corn. What's your name?" Excitement filled her eyes. "My name is Kyoko! Y-You're really a fairy prince, Corn!? C-can you fly?"

She looked at him with big hopeful, doe, amber eyes. He looked away shyly. "Kind of. My fathers' hands are too large for me to completely fly but I'll try." He positioned himself on a decently sized boulder then backflipped through the air and landed on his feet. Kyoko laughed and cheered for Corn. He smiled and scratched the back of his head a little embarrassed by his actions. "Oh, Corn you're so amazing!" She said with the biggest smile on her face. "Thank you, Kyoko." "Oh, you can't call me that! You have to call me Kyoko-chan. Only Sho-chan and my mom can call me by my first name and its impolite." She said quite frankly. Corn was taken aback by her statement but silently agreed with her in his head "Okay, Kyoko-chan." He smiled. They spent most of the day laughing and playing. They enjoyed each other's company so much that they even met up every day for a week.

Unfortunately, though Corn had to leave at the end of said week. He told Kyoko that he had to go back to the fairy kingdom. She cried at his announcement "B-But I don't want you to leave, Corn!" He smiled patted her head and said "Kyoko-chan hold out your hands for me." She did as he said. He then placed a purple colored stone in her hand. "This is a stone that will take away all negative thoughts. Can you keep it safe for me until I see you next time?" He asked tenderly. Kyoko nodded her head unable to speak. He smiled, hugged, and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. Kyoko's face lit up like a firecracker. Before she could yell at him, he ran away waving goodbye.

Several Years Later

Sho was tired of helping the small 'family business' and he vehemently told his parents how much he hated it at the ryokan. This led to argument after argument until Sho finally had enough. He asked Kyoko one day if she would run away with him to Tokyo so he could follow his dreams of becoming an CEO of a large corporation. Kyoko loved the idea but was a bit fearful of leaving the home she had grown accustomed to. He finally persuaded her to join him. Little did she know this would lead to tragic and disastrous things. Worse than what she has endured so far.

Kyoko and Sho moved to Tokyo. She wanted to support Sho anyway possible and decided she would go to school and get a business degree while he applied at large corporations. He landed a job at Akatoki Incorporations not long after their arrival. He started out slow and in the lower ranks. Money was tight especially with Kyoko going to school. Even though she was working three jobs a day it wasn't enough, well at least not for Sho. While at work Sho over heard (eaves dropped) some higher ranked co-workers talk about a black-market show that was going to be happening in a couple weeks. This peaked his interest, especially since he already had the perfect 'item' he could sell. He went home and started devising his plan.

A Couple Weeks Later

Sho asked Kyoko if she'd be interested in a job that would bring them in more money. Kyoko, wanting to please Sho in any way, said yes. He looked at her pleased with that answer, picked a bag up, took her hand and led her downstairs to a waiting taxi. The taxi drove for quite sometime than stopped in front of what looked like an abandoned concert hall. She looked at him confused but he simply pulled her along.

Usually she'd be excited about holding hands but right now her gut was telling her something very bad was about to happen. He led her to what used to be the back-entry way. The door was slightly ajar. He opened the door and some soft yellow lights came on that led down a flight of stairs. Sho started descending the stars but stopped shortly once he realized Kyoko wasn't following. He asked if she was coming. To afraid to say anything she shook her head no and started to back away. Sho livid with her reaction bolted up the stairs grabbed her wrist and told her that she was going to go whether she liked it or not. So, he yanked her down the stairs. They descended the stairs for what seemed like forever and when they finally got down to the bottom there was a person standing next to a door. Sho rummaged through the bag and pulled out two masks. He shoved one into her hands and told her to put it on. Still very confused and afraid she did as she was told. The guard at the door stopped them and asked for their name. Sho told him his name was Futaro. The guard then looked down at his list nodded and opened the door.

They both entered the room. Kyoko looked around at all the amazing rare items. She walked up to a glass container that had what looked like two very realistic 'wax' human dolls in them. They were placed on a log while looking at each other in the most entranced gaze. Kyoko was mesmerized by this piece and started to reach out and touch it. Sho stopped her hand, pulled her to a room, shoved her in, threw the bag at her, and told her to change. He also said he wouldn't let her out until she did so and with that he left her alone. Kyoko looked around the very dimly lit room and saw no hanger or chair she could put the bag. Everything was so confusing but again she did what she was told. She pulled out the items that were in the bag. To her horror there was a black lace thong and bra set, that left little to the imagination and covered little to nothing, with a stylish leather gas mask that laced in the back. She screamed, threw the items to floor, ran to the door and started pounding on it. "Sho let me out!" She cried. "Not till you put that outfit on!" He yelled back with an annoyed tone. She didn't want to upset Sho but she was so scared and she broke down and cried.

A few minutes had passed and Kyoko finally, came to an agreement with herself, got up took the items out of the bag and put them on. "This cant be any worse than back in Kyoto." She said softly to herself. She knocked on the door gently. "Sho I'm ready." She said as quietly as possible hoping he didn't hear her but he did. He swung the door open and looked at her. She felt ashamed and embarrassed to be this revealed in such a public place. He grabbed the mask out of her hand and told her to turn around. She did as she was told and everything went dark. He tightly secured the mask on her almost suffocating her. He grabbed her arm and started pulling her along, she tripped and stubbled along the way aggravating Sho. "Would you quit stumbling around!" He softly yelled. "I can't help it. I can't see anything Sho." She replied with a slight muffle. "Just keep walking straight and keep your mouth shut." He hissed.

Kyoko felt the presence of a person approach them. The person told Sho that they would be up next and asked if he had anything to say about the purchasable 'item.' Sho quietly nodded his head and the man left. Kyoko was now in a panic and trying to reason to herself what item Sho could possibly be selling. Her mind kept telling her this lingerie set must be a new item that his company was working on selling and was using her for a model but keeping her identity a secret. Yes, that's what it was, she kept thinking, but deep down she knew it wasn't.

What seemed like hours, which was actually only a minute, had passed. She was pushed up a few stairs and dragged onto what felt like an old wooden stage. Sho placed her somewhere and whispered "Don't you dare move from this spot or say anything. If you understand me nod." Kyoko nodded. She could hear the murmurs of what sounded like millions of people all around her except behind her. Her breathing became heavy and irregular making her feel light headed in the mask. Then she heard Sho's voice over a microphone.

"Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen my name is Futaro. Tonight, I bring you a peculiar item that most can not obtain. This particular item is a living 'sex doll.'" Kyoko's heart sank and she knew her fate was sealed. "This isn't your ordinary run of the mill sex doll of a robot nor a person. This particular 'thing' cannot get pregnant nor get stimulation from intercourse. This is simply a meat sack to pleasure whomever is willing to rent it." The crowds murmuring got louder and someone in the crowed asked. "So, she simply takes birth control and has a disfunction, is that what you're telling us." Sho scoffed into the microphone and looked at the man and answered "No. I created a drug that killed nerves and rubbed it against her lower lips, into her inner walls, and all the way into the uterus. Creating a perfect subject for anyone to enjoy. Not all birth control works effectively and can lead to a child but with this 'product' you may do as you please without repercussions." Sho finished with his spew looked at the auctioneer and walked off the stage. "We'll start the biding at $1,000." The auctioneer yelled. People started an uproar and started biding.

Kyoko's mind was blank, her body numb from the realization that Kyoto was starting all over again but worse. Much much worse.

In the uproar of the crowd towards the back stood 2 tall men. One younger with dark brown hair combed to one side, with brown eyes and a stare that was as cooled as ice. The other a slightly taller older man with slick backed wavy black hair and a mustache. The younger one asked "Is she worth it?" The older one sighed and shook his head "She's too far gone. There's nothing we can do." They both turned and left the damned place.

3 years Kyoko was rented out by 'Futaro.' Even though she was living a normal life in the morning, at night it was hell. The last 3 years were miserable and she finally decided to herself "I need to leave, I need to get away from him but how?" She wept quietly all night.

The next morning, she went to her classes normally and saw Moko-san, real name Kanae Kotonami, the only true happiness she had. Kyoko waved at her and called her over to their seats. Then she got an idea. Sho didn't know about Moko-san and so Kyoko asked her if she would go with her to Karaoke after their classes. Kanae really didn't want to but Kyoko had these HUGE puppy dog eyes looking at her and she caved.

At karaoke, Kyoko was hesitant on telling Moko everything that had happened to her and started fidgeting in her seat. "Mooo! If you don't tell me now I'm going to leave and never speak to you again!" Kanae yelled. "No. Please Moko-san don't leave me!" Kyoko said with water filled eyes. This took Kanae aback. Kyoko finally got up the courage and told her everything that had happened in Kyoto and here in Tokyo. She cried the whole time she was speaking. Kanae was outraged once Kyoko finished. Not at Kyoko but at the bastard that used her and treated her like this.

Kanae looked at Kyoko took her hands and firmly grasped Kyoko's shoulders, in doing so making Kyoko look up at her and Kanae said firmly "Tomorrow. Tomorrow we are getting you out of there." Kyoko looked at her and got the biggest smile and said "Thank you. Thank you so much Moko-san."

Authors Note:
So this is my first ever Fanfiction. I've had this idea in my head for a while and thought I'd actually share it with you guys.
To be honest I want to see how well this prologue goes and if does well enough I'll continue the actual story. So please let me know what you guys think!
Hope you enjoyed it! Comments and criticisms are much appreciated.