Another's note: this takes place in TVD season 3.

I don't own TVD..

Elena: You can't possibly be serious?

Elena was getting annoyed. Stefan was annoyed looking at Elena.

Elena: It's my choice, Stefan. Why can't you respect that?

Elena growing more annoyed.

Damon: Because it's not a good one.

Damon broke in. Elena looked between Stefan and Damon.

Elena: Its my choice, and if you two won't respect that then that's on you. I wanted one of you to turn me. I hang out with vampires, it's bond for me to turn into one sooner or later, with or without your help.

Elena turned to walk out the house.

Stefan: And who do know that's gonna help you to do this?

Stefan called out.

Elena: Someone that's not you.

Elena retorted back before slamming the door. Stefan and Damon exchanged looks.

Damon: She's being crazy.

Damon said before pouring himself a drink.

Klaus: Well isn't this a surprise.

He said with a smirk opening the door.

Klaus: So, Elena what brings you here?

Leaning against the doorframe.

Elena: Is Elijah here? I need his help with something important.

Klaus: Why not go to those salvatore brothers for help?

Kalus said with a slight grin on his face.

Elena: Is Elijah here or not?

Glaring at him.

Klaus: Elijah! There's someone here for you.

yelling into the house.

Klaus: Well do come in.

Klaus gesture for Elena to come in and have a seat.

Elena: Thank you.

Elena said as she sat down.

Elijah: Elena.

Approaching Elena, wondering why she would want to see him.

Elena: Elijah.

Elena stood up.

Elijah: So, what brings the lovely Elena by?

Putting one hand in his pocket.

Elena: Is there somewhere we can talk in private?

Elijah: Follow me.

He led her to his room. Elena waited til Elijah closed his door before speaking again.

Elena: If I wanted your help with something would you support and help me with it?

Elena asked with a nervous look. Elijah smiled as he took a step closer.

Elijah: What can I do for you?

Elena started to relax.

Elena: Turn me.

Elijah getting confused, as he didn't think she would want to be a vampire.

Elijah: What?

Elena: Turn me...I've put a lot thought into this and it's something I really want. It'll insure that there are no more doppelgängers and it's bound to happen sooner or later...Please.

Elijah looked Elena over as he took a deep breath.

Elijah: Since this is something you really want, I'll do it.

Elena: Thank you.

Elena smiled really big and gave him a hug, he smiled and returned the hug.

Elijah: But you have to do two things.

Elena crossed her arms.

Elena: Ok, what do I have to do?

With a curious look.

Elijah: My family is having a ball tonight, I would like you to accompany me.

Elena: I can do that. What's the other thing?

Elijah: Live here with me and my family. You'll be needing help controlling and getting used to your new abilities.

Elena: Ok...I can do that too.

Elijah: Just one more thing. When?

Elena took a deep breath.

Elena: Tonight. After the ball.

Elijah took a step closer.

Elijah: I assume you'll want this kept quiet for now.

Elena: Just until tomorrow evening.

Elijah: Well Elena, it seems we have a deal.

They smiled as they shook hands.

Esther: Elena, just the person I was looking for.

Elena: Esther...

Elena looked back at Elijah before looking at Esther.

Esther: If you haven't already been invited to tonight's ball I would like you come. Sometime during the ball I would like to speak to privately.

Elena was getting nervous. Why would she want to speak to me? And why alone? She thought. Elijah was having the same thoughts as Elena, he's still suspicious of his mother's intentions. Elena took a deep breath.

Elena: Ok, I'll be there.

Elena gave a small smile and a nod before she started heading to the door, with Elijah close behind. Before Elena walked out the door she turned to look at Elijah. Elena could tell he was gonna ask her to tell him about her and Esther's meeting afterwords but before he could, she gave him a nod to say she will.

Elena: I'm gonna go pack, I'll be back in a hour or two.

Elijah: See you then.

Alaric: Hey.

Leaning against her bedroom doorframe.

Elena: Hey.

Alaric: What are you doing?

Elena looked over to Alaric before going back to packing.

Elena: Packing. I'm going to be staying at a friend's place for a while. Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you or anybody, their trustworthy and live here in town. I'll tell you everything tomorrow evening. I promise.

Alaric: Well as long as I know your safe. Caroline and Bonnie are downstairs.

Elena: Ok, I'll be down in a bit.

Elena gave a small smile.

Caroline: Hey, Elena!

Embracing Elena in a hug.

Elena: Hey Care, Hey Bonnie.

She smiles as they sit on the couch talking. Elena begins to tell them that she'll be temporarily living with the Mikaelsons for awhile excluding her reason why.

Bonnie: What!?

Caroline: Yeah, why?

Elena: I can't tell you guys yet. Not until tomorrow evening, that's when I'm telling everyone. I've only told you two and Alaric that I'll be staying at a friend's place...I just didn't tell Alaric who.

Caroline: Ok...

Bonnie: Well as long as we find out tomorrow.

Elena looks at her watch and realizes she has to leave soon. She looks back at Bonnie and Caroline and smile.

Elena: Guys, I'll be fine. I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't. I have leave now.

Caroline and Bonnie pull Elena into embrace.

Caroline: Well you call us if need us.

Bonnie: I won't hesitate to give them an aneurism if they hurt you.

They all laugh as they pulled out of each other's embrace.

Elena: Don't worry. I'll be fine.

Stefan: Hey, maybe we shouldn't have been so harsh to Elena earlier today.

Damon pours himself a drink.

Damon: Yeah, maybe. She'll get over it.

Stefan: We need to apologize. If she wants to turn than one of us should do it.

Damon: Yeah, don't wanna push her away.

They call Elena and when she didn't answer either of their phone calls they went to her place. When they got there Alaric told them she was staying at a friend's place but didn't say who. They left and figured she would talk when she was ready.

Elijah opens the door to see Elena with suitcases.

Elijah: Who might you be?

Elena seeing him pretending not to know her, decided to play along.

Elena: Hi, yes I'm Elena. I'm looking for Elijah Mikaelson. Is he around here?

Elijah smirking.

Elijah: That would be me, come on in.

Elena giggled and walked in.

Elena: Is it possible to have my room next to yours? In case Rebekah or Klaus tries something.

Elijah: Yes, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure no harm comes to you.

Elena smiled.

When Elena was finally settled in, she decided to go downstairs. She found Kol playing a video game in the living room.

Elena: I didn't think you would know how to play video games considering...well you know.

Kol: Haha very funny.

Elena laughed as she turned around to walk out.

Kol: What are you doing here anyway? And who are you?

Kol raised an eyebrow at her.

Elena: I'm Elena, you must be Kol. Elijah told me about you. Elijah and I will tell you in the morning, promise.

He looked a little suspicious but went with it.


This my first book. Tell me what you think.