A/N: Here's another one for you, enjoy!

Chapter 13:

'But Snape was limping as well remember? Nick saw his leg, he must have been near the dog, so it must have been him who cursed the broom!' Weasley said triumphantly from a corner of the library.

Harrison had been looking for a book of defensive spells when he found himself drawn into the conversation being held. He rolled his eyes at Weasley's reasoning.

'And it stopped as soon as you set fire to his robes Hermione!' Nick added

He saw the girl's face turn slightly pink in embarrassment through a gap in the bookcase he was hiding behind.

'Do lower your voice Nick. And I told you, it was just a spur of the moment idea, it could have just been a coincidence.'

'Then there are a lot of those happening around Snape, Hermione' Nick replied 'How else would you explain the limp then?'

'I don't know, maybe it was from the dog, but he is a teacher remember, perhaps he was just checking on it, making sure whatever it's guarding is still safe' she paused for a moment

'And besides, a limp hardly means anything at all. If you hadn't noticed your brother has been walking around with a limp for the past few days. I suppose you think that means he too is trying to steal whatever is inside?'

'Harry has a limp?' Nick asked at the same time Ron replied

'It wouldn't surprise me if he was in on it with Snape!'

'Oh, for goodness sake Ron! Now you're just being ridiculous'

Hmm, this was interesting. Harrison thought to himself, so Nick didn't know about the attack - he felt some relief at that, and the Granger girl was still surprising him with her revelations. She was definitely smarter than he'd given her credit for. He briefly wondered why she'd not been sorted into Ravenclaw, before remembering her stupid impulse with the whole fire thing. Although, stupid as it was, it had the desired effect.

'Maybe we should ask Hagrid again about the dog, he seemed to know something about it. I'm sure it wouldn't take much for him to crack' Nick said, cutting Harrison's thoughts short as he listened more intently.

'Alright' Hermione replied 'Let me just put these books back'

'Are you gonna tell her about the mirror?' Ron asked Nick in a whisper

That caught Harrison's attention, who was beginning to think he wouldn't learn anything interesting listening to this conversation. They'd found the mirror.

'I don't know, do you think she'll want to look? I'm going back tonight'

'I dunno mate. I don't think it's a great idea, and she wouldn't let you leave the common room past curfew anyway.'

'True. Do you want to come?' Nick sounded excited

'No, it made me feel a bit weird, I like what I saw, but it's not real'

'It could show the future though!'

'How can it? You said yourself, there's no way that-'

'What are you doing?' A quiet voice asked from behind him, causing him to jump and nearly fall into the bookcase. Flint.

'Um, looking for a book?' he tried

'If you need to look that closely, maybe you need glasses' Flint said, amusement clear in his voice.

He peered around Harrison, clearly noticing who was sat the other side

'Find out anything good?'

'Not really' I missed that part, thanks to you, Harrison thought bitterly

'Well, then you haven't really got a reason to be here alone have you? Come on, I'll take you back to the common room'

'I'm fine, really' he tried to convince him 'I don't need a babysitter!'

'Snape's orders I'm afraid. Gryffindor's can be nasty when they want to be, I'm not taking any chances with the First Year's at the minute. So, unless you want me to get one of the other Prefects to waste their time watching your every move, I'd suggest you stick with your friends.' He said rather firmly.

Annoyed, Harrison followed him to the common room before heading up to his dorm to find a book to read before Transfiguration.

His mind wondered back to the conversation he'd overheard. So, they thought Professor Snape cursed the broom, that would explain why Granger set fire to the man. But why would they think that in the first place? He hadn't tried to hurt Nick before, had he? And why would they think he was trying to steal whatever the dog was guarding? It didn't make any sense.

Granger had noticed the limp as well, which annoyed Harrison. He thought he'd done a good job of hiding his injuries, they were mostly gone now, but his leg still ached when he moved. And Nick hadn't noticed, not that that surprised him in the slightest, he didn't notice much unless it effected Nick himself. It also erased Harrison's previous suspicion that Nick had known about the attack.

And then there was the fact that Nick and Weasley had found the mirror. He longed to know what Nick saw, what he truly wanted, how similar or different it was to Harrison's own desires. All he'd gathered was that one of their desires wasn't possible, and they hadn't figured out what it was showing them.

'Interesting read?'

Harrison looked up to see Draco walking towards him. He'd been lay on his bed staring at the first page of the book, lost deep in his thoughts.

He smiled slightly and closed the book.

'Time for Transfiguration?' he asked, Draco nodded

'Didn't want you to miss it. Are you okay? You've been up here for almost half an hour'

'Fine, just lost in thought for a bit. Nothing interesting really'

Draco didn't look as though he believed him, but dropped the matter anyway.

'Do you want to come to Quidditch practice with me tonight?' he asked as they walked to their class

'I'm not on the team remember'

'Yeah, but Flint won't mind, and you could show off your Chaser skills as well' Harrison shook his head

'I told you, I don't really want to play, maybe next year if the team are desperate, but if there's anyone who can even remotely play well, I'm not joining.'

'I'll make sure Flint see's you fly before then. He won't let you sit on the side lines for long after that'

Harrison laughed slightly

'You know, that plan would have worked a lot better if you hadn't told me about it' Draco huffed slightly

'You just don't appreciate the art of Quidditch. But don't worry my friend, I'll teach you the ways.' Draco said seriously before grinning and causing Harrison to laugh.

'You will be continuing to practice transfiguring your mice into Snuffboxes today class. Don't forget the wand movement and clear pronunciation, we don't want to see any Snuffboxes with whiskers. You may begin.'

'Harrison, could you help me please? I just can't seem to get it to work' Daphne said dejectedly

He walked over to her desk and looked at her snuffbox, which was still furry and sporting both whiskers and a tail.

Talking her through it gently, and correcting her wand movement and very slightly incorrect pronunciation, he then demonstrated himself.

A line of blue light shot from his wand to the mouse, a familiar rush spreading through his body as the small animal gracefully changed into a Silver snuffbox. He would work on the appearance later.

'Now you try' he said, turning it back into a mouse

Daphne took a deep breath and said the incantation. The mouse grew longer and more box shaped before changing completely into an equally impressive Silver box. She beamed at him, and he smiled gently back.

'Well done!'

'Thank you, Harrison! I can't believe I just did that'

'Congratulations, Miss Greengrass. 5 points to Slytherin for a perfect transfiguration. Keep practising though, make sure you can do it that well every time.' Professor McGonagall smiled down at the pair

'And take 5 points yourself Mr. Potter. Keep up the good work'

'Thank you, Professor' he smiled and went back to his own seat to work on his own snuffbox, trying to decide on a good pattern to add to it. Flint had hinted to them that this particular Transfiguration would be on the final exam at the end of the year.

'And how are you getting along Mr. Potter?' Harrison looked up

She had made her way over to the Gryffindor side of the room and stood over Nick and Weasley.

'Um, I think I can do it' Nick said, seeming unsure of himself as the entire class was now watching

He muttered the incantation. The mouse squeaked before changing into a box-shape, however, it still had fur, ears, a nose, whiskers and even feet, and immediately tried to scurry off the table.

The Slytherin side of the room laughed, earning them a glare from the Professor.

'That needs work Mr. Potter. Try pronouncing it more clearly, enunciate each syllable and remember to think about what you're doing. Focus more and I'm sure you'll have no trouble at all.'

She looked around the room briefly, eyes settling on Harrison. No, don't say it.

'Perhaps your brother could assist you?'

'No way!' Nick all but yelled

'Excuse me?' she asked sternly, Nick clearly didn't get the warning

''I'm not letting him teach me! Let Hermione do it or something'

'That's 5 points you've just lost Gryffindor Mr. Potter.' she turned back towards Harrison

'Do you have a problem with assisting your brother?' Yes, Harrison thought

'No, Ma'am. I'd be happy to help' he said politely earning him a smile

'Then it's settled. No arguments' she said to Nick, who looked as though he was going to explode.

'Good luck' Draco whispered to him as he stood to cross the room.

He sat down next to Nick, who was scowling at him and looking very put-out.

'I don't need your help' he said in an annoyed yet hushed tone as McGonagall was still watching them.

Harrison raised an eyebrow and gestured towards the box-shaped mouse on the desk

'You sure about that?' he sighed 'Look, you don't want me to work with you, I understand that, believe me. But it's happening, so suck it up and listen to me or you'll be stuck with me for a lot longer than either of us want.'

'Fine' Nick huffed

Harrison tried to explain in detail again, just like he had with Daphne. Nick just looked at him with a blank expression.

'That's what I did' he insisted

'Then try it again, but say the word clearly this time'

Nick cleared his throat and tried again, the mouse lost its feet and ears this time, but otherwise remained the same.

'Better' Harrison said 'Keep going, imagine every stage in your head as if it's happening just the way you want it to.'

Nick wasn't stupid, Harrison knew that much, and he also knew that Nick was powerful for his age, he just didn't try.

'Why didn't it work?'

'It's getting closer, you just need to practice' he replied, trying to be encouraging

'I don't want to practice! I just want it to work'

'That's stupid, everyone has to practice, you can't just get it immediately' Harrison was beginning to get annoyed with his brother

'I'm not like everyone else! I should be able to just do it!' Harrison scoffed

'That's one of the most stupid things I've ever heard you say!'

'Shut up! Don't call me stupid!' he shouted, causing the class to go quiet

'I didn't call you stupid, just that what you said was stupid'

'What is going on?' McGonagall was in front of them again

'He called me stupid! I said I don't want his help!' her eyes grew stern as Nick shouted at her

'You've just earned yourself a detention on top of the points lost, Mr. Potter.' She turned to Harrison

'What happened?'

'I just said that him not wanting to practice is stupid, Professor'

'Mr. Potter, you have to practice magic, very few people can do spells perfectly on their first attempt, even the very best of us will always need to practice. If you do not, then you will not become one of the best.'

Nick began to turn pink with embarrassment

'You see to it that all of you practice your spells. I expect everyone to be able to at least have the basic form down by our next lesson.' She announced to the entire class before dismissing them.

'What the hell did you do that for?' Nick shouted at him as he pulled Harrison roughly into a side corridor away from watching eyes.

'What are you on about?' he asked, feeling very confused

'You made me look like an idiot in there' Harrison raised an eyebrow in response

'I think you did that to yourself, Nick.'

At that point Weasley and Granger turned the corner to find them. Great, Harrison thought, just what he needed.

Granger looked between the two of them in concern, Weasley however, jumped straight to conclusions.

'What are you doing to him?' He shouted towards Harrison 'Nick are you okay?'

'Why do you automatically assume that I've done something?' Weasley looked at him disbelievingly

'Because you're a Slytherin, you've always done something' Harrison snorted in response

'That doesn't even make sense, I can see why you aren't in Ravenclaw'

Weasley went red, quickly turning to anger and shoving Harrison. He winced as his still slightly bruised shoulder slammed against the wall. Really, he thought, it was so easy to wind the boy up, it was almost embarrassing.

He saw the boy reach to his pocket where his wand sat.

'I wouldn't if I were you' he warned, his own hand resting lightly on his wand.

'Ron don't.' Granger finally joined in the conversation

'Come on, let's just go, Gryffindor have lost enough points this week as it is'

Weasley withdrew his hand, huffing slightly

'Fine. Come on Nick.' he turned back to Harrison 'One day, I swear, I'll fight you one day.' Harrison snorted.

Oh the spells he wished he could practise on the boy.

'I look forward to it' he said cheerily as Hermione physically dragged Weasley away.

He followed them out of the corridor to catch up with his friends

'Where have you been?' Blaise asked

'Oh, no-where, just having a friendly catch up with my brother'

He noticed Blaise and Daphne look at each other in concern, but neither of them said any more on the matter.

'Where are you all headed?'

'We were going to go to the Library for a bit before dinner, are you joining us?' Daphne replied hopefully, he'd been spending more time alone the past few days.

'Of course, who else is going to stop you all from getting a T on your Potions homework' he joked, causing them to laugh happily.

'Wait, is it two frog's legs or three?' Theo asked, very confused


'Three' Blaise and Draco said simultaneously, both seemingly confident

'Well, that's helpful' Theo muttered as Draco and Blaise began arguing

Harrison rolled his eyes, they looked at him expectantly but he shook his head.

'Find it yourself, Chapter 7' Pointing to the book in front of Blaise before getting up himself.

He'd noticed his brother and companions again, they had been in the Library a lot lately, and all of them looking through books with a vigour only Granger usually possessed. He'd never seen Nick voluntarily read a book in his life, so naturally, it had piqued his interest.

There didn't appear to be any particular subject they were looking at, pulling out books from every shelf and flicking through the pages quickly.

They were clearly looking for something, and Harrison wanted to know what it was.

He moved near to where the trio were sat, aimlessly browsing bookcases as he went. Granger had a large stack of books next to her and methodically picked up each one, flicked through each page carefully before sighing and placing the read book to a new pile on her left.

Weasley was stood at a bookshelf behind her, pulling out books at random and scanning the pages quickly before shoving it none too gently back on the shelf.

Nick, however, seemed to have abandoned his pile of books entirely, and was counting out chocolate frog cards into different piles.

He paused at one of the cards, turning it around with a bored expression on his face. Dumbledore, Harrison noticed, they had about 100 of those cards at home. Nick was about to throw the card down when he stopped all of a sudden, his eyes widening in shock.

'I've found him' he whispered, causing both Granger and Weasley to stop and look at him.

Found who? Harrison thought impatiently.

'Listen: 'Professor Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicholas Flamel' I told you! I told you I'd heard his name before!'

Nicholas Flamel? Is that who they'd been looking for? They'd definitely been in the wrong section of the Library then; they hadn't looked at his time period at all as far as Harrison had noticed. But why would they want to read about him?

Granger had jumped up in excitement and run off to the other side of the room.

They'd been talking about that three-headed dog the other day. And what it had been guarding, he thought suddenly with excitement. So, if Flamel is involved with whatever it's guarding, could it be the Philosopher's Stone? That is what Flamel is most famous for after all. But why hide it in a school?

He zoned back into the conversation the trio were having now that Granger had returned with a rather large book.

'-makes gold and stops you from dying! No wonder Snape's after it. I'd want that. Anyone would' Nick exclaimed with a look of wonder on his face.

Harrison rolled his eyes, they still thought Snape was trying to steal it, and now they thought they knew what it was that he was trying to steal. Did they honestly think that knowing would do anything anyway? That they would be able to stop a fully grown wizard who, according to Nick, also wanted to kill him? Probably. Nick did have a tendency to believe he could do anything, and more unfortunately, that he should be allowed to do anything.

Having found the information that he'd been after all week, he went back to his friends in a much better mood, picking up a book of hexes and their counter spells on his way.

'We found the answer, finally' Draco muttered, glaring at Blaise, who had been correct.

'You could have just told us though'

'And what would you have learnt from that?' he asked with a grin

'That you're a know-it-all who takes pity on his friends?' he tried, causing them all to laugh.

He wondered what to do with the information he'd heard, and more so, what Nick would do with it. Would he try and stop Snape? Go to their Parent's perhaps? Or even try and get the Stone himself in some attempt at playing the hero. Anything was possible with Nick really, Harrison would have to keep a closer eye on him.

A/N: Please review etc. it makes me happy:-) Thanks for reading...