Thank you to the lovely *Mint18* for beta reading this for me XXX

Okay so here's chapter two, now I must warn you that there will be a couple of *warnings*

*Rape, bullying and suicide*


"What about this?" Regina asked her friend as she twisted and turned in front of her full-length mirror.

"Like the last ten outfits, you look beautiful." Emma told her.

"Are you sure I'm not too over-dressed?" Regina asked her friend with a roll of her eyes at Emma's remark.

She had a royal blue dress on that showed her figure beautifully.

"No you're not, you look beautiful." Emma said again.

"Maybe I should ring and cancel " Regina said nervously.

"You are not cancelling Regina, you need to do this." Emma was firm.

"We might not even have anything in common."

"And you might have everything in common," Emma said, "Regina, Robin might not be the one but he also might be, you're not going to know until you take that chance. You said that you got on well with him, right?"


"Well take that chance." Her blonde friend told her.

"Mom," Henry called from her bedroom door, "Are you going out?" He questioned.

"Yes... Erm... It's just a work thing." She lied in a stammer.

"Is Emma going with you?" He then questioned as he looked over at his favorite aunt.

"No Kid, it's just going to be me and you tonight." Emma replied.

"Cool!" He almost jumped with joy.

"Don't get your hopes up Henry," Regina said as she looked in the mirror to put her little black earrings on, "Emma knows about your punishment."

"Why am I even still grounded? You found out what really happened."

"You lied to me, and you shouldn't have been fighting."

"What was I meant to do? Let Roland get beat up?" He raised a brow at his mother.

"You could have told someone what was going on and they could have dealt with it." She told her son then quickly added, "Violence is never the answer."

"But mom-"

"Henry, i'm not having this conversation again."

"Don't worry kid," Emma jumped in, "We'll have a blast tonight."

Henry said nothing as he walked away from his mother's bedroom with a sly grin. Emma was not one for following the rules and he knew that as soon as his mother left. He and Emma would be connecting his Xbox back up or watching the telly even.

"Why did you just lie to him?" The blonde questioned the brunette when her son had left.

"What are you talking about?" Regina questioned as she handed Emma her gold feather chain.

"You told him that you were going out for your job." Emma said as she put the chain around her friend's neck.

"Robin is Henry's teacher Emma... an-and I just want to make sure that it could be something, or even anything before I tell him."

"Yeah I can understand that." Emma understood where her best friend was coming from.

She arrived at Granny's a short time later.

When she entered she could see Robin sitting in a booth looking over the menu.

'God he really is handsome.' She thought to herself.

"Regina." A smile grew on his face as soon as he saw her.

"Sorry I'm late." She said as she walked towards the booth he was sitting at.

"It's ok," He told her, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" She was confused.

"I would've picked a nicer place, but I wanted you to feel comfortable."

"This is nice." She replied honestly.

During the day this place was like any other diner, but at night it was turned into something a bit more romantic.

"Would you like something to drink?" He asked her.

"I'll get it myself." She said leaving the table and heading for the bar.

She didn't know him that well yet to let him buy her a drink. She knew she was being stupid, but she just couldn't trust him enough yet. Not after what happened on her last date, she had found it hard still to trust any man.

She arrived back a couple minutes later with a glass of wine for herself. She didn't get Robin anything as he had an almost full pint in front of himself.

"I get the feeling you don't trust me milady." Robin said as Regina sat back down.

"Sorry, I just like to buy my own drink, that's all." What else was she meant to say?

"Fair enough." Was his reply.

"So, what's good here?" She asked as she picked up her own menu.

"The lasagna is pretty good."

"I bet it's not as good as mine." She said with a chuckle.

"You cook?"

"Yes, I can cook." She answered. "Why? Does that surprise you?" She raised a brow at the blue-eyed man sitting across from her.

"No but maybe I'll get to taste yours sometime." He returned.

"We'll see " Was her reply.

"So where do you work?" He changed the subject. "I mean, I already know you're a lawyer as your son threatened to sue me." He laughed then asked, "But what law firm is it you work for?"

"I work at 'Gold and Blanched's.'" She told him.

"Wow." He gave a low whistle, "That's a big law firm."

"You know it?"

"Everyone knows it." He was laughing again.

"Yeah I suppose they do." Regina joined in on the laughter.

Of course, everyone knew 'Gold and Blanched attorneys.' It was the biggest law firm in the country.

"Where are you from?" He then asked.

"Why do you want to know where I'm from?" She was starting to feel nervous.

"Well that's what you do on dates." He was confused, "It's how we get to know each other."

"Ok... so where are you from?" She asked avoiding his question.

"Does my accent not give that away?" He asked with a little chuckle.

"I mean, how come you're here?" She was nervously playing with her menu.

"I fell in love." He told her the truth.

'What's that like?' She mumbled to herself.

"Pardon?" He asked as he heard her mumble something.

"Nothing." Was her only answer then, "Shall we order?"

"Okay." He just said as he waved at the tall burnette behind the counter.

When the waitress (whose nametag read Ruby) arrived at their table they both placed their order.

"Can I ask what happened to Roland's mother?" Regina then asked when Ruby left to place their order's.

"She..." Robin shifted in his seat "She em... she had complications in birth"

"Oh I'm sorry." She was quick to apologise.

"Thank you." He was sincere, "What about Henry's father?" He was curious.

"How long have you been a teacher?" She avoided his question.

What was she meant to tell him?

"Em..." Why was she avoiding any question he was asking her he wondered? "I finished my studying when I was twenty-five and got a job straight away, so I'm coming up to my thirteenth year of teaching."

"Can I ask why you asked me out?" was her next question.

"Em..." 'Where the hell did that come from?' He wondered.

A moment ago she was asking about his teaching, then she asks this question. He was really confused on this date, but he's felt a strong connection with her so he just let the feeling go by him.

"Well I-"

"It's just that when I first saw you, you were flirting with the secretary."

"Who? Mulan?" He laughed.

"I didn't catch her name." She replied, annoyed he was laughing at her.

"We were just joking around." He said when he stopped laughing, "Mulan is one of my best friends." He told her, "Besides I think you'd be more her type than I am." He was laughing again.

"Oh." She was surprised, "But I heard you tell her she was beautiful."

"We were talking about last year's Christmas party, Mulan had on this beautiful gown. And the woman that she was trying to impress wasn't paying any attention to her. She was putting herself down so I told her that she looked beautiful." He explained. "Is that why you're feeling a bit uncomfortable tonight?" He asked.

"I'm not uncomfortable." She was getting very defensive.

Just then Ruby the waitress returned to their table with their meals. She placed them down and told them if they needed anything else to just give her a shout before leaving them alone again.

"So tell me," He started as he was digging his fork into his meal, "Is Henry's father still in the picture?"

"I-I'm... I'm sorry." She got up from her seat.


"I have to go." She cut him off as she grabbed her coat and ran for the door.

"Regina!" He called after her but she didn't stop.

She ran outside in a panic and quickly hailed a cab.

"Regina?" Robin called her again as he ran out after her.

"I'm sorry Robin, I can't do this." Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"But-"He started as he placed a hand on her arm.

She jumped at that contact and yelled, "Don't touch me!"

"I'm sorry." Robin quickly took his hand away.

He watched in confusion as she got into the cab and the driver quickly pulled away from the curb.

"So how was it?" The blonde asked as Regina arrived back home.

"Where's Henry?"

"In his room reading." Emma replied, "What happened?!" She exclaimed noticing the tears drying on Regina's cheeks.

"It was a disaster." Regina told her friend as she wiped at her cheeks. "I told you I should've just cancelled."

"Regina, what happened?" The blonde asked again.

"H-He... He kept asking me questions." She cried out in a stammer.

"Regina babe," Emma gave a chuckle as she wrapped her arms around her best friend, "That is what happens on a first date."

"He kept asking me about Henry's father." She was crying into her friend's shoulder.

"Oh babe." Emma had tears herself as she held Regina in her arms.

"I freaked out and ran away from him." She sobbed.

"Regina I think you should tell him." Regina broke the embrace, startled, as Emma spoke again, "Ok don't be mad but, well I may have done a little background check on Robin. And Regina what I've found, I mean he seems to be a pretty stand-up guy."

"Why did you check him out?" She asked as she wiped her eyes with a tissue.

"I wanted to be sure that he wasn't a dick."

"What did you find out?" She wanted to know.

"He married his high school sweetheart, graduated collage at twenty-five, he was the top in his class. He's thirty-eight years old. He has only the one kid... Sadly his wife died while giving birth to his son, whose name is Roland. But you already know that part."

"A small background check." Regina laughed. Emma wasn't far from finding out the color of his underwear.

"Ok well I might of gone a bit overboard, but you're my best friend so I wanted to be sure that he was good enough for you."

"Well it's too late now, I don't think that he will want anything to do with me after tonight."

"Call him and tell him that you're sorry."

"No, maybe it's just better this way."


"I'm going to say goodnight to Henry and go to bed. I'll see you in the morning." Regina cut her off and just headed for the stairs.

"Goodnight." Emma called after her friend, there was no point in arguing with her when she was like this.

"Henry-" Regina knocked on her son's door before entering.

"Hey mom," Henry greeted his mother, "How was your night?"

"It was ok." She lied.

She wasn't going to tell him what happened, besides Henry doesn't even know that she was out with his teacher. And well there's really no point in telling him now because nothing happened or would happen.

"Were you crying?" He asked his mother, noticing her red eyes.

"I'm just tired," again another lie, 'God what was wrong with her?!' "I going to head to bed now, goodnight sweetheart." She gave him a kiss to the cheek then said, "Another half hour then you've to go to bed, you've got school tomorrow."

"Ok, night mom." He returned.

Regina went into her room, she took a quick shower and got into her night clothes. She took her phone from her bag to plug it into her charger, and then she saw that she had five missed calls and a message. (All from Robin)

"Hey did you get home alright?" Was his text.

She just stared at her phone with more tears forming as she went over the night, then it vibrated as another text came through.

"Can you please let me know if you got home ok."

He sounded worried so she decided to reply to just let him know that she was ok. Still a lunatic, but she was fine.

"I'm fine thank you." Was all she said.

"I'm sorry If I upset you tonight." Was his next text.

She didn't reply back to him, she couldn't. What was she meant to say to him? She couldn't tell him about her 'sperm donor', and why she was so uncomfortable on their date.

Robin had even picked up on that, and of course she lied and told him she wasn't uncomfortable, but she was, she tried so hard to relax and have a good time. But she's now sure that she has no chance at all with him after her behaviour tonight.


The next morning Emma said she'd drive Henry to school because Regina just couldn't face Robin, well not yet anyways.

Regina headed into her office after her secretary handed her, her coffee.

She was half way through the pile of paperwork that Gold had his assistant leave on her desk when a knock came on her door.

"A delivery for Miss. Regina Mills." Her door opened and Killian stood there with a bunch of flowers in his hands.

"Did you get a new job?" She asked jokingly.

"I was heading this way so I told Lily that I'd bring them in for her." He explained as he placed them on the table. "And there's a card." He then said as he picked it up and handed it to her.

Regina didn't take it from him and asked, "What does it say?"

"So it seems i'm your mailman also." He joked as he opened the envelope, "You sure you want me to read it?" He asked uncertainly.

With her nod he opened the card and read it, 'Regina I'm really sorry that I upset you last night, and I hope that you can give me another chance sometime xxx Robin.L'

Regina could feel her tears brewing, Robin was blaming himself for what happened last night when the entire night was all her fault.

"Robin L " Killian was talking to himself then asked Regina, "Did you go on a date with Robin Locksley?"

"You know him?"

"He's a mate." Killian told her, "What did he do? Do you want me to have a talk with him?" He was making a joke to lighten up the mood.

"No, he was a perfect gentleman. It was all my fault." She told the dark-haired man.

"I'm confused." Killian said as he scratched at his stubbled chin. "Why did he send you flowers then if he's done nothing wrong?"

"Because I'm guessing that that's the kind of guy he is."

"Yeah," Killian laughed. "He is."

Regina picked the card up and read it to herself.

"So, you wanna talk about it?" Kilian offered.

"Not really."


"He just asked me a few things that I couldn't answer that's all." She gave in and told him some.

"Like?" He raised a brow in question.

"Well if I wasn't ready to talk to him about it, I don't think i'll be ready to talk to you about it."

"Fair enough." He understood. "But if you do ever want to talk, i'm a pretty good listener." He was sincere.

"Thank you." She replied, happy to have someone to confide in if she needed to. She'd only known him a few days, but they were definitely becoming fast friends.

"So, how'd you meet Robin?" Killian then asked.

"He's my son's teacher."

"Henry? is that the kid that helped Roland out? Robin had mentioned it."

"That's him."

"Great kid." He praised her son.

"Great kid?" She repeated with a raise of her brow.

"Well yeah, Regina there are some kids out there that have no one to help them, and then you hear on the news or read the newspaper that they're either shooting up a school or doing themselves in. So i'm sorry but i'm in his corner." Killian said passionately.

"I've never actually looked at it like that." She was understanding where he was coming from because he was right.

"I'm sorry." He apologised, "M-my brother was bullied back in high school and sadly he was not a survivor." A tear rolled down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away, hoping that she hadn't seen it.

But she didn't miss it.

"Killian i'm so sorry, I-"

"How could you know?" It was like he had read her mind on what she was going to say.

"What happened?" She asked him.

"I tried to help him out but the kids were a lot younger than I was. My parents went to the school about it but I myself don't think that they were much help. And I guess my brother just couldn't take it anymore."

"How old was he?"

"Thirteen, I was eighteen, I was just starting my first year in college when it happened."

"Robin asked me about Henry's father." Tears were starting to well up.

Killian had just told her about a painful past, so she knew that she could confide in him about her most painful memory.

"Do you not have anything to do with him anymore?" Killian questioned.

"Em... Hen- Henry was... was conceived from rape." She choked out.

"What?!" He was not expecting that.

"Oh my god... I think that that's the first time I've ever said that out loud" The tears started to roll down her cheeks.

Killian handed her a tissue then asked, "What happened?"

"I was seventeen." She started, taking the tissue from him, she dabbed her eyes then continued, "I don't really talk about it but I was having a fight with my boyfriend Daniel. Then this college guy asked me out on a date and I accepted, I wanted to make him jealous." She was full on crying now.

Killian left his seat and walked around the table to be by her side. He wrapped his arms around her and let her cry on his shoulder.

"It was all my fault." She mumbled into his shoulder.

"No Regina, none of it was your fault. No man should ever touch a woman without her consent." He told her.

"You don't understand Killian, Daniel died that night, he killed him and now after serving just ten years he's out." She couldn't control herself now, the tears kept just flowing.

"He's out?"

"Yes, apparently he got out on good behaviour."

"He's not in Storybrooke is he?" The dark-haired man asked.

"No, he's in Seattle. That was the main reason why I moved here."

"What about Henry?"

"He doesn't know anything, I can't tell him that his father is a rapist."

"What does Henry know about him?" Killian then asked.

"Just that his father was abusive, so I left him when I was pregnant." She told him the lie that she had told her son in the past.

"I'm so sorry Regina." he sympathized.

"I really like Robin." She just said.

"He is a really good guy." Killian told her the truth.

"What am I meant to say to him? He probably wouldn't even want to know me if I told him what happened."

"No Robin's not like that, trust me if he's into you like you're into him he'll want to be there for you." Her told her.

"I think he is."

"Well I think the flowers speak for themselves."

Regina gave a watery laugh at that, "Yes that they do."

"Thank you for listening to my messed-up life."

"Anytime." He gave a little chuckle as he pulled her in for another hug then said, "If you ever need any help what so ever, you call me ok."

"He can't leave the state of Seattle or come anywhere near me or Henry." She told him then added "But I don't think that that's gonna stop him. He's been writing to me for years now saying that he wants to meet his son."

"Seriously?" Killian couldn't believe that.

"Yes, and I don't know what to do if he finds me."

"He'll be in breach of his parole Regina if he does come here."

"I know, but I don't think that'll stop him, he really wants to see Henry."

"Well if by any chance that does happen, you call me and I'll be at your door in minutes."

"Thank you but my best friend has come to Storybrooke, she's a cop. She's trying to get a transfer, so she can be with me."

"I'm friends with the sheriff, what's her name and I'll put in a good word for her?"

"Emma and she's just your type." Regina gave a little chuckle at that.


"Yes, she blonde." She laughed.

"Ooooh, you'll have to introduce me to her then."

"Thank you for this Killian, I really appreciate it." She said gratefully.

Emma was the only one that she had to talk to. When she had found out that she was pregnant after the attack, her mother wanted her to get rid of the baby, and she wouldn't so her entire family abandoned her.

"Anytime." He said giving her a little peck on the cheek then he moved back to his seat in front of her desk then he asked, "So what are you going to do about Robin?"

"I have no idea, I'll be seeing him shortly when I go to pick up Henry though."

"I know it's hard to talk about, but he will want to be there for you."

"I might start crying again." She gave a watery laugh.

"Yes, you will, but that's ok Regina. After what you went through, it's allowed."

"Thank you but now I think I should get back to work."

"Yeah, Gold needs his files." He joked as he got up to leave her office. He walked over to her door then turned and asked, "Are you ok?"

"I will be thank you." She was sincere.


God she was a nervous wreck as she headed into Storybrooke high to collect her son after his detention. Although Killian had told her that Robin would be there for her, she just didn't feel ready to talk to him about the night before yet.

As usual Robin was at the secretary's desk talking to Mulan. She took a deep breath and headed towards them.

"Regina." Robin said when he seen her walking towards them.

"I-I'm here to collect Henry." Was all she said.

"He has a couple minutes left." Robin told her then asked, "Can I get you a horrible cup of cafeteria coffee while you wait?"

"Em...Sure." She said then walked by his side towards the canteen.

When they had arrived, he opened the door for her to enter first. She took a seat while he went and got the coffees.

"Here you go." He said as he arrived back and placed her coffee in front of her.

They sat there in silence for a few minutes until Robin just said, "I'm sorry."

"Robin you didn't do anything wrong, it was all me."

"I must have done something to upset you." He said, taking her hand in his, he softly caressed her hand with his thumb then said, "I like you Regina, and if you tell me what I did wrong I promise not to make the same mistake again."

"Would you be able to meet me later? And we could talk?" She asked the blue-eyed man as her eye's fell on their hands.

"I'd really like that." His smile was big.

"Great, same place?"

"I'll be there." He told her happily.

"Will you be able to get someone to stay with Roland in such short notice?"

"Yeah that won't be a problem, I'll ask me mate Killian."


"Yeah, you might know him. He works at Gold and Blanched."

She gave a small laugh then said, "Yes I know him, he seems to be a pretty nice guy."

"He is." Was all Robin said.

"So, then I guess I'll see you tonight then." It wasn't a question.

"I wouldn't miss it."

"Mom?" Her son's voice came from the canteen door.

Regina quickly pulled her hand away from Robin then greeted, "Hello sweetheart."


"Sorry." She glanced at Robin with a roll of her eyes which caused the teacher to laugh.

"I better get going, I'll see you later."

"See you later." He replied.


Thank you all for the lovely reviews X and for the follows and favorites. xxx

Love you all X

There will be one more chapter, this one was a bit of a tearjerker so I thought that I'd leave her talk with Robin until the next one. Hope you can forgive me if I have made you all cry cause I know I did when I was writing it :)

I'm loving this friendship between Regina and Killian, anybody else with me ;)