Established SQ. Sequel to "Cocky". This is a G!P Emma Swan story. Contains explicit sex. You don't need to read "Cocky" to understand this, but please, if G!P is not your bag of chips, don't read either one.

If you like filth, welcome.

Five years ago, Emma Swan made a wish on her twenty-eighth birthday.

Sure as hell, her son found her and brought her back to her family.

Today, as she turned thirty-three, she clasped her fingers together underneath her head and her pillow, and grinned, ready to be pampered with breakfast in bed and maybe even get a morning lap dance – who would have thought Regina could be extremely kinky between the sheets?

It was almost hilarious to see her acting so bossy in Town Hall, with her pencil skirts and that permanent annoyed glare, when she knew Regina was wearing nothing underneath it, just waiting to be dominated and ravished on top of her desk.

Humming contentedly, Emma waited another moment. She was sure the smell of eggs and bacon and strong coffee would invade her nostrils and stir her grumbly stomach any time soon.

Just another minute.

She opened one eye to peek.

Her brain detected the faint scent of Regina's expensive perfume, just as if she had sprayed it hours before. And she was not hearing the usual clicking of her heels downstairs.


Emma opened the other eye.

Regina's side of the bed was empty, except for a note on her pillow.

Emma grinned smugly. She loved instructions, like the time Regina had a manila folder delivered to the Sheriff Station, and the report inside said I am blindfolded and naked. Come find me. It's a sexual emergency.

She grabbed the note eagerly, wondering what dirty present she would get for her birthday. Her face fell when she read it.

Had to leave earlier for a conference with SB tradesmen. Don't forget council meeting at 9, and don't be late.



No no no.

She did not forget it was her birthday. That had to be a mistake, even a joke. They didn't agree to send Henry to sleep at the Zimmers over the weekend for no reason.


Regina had an incredible memory – most of the time it was a bad thing, because it meant either Emma or Henry were fucked – and it was not possible that she didn't remember it was Emma's fucking birthday.

Disgruntled and slightly frustrated, Emma looked at the clock on the bedside table.

"FUCK!" she yelped, realizing it was eight forty-five. "Damn it!"

She had no idea why her alarm didn't go off. She had no idea if she had set the alarm. She went to bed in such a haze of lust and expectations last night that there was a huge possibility that she didn't even remember it would be a work day.

So, no shower.

Clothes, clothes, sniff a shirt to check if she had already used that, pants, jump around in one foot as she puts on socks, boots where the hell are her boots? Stub a finger on the vanity, curse loudly, find the boots and go.

She galloped downstairs, skidding slightly as she turned around to enter the kitchen.

No coffee, no breakfast.

When did she become so dependent on Regina?

"Shit," she cursed, hurrying out towards the driveway. She plopped behind the steering wheel of the bug and slammed the door angrily. When she turned the keys, the engine didn't start. "OH COME ON!" she barked. Emma tried once more; the engine popped faintly, but it didn't even come close to roaring to life.

She checked the fuel pointer.



"What the fuck?" Emma snarled. "It had gas!"

She climbed out of the bug and started to run. Realizing she was already late, Emma decided that at least she was going to have a decent breakfast.

If Regina was going to admonish her, so let it be on a full stomach.

She burst inside the diner only to realize she was alone in there. Granny was reading behind the counter, and she looked up from her magazine with a bored expression.

"We're out of coffee and food, Swan. Ruby took a very long shower this morning, and it melted the power cables of the building."

"No shit," Emma hissed, closing her eyes and counting to ten. Impressive how people that came from the Enchanted Fucking Forest couldn't do a thing without electricity anymore.

As she walked down the street, Emma wondered why her life became hell overnight. She went to bed wishing she had a great day, that she could be happy like that forever, with Regina and Henry, and that she would be on a full stomach by now, fucking her girlfriend senselessly.

Now she was hungry, sexually frustrated and oh so very late for council meeting.

Emma panted frantically as she entered Town Hall. Miss Avery looked up at her, and Emma could have sworn she was smirking.

"Good morning, Sheriff."

"Yeah right," Emma snarled. She pushed the double doors to the conference room forcefully.

Her parents, Archie and Sister Astrid were already sitting by the table. Regina was standing, and she was wearing a dark red dress and a black pair of those expensive shoes. She narrowed her dark eyes at the blonde's red face.

"Sheriff. Glad you could join us," she said, the hint of sarcasm and disapproval in her voice not lost in Emma.

"Sorry," she grumbled, not meaning it. She wished she could just wipe that look of superiority from Regina's face. She was so gorgeous… but so infuriating…. Emma was horny as hell, and the only thing she could think of was to fuck that woman until she couldn't walk and talk and have that attitude anymore.

"Well, as I was saying before Miss Swan interrupted us-"

Regina's deep voice trailed off in her mind as something started to move inside her belly. Her abdominal muscles stretched, contracted and then relaxed, and something started to grow on her lower area.

By the painful bulge that started to swell in the crotch of her pants, Emma had a pretty good idea what it was.


Oh crap.


She looked up at Regina, and the brunette was smiling brightly, and many doors burst open and half the town entered the conference room singing Happy Birthday to her.

"Let us give you a hug, come on!" Snow chirped, gesturing for her to get up. "God, it was killing me to keep it quiet –!"

"Oh, I bet it was," Regina scoffed, walking sultrily towards the blonde.

Emma started to sweat profusely as she pulled the corners of her lips up into a forced smile. Regina bent over her, displaying her vast cleavage, the scent of her perfume intoxicating her, making her throb -

"Happy birthday, dear," Regina whispered sensually in her ear. "I can't wait to…" she blinked. "Emma, what's… that?" she hissed, noticing the bulge on her lap, safely hidden by the conference table.

Emma gulped.

"Wasn't you?" she asked desperately through gritted teeth.

Regina sighed, looking around at the party. "I'm sure this is your magic," she whispered.

"Really?" Emma groaned. "You're going to scold me now?"

She sighed again, looking sideways. She waved her hand above Emma's lap. "Try to act and walk normally. My spell is concealing it. You'll feel your… friend, but no one will see it."

"Hey, lovebirds!" Ruby called out, placing a few paper bags from Granny's in front of Emma. "Leave that for when we're gone. Here, birthday girl," she patted Emma's shoulder. "Food. I hope Granny didn't mess up the plan to make you walk around without breakfast. She was seriously refusing to let you starve."

Emma's eyes fell on top of many Styrofoam containers and cups. Bastards.

"I'm going to pour this back into your gas tank," Leroy showed her a gallon of fuel, laughing hard at her expression of indignation.

"You went to some crappy lengths to make me a surprise, huh?" Emma asked Regina, standing up carefully as people started to line up next to her on the table to congratulate her.

"Well, I thought that starting with a crappy day might make the party even more especial. I'll admit I felt a bit cruel for turning off your alarm-"

"You are an evil genius, thank you," Emma grinned, inadvertently reaching out to hug her. When their hips touched and her hardness rubbed against Regina, the thing jerked painfully, growing harder. "Oh my God, I think I just wet my pants," she hissed.

Regina looked down discreetly as she placed both arms around Emma's neck. "You didn't."

Emma narrowed her eyes at her. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Well, it is kind of amusing, to watch you writhe like that…"

"I'm going to burst my jeans-"

They were interrupted when Emma was engulfed into a hug from behind by her mother.

"Happy birthday, sweetie!"

"Huh, thanks, mom," Emma chuckled, trying to keep others literally at arm's length as they greeted her.

"Happy birthday, ma!" Henry jumped on her, and Regina almost took a picture of Emma bending over and throwing her hips back to hug him.

"Thank you, buddy," she ruffled his hair. "I can't believe your mom let you skip school today."

"She didn't," he rolled his eyes. "I'm going now with Ava and Nicholas, they're here too-"

Emma was still registering everything that was happening, but it was very difficult to accomplish, considering that most of her blood had hushed to a specific body part. She was actually a little dizzy, but she didn't want to make Regina think she was not enjoying the surprise.

She had loved it. She had loved it so very much.

The problem was to ignore the rampant monstrosity between her legs.

"Stop slouching," Regina smacked her ass ever so slightly.

"Don't do that!" Emma hissed, groaning with the touch, trying to straighten her back.

"You look like Marcus walking on his Tiffany Wilson outfit."

Emma growled. She should never had forced Regina to watch White Chicks.

She moved around the conference room, waving at people and accepting every kind of food they offered, but she could not take her eyes off of Regina for long. The brunette had put an extra effort to look drop dead gorgeous for her birthday. Her dress was obscenely tight, and her crimson lips were impeccably painted. Her hair smelled like heaven, and as she moved, her breasts bounced up and down in hypnotizing fashion.

When she caught Emma staring, she smirked, finishing to eat a pastry and sucking her fingers one by one, very, very slowly, never breaking eye contact with the blonde.

Emma swallowed hard and excused herself to go to the bathroom, but not before posing for three pictures with three different dwarves. In all three pictures she looked like she was in excruciating pain, but before they could point that out, she had already disappeared.

When she finally locked the door behind her back, Emma let out a deep breath, unfastening her belt and zipping her jeans down, finally releasing the pulsing member of its confines.

"Jesus Christ," she hissed in relief. It didn't look much different from last time, except that… Yeah, it was longer… and maybe thicker. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," she panted, handling it carefully as to not stimulate it any further; it felt rock hard as she examined it. Her flesh was burning with heat. There was a soft knock on the door that made her gasp, but Regina's muffled voice instantly made her feel like she was about to combust.

"Can I come in?"

Emma unlocked it, and as the brunette entered and locked the door behind her, she was already gushing pre-cum. The white, warm liquid was oozing from the tip, and Regina smirked when she saw it, her eyes darkening with arousal.

"My my, what do we have here…"

Her eyes followed the glistening, spongy head, and the thickest vein that trailed down over its generous red length.

"Surprise," Emma tried to make a sing-song voice, but it came out strangled like she was choking.

"So, this is your birthday and I am the one who gets the present?" she said huskily, using her thumb to smear the hot, creamy essence around her gland.

"FUCK, REGINA," Emma snarled, feeling like some sort of beast had unleashed from inside of her. "Do something!" Her body was overcome with hot waves of electricity rolling towards her abdomen with that simple gesture.

Regina smiled deviously. "Do something what, Sheriff?"

"Please," Emma added with a small voice.

"And what is it you want me to do, dear? Suck you?"


"I don't know," Regina began to stroke it softly, using her manicured fingers to keep a torturously slow pace that would never be enough to satisfy Emma. "You made it bigger," she purred, and her cock actually twitched upwards. Show off. "It's going to smudge my lipstick, and people will notice."

"Wanna fuck you," Emma snarled, hissing when Regina's fist got into a faster rhythm, the motion forcing her to throw her weight back and rest against the cold wall with her jeans halfway down her thighs.

"Honey, look at this thing," Regina contemplated the entire length of her engorged shaft as she continued to stoke it. "I won't be able to walk. We have guests."

Emma wanted to rip that stupid red dress and pound into her forcefully, make the entire town hear Regina scream her name.

"You'll have to take it at some point," Emma snarled, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head when Regina started to pump it faster.

"Will I?" Regina whispered, leaning against her, her teeth grazing her earlobe as her hot breath licked her skin.

"Yes you are," Emma hissed, her voice thick as goosebumps erupted from her thighs to the back of her neck.

"You'll make me… take it?" Regina asked slowly, pouting with mock concern.

"GOD Yes," she breathed, feeling that the painful knot in her stomach was starting to roll downwards.

"Are you really?" Regina whispered, grazing her lips against Emma's, and Emma could register about a million details about that woman. The scent and the taste of her lipstick, the temperature of her breath, the softness of her lips, her gentle hand doing a very dirty job, around her entire girth, stroking her the way she needed, the scent of her hair, and of the curve of her neck…

She was going to explode…

"And then what?" Regina whispered. "Are you going to take me that way you like?"


"Are you going to fuck me like you did last week? With a hand clasped around my mouth, smacking your hips against my ass-?"

Emma's hips jerked forward once and involuntarily as Emma buried her face in Regina's cleavage, letting out a bestial, muffled howl against warm flesh as she came hard, hot semen gushing out in two, three spurts on the floor.

It took the blonde a moment to recompose from that mind-blowing orgasm. She kept her face buried against Regina's breasts, catching her breath, her groans coming out muffled and hot against Regina's skin.

Regina smiled, caressing her hair softly, planting a kiss at the top of her head.

"Better, dear?"

"Much," Emma breathed. She panted, letting her head fall against Regina's left shoulder. "Thank you-"