Chapter one: Misty in Kalos

It was a warm, hot summer day in Kalos.

Ash, Pikachu, Clemont, Serena and Bonnie were just arriving in Shalour City. They came back to the city because of a special tournament in which Ash wanted to participate.

"I'm excited!" Ash yelled all gleeful.

"Pikachu!" His yellow friend yelled in excitement. Serena, Clemont and Bonnie all grinned.

They walked to the building where they could register. Behind the building there was the arena which was being prepared for the fights. Ash & co looked around. There were a lot of trainers walking around, but also some gymleaders from Kanto, Johto, Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos itself.

"Whoa..." Bonnie looked around. "Why are there so many gymleaders?"

"Let's ask them." Ash walked up to the front desk and looked at the man behind the desk. "Mister, I want to register for the competition."

"Sure. Sign here." The man put a form on the counter.

"Mister!" Clement also leaned onto the desk. "Why are there so many gymleaders?"

The man sighed. "Don't you know? This is a competition in which it's one trainer against one gymleader. Fun, right?"

Ash sighed. "Yes...but then I have to go against a gymleader? Do I get a badge-"

"You don't."

They turned around and saw a girl with orange hair in a side ponytail, a white t-shirt and blue shorts standing behind them. She was holding a blue bag and a psyduck was standing at her side.

"Misty!" Ash yelled in surprise.

His old friend grinned happily. Pikachu cried out and jumped into her arms.

"Pikachu, Ash!" Misty hugged Pikachu tightly. "I've missed you two so much! Especially my pika-pal!"

"Pikachupi!" Pikachu cried while hugging her back.

The others all looked confused at Misty. Clemont looked at Ash and asked him; "Who's this?"

Ash grinned. Misty released Pikachu and made a pose.

"Glad you asked!" Misty said. "My name is Misty Waterflower, the gymleader of Cerulean city in Kanto, the tomboyish mermaid and the most beautiful girl on the entire planet!"

"The most beautiful girl?!" Bonnie yelled.

"The gymleader of Cerulean city?!" Clement yelled.

"Tomboyish?" Serena asked.

"Yes!" Misty took a step forward with a smiled. "And this is my psyduck!"

Psyduck cocked his head. "Psy?"

"And you must be Serena, Bonnie and Clemont!"

Clemont almost jumped forward and grabbed Misty's hand. His eyes started to sparkle.

"I've read a lot about you! Is it true that you own a gyarados?!"

Misty laughed and said; "Yes! But it's pretty difficult to get a gyarados! Maybe if you train a magikarp..."

"You have a ponytail like me!" Bonnie jumped forward too and pushed her brother aside. Misty nodded at her.

"Yeah, I do..." Misty kneeled down in front of Bonnie. "But you look cuter with it!"

Bonnie blushed and her eyes started to sparkle. "Oh, I..."

"I thought that you said that you were the prettiest girl in the world."

Everyone went quiet and looked at Serena who glared at Misty. Misty kept her smile and stood up.

"You must be Serena."

Serena blushed, but looked away. "Y-yeah...I'm a Pokemon performer. Not that you would're the prettiest girl in the world, so you must have no worries..."

Misty raised her eyebrows and looked with a questioning look at Ash and the others.

Ash put his hand on Serena's shoulder. "H-hey, no fighting...we're all friends here. Misty didn't mean it! She was...she just being goofy!"

"Says the kid." Whispered Misty. Ash shot her a small glare.

Serena looked back at Misty. "W-well..." She nervously fidgeted with her thumbs. "Are you his girlfriend or not?"

"Who's girlfriend?"


Misty became red and waved with her hands. "No, no, no, no, no, no way! I'm just a friend to him! There's nothing there!"

"Hm." Serena looked suspiciously at Misty.

Ash had enough and stepped between the two. "Okay, that's enough!" He turned back to the counter. "Mister, who am I going to battle?"

The guy sighed and pointed at Misty.

"Her. Now go to the waiting area. I have things to do."

Ash slowly turned to face Misty. He could see her nervously smiling at him as if she were to say that she wasn't planning on this. Serena, Clemont and Bonnie all looked at the two.

"So..." Ash grinned. "You're my opponent?"

Misty nodded. "Yes." She turned around and held her head high. "Don't even think about going easy on me!"

She stomped away with saying another word. Ash and Pikachu looked at each other and sighed heavily.

Today was going to be a long day...

A few hours passed before Ash was finally going to battle Misty. He had been waiting for a long time, but he finally got to take part. His friends were watching him from the stands while Ash and Misty were both standing on either side of the field.

"Alright!" The announcer stood in the middle of the field. "Today we have the water-type gymleader from Cerulean city, Misty Waterflower! And as her competitor we have the young trainer, who originates from Pallet Town, Ash Ketchum!"

Misty put her hands on her hips. She smirks as she looked at the field. There was ground, but also water. Just perfect for her Pokemon.

"You can defeat her, Ash!" Serena yelled as she jumped up.

Ash looked at his friend from the stands and gave her a thumbs-up. "Don't worry!" He yelled back.

Serena blushed and sat back down. Clemont pouted at her with a jealous look. Bonnie noticed it and chuckled a little.

"Alright! Let the battle begin!"

The announcer stepped off and the crowd started to cheer. Both Misty and Ash pulled their pokeballs out of their pockets.

Misty gave her pokeball a small kiss and then threw it onto the stage.

"Go my steady!"

Out of the red flash a Staryu appeared. It let out a 'hiyaa' and stroke a pose.

"Staryu, huh?" Ash raised his eyebrows. "You do know that this will be a three-on-three battle, right? Or didn't you read the form?"

"Shut it!" Misty yelled back with a blush. "Just show which one your gonna use! Because I know it's not Pikachu!"

Ash looked down at Pikachu who was standing at his side. "Sorry, Pikachu."

"Pikachu-pikachu-pika-pikachu-pikachuu!" Pikachu said as if it wanted to say 'that it was fine'.

Ash smiled and then threw his poke ball too.

"I choose you!"

Out of the pokeball a Talonflame, a fire-bird Pokemon, appeared. It screeched as it landed on the ground.

"A fire-Pokemon?!" Misty sighed and shook her head. "Really?"

"Don't think that you can win!" Ash yelled. "Talonflame, Steel wing!"

His Pokemon flew up and his wings started to glow white. It quickly flew towards Staryu.

"Staryu, use Light screen!" Misty yelled.

A blue field appeared in front of Staryu. Talonflame scratched with it's wings against it, but it had no effect.

"Talonflame, move back!" Ash yelled and his Pokemon quickly flew a little bit back. "Now, double team-flame charge!"

Misty grinned and put her hand forward. "Staryu, now use hydropump!"

Talonflame used his double team and multi versions of him appeared. Staryu spewed a big portion of water his way and it hit it's target. But before it could hit, Talonflame suddenly engulfed into flames and the water hit the flames and dissolved.

"W-what?!" Yelled Misty in surprise.

Ash grinned. "Now, razor wind!"

All of the copies of Talonflame disappeared and so did the flames. He screeched and his wings turned light-blue. He then flapped its wings and light crescent-shaped energy waves were flown towards Staryu.

"Staryu, dodge!"

Staryu listened to its master and tried to avoid the energy beams. But unfortunately it was hit and flown a few feet back.

"Staryu!" Misty yelled.

Staryu gathered itself and stood up again. Misty let out a deep breath and glared at Ash. "You haven't won yet!"

"I know, two more rounds!" Ash yelled back.

"What?! You can be so...Two more rounds until I kick your ass back to Pallet Town!" Misty yelled back at him.

"I'm on the other side of the field, you can't catch me!"

"Try me!"

"Can we please go back to the battle?!" The announcer screamed.

The two pouted, but went quiet. Clemont, Bonnie and Serena all sweat dropped. Were these two always like this?

"Staryu, Swift!" Yelled Misty.

"Talonflame, Brave bird!"

Staryu flew little shining stars towards Talonflame while Talonflame's body became surrounded in a light blue aura. It flew straight at its foe as it avoided the sharp, flying stars.


"Too late!" Ash yelled.

Everyone watched as Talonflame slammed into Staryu. Staryu was knocked against the ground and was unconscious!

"Staryu!" Misty looked at her Pokemon, but it stayed unconscious. It was clear that this round was Ash his win.

"Staryu is unconscious! Ash Ketchum wins the battle!" The announcer screamed and the crowd started to cheer for him.

Clemont, Bonnie and Serena jumped up and clapped too.

"What a battle!" Clemont yelled. "Ash is on a completely different than us, right Serena?"

But Serena didn't answer. Instead she kept eyeing Misty as if she were a suspect.

"Serena?" Clemont asked.

Serena blinked and looked at him. "Huh? Oh, yeah, Ash did fine..."

Clemont put his hand on Serena's shoulder and smiled. "You aren't jealous of Misty or something, right? They're just friends."

Serena didn't answer again.

Clemont sighed and sat back down next to Bonnie. He leaned over to her and said; "Serena is acting weird..."

"I think she's jealous." Bonnie said. "But that's normal for a young woman. I mean, Misty looks cool while fighting and she and Ash seem pretty close..."

"If you say so..."

Meanwhile Misty called Staryu back. She told her Pokemon that it did a good job and then pulled her next poke ball out.

It was time for round two.

"Time for round two!" Yelled the announcer. "The trainer and gymleader will both pick a new Pokemon!"

Ash called his Talonflame back. He had the perfect Pokemon for the next battle against his best friend. He smiled with confidence and threw his pokeball onto the field.

"I choose you!"

Out of the red flash his strong Greninja appeared. Misty's eyes immediately sparkled when she saw the water-type Pokemon.

"It's so cute!" She yelled from the other side of the stage. "When, where and how did you caught that one?!"

Ash sighed. "Mist, not now..."

Greninja started to blush and covered it's face. Ash almost fell over.

"Greninja, not now!" Ash yelled with a flushed face. "Don't falter for her compliments!"

Greninja looked confused at its trainer as if wanted to ask why he shouldn't fall for her. Ash became even more flushed and grabbed his head out of frustration.

"Noooooo!" He yelled.

Misty cocked her head. What was wrong with him? Not that she had any was time to battle!

"Go my steady!"

Misty threw her pokeball onto the field. A red flash appeared bigger than Greninja and her Gyarados came out of it's pokeball.

"Whoa!" Bonnie jumped up and grabbed Clemont's arm. "That's a Gyarados!"

"I know! But Gyarados is very dangerous, I wonder how Ash will survive this battle..." Clemont sighed.

Serena shook her head. "It's not cute..."

"Things don't have to be cute to be affective!" Bonnie yelled.

"True!" Clemont said.

They looked at the two competitors. Ash didn't seem afraid at all, but he did seem impressed. So did Greninja.

Misty chuckled. "Well, do you think you can win now?!"

Ash grinned and pulled his cap backwards. "No! But you just made this very exciting! I'm ready!"

The bell went off and the second battle started.

"Greninja, Water shuriken!" Ash yelled.

Greninja jumped up and became covered in water. It then threw two water rings towards Gyrados.

"Gyarados, dive down!" Misty yelled.

Gyarados quickly dove underwater into the deep. The water rings of Greninja missed the target and hit the water instead. Greninja landed onto one of the rocks and looked around. It could not see Gyarados anymore.

"How deep is this water?!" Ash frowned and then looked at the water. He didn't see the big Pokemon anywhere...He looked back at Greninja and shouted; "Keep an eye on the water. Jump as soon as you see him!"

Greninja turned around and nodded towards Ash.

Misty smirked. Everything was going exactly to plan. He was becoming nervous.

"Gyarados, now, Hurricane!" Misty screamed.

All of a sudden a huge body of water came from underneath Greninja. It started to swirl around him and Gyarados came out of water underneath him, breaking a few rocks in its path.

Ash gasped. "Greninja, step back-"

"Ice beam!" Misty yelled.

Just as Greninja was about to jump up, Gyarados threw an ice-beam into the tornado. It immediately froze with Greninja trapped between the icy walls.

"Greninja!" Ash yelled, panicking.

"Gyarados, time to finish this!" Misty yelled in triumph. Gyarados roared as it looked back at his trainer. Serena, Bonnie and Clemont all covered their ears.

Ash stepped forward and clenched his hand. He had to think quick. It would be bad if Gyarados were to execute its next move now...

"Ready to lose?!" Misty grinned at Ash. "Because I'm ready to win!"

Ash chuckled. "Yeah, right...Greninja! Use cut!"

Out of Greninja's hands two white needles grew. He jumped up against the icy wall and tried to cut through it.

"Gyarados!" Misty put her hand forward. "Finish it with a Hyper beam!"

Gyarados roared and in its mouth a big energy ball appeared. Now Ash started to panic even more.

"Greninja!" Ash yelled.

Greninja tried his best to break through the ice, but it was to no avail.

Gyarados fired a giant hyper beam towards the frozen tornado. It broke through the ice and the shards flew everywhere. It then hit Greninja and burned him badly. Greninja then fell onto one of the rocks with a loud thud as Gyarados stopped firing.

Everyone was quiet. Ash stared in awe at Gyarados who let out another loud roar.

"G-Greninja is unconsious!" The announcer screamed. "Misty Waterflower wins the second round!"

The crowd started to cheer loudly. Misty jumped up and down in excitement.

"Good job, Gyarados! You're the best! I love, love, love you!" Misty yelled happily. Her Gyarados turned around and swam towards her. It then put his head against her and rubbed itself against Misty with a happy look.

Misty giggled. "Yeah, yeah, when we get back home I will treat you to some delicious poke-cookies!"

While she called him back into the pokeball, Ash was retreating his Greninja. He looked at the pokeball and whispered; "Good job...Don't worry, the next time we'll defeat her. Just don't ever reflect my feelings again..."


Ash put his pokeball into his pocket and looked down at Pikachu.

"What is it? Do you want to battle too?"

"Pika!" Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder and nodded.

"Well, she won't use Gyarados anymore. So I guess it's save to assume that she might use something our size."

"Chyaaa!" Pikachu rubbed his head against Ash and Ash laughed.

"Okay, then I'll choose you!"

Misty looked at Pikachu stepped onto the field. She grabbed another pokeball from her pocket. "You are really sending Pikachu out? Then I guess I'll send out..."

Suddenly another red flash came out of her bag. It slowly formed into a certain yellow duck.


Psyduck stood onto the field and stroke a pose. Misty grabbed her head and yelled; "Psyduck! Not now!"

"Psy..." Psyduck turned around to face Misty and gave her a thumbs-up. Misty slapped herself against her forehead.

Ash started to laugh loudly. "Haha, you really have a lot of luck today, Mist!"

"Don't call me that!" Misty yelled annoyed. "And don't think that I won't win with my Psyduck!"

Ash crossed his arms. "Misty, Misty, maybe you should surrender now. I already know that I shouldn't give him headaches. And one thundershock will send him flying! So, maybe you could forfeit?"

"Never in a million years!" Misty glared at Ash. "And if win this battle then I'll kick your ass for being so rude!"

"You're the one being rude!" Ash yelled.

"Okay, let the last round begin!" The announcer yelled, clearly done with their bickering.

"Great!" Misty put her hand forward. "Now, Psyduck, use..."

Suddenly the ground started to shake. Everyone fell down as a giant robot with two arms entered the arena. One of the arms grabbed Pikachu and the other grabbed Psyduck.

"Pikachu!" Ash yelled while keeping his head down.

The robot and earthquake stopped and loud laughter filled the theatre.

"Muwhahaha, prepare for trouble!"

"And make it double!"

Misty groaned. She somehow knew who these intruders were...

Jessie, James and Meowth out on top of the robot. They stroke some dumb pose as they started to say their motto.

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"



"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!"

"That's right!"


Misty grimaced and stood up. "Are you done?"

"It's the little twerpette!" James said with a confused face.

"What is she doing here?" Mouth asked.

"Give me back my Psyduck!" Misty yelled.

Jessie pushed James aside and yelled back at her; "Don't give us orders, missy!"

"What orders?! I just want my Psyduck back! And aren't you a little bit too old to stalk Ash for his Pikachu? It feels like you have been doing the same stuff for over ten years!"

"Who are you calling old! I'm getting you for that!"

Jessie grabbed a remote from her pocket. She pushed onto a button and the arm of the robot pointed itself towards Misty. A giant beam came out of the robot's arm. It destroyed the ground under her feet and she fell into the water.

"Misty!" Ash yelled. He jumped from his stand and ran towards the water to dive in.

"Hold up!" Yelled James and Ash stopped. "She can swim, right?! What are you doing?!"

"She is not coming up!" Ash yelled back and he dove in anyway. It was ridiculously cold, but he had to bear it. He opened his eyes and looked through the water. He could barely see a thing. Hopefully he wouldn't be too late...

There she was!

Misty's leg was stuck under a rock. Ash quickly swam towards her. He saw that she was already unconscious. He put his hands on her shoulders and shook her, but of course there was no response. He then swam down to the rock and tried to lift it.

But to no avail.

He felt as if his lungs would burst. He could no longer keep the air in. But if he would swim back to the surface for air, then she would surely drown...

Suddenly he heard a loud splash and a figure swam towards him. It was Psyduck!

The little duck swam down with a fearful, but determined look. It swam towards the rock too. It tried to lift it, but couldn't do it on his own. Ash understood it and helped him. Together they managed to pull the rock up and drag Misty away from it.

Ash saw that her leg wasn't too badly damaged. It was probably just a sprained ankle, but not broken.

He grabbed Misty and swam, together with Psyduck, back up to the surface.


Ash spat out some water when he reached the surface. Psyduck did the same.

He saw that Clemont and Serena were battling team Rocket. Bonnie was holding Pikachu in her arms. The entire arena was being evacuated and the robot was already broken.

Ash shook his head. First he had to make sure that Misty was okay!

He pulled her onto the ground. He nervously shook her shoulders and yelled; "Misty! Come on, wake up!"

Misty didn't give him any response. Ash panicked. He put his head on her chest and could hear her heartbeat. He looked down at her and gulped. He knew that he had to save, even if it meant sacrificing his first kiss.

He shook his head, closed her nose and pushed his lips against hers.

Ash could feel the heat rising to his cheeks, but tried to focus. He pushed a breath of air into her lungs. Her chest rose up and Misty slowly opened her eyes. Ash was just about to push another breath of air into her lungs when Misty pushed him away.

"Ah!" She sat up and started to cough out some water. She could feel a throbbing pain in her foot. She stopped coughing and stared at Ash. Misty began to realize what he had done and began to blush heavily. "A-A-Ash, w-what were you..."

Ash suddenly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. He buried his head into her neck and Misty could feel his hair tickling her skin.

"You're alive, thanks god!" Ash cried out. He pulled her even closer, ignoring the heat on his cheeks. Because wether or not he felt something towards her, he was just glad to have her alive in his arms.

"Ash..." Misty put her arms around him with a faint smile. She knew that he just saved her life...


They stopped hugging and looked at the others. Serena, Bonnie and Clemont were still fighting team Rocket, but were slowing losing. This time Team Rocket had a few powerful Pokemon on their side; Seviper, Mimikyu, Mareanie and a Growlithe.

All of their friends Pokemon were out cold. Clemont's Luxray was out cold and Serena's Sylveon was almost out cold.

"We need to help them." Ash said. He helped Misty up. "Can you stand?"

Misty felt her painful leg and shook her head. "No..."

"Then lean on me." Ash put his arm underneath Misty's arms. He slowly walked to his friends.

"Ash, finally! Help us with the battle!" Clemont yelled and Bonnie nodded.

"Okay! Pikachu!" Ash yelled and Pikachu jumped to his side. Pikachu sparked as Seviper, Mimikyu, Mareanie and a Growlithe stood in front of him. Jessie, Meowth and James both laughed.

"How is Pikachu going to defeat our Pokemon?! It's one against three!"


Psyduck jumped next to Pikachu. It had an angry look on his face and his eyes were glowing. Misty smirked a little.

"Now it's two against three!" Misty yelled.

Serena stepped next to her and Sylveon jumped next to Pikachu.

"Now it's three on three!" Serena yelled. She looked at Ash and Misty. "You guys wanna team up?!"

"Yeah!" Misty and Ash yelled in unison.


Jessie, James and Meowth all looked nervously. Jessie swallowed and waved with her hand.

"Don't think that you can defeat us that easily!" She yelled.

"I think we can!" Ash yelled. He put his free hand forward. "Pikachu, charge up!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu's body started to glow and spark.

Serena smirked and pushed her hair back. Her eyes were lighting up. She made a pose and yelled, loudly; "Sylveon, Fairy wind!"

"Psyduck!" Yelled Misty as she made a nod with her head. "Use Psyshock!"

Psyduck released a big psychic beam from it's head and fired it towards the foe.

"Pikachu!" Yelled Ash. "Finish it with a Thunder!"


A huge thunderbolt came from Pikachu's body. Together with the sparkling power of the Fairy wind and the mystery of the Psyshock, the thunderbolt hit Team Rocket and send them up into the air.

"Team Rocket is blasting off again!" Yelled Jessie, James and Meowth as they flew up into the air.

"Woobbuffett!" Wobbuffet yelled too.

They disappeared and left a sparkling star behind. Ash and his friends sighed in relief. Finally they were gone...

"We got them!" Serena hugged Sylveon proudly.

"We did great, right Misty...?"

Ash looked over at Misty and gasped when he saw how she slowly fell from his grasp onto the ground.

"Misty!" Ash immediately fell on his knees beside her and grabbed her. She was unconscious and breathing heavily.

"Psyduck!" Psyduck ran to it's trainer's side in a hurry and put his tiny hands on Misty's arm.

"Misty, Misty?!" Ash yelled in shock. "Wake up! Hey, Misty!"




She slowly opened her eyes.

Misty was laying in a white room in a white bed. It looked like she saw in the hospital. She slowly sat up and groaned.

Everything that happened was such a blur. The only thing she could remember what that Psyduck together with Pikachu and Sylveon defeated Team Rocket...and that Serena was happy...and then Ash said something...

She looked around. She saw Psyduck laying on the end of the bed, sleeping. Ash was next to the bed, sitting on a chair. He was sleeping soundly with Pikachu on his lap. He was holding her right hand.

Misty smiled with a blush. Did he stay here all the time with her?

She yawned and laid back down again. She was very tired all of a sudden...

She closed her eyes with a smile.

Everything was going to be alright.

The next time she woke up she was hungry.

Ash wasn't at her bedside anymore. Instead her sister Daisy was there! Psyduck was sitting on her lap.

"Good morning, little sis!" Daisy said all cheerful.

"Psyduck!" Psyduck jumped on the bed. Misty smiled, sat up and yawned. Her stomach rumbled. She gently patted Psyduck.

"I'm hungry."

Daisy rolled her eyes. "Is that, like, the first thing you say when you wake up?"

"Yesterday I woke up and said nothing."

"Yesterday you woke up?" Daisy smirked and giggled behind her hand. " did see your boyfriend?"

"He..." Misty became red. She remembered the kiss and looked away from Daisy. She muttered under her breath; "...he's not my boyfriend."

"Yeah, sure. You two known each other for so long...did you know that he stayed here all night? He even called me to get here...seriously, Misty, if you don't marry him then someone else will."

"Don't care. Serena can have him."

"Serena? You mean that girl who is in love with him?"

Misty turned back to face Daisy. "Yeah...what about her? She's pretty."

"So? I don't think Ash just falls for looks."

Misty grimaced. "Then you don't know Ash...he is still a boy. A stupid, freaking, idiotic, young boy."

"Then confess to him when he becomes a man."

Misty looked at Daisy as if she just told her something insane. "Are you crazy?! I don't...I mean...what if it's too late then?"

"Then confess to him when...when..." Daisy put her finger against her chin as if she were thinking. She then gasped and with a smile she looked at Misty. "Confess when you're both eighteen! You have time to think about it and by then Ash might be a Pokemon Master!"

"Fine. If it keeps you from pushing me."

"I'm not pushing you! Like, Misty, don't get all angry with me. I got here because I got worried."

Misty felt guilty and nodded silently. Daisy smiled softly at her and put her hand on Misty's hand.

"And as soon as you're feeling better then I'll drive you home, got it?!"

"Yes..." Misty smiled a little at her big sister. Even though they had no parents and her sister could be a pain in the butt, when she really needed someone then Daisy would come to her aid...if it was really serious and didn't involve gym activities.

Two days later

"Well, I'm off!"

Misty got all better. She was standing at the car. Daisy was already in the drivers-seat, waiting for her to say goodbye to her friends.

"Pikachupi, pika, pikachu, pikachu!" Pikachu said while staring at Misty.

Misty laughed. She took a step forward and tickled Pikachu underneath his chin.

"I'll miss you too, Pikachu! Don't worry, I'll return for you!"

"Hey, this is my Pokemon!" Ash yelled and the rest laughed.

"Is it?!" Misty smirked and Ash gritted his teeth at her. She took a step closer to him and said; "Just kidding, I'll miss you too."

"Yeah, yeah..."

Misty noticed Ash blush and giggled. She took another step forward and looked closely at him. Ash looked away with a nervous blush.

"W-what is it?" The young trainer asked nervous.

"Well..." Misty smirked. "Thanks for saving me back there. I almost forgot to say that."

Ash looked back at her. His confidence came back and he put his hand on Misty's shoulder. "Don't mention it, Mist! I'll just expect you to pay me back one day!"

Misty glared at him. "You little..."

"Just kidding!"

The two of them laughed and the others smiled along. Misty then said goodbye to Clemont and Bonnie. She told them that she would spend more time with them next time. And that they both had a bright future in front of them. She then turned to Serena.

"H-hey..." Serena fiddled with her thumbs. "So, you're going?"

"Yep!" Misty smiled at her. "But the next time I'm back then we are going clothes shopping!"

"Shopping?!" Serena's eyes lit up. She clapped in her hands and gasped.

Misty nodded. "Yes! There are so many new clothes I need. And my friends aren't always in town...speaking of which...I'm going to confess to him."

"H-huh?" Serena stopped smiling. "B-but..."

"Don't worry. I'll do it when I'm eighteen. So, just take good care of him while I'm gone."

"Yeah, but what if I confess earlier?"

Misty raised her eyebrows. "T-then..." She sighed and scratched her head. "Do it in proper manner. I don't want Ash to feel bad, got it?!"

"Yes, got it!" Serena yelled and her friends all laughed in confusion. They had no idea what they were talking about.

"Good. Then I'll leave it to you! I'm off!"

Misty stepped in the car. She rolled her window and waved at them while they drove away.

"Goodbye!" Misty yelled.

"Bye-ye!" Yelled Bonnie.

"See ya!" Clemont yelled.

"We're going shopping next time, don't forget!" Serena yelled.

"Catch ya later!" Ash yelled.

"Pikachupi, pikachu!" Pikachu screamed.

They waved until the car was out of sight. Ash put his hand down and turned to his friends with a smile.

"Well...that was that..." He whispered.

"She gonna come back!" Serena said.

Everyone looked surprised at her. Serena smiled and gave Ash a thumbs-up.

"Because she is a pretty awesome girl!"

Ash smiled at Serena's comment. He slowly pulled his cap back and said, almost in a whisper;

"That she is."

8 years later


Brock was hanging around Ash's neck as he clinked his glass against his. It was a big party at the Ketchum house.

"You are finally a Pokemon Master!" Brock yelled.

May and Dawn walked up to them. May put her hands on her hips and smiled.

"He's right! And you deserved it!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu, who was on Dawn's head clapped in his arms.

"Thanks guys!" Ash grinned. "Couldn't have done it without you!"

"Yes, you could have!" Dawn yelled. "But, by the way, Misty needs to talk with you. She's outside in the garden, waiting for you!"

"Okay. Pikachu, stay on Dawn's head! Brock, hold my glass!"

Dawn's eyes went wide. "Wait, Pikachu is on my head?!"

Brock and May bursted out in laughter as the girl pulled a stubborn Pikachu from her head.

Ash grinned and he started to walk towards the door. He still couldn't believe it. He was finally a Pokemon Master! After years of training, hardships, people who believed in him, people who doubted him, he finally achieved his dream!

He quickly checked himself in the mirror. He was wearing a red jacket and a red cap on his head.

Wait, why was he checking his appearance?

Ash quickly shook his head and walked out into the garden. There he saw Misty waiting for him. Her loose, orange hair was shining in the moonlight. He saw that the now eighteen year old was girl was staring at the stars.

"Hey, Mist!"

Misty turned around at Ash's voice. She smiled when he walked up to her.

"H-hi, Ash!" She looked up at him with a blush. The once young boy was now a lot taller than her. Not that it matter, because she was still stronger.

"Hey, you wanted to talk?" Ash asked.

"Yeah, I did..." Misty swallowed nervously. "But it's a bit embarrassing to ask..."

"Mist, I've known you for a lot of years. Nothing you do is embarrassing anymore."

"Yeah, right..."

Misty looked up into his warm brown eyes. She suddenly felt all her fear fade. This was something she had to ask him. If she didn't then she would never know...and she promised Daisy.

She swallowed as she asked the question she wanted to ask for years.


"Yeah?" Ash his voice sounded warm and comforting.

"Ash, I know this might sound crazy...but I...I...I...!"

She opened her mouth and asked him the question. Ash's eyes went wide and he became flushed. When Misty was done she wanted to run back to the house, but Ash grabbed her hands. He looked deep into her eyes with a smirk.

" are such an idiot."

"Huh?!" Misty stayed frozen on her spot.

Ash moved closer to her with his stupid smirk. The wet mud was sticking to his shoes. His breath was warm and Misty's heart jumped when she heard him whisper the answer softly into her ear.