Hello! Yes, it's me again! Recently, I've been drawn back into the Fate universe, (I have my own Servant!), and so I thought, 'Why not make Saint Graphs for other media's characters for people to draw upon and use as Servants?'So that's what I'm doing. As this is the first chapter, I'll give you a character you should all know.

Class: Berserker

True Name: Saitama

Alignment: Neutral Good

AKA: Caped Baldy, One-Punch Man


Strength: EX

Endurance: EX

Agility: EX

Mana: E-

Luck: EX

Noble Phantasm: N/A

Class Skills:

Madness Enhancement: EX. An 'obsession'. An 'ideal'. Proof that this hero is who he is. For he has no hatred, no love, no emotions at all. And yet he fights.

Individual Skills:

Certain Victory: EX. A combination of his statistics, this skill is akin to a Noble Phantasm. It is the 'certainty' of victory, and the proof that defeat cannot exist for this Servant.

Stupidity: B. A 'fool', this Hero fails to notice certain events surrounding him, nor does he notice declarations of hatred. He gains this skill for multiple reasons, all of which are supported by his legend.

Heroic Legend:

A 'Hero' with no equal, the existance that is 'Saitama' is unbeatable. His Certain Victory, Madness Enhancement, and EX-ranked Strength, Endurance, Agility, and Luck have stolen away any idea of this hero possibly possessing a Noble Phantasm.What does it take for him to defeat an enemy? One punch. One punch from this Servant promises victory. No Noble Phantasm can stand against this hero. For he is a hero.

He came from nothing. A nobody. Unemployed. Dead to the world. Left alive by a monster, out for blood, he came across the monster's prey, a child with a chin like that of Peter Griffin, just as the monster found it. Driven by an illogical urge, Saitama saved the child. The monster demanded Saitama's reasoning, after all, the monster had left him alive. Saitama responded by telling he monster his wish: To be a hero who could defeat any monster with one punch. As it was, even as a nobody, he slew the monster in one difficult move.

He began to train. A standard excercise. Every day for three years. One hundred pushups. One hundred sit ups. One hundred squats. All followed by a ten kilometer run. And that's all he did. After one year, he began to notice results. He could defeat the monsters with less and less effort. But in exchange, his hair began to fall out. Three years after that day: Emotionless, but strong. Hairless, but undefeatable. That is what Saitama became.

The Hero's Association is an organization founded three years ago to fight the monsters that exist upon Saitama's world. It was founded by an extremely rich man whose son was saved by a random passerby. The males of this family were notable for a chin that looked like male genitals. Those not belonging to the Hero's Association are considered to be 'Fakers' and are neither supported, nor recognized by the Association.

For three years, Saitama was a hero. But no credit was given to him, despite his defeating the highest threats the monsters had. Saitama, however, did learn, and joined. But he was placed at the bottom of the ranking, and there are rumors that he faked his physical tests. But slowly, the highest rank of heroes, the S class, are recognizing his illogical power.

He claims to be a 'hero for fun', but when he hears of a threat to humanity, he will not rest until the threat is gone....The problem is him recognizing that a threat exists.

Servant Responses:

This is... I cannot... How is this person a Servant?! -Artoria Pendragon (Saber, Standard)

A 'hero for fun'? He mocks those of us who sacrificed for our loved ones. But I cannot deny his strength, and I dare not insult him to his face. -EMIYA (Archer)

...I wonder if he could stand against even Ea? -Gilgamesh

...Scary. -Paul Bunyan

No hatred. No love. No emotions at all. And yet this power? His will... -The Count Of Monte Cristo

Stop! I am not one of those 'monsters' you keep accusing me of being! AGH! -The Old Man Of The Mountain.

...I have a feeling Galahad is pissed. -Mash Kyrielight

...Wait, they're making OC Servants?! What about Void/Apocrypha?! Or The Demon And Zombie Come To Remnant?! Update your other fanfictions before making a new one! -BB (Summer)

Servant Dialogue:

Hi, I'm Saitama, class Berserker. Is there any manga around here?

Egypt, America, Greece... In my world, they're fictional. Along with the legends that come with them. But them being real here... 'Kay, that's cool.

I'm a hero for fun and pleasure. Yes, I'm serious. And this costume is totally cool!

To EMIYA (Archer): ...I don't know what drives him. How can one possibly save everyone?

To The Old Man Of The Mountain: Oh! I thought... Sorry, back in my world something called 'monsterification' started up recently, and I thought... Oh well. I wonder what I can do to apologize?

To BB (Summer): Eh? She's not human? I should slay her?

To Mysterious Heroine XX: Are you a mech? A real girl wearing a mecha costume? Wait, you're King Arthur? WHAT THE HELL IS WITH YOU?! ...Genos would pay for your tech.

To Mash Kyrielight: ...Wow. I've never seen such a cute main character in any of my manga. Admittedly, my main go-to is Cockroach Buster, so I guess I can't really compla- What do you mean, she's never been outside? I guess the cold's kinda, well, cold, but... A false human? ...I'm starting to dislike this world's adults. The Servants are fine, but...

To Ivan The Terrible: Eh? You're not a monster? Despite your face and personality? And the fact that you lost the 'Innocent' part of your Innocent Monster skill?

What do I like? Eh, I like fighting tough opponents. I also, strangely, enjoy being whaled on. Not in that way, just, I like my opponents feel like they're doing something.

What do I dislike? Mosquitos.

My wish? ...My first thought would be to fight a strong opponent, but... Um... I wouldn't want to lose.

Your birthday? Crap! You should have warned me! What does Da Vinci sell that you want?!