There were 5 girls to another talking to each other in the courtyard of Alfea, the school for fairies.

The first girl had long blond hair and hazel eyes. Her name was Stella.

The second girls had light brown hair and green eyes. She also had tan skin. Her name was Flora.

The third girl had long, dark blue pigtails and dark blue eyes. Her name was Musa.

The fourth girl had dark brown hair and dark skin. She also had blue eyes. Her name was Aisha.

The fifth girl had short magenta hair with green eyes. Her name was Tecna.

The 5 of them were currently talking about what kind of classes they would be taking and what kind of boys they like. They were freshmen so picking a class was very important. While they were talking they heard a scream.

"Was that a scream?" Flora asked

"It was a scream but where did it come from?" Aisha asked

The scream was heard again and Musa looked up an saw that there was a young fairy in the air.

"Girls, up there!" Musa said

The other girls looked up and saw what Musa was pointing at and they saw the young fairy too. They saw that she was flying in a clumsy fashion.

"Jeez who taught her how to fly?" Stella asked

The young fairy in the air was now falling and ending landing on Stella. The other girls went over to see if they were okay. They saw that the fairy that was have trouble flying was top of Stella.

The girl was had slightly curly red hair that went down to her back. She also had bright sapphire blue eyes. The girl looked like she was at least 8 years old.

"Ow! That hurts" The girl said

Are you okay, sweetie?" Flora asked

"Huh? Oh yes, I'm fine" The girl said

"You might want to get up now" Tecna said

"Huh?" The girl asked

"You're sitting on top of our friend" Tecna said

The young red head looked down and saw that she was on top of Stella. The young girl was shocked and got off her.

"I-I'm so sorry" The girl said

Stella got up and dusted herself off. She then looked at the girl and exploded.

"What is wrong with you?! Don't you know how to fly?!" Stella asked loudly

"Calm down, Stella, it was just an accident. I'm sure she didn't mean to do it" Aisha said

"She got my clothes all dirty" Stella said

"You can just wash those later" Musa said

"Yeah, it's no big deal" Aisha said

Stella was about to shout again but Flora covered her mouth with her hand.

"Don't listen to her sweetie. What's really important is that you're not hurt" Flora said

"Thanks. I have to go now" The girl said

The girl ran off.

Later that day everyone, except Roxy, went down to magix to enjoy some pizza. They then noticed that it was really windy.

"Jeez the wind is really going wild" Stella said

"It's also getting late so we should get back" Aisha said

"Good idea" Musa said

They were about to depart but Flora saw something in the sky. When she got a good look she saw that it was the same fairy they fell on Stella earlier.

"Flora? What are you doing staring off into space like that?" Aisha asked

"That girl from earlier is up there" Flora said

Aisha looked up and saw that Flora was right

"Hey, you're right" Aisha said

They saw that the girl was struggling against the wind. The wind got stronger and the girl couldn't stop herself from being blown away. She was blown away towards a mountain.

"Oh no!" Flora said

The other girls also saw what happened.

"I'm sure she'll be fine" Stella said

"We need to go after her, Stella!" Musa said

"It's logical that we need to help her" Tecna said

The girls then transformed then flew into the direction the at the little red head blown towards. They landed near the mountain and looked around.

"She should've landed around here" Tecna said

"I think you mean crashed" Stella said

"You know what she meant" Musa said

Flora looked around and then looked up. She saw the little red head trapped on a ledge. She could tell that the girl was really high up.

Flora then flew up the others looked up and saw that she was headed towards the girl on the ledge.

When Flora made it she saw that the red head was shaking from fear.

"Hey there sweetie" Flora said

The redhead looked up and saw that Flora was there.

"You're one of the girls from earlier" The redhead said

"That's right and I'm here to help you" Flora said

"But, the wind is too strong for me" The girl said

"Don't worry, I'll help you" Flora said

"You will?" The girl said

"Of course" Flora said

The tanned fairy then stretched out her hand towards the girl.

"Take my hand and I'll help get to the ground" Flora said

The redhead looked at the fairy for a moment. She was trying to see if she was trust worthy. When she saw that she could trust her, she took her hand and held on to it.

With Flora's help they were able to fly to the ground with no trouble.

Are you okay?" Musa asked

"I am now, thanks to this girl" The redhead said

"My name is Flora" Flora said

"I'm Stella" Stella said

"My name is Musa" Musa said

"My name is Tecna" Tecna said

"And I'm Aisha" Aisha said

"I see" The redhead said

"What's you're name?" Musa said

"It's Bloom" Bloom said

"How old are you?" Stella asked

"STELLA!" The others shouted

"What?! I was just curious" Stella said

"I'm 8" Bloom said

"Eight?" Aisha asked

"That's right" Bloom said

"Why do you fly so clumsily?" Stella asked

"STELLA!" The others shouted

"What?!" Stella

"You're being rude!" Aisha

"It's okay" Bloom said

Bloom then started to tell them a little bit about herself.

"I just earned my winx a couple of day ago. My grandmother is too busy to help me practice so I'm practicing on my own but so far I'm not getting anywhere. Every time I try to fly I always end up crashing" Bloom said

"You just earned your winx? No wonder you're not a good flyer" Stella said

"STELLA!" The others said

"What? I'm just speaking the truth" Stella said

"Well look what you did" Tecna said

Stella saw that the young redhead was crying.

"I guess the truth really can hurt" Stella said

"I guess I'm not meant to be fairy. What kind of fairy can't fly?" Bloom asked

Flora bent down and hugged the little redhead.

"Don't cry sweetie. You said you just earned your winx right?" Flora said

R-right" Bloom said

"Well if you practice more then I'm sure you'll get the hang of it" Flora said

"You think so?" Bloom asked

"I know so. I'll even help you" Flora said

"You will?" Bloom said

"Not just her. All of us will be happy to pitch in and help you" Musa said

"Really?" Bloom asked

They all nodded.

"Thank you all so much" Bloom said

Tecna checked the time and saw that their curfew was in 20 minutes.

"Bad news girls, our curfew is in 20 minutes" Tecna said

"WHAT?!" Stella said

"Looks like we'll have to fly back" Musa said

"Looks like that's our only option" Aisha said

"Flora?" Bloom said

"Yes, sweetie?" Flora asked

"Will you hold my hand while we fly?" Bloom asked

"Of course" Flora said

The girls took flight and Flora held onto Bloom's hand. They made it back to Alfea in exactly 20 minutes.

"We finally made it back" Stella said

"But now we're breaking curfew" Tecna said

"Don't worry, we just need to sneak in without anyone spotting us" Stella said

A giant spotlight turned on and it was shining on them.

"Hold it right there, young ladies!" a strict voice said

"You were saying" Musa comments

"Shut up" Stella said

Two women appeared. The first woman was a brunette with chin length hair and was wearing glasses. She was Grizelda, the head of the discipline The other woman had white hair and was also wearing glasses. She was Faragonda, the headmistress of Alfea.

"Young ladies, all of you are in deep trouble for skipping curfew" The woman said

"We just got sidetracked that's all" Stella said

"Doesn't matter" Grizelda said

Grizelda then looked at the little red head. Bloom got scared and tried to hide herself behind Flora.

"Especially you, Miss Bloom" Grizelda said

"Um..." Bloom said

"Do you have any idea how worried we were when you didn't return?" Grizelda asked

"Hey! It's not her fault! She was practicing her flying but the wind blew her towards a mountain ledge and she was too scared to fly down" Stella said

"It's true and I helped her down" Flora said

Grizelda looked at Bloom again.

"Is this true?" Grizelda said

"Y-yes" Bloom said

"Flying on a windy day. You should've known better" Grizelda said

Faragonda decided to step in.

"That's enough, Grizelda. What matters now is that everyone is safe" Faragonda said

Grizelda agreed and let it go.

The headmistress then looked at Bloom.

"Bloom, please be more careful next time. You had me worried" Faragonda said

Bloom then ran to the headmistress and hugged.

"I promise to be more careful next time, grandma" Bloom said

The other girls were shocked to hear what the young girl just said.

"GRANDMA?!" The others said in shock

"Right, Bloom is my granddaughter. And since you took your time to go rescue her, I'll over look this incident just this once but you might not get so lucky next time. So keep that in mind" Faragonda said

"Yes, headmistress" They all said

"Good, now off to bed" Faragonda said

Everyone went off to bed. The 5 girls actually hoped that they would get to see Bloom again.