Hello fanfic readers. To those who may not me, I made fanfics for other series like Yo-Kai Watch and Danmachi. This time, I wanted to make a crossover between these two for quite a while. It can be considered a Quirk Deku fanfic. One last thing, I realize that there is another MHA and Mega man fanfic called "mimic hero". In no way did I try copying from them. I had this idea for quite a bit and was just trying to figure out how things should play out. So without further a do, my 5th fanfic.

"W-why are you being so mean Kacchan?" Izuku Midoriya asked while holding in tears. He was currently standing between a boy that on the ground crying and a group of bullies, one of them being his former friend, Katsuki Bakugou. They had been teasing the kid, so Midoriya steeped to try and help him.

"If you keep hurting him, I-I-I'll stop you myself!" He shouted nervously while attempting a fighting stance. Bakugou simply looked at Midoriya with blank eyes before his face morphed into an intimidating expression.

"So, you still pretend that you're a hero? A quirkless failure like you can never be a hero, Deku" he said with a smile that sent shivers down Midoriya's spine. To make it worse, he slammed his fists together using his explosion quirk to scare him more. Then, the three kids rushed him and they beat him up with extreme ease. After they finished and walked away, All Midoriya could do was stare at the sky with tired eyes thinking one thing.

"All men are not created equal"

11 years later

As Midoriya entered his class, he was still in awe at the fight he witnessed on the way their. Seeing famous heroes at work and the debut of one was an amazing way to start the day. When he sat down at his desk and began writing notes, the teacher walked up front with a stack of papers.

"Okay class. You are all third years and should be thinking about what careers you want. I have some forms for you to fill out, but.." he said in a formal tone before throwing all the papers into the air.

"I know you all want to be in the Hero Course!" He said with almost the entire class responding by using their quirks. As the teacher tried calming them down, one loud voice powered over the rest.

"Yo teach! Don't lump me with the rest of these extras" Bakugou said with a cocky grin. The rest of the class was in an uproar, shouting their disagreement and anger. Then, the teacher looked at his file and called out something that caught his attention.

"Says here you're applying for UA" When he said that, the students started whispering their thoughts.

"The national school?!"

"The acceptance rate at that place is 0.2%"

"It's impossible to get in!" After a few seconds, Bakugou stood up on his desk and took a confident pose.

"That's exactly why it's the only school good enough for me. I aced the mock test and I have the best quirk out of all of you. Once I graduate from there, I will become the most famous hero alive! Even more than All Might!" He shouted. Midoriya looked up and put up a small smirk by how determined he seemed to be. He then went back to doing his notes in peace.

"Hey, isn't Midoriya also applying for UA?" The teacher asked.

"Oh no" he thought at once as he braced himself for what would happen next. Immediately, the entire class started laughing, saying how he couldn't get in by just studying and he wasn't allowed since he was quirkless. He tried arguing against that by saying that they took out that the rule, but he was interrupted by Bakugou blowing up his desk.

"Damn Deku! You're even worse than the rejects here! Why would they take a quirkless failure like you when they can have me!?" He asked menacingly. He tried saying something back, but he was to scared to even talk. They soon just returned to their seats.

After class

While Midoriya was packing up his things, Bakugou and his two lackeys suddenly showed up and snatched away his analysis notebook.

"H-hey! Can you give that back?" Midoriya asked while reaching for it. Bakugou simply responded by blowing up the notebook and throwing it out the window.

"Listen Deku. I want to be the only person from this crappy school to make it to UA so they know what a true hero is. I don't want you ruining that for me. So just don't apply, or else" he said with a smile that screams anything but good while burning Midoriya's shoulder. Midoriya gave a small meep. As he walked away, he put in one more thing.

"Hey, if you want a quirk so badly, just hope you get one in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof" he suggested before leaving the room. Midoriya stood there, shaking with both anger and sadness. Soon, he walked outside to find the burnt notebook that Bakugou tossed out. To his dismay, he found it in a small pond with some fish nibbling on it.

"My dreams have been turned to fish food" he thought as he grabbed his notebook. He then began the walk home, going at a slow pace. Moments of his life began to flash in his mind. Times when he would geek out over All Might, the day he learned he would never get a quirk, and his mom apologIzing when he asked if he could still be a hero. Life had been really cruel to him. Soon, he was walking through an underpass. About halfway through, he heard something behind him. When he turned around, all he saw was a huge mound of sludge with a face. On instinct, he tried running away from it. However, the sludge villain quickly jumped him and began taking over his body. Midoriya tried struggling against it, but he couldn't do a thing since the body was primarily fluid. Before he lost consciousness, he felt a blast of air that blew away the villain and saw the silhouette of a man.

Midoriya was woken up to someone lightly slapping his face. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted to the face of All Might 6 inches away.

"AHH, YOU'RE OKAY" he boomed. That knocked Midoriya right back to his senses. He quickly slide backs few away while screaming. All Might took little notice in that.

"SORRY FOR GETTING YOU CAUGHT UP IN THAT. NORMALLY, I DON'T GET CITIZENS INVOLVED. BUT I JUST GOT TO THIS TOWN AND NAVIGATING THE SEWERS IS QUITE THE CHALLENGE!" He said while laughing to himself. "BUT THANKS YOU, I HAVE CAUGHT THE VILLAIN!" He said while showing off a bottle that had the sludge villain inside. Midoriya was simply shocked to have his idol standing right in front of him.

"I need to get his autograph!" He thought while reaching for his notebook. When he opened to what he thought was a blank page turned out to be already signed.

"NOW, I MUST BE ON MY WAY!" he said while crouching down. Midoriya knew that this would probably be the only chance to talk to All Might and he still had many questions he wanted to ask. Before All Might could take off, he rushed forward and grabbed onto his leg. One second later, he was soaring through the skies at an incredible speed. All Might finally noticed the little stowaway on his leg and told him to let go. After realizing what he said, he told him to hold on until they landed. Once they landed, All Might stepped away and attempted to take off again.

"Wait, can I ask you a few questions?" Midoriya asked when he noticed that he was about to leave.

""I CAN NOT ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS NOW. I NEED TO GO!" All Might said in a exasperated voice. Knowing he couldn't ask all the questions he wanted to, he decided on one that has been on his mind for years.

"Can I become a hero, even without a quirk?" He blurted out while looking at the ground. He couldn't bear to look at him after asking that question. It was a stupid fantasy he'd been chasing ever since he was young. However, he didn't care how much far fetched it sounded. All that matters is that he keeps on trying. He just wanted see whether his idol thought it was possible.

After a couple of seconds with no response, Midoriya risked a glance upwards. What he saw was a shriveled up man with blond hair in the spot where All Might was standing. He didn't know how to react to the sight in front of him.

"Damn it, I didn't want a citizen to know about my true form" All Might said with annoyance.

"Look, kid. Now that you've seen me like this, you can't tell anyone about it. I need people to think that I don't show any form of weakness" He explained while showing his injury. "And to answer your question, it's a very dangerous decision. Pros are constantly risking their lives against villains, even with their quirks. So no, I honestly don't think you can become a hero without a quirk"

With that, any form of hope that Midoriya clinged on to had just vanished. All Might said something else, but it was simply drowned out by his own thoughts. That was it. Even the top hero says it's impossible. But of course, he had just been holding on to false hope. When he finally regained his surroundings, he found that All Might had was gone. So he slowly made his way down the stairs and walked out of the building.