I had previously posted this story but removed it since I was having several difficulties with the French/English translation. But I recently had the chance to virtually meet someone who offered to help fix the translation.
Thus, now I have the chance to post this story again. I hope that you will like it, English is not my mother tongue. Thank you my Beta LIngall


Oliver was discreetly watching Felicity who sat in front of her computer doing research on a drug that was circulating at the docks. They had caught a few small-time dealers, but knew that a bigger fish was at the top of the pyramid. Since Slade had been shut up in the Argus bunker on the island, the nights of patrol were quite quiet. From time to time they helped the police, essentially monitoring the streets preventing fights or rapes.

He realized that something had been bothering Felicity for a few days. Oliver had tried to talk to her but she had reassured him, telling him that it was nothing serious, that he didn't have to worry. Felicity had to know that he would always worry about her, even more since that night in the mansion. He had not been able to tell her on the beach, that what he told her, the words he delivered that night, weren't a lie, even as she explained to him that his plan was great and that he had sold it too.

It was hard at first, after leaving the island, the young woman pulled away from him, avoiding being alone in the bunker while in his company. After a few weeks things fell back into place naturally, and it felt as if their friendship had risen to the top again. Even though there were times when he wanted to go to her and take her into his arms, he wouldn't allow himself. She would be in danger if someone knew how he felt for the young computer scientist. He would not run the risk, even if it meant he could never be with her. Felicity was the one person who knew and understood him best, along with Diggle, and their friendship was very important to him. Their friendship was enough for him, at least that was what he told himself.

Oliver approached her and gently put his hand on her shoulder. Felicity jumped which surprised him, as he thought she was accustomed to his shoulder touches. The archer saw her regain her composure, turn to him and smile. Then she turned away as Oliver began to fix his gaze on her more intensely. He saw that her eyes no longer had the flame that he loved so much, or the joy that very much defined Felicity.

"Tell me what's going on. You haven't said anything all day, you've seemed sad for the past several days."

"It's because there is nothing to explain," as she planted her blue eyes on his, determined to prove to him that it was nothing serious.

"Don't worry Oliver. Trust me, you know I'd tell you if something was wrong... well maybe not tell you... because you're you and I'm just me... but I'll talk to Dig or Roy…It's not that you're not worthy to listen to me, it's just that it's you."

Her babbling had returned in full force, which made Oliver smile.

"I trust you Felicity and I understand but..." he began but she cut him off.

"Please Oliver, stop watching out for me, I'm not going to break. There is no problem."

He realized that he would have to give her some time to open up about her feelings.

"Do you want to go to Big Belly Burger with us?

"Yes I do," she said forcing herself to smile.

"Great," as he smiled in return, "I'll get ready and then we'll go."

He advanced toward Diggle and Roy who were training on the mat to announce they would all go eat together at Big Belly Burger. Oliver was determined to find out what was bothering his IT girl and to help her deal with her problems, whatever they were. He had learned a long time ago that he should never force Felicity to open up to him or Diggle.

To his side Felicity swallowed a sob, not wanting her friends see her tears. She was so deep in thought that she jumped at the sound of her phone.

When Oliver came out of the bathroom he grabbed his leather jacket and set off towards the stairs with Diggle. He did not see Felicity wipe a tear rolling down her cheek, or type a message on her phone. Felicity exhaled to give herself courage. She put a smile on her face and went to join her friends at the stairs.

When they arrived at the Big Belly Burger, John waved to Carly to advertise their arrival and moved to a table with his friends. Carly arrived ten minutes later with their trays, she no longer needed to take their order, since she knew it by heart.

The group spoke of QC and the progress of work in the city following the rampage of Slade but Oliver realized that his pretty computer scientist wasn't smiling, and was looking at her watch every five minutes.

At bit later Felicity excused herself for a moment and went to the bathroom. Oliver followed her with his gaze. He needed to understand what had been up with her for the past two weeks. Once she was out of sight he resumed his discussion with Diggle.

Ten minutes later, a pale Felicity walked toward them. Oliver got up as soon as he saw her and walked directly over to her.

"Felicity are you all right?"

"No. I don't feel very well. I think I'll go"

"Let me walk you to your house."

She accepted his offer and they waved to Diggle and Roy and stepped out into the cold. Felicity stopped in front of the bay window of restaurant, looking sadly at her two friends who continued to talk while eating, and then turned her face toward Oliver thanking him for taking her home with a smile.

"Thank you for waiting until I am ready to talk to you."

The archer smiled, he knew she was in trouble even though she said the opposite. "You're important to me... you're my friend, I worry that something is bothering you."

"I know," as she smiled sadly at him, "and I hope that you'll understand and that you..."

She did not have time to finish her sentence as two shots were heard echoing through the night. The vigilante's body stretched as he flung himself towards Felicity. He got up and felt that his shirt was wet. He checked his body for bullet wounds, and finding none, his gaze fell on Felicity who laid on the cold concrete of the sidewalk. It was then that he knew whence this moisture came.

"Felicity!" he cried, "Please, not you."

Oliver knelt down beside the young woman. He saw the burn marks on her shirt, and the place where the bullets had struck twice in her chest. He took off his leather jacket and pushed it down on the wounds, hoping to stop the abundant flow of blood.

"No," he repeated again. A sob tore his heart and continued his rise in his throat.

"Hold on Felicity."

Scared, Oliver took Felicity's wrist to feel for a pulse. After a few seconds that felt like hours he found her pulse, it was weak but present. John and Roy, who had been in the restaurant until that time, had first heard the shots and then saw Oliver pounce on Felicity. Diggle asked Carly to dial 911 while running in the direction where Oliver and Felicity were on the ground.

When they arrived they were troubled by the pale face of the young woman and the expression on Oliver's face, fear. Never had they seen that look on him, anger, rage, pain... yes... but never fear. In the background, they could already hear the sirens that resembled a chime of death. With a pale face too, Oliver stared at his IT girl.

"Please," his voice trembling, "Felicity stay with me. Don't leave me, I need you."

Her breathing was labored, and the vigilante panicked.

"Felicity look at me so that I can see your beautiful eyes smiling at me, I beg of you, open your eyes."

But the young woman kept her eyes closed and her breathing slowed further. The archer felt an intense pain form in his belly as he stopped talking. He continued to hold her hand, his eyes full of fear, hoping for the rescuers to arrive soon.

'Baby..." it was almost a whisper followed of another plea, "I beg you." his hands trembled violently and he felt his heart slow down. He pressed harder on her wounds, hoping that they would stop bleeding.

The paramedics arrived, pushed Oliver out of the way with difficulty and reached the young woman. They immediately began first aid, they inserted a flexible tube to her mouth to try to stabilize her condition. Then carefully, they laid her on the stretcher and put her in the ambulance.

Oliver remained kneeling, watching the ambulance go and in a breath of martyrdom shouted 'Felicity'. His eyes rested on the leather jacket which was covered with blood, the blood of the woman who counted the most to him.

Diggle approached and gently touched the arm of his friend, and the young man stood up softly his eyes staring straight ahead. "We need to go to the hospital Oliver, it will be all right you'll see our friend is a fighter."

"Yes I know... And then after I'll track down and kill the bastard who shot her!"

The archer was angry thinking about the shooter who had made trouble for Felicity. The three men ran to the car, each wondering how their life would be like if Felicity don't make it out alive.