
By: TheDeadGirlRisen

Beta'ed by: N/A

Author Notes: Welcome to the first chapter rewritten. I got quite a few complaints about the way I switched to Orochimaru's Pov, so I will not be including his pov. I personally thought it was interesting and had good information in it.

Naruto age and Month: 5, March. (If my math is correct)

Original Word Count: 2345

New Word Count: 3524

Chapter One: Eyes

"Get back here you damn brat!" A guy shouted from behind a laughing golden haired boy.

"Catch me if you can!" The boy shouted as he continued running from the angry chunin who was a fluorescent pink with rainbow glitter covering him.

The young boy who had bright blue eyes and three whisker marks on his face looked around before he grinned as he slid underneath a woman's legs causing her to shriek. Then the young whiskered boy, who's name was Naruto, turned a corner and using the few precious seconds he had fell to the ground and rolled underneath the dumpster. The chunin turned into the ally and ran straight past Naruto's hiding spot.

As the blonde haired boy escaped his hiding spot snickering he heard someone growling behind him. Without turning to see who it was he booked it. The boy continued running and dodging, though every time he thought he had lost his pursuer they had found him again.

The blonde haired boy started making his way to a place he had just recently discovered this past week or so, it had lots of rooms and stuff so he should be able to find somewhere to hide until the pursuers gave up.

Naruto pushed himself to go faster as he heard the multiple shouts behind him, he may have used a few premade traps as distractions and made even more people chase him.


He ran up the stairs as quickly as he could and burst into the Hokage monument, which was primarily an evacuation point for civilians in case of an attack on the village, but it also had a ton of rooms in which there was a lot of cool stuff. Making his way through the mess of corridors he picked a room at random and opened the door and closed it as quietly as he could.

Raising a hand up he wiped off the sweat on his brow. His breaths were labored as he finally looked up to see what room he found himself in. Distantly his ears picked up the sound of shouting, which unfortunately was getting louder.

His eyes widened as he saw someone in the same room as him. The man had long black hair, and skin as white as the snow, then there were his eyes yellow and cat-like, or snake like. The man was putting something in his pocket.

Glancing quickly to the object next to the man he saw that they were coffins. "This way! I can sense the brats chakra!" A voice shouted sounding distressingly close to where Naruto was hiding. Deciding that since the pale man wasn't doing anything at the moment to ignore him he looked for a spot to hide.

The pale man's eyes narrowed at him before one of the corners of the man's lip twitched up. Before Naruto knew what was happening his mouth was covered and he found himself being melted into the wall right as the door slammed open. The young boy could feel himself being moved through the ground though the man didn't release him. Finally they went above ground and the pale man removed his hand.

Coughing he blinked as he realized that the strange pale man had saved him from the mob. Next time Naruto would have to figure out how to avoid a sensor ninja. Maybe Jiji would tell him if he asked nicely.

Naruto beamed at the strange man though, "Thanks!" He said happily.

The strange man just eyed him for a moment before he spoke, "Don't mention me to anyone, and we'll call it even." his voice had a bit of a hissing quality to it. Making Naruto think of snake's and with the strange man's snake like eyes he definitely seemed like a snake.

Naruto nodded and looked around trying to find something he recognized so he could make his way back home. After all the sun was starting to go down, and Jiji told him that he shouldn't be out late at night. Not recognizing where he was at or where to go to get back home the young blonde shrugged and trotted off after the strange snake man. "What's your name mistah? I'm Naruto."

The yellow eyes flickered over to him and twitched up into a small amused smirk, "You will just have to find out, won't you?"

Naruto pouted after another couple of steps he asked, "What was that awesome jutsu you did?"

"It is a jutsu I have modified from the original, it lets me travel through any material, so long as I have the material for it that is."

"Cool!" Naruto said his eyes wide, then he blinked as something clicked in his mind, "Wait? Doesn't that mean you're a ninja if you can do jutsu's?"

The man just seemed amused, though he didn't reply. Naruto pouted for a moment again before asking another question, "Where ya going?"

The snake like man raised an eyebrow at him an amused expression on his face, Naruto almost thought the man wasn't going to answer before he said, "To my lab."

"A lab? Does that mean your a scientist? What kinda science do you do? I heard from Jiji that there were many kinds of scientists. Or are you a doctor? Doctors have labs as well don't they?"

The snake man gave a creepy chuckle, "You sure are inquisitive aren't you Naruto-kun? I like to classify myself as both a scientist and a doctor."

"Inquisitive?" Naruto repeated slowly trying to repeat the word.

"It means you are very curious and ask a lot of questions."

"Ah!" Naruto said in realization nodding his agreement, looking around once more he asked yet another question, "Say mistah where we at?"

The man glanced at him again, "We are at the clan grounds, most of the more minor clans live in this area, though the Uchiha clan also live near here. The Hyuga are on the opposite end of this section of Konoha. While the Aburame live in between the two."

Naruto blinked processing all of that information and trying to memorize it. He never knew this was where they lived, he had wondered so he could prank them. The odd duo continued to walk.

The young boy continued looking around though he didn't see anyone else out on the streets here. "Where is everybody?" Naruto asked out loud.

"I assume something has distracted them," The snake man said in an amused tone. A few minutes later the pale man paused, "Follow that path, it will lead you to the market district, take care to not be spotted on the clan grounds, they tend to not like strangers."

Naruto beamed at the man, "Thanks Snake-san!" he said as he took off down the path as silently as he could while still running. A few minutes of running later he found himself entering into the market district, but it wasn't any area he recognized.

Slowing down to a walk he cautiously looked around. The sky was dark now night having fallen fully about ten minutes ago. The young boy shivered in the cool breeze brought in by the night. Despite this place being filled with noise, people chattering, music blaring and all that this place seemed to be way more creepy than the empty clan grounds.

A bottle smashed nearby causing the boy to startle. The smell of alcohol made him wrinkle his nose. He saw a couple a men enter into a building with a red light on it and the sounds of laughter. Shuddering he increased his pace trying to find out of this weird market distract.

Suddenly he felt as if he was being stared at. Increasing his pace even more he was almost about ready to run, when he was shoved him into a nearby ally causing the boy to stumble and fall, landing painfully on his butt. "Ehh who are you?" The man said blinking his slightly foggy eyes slowly as he stumbled a bit, "Been drinking to much I guess, thought you were a couple feet more to the left sor-" the man cut off as he blinked a couple more times, before his friendly, if awkward smile vanished, "You! Looks like tonight's my lucky night. I found a demon brat by itself!" the main said his eyes getting a glint in them. The man stumbled closer to him as Naruto got up.

The man shoved the boy into the alley wall leaning in close. The blue eyed boy scrunched his nose as the man's breath reeked of alcohol. "Can you please let me go stranger-san?" Naruto asked politely though his voice wavered in fear.

The man either didn't hear him or ignored him, and since the man was right up in his face staring him straight into his eyes the golden haired boy doubted it was the latter. Naruto was forced to stare into the man's dull green eyes. "You know what I hate most about you?" the man whispered with a growl.

"What?" Naruto whimpered out.

"Your fuckin' eyes. Always filled with that stupid innocent look. As if you haven't done anything wrong. Your such a monstah!" The mans words slurred together before he shook his head and continued on, "You don't even feel guilty for what you've done have you? For everyone you killed, including my son! He never got to have that innocent look, never got to see the sun, never got to enjoy life. And my wife! My beautiful wife, my radiant sunshine. She's gone as well 'cause of you! Her radiant sparkling eyes... I'll never see them again…"

The man trailed off his eyes tearing up.

"I-I think you got the wrong person mistah, I haven't killed anyone!" Naruto protested struggling a bit but he was unable to escape.

The man pulled him away from the wall a bit before slamming him back against it dazing the young boy, "Don't lie to me…" he hissed.

The man grinned crazily as he pulled out a pocket knife, keeping Naruto pinned to the wall with his remaining hand. "Those eye's… I hate them!" he shouted bringing the knife dangerously close to Naruto's face.

"STOP! PLEASE STOP!" Naruto screamed fearfully. He started thrashing trying to break free as the man brought the blade closer to his left eye. His violent thrashing caused his head to jerk forward and the knife pierced his eye. The blonde screamed in agony. The pain was worse than anything he had ever felt.

The man laughed in a crazed manor, "Looks like you took care of one of your eyes for me."

The man brought the small knife up to his other eye and Naruto focused on it frozen in fear. "LET ME GO! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME! ANYONE PLEASE!" He cried out in pain and fear before the man drove the knife deep into his eye. Pain coursed through him, worse than anything he had ever felt.

Why was no one helping? "Who would want to help a monster like you?" the man whispered as he traced the knife down his face all the way to his heart. "You killed my family you demon, now I'm gonna kill you!" The young boy froze unable to move.

Naruto whimpered in agony as the pain coursed through him, he waited unable to do anything but cry in pain for the man to finish him off. Slowly the deranged man's grip on him loosened and fell off to him, the blonde heard a thud as something hit the floor. The young boy was frozen in fear.

"Who- whos there?" Naruto whimpered out scared and in pain as silence permeated the air. As no answer came he slowly tried to move his head trying to see anything, but he saw nothing. Pain crashed through him and he started to cry.

"Calm down Naruto-kun." A voice spoke after another pause, it was the voice of the snake man, Naruto tried to look in the direction he thought the voice was coming from. His body protested at the movement.

"H-how can I calm down?" He sobbed, "I can't see anything! How can I be a ninja if I'm blind?"

There was a moment of silence before the snake man spoke up again, "Hm, I might be able to help." The snake man's voice had his normal silky qualities to it and the normal vague amusement to it the man seemed to have whenever he spoke.

Naruto figured that was the man's normal voice, but right now it annoyed him that the snake man still seemed amused even after Naruto had his eyes stabbed. Setting that annoyance to the side for now he cautiously asked, "You- you can help?" He choked the question out as he tried to refrain from whimpering in pain.

"Perhaps," the man stated slowly as if thoughtful if he could, "I might be able to replace your eyes."

Naruto whimpered nodding his head, which only brought about another wave of pain, "Please… it's dark I don't like it. It hurts..."

"I will help you Naruto-kun, but you will owe me a favor."

The young boy nodded, "Okay," he whispered quietly sniffling. It was after he agreed that he got the feeling he just made a deal with the devil.

"I'm going to pick you up now," the man warned before he grabbed Naruto. The young boy sobbed quietly scared that he would never be able to see again. Though the pain seemed to be going away. Faintly he felt the wind rapidly brushing past them, as if they were moving very fast. He was gently placed down on top of a cold metal table. The pain had vanished, but it was still so dark.

Naruto heard various things being shifted and paper being rustled, and then he heard the snake man muttering, "Hmm yes, this is good. It seems I have everything I need…"

There was a pause and some more rustling. "Alright Naruto-kun, I'm going to give you a shot to make you sleepy, do not resist."

Naruto gave a nod. A small prick on his arm caused him to wince. The boy laid down and waited for sleep to claim him. Minutes later he was asleep.

OoOoO- ? -OoOoO

Feeling a pull he frowned as he blinked and suddenly found himself standing before a black haired man with yellow slitted eyes and pale skin. The man chuckled in what he appraised to be a decent evil chuckle. He sighed inwardly as he found he couldn't move, Edo tensei it seemed. Hmpf, why did this man summon him, looking around he found that he was in some kind of laboratory and on the table was a kid, no older than 5. He scowled, "Why have you summoned me?" he asked after he found he could move his head at least.

The man glanced at him and didn't answer.

But the man did restrict his movements even more so now he couldn't even talk. "I am doing an experiment." The man answered a minute later as he came up to him.

The black haired man smirked as he came over and tried to take one of his eyes. He watched as the eye the slitted eye man had taken fell to dust and his eye reformed in his body. What did this man think he was trying to do? Was the man trying to find some way to take his eyes?! He growled deep in his throat and the man smirked at him. The man walked over to the boy and took out one of his eyes and returned to the edo tensei. He saw that the bright blue eye of the boy was damaged as if had been pierced.

The man once more took out his eye, but before his eye could reform them man shoved the boys eye. He felt his own eye reform using the material of the eye. The man grinned as it finished and then once more took the eye out from his eye socket.

He waited for the eye to turn to dust, but it didn't. Could the summoner have really managed to copy his eye this way? It seemed impossible but as the pale man looked at the eye he was able to notice that the eye was completely healed though the eye was a slightly darker shade of blue now. His own eye took a bit longer to reform. The slitted eye man returned to the boy and placed the eye back in the boy and used a medical ninjutsu.

The process repeated for the other boy's eye. The man smirked, "Thank you very much for your assistance," he said in a clearly sarcastic manner as he released the jutsu. He growled before his edo tensei body fell apart, and now he was back to being a spirit. "If you ever summon me again, and slip up and give me enough control, I will kill you for what you have done." He threatened even though he knew the man could no longer hear him.

Deciding he had enough he figured he should return back to where he was before the foolish man summoned him only to use him for some experiment. Pausing he glanced at the boy, the eyes remained even after the edo tensei was released, could it have actually had some effect on the boy. The man picked up the boy and used shunshin.

He reluctantly decided to follow, curious despite himself if what the man did had any effect on the boy. He made a henge as he found that he was in Konoha, no need to get the other spirits panties in a twist. Eventually the man stopped at an apartment, after having henged himself, and dumped the boy onto a bed. The apartment was a mess. Empty cups of ramen clothes and other junk.

The experimenter stared at the boy for a moment before he left. He sighed as he leaned against the wall, waiting for the boy to wake up, wondering just what the summoner had expected from what he did.

OoOoO- Naruto -OoOoO

Naruto groaned as he woke up, his eyes felt sore, pulsing with pain. Over the next few minutes the pain slowly faded away. He cracked his eyes open and stared at his apartment roof, 'Where are all the colors?' Was his first thought as he sat up and looked around.

He blinked and yawned before he startled as he realized that he was seeing stuff, 'I can see again!' He may have only been blind for a few minutes, but it had felt like forever… not being able to see he hated it. Though not being able to see colors was weird, but at least he could see something.

"Ah it seems you are awake Naruto-kun," A familiar voice said. Naruto turned to see the snake man. His eyes which used to be yellow, were now just a grey, everything appeared in shades of grey up to the darkest of blacks, and the lightest of whites.

Naruto leapt up and tackled the snake man in a hug, "Thank you so much for returning my sight to me mistah!"

The man who returned his sight to him awkwardly patted him on his back. After Naruto finally released him the snake man asked, "How is your vision Naruto-kun?"

"Everything is in shades of grey… but I can see things more clear than before, like the time used to be blurry, but now I can see the numbers!" He said excitedly pointing to his clock as an example.

The man gave his creepy chuckle, though Naruto didn't think the man was purposely trying to be creepy, it seemed the man was just naturally creepy. "Kukuku, interesting… it seems that your vision has become monochromatic… and your eyesight most likely was degraded before I fixed them."

"Monochromatic?" Naruto repeated slowly.

"It means that you only see one wavelength of the visible spectrum." The snake man explained.

Naruto just frowned again not understanding. The man sighed, "It means you only see one color."

"Oh!" Naruto exclaimed before blinking, "Wait, so how did you heal my eyes Snake-nii?"

The snake like man didn't answer.

"Will I ever be able to see colors again?" Naruto asked after a moment.

"I do not have any answers for you, perhaps they will, but they might not," The man's head tilted to the side and his eyes flickered to the window, "I must be going now, I have been delayed for to long. Remember Naruto-kun to not mention me to anyone, and that you owe me a favor," The snake man said as he slowly started sinking into the ground. "Goodbye Naruto-kun."

"Goodbye Snake-nii!" Naruto said waving as the man's head fully disappeared in the ground.

The young boy collapsed back onto his bed afterwards, wondering what he should do. Eventually he got up and changed his clothes. Deciding to get some well deserved ramen he went to his favorite place of all time. Ichiraku's ramen. Happily eating the food he chatted happily with the ramen stand owner and his daughter.

A/n: This is an edited chapter, New edited chapters will be formatted like this so you can easily tell the difference of what has been edited and not. Also I have no idea how often I will give edited chapters, since I am both editing old chapters and writing new chapters. This edited version will also hopefully help me fix some plot holes and everything. I hope that for those of you familiar with Gosutoai like the new rewritten chapter. For those of you new, I welcome you to this crazy story of mine and I hope you enjoy.

A/n 2: If you are a guest reviewer, I am sorry I am unable to message you and answer your questions or suggestions that you make and have a chance to explain why I do things as I do.