Hello again my fellow people of Fanfiction, War here, to bring you another chapter. Sorry to post this late, I was busy with normal teenage crap, school and what not.

And now with that out of the way is time to answer some of your reviews that you kindly left for me.

Zakara: Taylor does have a lot of rage bottle up inside her, just waiting for a chance to explode like a raging volcano. I mean come on, the amount of shit she has been thought of that hell they called a school, if I was there I would drop up the moment I got a chance, but I'm not. As for your comment about her 'button', you are partly right, what you got right was Mithra playing a part about it, but the other part I'm not going to say until in further chapters. And the part about the Shards powers, that will also be reviled until further chapters. As for your commit about Zion comparison to Chakravartin, I will say that Chakra will have to be stronger then Zion, because it is the Ruler of the Universe and the one who maintains it, so in turn, they are much more strong and powerful then Zion. That all I'm going to say for not, I don't want to say anything that will spoil the story so you have to stay patient and see what happens.

TheHolyBlade: Don't encourage her... At least not yet. And those three will get what coming to them, you just have to wait and see.

For those who say that I need a Beta reader, I am currently working on that and for those who are interested in it send me a message and we can see if you can.

And for those who thought that English is not my first language... it actually is, I'm just really bad at grammar and all of that, so bear with it for now.

Now, enough of my rambling, let get on with the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, all of this goes to there respective owners.

I have not read Worm before, so my knowledge is limited to what the Wiki said and the works of others on this site.

She is very tired.

Why is she tired, you may ask.

Well, it was because she has been climbing this pillar for god knows how long. She also doesn't know why she's climbing. She just had this compulsion to climb the pillar that seems to run forever. She wasn't even sure if there was ground beneath her, much less a top. The only thing she saw was the fog above her and below her as well as the many other pillars around her that look like the one she was climbing.

Also, she was very lonely, ever sent she had woke up she was alone and she hadn't seen anyone or anything for that matter, only fog and the pillars. But she counted to climb and climb, never resting or stopping, just clime.

Her arms are tired, which is not surprising. She had been climbing for a while now. But she ignores the tired feeling and counted to climb toward the top of the pillar.

She then heard a noise.

She toward was the noise was, which was behind her, but there was nothing but gray fog and the other pillars that were around her. The noise was faint but she could hear it clearly like it was right in front of her. The noise was strange, it sounds like the wind but it had a beautiful melody to it, it sounds so familiar. But why was did it sound so familiar… and why was she crying?

"Beautiful is it."

It was a voice.

She couldn't place where it came from, because it sounds like it was coming from every direction. So she look to her left and right to find where the voice was but to no avail, she only saw the other pillars and the fog around her.

Maybe she finally has gone crazy…

"You have not gone mad, my dear. At least not yet."

Once again she was shocked to hear the voice again and she tried to find the owner of that voice.

"Try looking up, my dear."

And she did just that and what she found was a spider. The spider had gold plating with strange markings and light blue crystal-like eyes and with the same markings on its small thin legs.


"How am I talking?" The spider interrupted as if it knows what she about said. "Well, that rather rude. Asking someone that when you are meeting for the first time. But fortunate for you, we are not newly acquainted."

"We met before?" She asked the golden spider.

She was actually surprised that she managed to speak to it in the first place. She had been here for a long while and there was no one to talk to except maybe for herself. But she will do that as the last objective, after all, she didn't want to go crazy.

"Yes, but that was in a lifetime ago. And I must say it is really good to see you again, even though the last we meet was not on the best circumstances."

She was still processing this, a golden plated spider was talking to her and said that they meet before. And she still has a lot of questions that need to be answered

"I can see that you have questions. Am I wrong?" The spider asked her.

She replied with a nod. She then was about to open her mouth to ask her first question, which was interrupted by the spider again; "Who am I? Again, that rather rude of you to forget a acquaints. But it is not entirely unexpected as I said before the last time we meet it was a lifetime ago. But before I tell you who I am, I must ask you. Do you know where you are?"

And the spider waited for a moment for her to answer.

While it waited for her to answer, she was trying to come up with an answer, but she couldn't. She didn't know where she was and the spider knows it.

"You don't know where you are, do you." The spider asked and she shook her head. "They do you know how you got here?" She shook her head again. "Do you even know who you are?" And like before she shook her head again, she didn't know who she is, where she is, and how she got to this place of pillars and fog.

Then she heard the melody again, but this time she heard clear as day. It was so close that she almost mistaking for it to be right next to her. But something was different about it.

It was slower than before.

Why has it slows down?


"AHH!" she screams in pain and a flash appear in her mind.

The flash was quick but she did get a good look of it.

It was a woman smiling. It was gentle, peaceful, and warm, but that was all she saw, just that woman smiling. The spider simply stays where it was, looking at her and unmoving. Then after a few moments, it spoke again: "What did you see, if I may ask?"

"A woman," she said

"A woman? Do you know her?" the spider said.

"I-I'm not sure."

They stood there for a little while longer, in total silence.

After a few minutes later of staying where she was, she decided to continue her climb up the pillar and the spider followed closely behind.

Then she climbs for what felt like hours, but once again she can't be sure how long she has been climbing. But while she was climbing she finally notices the golden spider was following her.

Why was this spider following her and what-

"If you want to ask me something I suggest you asked rather than me reading your thoughts, Taylor." the spider said while on her shoulder.

And with it being on her shoulder she got a good look at the spider. On it body, it looks to have an integer pattern she couldn't describe on its body, had what look to be mechanical legs with the light blue jewel that was holding its legs together, and finally the same light blue like jewels for it eight eyes.

But before she grabs hold on to the next ledge above her, she suddenly stops and then goes over what the spider had said.


It called her Taylor.

But why did it called her that?

Why did it sound so familiar?

Was that her name?

After a few moments of speculation and her mind filled with more question. She finally turned toward her eight-legged friend and asked; "Taylor?"

"Yes, that is your name, it is the name that your mother gave to you the day you are born in this life."

"'It this life' what is it talking about-'

"AHH," she screams in pain.

It was like before when the flash of that women appeared, but this time it was more painful. It was so painful that she let go of the edge that she was holding to grab hold of her head in hopes to ease the pain, but it didn't work.

While she was falling the spider just stood there on her shoulder and watching with curiosity, not panic but curiosity. It knows full well what was going on, but decided to do nothing, wondering what will happen now and what she had seen.

But what she saw in the flash was different from before, in the flash, it was a young girl instead of the woman she saw before.

The girl was probably no older than thirteen or maybe younger. She was struggling away from something, but from what she could tell. But when she saw her face it was blur away of bright light but what she could see was the girl long black hair that had gone down to her lower back and a single tear running down her face.

And when she saw the tear for some reason her chest was burning with an unknown feeling, but for some reason felt familiar. And the more she thought of the girl and the tear the more of the burning sensation grow and grow with not stop, but it didn't stop the pain in her head.

She then felt the wind on her skin and she had realized that she is falling. She opens her eyes and saw the fog above getting further away, she then turned her head to look behind her and saw the fog below her was coming closer and closer.

When she saw the fog getting closer, she had a feeling that when she goes through the fog, she would not come back. She was tempted about it as well.

What was the point, she doesn't know who she was, where she was, and what she was doing. Why is she climbing this pillar?




Then her chest burns hotter and hotter until it was unbearable, she clenches her eyes and claws her chest as if trying to find a way to release that heat.

And she tried to find a way to release it until she was inches away from the fog below her than her eye fling open and reveal glowing white eyes and then grab onto a ledge and almost breaking it in with the force of the fall.

But then the golden spider appeared where she had grab hold of the ledge and look at her and what it saw was shocking.

What it saw was the girl but she was different.

She had long white hair that got to her upper back, white bandages that cover her breast, and tattoo like marking all over her visible body. And what she was wearing was the most shocking, she was wearing black trousers with a red flame pattern and a torn golden waist sash hanging on her side of her waist and golden greaves with one leg of her trousers tucked into the grave of her right leg and the other leg covering her left leg.

It then notices an arm going up toward the ledge above them and saw the glowing white eyes.

The same eyes that 'He' had.

"Do you remember who you are now?" the spider asked her, knowing full well what her answer is going to be.

"No," she said.

"Then why are you still here then. Climb Taylor, climb and find out who you really are."

And that what she did, she climbs fast than before, harder than before, and she didn't stop. She is going to up the pillar so fast that she started to run up it and she didn't stop until she reaches the fog above.

And when she was inches away from the fog, she let out a loud yell as she was getting closer to the fog above until she disappeared into the fog.

Then the golden spider appeared just a few inches below of the fog above and it looks up above.

"Hmm…I wonder how far you will go this time…Asura."


At exactly seven fifty-five A.M on March 28th, Taylor Herbert was found dead on her the hospital bed. The reason for it was unclear. Some say it was Sepsis and that the doctors didn't catch it in time. But others said it was foul play, others say her body was weak and frail, to begin with, and it was no surprise at all that her body just gave up.

And exactly two weeks of her death and a week after the funeral services, Daniel Herbert, the father of Taylor, was found dead at his house after a report of a gunshot was fired inside of his house. When officers arrived, there they found his dead body on a chair with an opened bottle of alcohol in his left hand and a 9mm handgun in the other.

Then after a year, on the same day that Taylor Herbert was pronounced dead, a strange phenomenon occurred at midnight at the local cemetery where the body's of Danny and Taylor Herbert were laid to rest.

The phenomenon happened at midnight where most of Brockton Bay was asleep. A pillar of red and white light shot up and lighted the night sky. The pillar was seen all across the Bay and to many, it was the most beautiful thing they had seen. The light only lasts for a few minutes, but it was still enough for the authority as well as the Wards and the PRT to go and investigate this phenomenon.

But they weren't the only one to find out what the pillar of light, the two other powers of Brockton Bay are investigating of the pillar of light. One of those powers is the Azn Bad Boys or most commonly called ABB, lead by Lung, the Dragon of Kyushu, who as a reputation for having a temper and showing no mercy to their enemies. The other power is the Empire Eighty-Eight and, just like the ABB, they are E88 lead Kaiser, they are white supremacy that is operating in the Bay.

Although the event was strange and overall out of place, Lung didn't bother to send any of his men to investigate, but that didn't mean the event didn't pick his curiosity but not enough to sent his men to investigate. And the same thing can be said about the E88. But the only people that want to investigate was the PRT and the local authorities.


Taylor as a long of question that is currently going through her head. But the main one that was currently on her mind and the first think of getting out of the cemetery: 'Who am I?'

She is currently jumping on buildings to buildings. Trying to find where she was and to see if anything look familiar.

But there was nothing.

So she continued to jump from building to building,

This had gone for a while, for how long she doesn't know, all she knew was it nighttime with the moonlight shine in the night sky.

She then heard a crash in the distance while she was in the air. When she lands on the building she turned toward the direction of the crash, wonder what causes the crash and debating whether or no to investigate the crash.

After a few moments Taylors curiosity took over and went toward the crash was. And after a few seconds, she got to where she believed to be where the crash was.

She was at the edge of the roof overlooking an alleyway and saw a small group of guys, five or six of them if she had to gest, that was armed with guns and knives.

But one of the guys stands out the most, it was a shirtless guy with tattoos over his body and a dragon-like mask covering his face, she assumes was their leader.

To Taylor, it looks like there were talking to someone, but she could only make out a few words at a time.

"I… if… kids… kill…" said the masked man.

When she heard this it made her blood boil. Whoever was this guy was, Taylor all ready doesn't like him, kill kids was something she can't stand for.

So she was getting ready to jump in front of the group before they could do anything else, but she then saw a water tower on the roof where she was on and then had a small smile on her face.

The reason behind it is because she had an idea that involves the water tower.