Hey guys! I am so sorry I didn't update sooner. My laptop wasn't letting me into the internet, so I couldn't update this fic, or any other of my fanfics. But now I can! Yay!

I think this fanfic might be about four or five chapters, due to how long each chapter is…

Anywayz, here is the second part to this very angsty and very good fanfic! Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: "Fruits Basket" doesn't belong to me, so don't sue...

WARNING: This fic is VERY angsty... Oh yeah, and the characters may be a bit OOC, especially Ayame.





The sun had just come out, and the sky was beginning to get brighter.

Yuki lay in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He hadn't really slept last night, thinking about what he had heard Ayame say. He was thinking of whether he should go to the main house to see Akito or not.

He sighed, and then got out of bed. He changed into white pants and a long sleeve blue shirt. He walked towards the door, opened it, and left.


When Yuki walked into the dining room, the first person he saw was his brother, who just smiled at him instead of being his usual cheery self.

"Why are you still here?" Yuki said bluntly to his brother as he sat down, not caring that Shigure and Kyou were in the room as well.

Ayame didn't say anything though. He just stayed quiet.

"Gomen nasai, Yuki-kun," Tohru said coming in with the food. "It was already late, so… I asked Ayame-san to stay the night here… Sumimasen…."

Yuki just smiled at her. Tohru put the food on the table and everyone started serving themselves and eating. No one said one word. Not even Ayame.


Akito was in his room, looking out the window. "Yuki… you will soon come back," he said softly, a grin on his face.


Yuki was about to go to his garden, when he heard Ayame call his name.


Yuki turned around to see his brother walking up to him. There was something different about the snake. He was smiling like usual, but… it seemed different somehow.

"What do you want?" Yuki asked bluntly.

"I--I need to talk to you…" answered Ayame.

"About what?"

Ayame paused for a few seconds. "Akito…"

Yuki flinched when he heard that name.

"H-he wants to see you," finished Ayame.


Shigure was hiding behind a wall, listening to the conversation. He honestly hoped that Yuki wouldn't go to the main house.


Kyou had overheard the conversation while he was lying in the roof. He was now at the edge looking at the two brothers from above.


There was silence. Then Yuki just turned around and started walking into the forest making his way to his garden.

Ayame didn't try to stop him. He just stood there, watching his brother leave.

"I see he didn't take it well," Ayame heard Shigure say from behind in a serious tone.

Ayame didn't move. He just kept starring out into the woods. "Gomen ne, Yuki…" whispered Ayame as a tear slid down his right cheek.


Yuki was sitting on a rock by his small garden. One knee up to his chest, arms on top, and his head low.

What should I do? he asked himself.

Yuki suddenly heard some noise nearby and he raised his head. Then he saw someone walking closer to him. It was Kyou.

"What are you doing?" the nezumi asked.

"I heard you and Ayame talking," answered the neko.

"You were spying on us?"

"I was on the roof and overheard!" responded Kyou.

There was silence for a few seconds.

"So… what are you planning to do?" Kyou asked suddenly.

Yuki looked away. "I don't know…" he said in a soft voice. "I don't want to go. But if I don't, he will probably keep bothering me…"

Kyou knew what the nezumi was thinking. "Don't you think that could be dangerous?"

Yuki didn't answer.

Kyou scoffed and started turning around. "…whatever…' he said before leaving.


The sun was already setting. Ayame had been outside the entire time, waiting for his brother. He was about to go look for him, when he saw Yuki walking towards the house.

Ayame let out a sigh of relief.

Yuki noticed Ayame, and stopped in front of him. "I've made up my mind," he suddenly said.

"Huh?" Ayame wasn't sure what Yuki was talking about.

"I will go see Akito today."

Ayame's eyes widened. "A-are you sure?" he asked, a bit worried.

"I have made my mind up," was all Yuki said before going inside.

Shigure approached Ayame. "Aya…?"

Ayame turned to look at him. "I'm going to o with him."

"Huh? Are you sure that's a good idea?" asked Shigure.

"I have to. I can't allow Akito to hurt Yuki anymore. I won't allow it."


Ayame knocked on Yuki's door before entering. "Yuki?"

Yuki was sitting on his bed.

"I'm going to go with you to the main house," Ayame said in a serious voice.

Yuki looked at him a bit surprised, but didn't say anything. "Suit yourself," said the nezumi before walking out of his room. Ayame followed.


Kyou watched from the roof as his cousins left. Hatori was there so maybe Shigure had called him to come get him. He saw as Hatori, Yuki, Ayame, and Shigure (who had insisted on going as well) waved at Tohru and leave.


Yuki was kneeled in few feet away from Akito. Ayame was somewhat beside behind him.

"So, you have come, Yuki," Akito said as he approached Yuki. "You had me waiting for a long time."

Ayame squeezed his fists when he saw Akito kneel in front of his brother and put a hand on the nezumi's cheek.

"Why didn't you come see me before?" asked Akito.

Yuki didn't really want to answer. But he did. And he answered with the truth, which was a big mistake. "Because I didn't want to see you."

Akito stood up and grunted his teeth. He slapped Yuki so hard, that the nezumi ended up a few feet away from where he was. Ayame immediately got up.

Akito was very angry. He began walking toward Yuki again and was about to hit him, when Ayame grabbed his arm.

"Let go of me!" demanded Akito.

Yuki sat up, hand on his cheek, to see his brother trying to hold Akito back.

Akito struggled to get free, but Ayame got a better hold on him. "Kuso! Let go!" Akito yelled out. He managed to hit Ayame hard on the ribs with is elbow. He hit over and over, but Ayame wouldn't let go.

"Yuki, get out of here!" yelled out Ayame. Yuki was too shocked to move. "Hayaku!"

"No…" Yuki said softly. "I can't leave you like this."

"Kisama!!!" Akito was getting angrier. He lifted his arm and was able to hit Ayame's face, making him release him. Ayame fell to the ground.

Akito was about to hit him once again, when the door flew open and Shigure and Hatori were there. Their eyes flew wide open. "Ayame!" They both run to help Ayame.

Shigure grabbed Akito and held him back, while Hatori checked Ayame. He was unconscious.

They heard Akito starting to laugh. Shigure let go of him and rushed to Yuki's side, who was still in shock.

Yuki looked at his brother. "Ayame…"

~ TBC ~


AUTHOR'S NOTE: So, what do you think so far? I know I took a long time to update and I am really sorry. I promise I will update a lot more often.

Anywayz… I hope you like the fanfic so far. And PLEASE REVIEW!!!


Preview of Chapter Three - Kibou (Hope) :

~~ Yuki is shocked by what Ayame did. But Ayame ended up badly injured in the process. Yuki thinks over the relationship he has with his brother. Ayame hopes that one day, Yuki and him can become close, like brothers are. After thinking about what his brother means to him, Yuki goes to see how Ayame is doing and to talk to him, but he is surprised when Ayame isn't in his room. Where could he have gone to in his cindition? ~~