Chase your dreams but always know the road that'll lead you home again
Go on, take on this whole world
But to me you know you'll always be, my little girl - My Little Girl by Tim McGraw


August 10/11

Ochaco sat up, the sudden change in blanket warmth making me crack an eye at her. She gritted her teeth, and bent forward. I sat bolt upright.

"Hey. What's wrong?"

"Ugh," She moaned, "My legs, back, just about everything hurts, Katsuki! I've been feeling sick all day, but.." She turned teary eyes to me, "I think I'm going into labor!"

"You're too early, still." I could feel my brow scrunching with fear and worry, my hands growing warm, trying to get ready to use my quirk. I shook them irritably and tried to erase my fear. Where was Aizawa when I need him? "Could it be more Braxton Hicks?"

"It's different. I can't sleep, and I feel like I'm going to burst out of my skin. Like my birthday is tomorrow, and I know you've gotten me something that is just going to blow my mind. And I keep getting..." She made a face, "I don't know, it's like a cramp mixed with a charlie horse."

"You have a month left." I ran my hand over her shoulder as she frowned at me, "I'm trying to calm you down. The doctor wants you to stay clam, remember?"

"Fine. Fine!" She slapped my hand away and threw back her blankets, "Maybe i just need to pee." She put one foot then the other on the floor.

"Do you want help?" Ochaco was in full momma bear mode, and I didn't want to have to explain domestic abuse bruises to anyone. "Gimme a sec, and I'll.."

"Shut up. I can go pee by myself!" She groaned, rocking her hips to provide enough momentum to stand.

I tossed aside the blanket anyway, and padded to her side, mutely offering her a hand. She glowered at it before grabbing it. I turned and grabbed her other wrist, how held out like a zombie hand. I gave her a tug, and she stood, grabbing my shoulder for balance. "Need me to hang out?"

"This is all your fault." She walked a few steps and I followed her to the master bath. She paused, a confused gasp coming from her, and I rushed to her side to see a dribble of what I assumed was pee until I saw it was not the right color. "Honey? Katsuki! Oh my god." She started crying, "I felt that! What is it?"

"It's time to go to the hospital, angel." I watched in shock as a grey brown glop ran down her leg. My brain, as sharp as it had been in school, already had the answer. It was the mucus plug. And it was early. "It's fine, but we need to get your bag, and call an ambulance. Do you have to pee? Do you want to try?"

"Okay," She breathed in and out, waiting a full three seconds in between, calming herself the way we'd been taught. I helped her get to the bathroom.

"I'm going to get dressed. When you're ready, call me, okay? Don't do anything by yourself. I mean it! Don't you dare stubborn up on me."

"I won't. I don't think I can get back up anyway."

I laughed a little, definitely helping us diffuse the tension in the air. I ran to the jeans I'd left on the floor, pulling them on while frantically searching for my phone. I managed to get them buttoned before Ochaco called. I jogged back to her, helping her stand and wash her hands. She waddled to the bed slowly, kicking her feet into crocs.

"Where's your bag?" I shouted at her before dialing out, calling 911. "I'm at the Emerald View Condos at the corner of Westlake and Valley. My wife is going into preterm labor." I listened to the operator, and watched Ochaco poke though her go bag. She was shaking, but seemed to have mastered herself a bit. "We're number B-2. Thanks."

It took no time at all to hear the sirens. It was late at night, after all, in a part of Seattle that was pretty quiet day-long. "Come on, sweetie." I held out my hands, "Let's get you up and waiting. They'll be here soon."

"I'm really afraid."

I nodded, "That's fine. I'm pretty afraid, too. But, we've got everything we need."

13 Hours Later [Japanese]

Ochaco lay back on the birthing chair, and coughed weakly, "[I can't. I can't do this anymore.]"

The nurse rubbed her back, "[Okay. You're not making progress. We're going to call a doctor. Your baby is fine, but this is hard on her too.]"

"[She's okay?]" Ochaco panted, and rocked forward, another contraction, "Owwww! Katsuki!" She squeezed my hand so hard, I swear the bones grated.

"[I'm here. Ichigo is fighting, but let's fight for her, okay? Let's get a doctor.]"

"Katsuki? We'll probably have to pull the baby. She's been stuck in the birth canal too long. We'll have to cut Ochaco, and you'll need to gown up. Gloves, too. Nitroglycerin, even if that's not the exact nature of your quirk, can be absorbed though the skin, and even a little might..." She gave me hard eyes, and I immediately understood. I could hurt or maybe even accidentally kill my little girl.

I nodded, "Tell the doc that she speaks English, too. She's just tired, okay?" I rushed to Ochaco before heading out, "I'll be right back." I swallowed, "We never give up, right?"

"Right." She coughed again, "[Plus Ultra.]"

"[Plus Ultra.] Be right back."

A different nurse directed me to a little room with very bright lights after the relative dimness of the birthing center. I pulled scrubs over my clothes, struggling into a papery gown that another nurse helpfully tied for me. She held out gloves, and I allowed her to put them on me. Even though I was holding my quirk in an iron fist, I wouldn't risk Ichigo's life on some macho show of pride.

"My favorite part," she smiled, and held up paper booties, "I'll slip these on your shoes and we can go see your new baby girl be born."

"Sounds good," I blew out a hard breath, "Is it a bad birth?"

"No birth that ends in a live baby is bad. Plus, you're at a great place. We'll definitely have..." She smiled, "What is baby's name?"


"We'll have Ichigo here before you know it. Ochaco already did most of the work for us."

"[Thank you so much.]" I barked a laugh, "Thanks."

We walked to a different room in the same wing. Rather than the soft dimness of the birthing center, a over-bright fluorescence gleamed off of every surface in the delivery room. Machines beeped and flashed as monitors marked Ochaco's vitals and our daughter's heartbeat. Stirrups supported her legs. Mechanical arms dangled strangely from overhead.

Instead of just Jackie, our Japanese speaking nurse, there was a virtual crowd staring at Ochaco and the very top of Ichigo's head. A kindly looking older man pulled open a drawer, pulling forth a vacuum device. With quick motions borne of experience, Jackie dabbed a bit of anesthetic on the stretched tight bit of Ochaco that she was going to cut.

The doctor smiled at me, and waved me over, "I'm Doctor Laghari. I'm going to help deliver your baby. This," He indicated the vacuum, "will suck onto the baby, and the next time your wife pushes, we'll pull, too. It's simple." He patted Ochaco on the leg, "It's almost over dearie." He transferred that smile to me, "The next part is messy. You might just want to encourage your wife."

I nodded, feeling a swell of acid in my throat, "Yeah."

I moved by Ochaco's head, and she clutched my hand, "It's almost over," she said weakly, and I nodded, "I'm ready." Her face hardened, and her old determination flashed in her dark eyes. "Awwarhgh!"

"Come on, Ochaco!" I leaned into her, and she strained forward, hunching against her knees.

The doctor held up a finger, his soft Hindi accent swirled though the room, "Once more, if you please."

"Ah! Ah!" Ochaco panted, her breath over loud in the room.

I smiled, "One more. Push like hell."

"[I love you.]" She panted and then took a deep breath, "Fuck this!" She pushed, a loud scream erupting from behind her teeth.

I heard a squash and the splash of blood and fluids. I looked at Ochaco's bent knees to see the doctor hold up my baby like a trophy. Ochaco thumped down into her sweaty sheets, utterly exhausted. Her hair was stuck limply to her head, but she smiled in triumph, "[Where is she? My baby?]"

A thin wail took hold, and the nurses smiled at me, "Come meet your daughter. She's absolutely perfect."

I squeezed Ochaco's shoulder, "I'll bring her to you, okay?"

Jackie stepped close, "[Ichigo may want to nurse, so go ahead and try to sit up.]" She turned the same small, serene smile on me, "Daddy, go grab her, and we'll get mommy ready to see what she's been working toward okay?"

A nurse handed a pink bundle to me, "She's premature, but she's got lots of spunk. Cradle her head."

She was still a little gooey, her golden hair swirled tightly to her head. But her little eyes were slatted open and I peered into them. A strange slate tinged brown tried to focus on me. "Hi, Ichigo." My voice was shaking, and tears streaked down my cheeks, "[I'm your daddy.] She's... perfect."

One tiny, red wrinkled fist worked itself free, and I stroked a finger over the skin, reveling in the warm smoothness. I couldn't help the tears still welling in my eyes as I turned, showcasing Ichigo for her mother. Her slightly pudgy face yawning. Yeah, it'd been a tiring day for all of us.

"Bring her here." Ochaco's voice scratched with over-use. She held out wavering arms, and Jackie smiled at my questioning look.

Jackie held out her hands, and took Ichigo, unwrapping her. Her skinny little body tightening for the difference in temperature. "[Put Ichigo right on your chest. Let her root for the breast if she wants it.]" Jackie lay Ichigo on Ochaco and her hands fluttered over the baby's backside. "You'll want to do the same, Katsuki. This is an important time for the three of you, and nothing will help her stay healthy and strong as much as your touch. Skin to skin."

I watched Ichigo snooze against my wife's skin. Ochaco smiled, tears rolling down her cheeks. She looked up at me, "Honey?" I smiled at her, "Come here."

I scraped a chair closer to the bed, sitting and leaning over it, putting my face close to theirs.

"I love you," She said softly, her voice still choked with tears. Her hand resting on Ichigo who'd decided that a meal wasn't exactly necessary right this minute, and was snoozing on Ochaco's chest.

I lay my hand against the baby's side, "I love you, too. Both of you."

4 Years Later


I stood out on the patio and watched Katsuki examine Ichigo's hands. He slapped one and she slapped his in return; low fives, thier ritual, her little feet running across the lawn in a burst of playful exuberance. He stood and crossed over to me, a smile on his handsome face.

"Teaching someone else how to use this quirk is gonna be more exhausting than I thought." He examined his hand, crossed as it was with calluses and small scars, and clutched it fiercely, "I hope if we have another one, he floats."

"He?" I lifted my brow, and he grinned, "Mom says it was a terror keeping me safe."

Ichigo zoomed between us, "How'zer Impact!" She shouted as she slammed face first into Katsuki's legs. The clicking pop of a tiny explosion following her as she raced off again.

"Actually, this is terrifying enough." I watched in amazement as she stopped to drop on her knees, blowing off another explosion. The grass was smoking when she stood. "She's going to set the neighborhood on fire."

"[Ichigo, come on, you're gonna hurt yourself,]" Katsuki called, lowering to catch the laughing girl with golden brown hair that fell in curly cascades. Her eyes were the exact same shade as her father's as she explained that she had to blow up the grass because bugs are icky. "You can't just blow up the grass. And bugs deserve to live, Ichi." He kissed her head, "Be good and I'll take you to the training facility and teach you how to mix oxygen into the nitro."

"Oh my god. Katsuki." I threw up my hands, "Please don't teach her stuff like that."

He frowned at the girl still in his arms, shaking his head as if he couldn't believe what I was saying. Ichigo's bright red eyes widened, "[Mommy!] I can do it! I'm gonna go to UA! I'm a hero! The bestest hero! [Plus Ultra!]"

"See? How can she be the bestest hero if she can't eliminate everyone in the entrance exam?"

"Oh, I give up." I smiled and grabbed the girl from Katsuki, tickling her ribs as she squealed and laughed. I put her on the ground and she collapsed. "And so do you, I see. Nap time."

She got up, and zoomed to her room as her father and I watched. "Damn, she's a bundle."

I picked at an imaginary hangnail, "[Did you tell her about Uncle Izuku and your job offer?]"

"I did. I don't think she understood." He shrugged, and inwardly, I did the same. She was only four, after all. "[I'm going to take it. I like being a Pro hero, but raising Ichigo...]" He nodded softly, "[I think I could be a good teacher over there.]"

"[Thirteen called when he heard about the offer. He'd love to have me help out.]"

"You are the best wife in the world. I cannot get over how lucky I am."

"You are lucky." I snuggled into his side and he wrapped me in a strong arm, "But not as lucky as I am."


AN/ I hope that you enjoyed reading this. When I write, especially stuff like this, it comes from an emotional place. I have a beautiful son (14 now, holy cow) who was born a little over 2 months premature. So babies and pregnancy is about the most real thing in this world to me. I'm crying a little, writing this, but I'm glad I got to write another pregnancy story with a way happier ending.

To top this all off, I want to thank Mr Mosevic. I say thank you in every chapter, and I mean it every single time. Without a beta, I feel like I'm out to sea. But, you are more than just a beta to me. A friend, a fellow fan fic writer (His story is amazing! The Eraser's Journey. Aizawa goodness... read it!) and a person I have real admiration for. Thank you for being here for me. I probably never would have finished if not for you.

And my readers...I know there's been a lot of you, and only a few chatters, which is cool, it's a different kind of story. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much it means to me to see just one comment or a new 'fave' added. Without you, I wouldn't have an outlet for my sappy feelings! ROFL Thanks again.