Welcome readers, this story as you can already tell is not going to be a Fairy Tail based one but rather as crossover between Code Geass and Star wars. Now the timeline for the Star Wars part will be the era of the Return of the Sith Empire, so around the time of the old Republic, which is around 3 600 years before Luke blew up the first Death Star, of course the star wars dating isn't exact as I have no idea how long the Old Republic battled the Mandalorians for and then how long they fought the Sith Empire for so please bear with me if the dating is off. Because of this no fractions in this story will employ Clones as the tech needed to properly create them isn't available yet. I'm going to use the name for Earth used in Generation Tech's videos Earth versus series, and call it Sol-3, which is located in the unknown region of the Star Wars galaxy and as such, Earth is effectively cut off from the rest of the galaxy to explain why Earth is so primitive when compared to the Sith empire or Old Republic overall. This chapter is just a prelude to the actual which will explain the changes to the plot.

Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1: From the Ashes, Rise anew

August 18th 2010 A.T.B/ 3 639BBY:

Unknown Region:

Milky Way Galaxy:


Somewhere in central Japan


That was the first thing he noticed. The light, the smell, the heat. Clouds of ash that blocked the sun… or stars, he couldn't remember what time it was, all he did know that it left the earth and everything near him illuminated by the fires and explosions in the distance.

Where…was he, why was he on his back?

He tried to turn his head, if only to get a better view of his situation but he was awarded with stab of pain in his neck, drawing a scream from his blood-stained lips and a very bloody coughing fit with it. It felt like his bones were grating against each other when he tried again, but he managed to fight through as another wave of agony rolled over him.

What…What happened? His skull felt like he'd run head first into a wall.

Where the hell was he?

His attention was drawn to a flickering sign swung from the building opposite him, kanji just barely legible in the dim light.


He was in Shinjuku Special Ward, Tokyo Japan. His father had ordered the invasion of the small island nation, after banishing them there….

What a minute…THEM

"Nunnally! Suzaku!" Lelouch tried to shout, but what came out was closer to a loud croak. He cleared his throat, spitting out the horrid taste of blood, dirt, smoke and saliva that gummed his month. "Where are you guys!" It took several attempts before he could finally stand as his right arm wasn't working like he wanted, leaning against a bullet hole filled wall for support, he could feel the broken bones shriek in protest. "Guys, where are you?!" He yelled as he made out a faint whisper from the other side of crater.

Crater…yes…he remembered now.

Suzaku, Lelouch and Nunnally were making their way to the courthouse to seek the fragments of JGSDFs who had set up a perimeter there, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building had fallen from what they had heard so they were desperately making their way to the courthouse for shelter, apparently Suzaku's father was there as well so they were guaranteed protection for the most part.

They had been on the move for around four hours, each boy would take turns carrying Nunnally while the other rested so that they would have the stamina to run in case of emergencies or in the more dire situations, so that one can kill their aggressors…

They had ran into too many vengeful Japanese and trigger happy Britannians not to have such a countermeasure.

He remembered walking ahead of Suzaku, who was carrying Nunnally at the time to check around the corner…when…when he heard the unmistakable sound of an air to ground missile, he rushed back to them as fast as his legs would allow and he and Suzaku wrapped up Nunnally with their bodies to shield her the best they could…

Then…then nothing.

Was that what happened? The missile struck and they were blown apart from each other, so the crater was the result of a Brit air strike on the area. They were laying down an air strike on a civilian populace!

'No, I can rage about that later! I need to find them first, nothing else matters!' Lelouch thought to himself as he slowly made his way to the source of the sound, each movement sending pain throughout his small body. 'Okay from what I can tell, I broke a few ribs, my collarbone and my right arm.'

Wait a minute…?

'I can't feel my right arm, like nothing.'

Lelouch was scared, scared shitless in fact but he knew like with the food rations they found the other day. You need to take inventory of what you have and what's what.

In this gruesome case…if he had all his parts. So he looked down

His left leg was bleeding a lot from the shin, and walking with it hurt like a mother but was manageable for the time being. His right leg looked fine till he spotted the small piece of steel sticking out of his thigh, looks like the same stuff used in reinforced buildings. 'Blast must have lodge it there' he thought to himself as the apparent reasons for his slow movements were laid bare to his eyes.

It was his right arm that stole his breath…

Or rather what was left of it.

From his elbow down, it was a bloody mess, it could see bone sticking out in a few places and the muscles looked like it was put through a blender for God's sake. He couldn't process this for a couple of seconds till he resigned himself to a life without it, he had more pressing matters to attend to worry about his arms.

He limped through the rubble of the fallen buildings and dug up pavement towards his only reasons for living, catching a glimpse of his reflection in one of the few windows still intact.

He look like crap.

A ghostly visage stared back at him, eyes sunken with dark rings hanging under them, best guess from the lake of sleep he had been having and blood-loss, his face and hair caked with white dust and grey ash from the nearby fires. The only patches of colour to been seen was the crimson trails of blood from his nose, month, above his hairline and the diagonal slash across his left cheek, properly shrapnel, the scab appearing black in the dim light reflecting off the water puddles. Another mewl of pain grabbed his attention back to his current objective.

He shook his head to clear the spots in his vision and made his way towards it, he needed to focus.

He made out the shapes of two small bodies lying on the ground in front of him, one wasn't moving and the other was struggling to move from the look of things, so he pushed himself to go as fast as he could to reach them. To his answered prays, it was Nunnally and Suzaku but just so he knew how much the universe enjoys his suffering, he saw that although alive, they were in bad shape.

Nunnally was trying to keep Suzaku awake, he had taken the blast head-on, or in this case face on and his face was a mess of blood and muscle, it was centred around his left side of his face, giving him a two face appearance, he also had wounds all around his torso and left arms with a large gash just above his heart and his left arm being covered with 3rd degree burns, it was easy to see he was barely hanging on as is.

Nunnally was…

Of god…

Her right leg was gone. Everything below the knee was simply gone, leaving a thrice damned messy stump in its place, she was covered in dirt and some blood leaked out of her nose but as cold as it was, he was happy that it was just a leg. He was brought to the here and now once more when he heard her frantic pleas.

"Suzaku! Suzaku please! You have to get up! Please!" Nunnally begged the semi-conscious boy as he gazed into the smoke clouds ahead with a pained eye.

"Suzaku…" Lelouch muttered as he collapse in the fallen boys others, Nunnally quickly turning her closed eyes to the sound of the oh so familiar voice, happy that they was some good news.

"Lelouch…" Suzaku muttered as he turned his only open eye to his best friend, drinking in the damage he went through from that last hit.

"Big brother are you alright!?" Nunnally demanded as she once more cursed her blindness as she couldn't see her brother and to see for herself if he was alright. Lelouch chose his words carefully as the spots returned to his vision, telling him that he was about to go under.

"…For the most part, listen Suzaku, you have to get up, and we need to move." Lelouch told her softly as he turned to look at his near still friend, pleading for him to stand and get his sister out of there.

"I don't think I can, take Nunnally and get out of here, I'm a lost cause." Came Suzaku's honest reply before he descended into a coughing fit, nearly not hearing Nunnally pleas for him to stay awake as Lelouch tried to stop his blood loss by covering the wound with some of his torn up clothes and keeping pressure with his one hand.

"What! No! We aren't leaving a friend behind, you have to come with this!" Nunnally yelled out, not having it. She refused to leave one of the people presence to her like this, not now not ever!

"I don't think I can Suzaku, my right arm's been torn to shreds and my legs can barely support my weight as is…truth is that I don't think I can get up again, I can feel the numbness setting in" Lelouch told him grimly as he had tried to stand but couldn't get his legs to work, it seems he had pushed them too far. The three just laid there, looking and listening to the sounds of battle and death, hating every bit of it.

For Suzaku, it was pained by the sounds of his people, his countrymen being killed in mass with no remorse, just like the village they had passed through the other day that was razed to the ground, even though it was just women and children with no soldiers to speak of. He wished there was something he could do something, anything! To stop the bloodshed but as he was, he couldn't even lift his arms, much less fight to stop this.

For Lelouch, his rage and disgust for his homeland grew by the second as he took in the sights and smells of what Britannia was really was like, he was angered and repulsed by the fact that his country men were enjoying this senseless slaughter, this madness. All for some damned fuel and super-conductors that he knows his sperm donor of a father will just use to empower his wretched war-machine and do the same to other countries, other people.

For Nunnally, she cried her eyes out because of the carnage around, she wasn't stupid, she knew exactly what was going on around them, she knew how many destroyed villages her brother and dear friend had carried her through, lying all the way about the smell. She never said anything since she knew how much they did for her and how her brother didn't wish for her to be stained and broken like him. She kept her silence for this and played along, so they could act like it was fine. But now that was gone as her the closest people to her were too injured to fight, that hurt more than the missing limb.

They all just sat there, broken and defeated, awaiting for death to claim them and be done with it. After a few minutes they all heard the unmistakable sound of RAF fighter jet flying nearby, Lelouch looked up with dead eyes as the jet fighter that had outclassed its Japanese counterparts in everything but speed and armour came flying down towards them, no doubt mistaking them for Japanese civilians survivors and arming its missiles for a final run, but he had a feeling it wouldn't matter even if the pilot know who they were. They were banished children with only Nunnally still having any legitimate claim to the throne.

However where-as the Universe and perhaps God himself had turned their back on them, the force smiled down from on high and gave grace.

Just as the pilot primed his next shot to exterminate the Japanese vermin, his radar picked up a UFO (And no, this just means it was a identified flying object, not a flying saucer, those were rare even in the Star Wars universe) this confused him as he was told the Japanese air force was all but wiped out with what little assets they had left had fled to Hokkaido, why would one be this far in central Honshu. Just as he turned to meet the incoming threat, he was shot out of the sky by a green blast of energy. His last thought being of what just happened before he crushed into a nearby building.

Lelouch was stunned to say the least, he had never seen such a weapon before, from what he could tell, it wasn't a missile but some kind of shot from a cannon of some kind. He wondered about where it came from until he saw it.

This…alien fighter zoomed past where the fighter once was and fly around for a bit, everything about it screamed foreign, from the smaller than usual size, mainly black and white colour scheme to its v looking wing design on either side of the body.

"What was that?" He muttered to himself as he saw the fighter apparently fly off.

"So you saw it too…thought I was going crazy there for a minute." Suzaku replied, having heard him over everything else. However it seems the surprises weren't done yet as the fighter returned but this time being tailed by 4 others fighters, apparently the rest of its Flight Squad, but that wasn't the wield part, the wield part was that they were flying way too slow to stay in the air, if he didn't know any better he would say that were acting like VTOLs but he couldn't see anything in the design to prove this. Another thing that stuck out was the 6th UFO, this one was very different from the rest as it was larger for one and looked like some kind of helicopter without any rotor blades. The 6 aircraft started to descend and to his and Suzaku's confusion, they were preparing to land in the same street as them.

It didn't take long for all six to land, the landing much more quiet to what was used to, clearly these things had much more quiet engines or some kind of noise silencer, they also didn't same amount of kick-up of dirt and dust as the similarly sized aircraft he had seen, he would actually compare it too aircraft half their size. The fighters landed first but no pilots emerged, either choosing to stay in their cockpits or they were drones like some of the UAVs he and Suzaku had witness wipe out ground troops, the last to land was the shuttle like vehicle. Once it did Lelouch did his best to move in front of his sister and friend as he was the only one who still move, even if he was still having trouble getting up, he resolved himself to die staring death in the face rather cowering from it like the pure and innocent child he once was.

The shuttle touched down and with a mechanical hiss, the forward ramp dropped down, allowing for 8 oddly but still intimidating soldiers to quickly despatch and spread around, creating a small perimeter. After around 40 seconds, Nunnally heard one of them speaking into his helmet.

'Site secured, ready for pick-up' the unnamed soldier reported to his superiors. Shortly after this three more people came out of the shuttle, rushing toward the children with one of them carrying what looked like medical supplies, Lelouch would have been more alert if their features didn't catch him off guard.

The first one was clearly not human as…she, she looked like a she, anyway she was wearing some kind of plate armour covering her chest, arms and legs with a black body-glove underneath, what set her off from most was a red skin and long tentacle like growths coming out of her head with crystal blue eyes.

The second one was human, of that he had no doubt but the way he moved spoke of years of military training, the full body armour helped to sell that. He had tanned skin, brown hair and pule brown eyes. He wasn't in his prime since he looked to be at least 40 but he still had a dangerous air to him.

The last one, the one carrying the medical supplies, wasn't wearing any armour but a set of robes instead which including a hoodie, the hoodie was off which gave him a chance to see her face.

And it was stunning.

She was pale, but somehow still incredibly attractive, was young, maybe 17 or 18 going by her size compared to his memory of his elder sisters and the height difference between her and the redskin female. She had the purest shade of white hair cut in a bob-cut, and the prettiest shade of red eyes, he had ever seen. She had air of gentleness to her that was an honestly refreshing breath of fresh air to him since he had been surrounded by death, destruction and chaos for a while now. She made to them first and immediately started working on Suzaku.

"Come on now, stay with me and we'll get you all patch up." She spoke, her voice, her voice sounding older than it should but the gentle words and kind undertone pushed passed that quite easily. Lelouch was lost gazing at her till he broke himself out of it, he didn't know her and what she was doing.

"Who are you, what are you doing to Suzaku?" Lelouch asked as loud as he could, but his exhaustion and injuries catching up with him preventing him from speaking that loud. She turned to look at him for a moment before replying.

"My name is Reyla Ventress, you need not worry young one for I'm a friend you see. As for what I'm doing, I'm trying to stabilize your friend before he goes into shock." She told him gently before she carried on. Before the conversation could continue the older gentlemen spoke.

"Listen kiddies, I know this a bad time but we here to give you a choice and you don't have much time to make it." He said with a voice of authority and bass that it seldom heard in this day and age. His steel eyes appraising the group of children with a hint of compassion.

"A choice?" Nunnally asked as Suzaku was unable to reply to the cryptic message.

"Yes, ours leaders…sensed your potential and wished to take you three under their wing to train you to reach said potential. As you can tell by out appearance, we ain't from around here. We were sent to be your escorts but we didn't know a position till a few minutes ago. Apologies for getting her later than intended." The man told them with a sincere tone as he wished to extract the kids before they were hurt like this.

"You want to help us?" Nunnally asked him, hope leaking into her voice for the first time in days.

"Yes we do. Our masters will take care of the three of you, they will train you to become the people this world needs. They are sick of conflict you see, so they left their own behind to search for a better path and we found your planet by mere chance. However it seems this planets does not have a unified government body, just warlords and honourless cowards who fight each other for foolish reasons, leaving the innocent to suffer for their sins. We can give you the power you need to change that, to right the wrongs and end the apocalypse." The kind girl treating Suzaku added, gaining Lelouch's interest as although he wished for revenge, he could see it would better to ensure this fate never befalls someone else. The barely awake Suzaku wished to end the madness before it destroyed everything, to hear he could do that was a light to hold on to. The two boys shared a look for but a moment but in that moment, they made the decision to will change their lives, for better or for worse.

"The power of the Force will make you walk a path very few have…or can. It will feel lonely at times but if you push through it all, you will find that it was worth it all and more. Do you accept?" The elder female asked them, speaking for the first time. The three children quickly thought it over before coming to the unified decision.


And with that reply, they were all carried into the shuttle, in Suzaku's case, hovered in on some kind of hover bed, man these people really aren't from around here, his father would literally kill for that technology. They were all placed in a small med bay and tended to by personal in grey medical uniforms before the shuttle and its escort lifted off and flew away from Tokyo, away from Japan. Leaving nothing but their blood and Nunnally severed limb behind. While they were being treated the, elder man walked by the med bay and to his hidden joy, he heard the three children laughing after Suzaku made a joke about Lelouch's poor physical fitness.

'It seems that they are stronger than most, being able to laugh after that' he thought to himself as he walked right on by to the bridge of the vessel.

It didn't take long for them to reach low orbit, a sight that Lelouch would never forget, gazing at the Earth from such a height, made all his problems seem…small in comparison in the big picture.

It was soon announced in the comms that the shuttle would be speed up to cruising speed and that they will reach the Moon in around 3 hours.

Wait…the MOON!

"Man, this day keeps getting crazier and crazier by the minute" Suzaku muttered to himself, finally able to breath properly after his short but great first aid session.

"Brother, are we really going to the Moon?" Nunnally asked Lelouch from her position on her bed, Lelouch looked over to her and nodded his head.

"Yeah, I think so." He told her before thinking but to the world him and his new family (He'll never consider himself a Britannia again after what they did to him).

"Lelouch, how long do you think…Japan will…last?" Suzaku asked, concerned for his father, mother and cousin, Kaguya. Lelouch hoped to avoid this as he had been thinking about this for a while now but he didn't want to tell his dear friend. He could lie and say they would win…but sometimes the cold, hard truth is better than a soft lie.

"…Hard to say, without any support from the E.U or the Federation, they would burn through their supplies and stockpiles in around five months against the empire, but…as it's now with the losses they suffered, they won't last another month." Lelouch told him, sadden by the fact that when it came down to it, Japan was outgunned, outmatched and outnumbered on all front since the JMSDF was soundly destroyed around three days into the conflict, with the air force beaten back once their air fields were seized and taken. The only good thing was Tohdoh beating them back at Itsukushima but was forced back when he ran out of supplies.

The shuttle flew for a while before they reached the moon, in that time the medics came by around two more times to check on them. They two boys did ask for a window seat so that they could gaze into the vastness of space to pass the time.

But nothing prepared them for when they saw it.

They had reached the dark side of the Moon and in its shadow, away from any scanners or satellites from earth, they saw an absolutely massive space ship, bigger than any earthman vessel by a long shot. It was grey in colour and designed wedge shape. It was majesty given form with how sleek and refined it looked. Around this vessel were 9 smaller ones that could their versions of escorts or destroyers. They were also dozens of those fighters flying around the small fleet.

"That is the Harrower Class Dreadnought, it was an Imperial Sith ship till my parents and their allies stole it, since then it has been…modified." A new voice said, scaring the dickens out of the three kids. Lelouch and Suzaku turned to the new person to see a young girl around their age, with red skin, head tentacles and brown eyes. She was wearing a simple set of grey pants and a sleeveless shirt and google head gear. Suzaku once setting his eyes on her felt absolutely smitten.

"Is that right, and who might you be?" Lelouch asked, getting tired of these surprises.

"Your funny, don't know it's impolite to ask for introductions without first introducing yourself." The new girl giggled.

"She's got you there big brother." Nunnally added, letting a small smile show.

"That is true, forgive me. My Name is Lelouch, just Lelouch, this is my younger sister Nunnally and the nincompoop who is gawking at you is Suzaku, don't worry about him he isn't so good at first impressions." Lelouch told her with a smile as his words knocked Suzaku out of his stupor, leaving to glare at him for making look stupid.

"That's fine, my names Kaya Vesna. I'm 12 cycles old." The newly named Kaya told them, getting confused for a moment.

"Cycles?" Nunnally asked, having never heard of such a dating system.

"It's the intergalactic equivalent to what you Earthlings call years, the planet of Coruscant has a similar rotation around its sun to yours, so she just saying she's 12 years old." The elder gent came by again. "By the way, I'm her father, names Stephen Vesna. Stephen told them as he walked in and placed a hand on Kaya's shoulder.

"Anywaaaaayy!...as I said that is the Harrower Class and the smaller ships are Terminus Class Destroyers and some Gage-Class Transport, the transport are the smaller ones." Kaya spoke once more drawing the attention back to her. She was pointing at the numerous ships flying around. "I don't know why you joined…but be prepared for some hell." Kaya told them with a teasingly cheeky smile that reminded Lelouch of a certain Ashford heiress while it reminded Suzaku of a certain smart lipped cousin of his.

Well that the prelude for you guys, hope you like it. As you can see I have using Imperial sith stuff as in my humble opinion, it looks much better than anything the republic had at the time. As you can tell, Lelouch, Suzaku and Nunnally are all force sensitive and the 'masters' senses this when they came to the milky way, they didn't sense it from known star wars space as that would attract more…unkind individuals to Earth and divided as it is in the Code Geass universe, they would be conquered and enslaved within months with pocket resistance movements here and there. As you can tell from the descriptions, Kaya is a Twi'lek-Human Hybrid. Her father is a human warrior from Mandalore and Reyla is a Dathomirian. You can guess that Kaya's mother is the older red skinned Twi'lek. Her name will be revealed in the next chapter which will take place 10 years in the future. The reason for this is that I need them to have some star destroyers and other vessels of his own to use, that kind of construction takes time, especially since he doesn't have the backing of a major player in both the CG and SW universe making it even harder as he has to hide his projects as to not attract unwanted attention. There's also the fact I have to squeeze actual force training into this timeframe as I think it's reasonable. Before you all start asking yourself why Lelouch is giving up his vengeance is because he wants to make a world where his friends and sister can find happiness, which he can now do without all that teenage rebel stuff. Make no mistake, he WILL ignite a rebellion but a lot of his failings from cannon wont hinder him and since he has allies to fall on, he will have more support in both command and emotionally.

Suzaku in this timeline did not have the chance to confront Genbu and subsequently kill him, so he won't have that baggage he has in cannon where he does not trust himself and rather relies in the system, this will make more likable and less…dickhead like in nature. He won't become like Lelouch as the two will still be each other's folds and argue on a lot of things like best friends and commanders do but he will be more reasonable and likeable…after he has his face fixed since Euphie won't give him a chance with him looking a Batman villain.

Also as some of you have already guessed, Kaya will be their new Milly/Kagura for the next seven years, I doing this as they will spend next to no time on Earth as they will doing almost all their training off world on the dreadnought or other planets in the outer rim, also because those two need a Milly like character in their lives to remind them to have fun and to goof off from time to time, I mean after all, their just teenagers. And the fighters he saw were Mark VI Supremacy Class Starfighter with the shuttle being an Old Republic era Imperial Shuttle.