The hour of midnight sent a chime that filled the whole house; through the vacant rooms of the first floor. One that would not wake either of the residents up at the Bay Ridge home; No, that would come only five shot minutes later. It was a sharp knock that jolted Frank from his bed; he took a glance over at the alarm clock to his left and groaned as he rolled over. Another sharp knock forced him to push himself up and slid his feet into his slippers before pulling over his robe.

"I'm coming," he yelled out in response to yet another knock. This one must have woken Henry because soon Frank heard another set of footsteps to the room on his left. It was not long before his father met him in the hallway, eyes still half closed, hair in a tussled mess.

"What's going on Francis," He asked following his son to the staircase.

"I have no idea Pop." He walked down the steps and flipped the foyer lights on. He snapped shut his eyes as the light that had been changed three days prior illuminated both the foyer and the den. One final knock sounded as he peaked out the small peephole to see a security detail and Garrett standing him front of his door. He undid the locks and slowly pulled the door open, letting in the flurry of snow and cold breeze in.

"Garrett, what's going on?"

"Frank; you and Henry need to get dressed and come with us." The severity of the situation not yet known to Frank was shown solely on Garrett's face as he gave the command.

"What's going on?" He ushered the men into his home, closing the door tightly behind them.

"Frank, a call went out tonight around 11:30 about shots fired at the Brooklyn bridge park, two victims shot." It was obvious this was not a random couple shot and his mind went straight to the only couple he knew of in this family, Jamie and Eddie.

"Killed?" His stomach acted up as he pushed those words past his lips.

"No sir both critical at St. Victors," Garrett responded. Henry had now joined them half way down the stairs as he stood and listened. "The 'couple' that was identified is Jack Boyle and Erin." A million questions rushed his mind as the words come out of Garrett's mouth but he didn't have time, instead he excused himself and ran up to slip into some sort of clothes before returning down. He quickly grabbed his phone and dialed the first number that came to mind.


Danny had just laid his head down on his pillow, or at least that is what it had felt like. The phone interrupted his much-needed sleep and caused him to reach his arm out and feel around for his phone. It couldn't be about a case, Baez and he had just finished their latest and today it was supposed to be his day off. He finally felt the cool metal edge of his phone hit his fingertips and lifted it up. With one eye shut and the other squinting, he was able to see the ID read "Dad/ Commish." This instantaneously caused him to wake up, if his dad was calling this early it was not going to be good.

"Dad," He answered his voice gravely in sound.

"Danny, I need you to get up," His father commanded. Danny swung his feet over the side of the bed and was well enough alert.

"What's going on Dad?"

"There was a shooting tonight, the victims are at St. Victors as we speak."

"Who dad," His father's cover up of calling whoever was hurt "victims" was going to do nothing to ease Danny into the information.

"Erin… and Jack."

"Jack; as in Jack Boyle,"

"Yes Danny, listen we don't have a lot of information on their condition but it's not sounding good, do you think you and the boys can get over to the hospital soon?"

"Yeah, I'll wake them now, we will be there soon dad, call me if you have any updates." For just a moment Danny sat on the edge of his bed, it was 12:20am and he had to wake his boys. The only time he had done this was last year on that horrible day when he had to tell them their mother was dead. Currently he prayed to God not to take another one of his family members, especially another sibling. He pushed himself up and made his way to Jack's room.


It was late; by now on a Tuesday night Nicki would be in bed, soundly sleeping but tonight was different. It was procrastination really, not something, she was known for but between making times for her other classes and making time for family in friends her English 435 paper slipped her mind. The dull computer screen illuminated a small section of her side of the dorm room; she tried to keep as much light on her as too not disturb her roommate Katie. She glanced at the bottom of her computer screen, 4934 words down only 66 more to go, her closing argument would easily push her past her required word count. She picked up her textbook and scanned through her highlighted sections to find her final point. With quick finger strokes she typed her final paragraph, saved the document before emailing it out, she looked at the clock, 12:50; she had made it with 10 minutes to spare. She let out a breath of relief before closing her laptop and shoved it along with all the textbooks to one side of her bed.

As anyone would know, a common distraction to any task is a phone, which Nicki had turned off and tucked away neatly into her drawer. No that she had finished the final paper she pulled the drawer open and clicked it on; never in her thoughts would she think she would have missed so much in the three hours she had gone without communication. She stared at her screen as ping after ping sounded lighting up the small screen. Green bubbles all labeled from her grandfather, uncles or cousins filled the cell phone, she tried to slide one open to see what was happening but she was interrupted by a phone call.

"Uncle Jamie," She whispered. She stood up from her bed and crept to the door, looking back at Katie to make sure the noise hadn't woken her.

"Thank God Nicki, we have been trying to reach you, are you okay?" She was confused; she knew her family was protective but not about getting late night texts. She began to think that maybe something had happened at the school but no notifications had popped up on her phone.

"I'm fine Uncle Jamie, I was trying to finish my paper so I had my phone off."

"You're at your dorm."

"Yeah," She responded still confused, "why what's going on?"

"I'm in the parking lot, you need to get down here ASAP, I'll explain." Before she could push farther, he hung up and left her in the hallway with a million questions. She ran back into the dorm room and slipped into warmer clothes, grabbed her phone and keys and ran out.

Being on the fifth floor was rough in this type of situation; she had to run down five flights of stairs still in panic. Each time she cleared a floor a new scenario of what could possibly be happening. Rarely had she heard her Uncle Jamie speak in such a tone, the only other time was… She stopped dead on flight three and yanked her phone from her pocket. She scanned through her texts; Uncle Danny, Uncle Jamie, Sean, Jack, Grandpa, even Eddie; suddenly she did not want to finish the run down. Her mother was not on the list, it had to be about her; none of the text specified what was happening just the usual, "Where are you?" or "Nicki; pick up." She could feel the tears form as she clicks out of her texts and into her phone app, dialing her mother. One shot ring and she found herself listening to her mother's voicemail, she tried again, refusing to believe that she was right but when the second phone call ended up like the last she felt her stomach twist. She ran down the rest of the stairs, taking off through the front door and out into the courtyard. This time of night it was a ghost yard, not a soul in sight. She ran down the paved walk way and to the parking lot. There they stood, Jamie and Eddie waiting for her. She stopped for a moment and tried to read their body language. He leaned up against the car but his facial expressions were hidden by the brightness of the headlights, same with Eddie.

"What's going on," She yelled from her spot not wanting to move any closer to him. He didn't respond, instead her walked over to her but she took a step back when he was within four feet.

"Nicki, I'm not going to sugar coat this."

"Mom," She stated.

"Yes." It did not surprise him that she had deduced what was going on, she had grown up with a family of cops.

"Nicki, it wasn't just your mom." She could tell he was finding his words had to say as he looked her in the eye.

"She was with someone?" An odd time to bring up her mother's dating life, truly she didn't care who this random man was.

"Nick… The other victim was… your dad." Nicki scoffed in disbelief, once again backing away from him. She shook her head as she tried to rationalize this as some sick joke or a dream. It only took seconds for everything to start spinning quickly and her legs to give out. Were it not for Jamie inching his way closer she would have fallen to the ground but he ran up and caught her before she could.

"Are they dead," She sobbed as they sat together on the gravel.

"No, Nick we should go, come on," He lifted her up and helped her walk to the car, tossing Eddie the keys before seating them both in the back seat.


Okay, I'm back! I took way too long to write this; apparently a new job plus being a nanny takes up all your time, Who knew? So I deleted my other Erin story because, well I felt like I couldn't do it justice with my idea but here is a new one where the family finds out that she is dating her Ex husband during a scare set of events. I hope you like it, please review, I love to read them and also ahead of time here is an apology for the amount of time it will take between posts. ~Layna