As November finished, the weather turned colder and colder. The mountains around the school became icy grey and Black Lake turned to chilled steel. Every morning the ground was covered in frost. Harriet would look out the windows of Gryffindor tower every morning and she could see Hagrid defrosting broomsticks on the Quidditch field, all bundled up in a moleskin overcoat, rabbit fur gloves, and enormous beaverskin boots. Harriet felt a little sorry for him. She and Hermione felt bad for the guy, even though he made barely passable tea and insufferable rock cakes.

The night before the big Quidditch game between Slytherin and Gryffindor was filled with excitement. Harriet and Hermione were the only ones seen studying in the Common room – that even included sixth and seventh year students. Gryffidnor was all abuzz with rumors that Oliver Wood was keeping really tightlipped. Gryffindor had a new seeker. Wood was guaranteeing a Gryffindor victory.

By eleven o'clock the whole school had turned out into the stands around the Quidditch pitch.

Even Hermione and Harriet were present. It had apparently been Parvati Patil's job to divert the two girls from their normal Saturday trip to the library for extra study and out onto the Quidditch pitch. Lavender Brown was given the job of making sure the two girls had sweaters and scarves and coats all in Gryffindor red. And as the game was about to begin Lavender and Parvati sat on either side of Harriet and Hermione. Then Ron, Seamus, Dean, and Neville came up and sat behind them.

Just then, the Slytherins coasted past them. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle held a large banner that had been painted: 7 in a row! It had the Slytherin snake slithering around the whole sentence. Harriet and Hermione whistled quietly at the art and charmwork – well done.

The players mounted on their brooms. Madame Hooch gave a loud blast on her silver whistle. Then fifteen brooms rose up, high, high into the air. The game was on.

Harriet and Hermione had troubles understanding the game. The two kept whispering about the homework that was due Monday. Of course, it seemed Parvati and Lavender's job – Parvati with Hermione and Lavender with Harriet – was to make sure the two at least cheered. Lee Jordan, a Gryffindor was doing the commentary on the loudspeaker.

"I just don't know if we are going to get all the Potion ingredients marked in the notebook, Harriet," Hermione said quietly to her friend while the crowds roared around them. "From what I read about Quidditch games we could lose up to three hours of good Saturday study time."

Harriet – even though she was Hermione's friend and even though she liked to read a book – was not as anxious as her friend. She did smile with an encouragement that tried to say, "I'll stay up late and study with you if we need it –"

Just then, a cheer went up from the Slytherin side of the stands. Lavender suddenly poked Harriet in the ribs. She looked up just in time to see Slytherin take the large ball. She frowned at Lavender since nothing happened and then bent her head back to Hermione. A minute later, another roar came from the Slytherin fans. Harriet looked up as Slytherin made another threat.

Hermione had started to whisper, "And we still have to coordinate our complicated History of –"

When Harriet heard the words, "GRYFFINDOR SCORE!"

Everyone around Harriet and Hermione jumped up and started to howl and chant into the cold air. Harriet and Hermione stood up and clapped politely but saved their voices. The Slytherins could be heard to moan on their end of the stands.

When it was safe, Harriet and Hermione returned to their discussions. Up and down Harriet and Hermione moved throughout the game. Harriet and Hermione would try every few minutes to understand when Lee Jordan would shout something exciting, but then start to whisper again when it made no sense to them.

Suddenly, she looked up as Lavender grabbed her arm and yanked her body up to look into the air. Every eye had followed Alicia Spinnet, the Gryffindor Seeker.

"The Snitch –" Lavender shouted and pointed. Harriet and Hermione watched as first Alicia and then a boy in green, Terrence Higgs she heard the Slytherins shout chased after it. Alicia was faster and seemed like she was just about to grab that snitch when a green body and run into her, spinning her off course.

"FOUL!" screamed the Gryffindor bench, and Weasel seemed to be the loudest.

Madam Hooch spoke angrily at Flint and then ordered a free shot at the goalposts for Gryffindor. But in all the confusion, The Snitch was lost and Hermione and Harriet were lost to the game.

"What are you doing over the Holidays, Harriet?" Hermione asked.

"Probably staying right here with the Weasleys," Harriet groaned.

Hermione hugged her tight. "Not if I have anything to say about it. I will ask my parents if you can come visit over the holidays."

The girls kept chatting as the game continued.

"Slytherin in possession – Flint with the Quaffle – passes Spinnet – passes Bel – hit hard in the back by a Bludger, hope it broke his nose – only joinging, Professor – Slytherins score – "

Slytherin erupted in cheers and shouts at the moment.

From there, the game continued.

Suddenly, Terrence Higgs went spiraling down from high above. Alicia had spotted him and was now on his tale thinking he had his eye on the Snitch. He flew down, reached out his hand and grabbed the Snitch.

"I've got the Snitch!" Higgs shouted, waving it above his head, and the game ended.

The Slytherin stands went wild, followed slightly later and less enthusiastically by Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

There was dead silence from Gryffindor. Lee Jordan was saying in a rather unenthusiastic voice. "Terrence Higgs has caught the snitch! Slytherin wins!"

Lee Jordan was very reserved as he left out the results – Slytherin had won two hundred and ten points to twenty.

Harriet and Hermione had gotten their first taste of Quidditch. It was a violent and dangerous and downright frightening game. It was disappointing for Gryffindor though. Slytherin beat Gryffindor. Harriet and Hermione stood there shivering in scarves and blankets. Harriet was not used to the cold – she preferred sun and sand.

When Harriet and Hermione made it back to the Great Hall, Hermione sat down and wrote out a letter to her parents. She introduced them to her friend, Harriet in it, told them she had nowhere to go, and signed it and put it in an envelope. Then, the two walked up to the owlery together.

Up to Hogwart's West Tower they climbed until they made it to the top. It was a circular stone room, cold and drafty – Harriet who was still freezing shivered. Harriet watched as Hermione found one of the healthier looking barn owls. She tied the letter to its claw and watched as it flew up into the afternoon sky. Then, Harriet and Hermione began the walk down.

Harriet was shivering so badly that they took a detour to a classroom that must have been used recently, there was steam coming out of the door. Hermione led Harriet inside where she sighed in happiness over the warmth.

"So, Harriet," Hermione began. "Where do you live normally and why can't you go there?"

Harriet sighed and began to share her full history with Hermione. She told her how her mother's powerful magic had sent her back in time. She told her about growing up in the Temple of Sekhmet.

At that point, Hermione said, "That's why you know so many charms and Defense spells already."

Harriet nodded. "I also know Occlumency, much like the Purebloods here do."

Then, she told her about Imhotep's rebellion, her kidnapping, and how she felt toward Imhotep – not what she did for him, because she was too ashamed. Then, she told her about dying and rising on the exact moment she turned eleven in England.

"That is truly bizarre." Hermione added.

"I think I have a destiny to accomplish here at this time," she said, "But I needed the context and training from the past."

When Harriet was warm enough, they traveled down to the Great Hall for supper. It was one of the best supper's in recent memory – not a single Slytherin was in attendance. Everyone knew they were celebrating their victory – and that made it bittersweet. But Harriet and Hermione enjoyed the peace that did not have any Weasely – Malfoy confrontations.

From there November was over and December came in. By mid-December, Harriet would awaken to find Hogwarts covered in several feet of snow. Now, Black Lake was frozen solid. Owls were now not making the trip through the stormy sky to deliver mail – if one dared, they would need to be nursed to health by Hagrid before they could fly again.

One of the worst things about the weather was classes in the Potions' classroom. Harriet's breath was like mist that froze the minute it came out of her mouth. Often, Harriet would warm her hands by her cauldron as she worked.

Harriet was excited that she would be spending the weeks of Christmas vacation with Hermione. Hermione's parents had graciously accepted. So, when Professor McGonagall had come around with the sign-up sheet for students to stay over the Holiday, Harriet was not one of those. Apparently Ron made a fuss when he found out that Harriet was going with Hermione.

"You two are going to come back even more insufferable than before –" he whined.

Harriet was personally glad that she would not be staying in the dorms with the Weasleys, Percy was the only one she could stand. She was looking forward to the break from the Twins' pranks and from Ron's clingy ways of always being nearby.

Then, the day arrived to leave Hogwarts. Harriet was happy to see the warmer climates of London and to get away for a time. She huddled up next to Hermione Granger and a Hufflepuff named Susan Bones. Soon, the three were packing into a compartment together along with Susan's friend Hannah. The four girls spent the trip eating chocolate.

At one point in the trip, Susan turned to the three girls.

"I had an idea for Boxer Day," Susan said.

"What do you have in mind?" Hannah asked.

"I think we should have a Tea Party for us and our friends."

"It sounds like a wonderful idea," Harriet added. "That way you can show Hermione and I how to act like proper English witches and we can gossip about all the insanity of Hogwarts –"

Susan chuckled, "How did you guess that was exactly what I was thinking?"

Harriet had a secret little smile. "I just know you really well?"

"I think we should just invite the ladies from our small Library study group," Hermione said.

"That way we can properly work on you two –" Hannah laughed.

The rest of the trip to London was planning the Tea party, who was going to be invited, and what they would do at the party.

By the time they rolled into Platform 9 ¾, the sky was already dark when the Hogwarts Express rolled into the city. Harriet and Hermione hugged their friends, Hannah and Susan, then walked past Susan's aunt, Amelia Bones and made their way into the Muggle portion of King's Cross Station.

Waiting nervously were two smartly dressed and intelligent looking people. Hermione ran into her mother's arms and was swallowed up and her father came up from behind and held her close too.

"It is so good to see you, Honey," her mother said.

"Welcome home." Her father added.

When Hermione was done hugging her parents, she turned to Harriet.

"Mum and dad, this is Harriet Potter, my best friend –" she said with a huge grin.

First Hermione's mom and then her dad gave Harriet a big hug. When that was done, they loaded up their trunks into the Muggle car and drove off into London.

The break went fast. Harriet remembered that first night eating out at a Muggle restaurant for the first time in her life – Italian. But her best memory was Christmas. Christmas had a tree filed with electric lights – something Harriet had never experienced before. It had ornaments and tinsel. It was magical in a non-magical way. And under that tree was presents – something she hadn't had since she was one year's old.

Harriet had a few gifts: a scarf, mittens and hat combo from the Grangers. Susan Bones, the girl from Hufflepuff had sent them Tales of Beadle the Bard. Each of them who were new to English Wizarding Society had the book so they could get to know magic better. Harriet and Hermione who didn't have much money or time at the time gave each other a box of Muggle chocolates.

The next day was a quiet affair where Amelia Bones arrived at the Granger House to escort Hermione and Harriet to Bones Manor. Susan wanted to start a tradition for Boxer Day.

Harriet and Hermione were dressed in their best. Harriet had a burgundy colored Witch's robe from her time at Madame Malkin's and Hermione wore her Easter Dress from last year. They were the first ones to arrive to Susan's tea part.

"Harriet –" Susan ran to her, took her arms and gave her gentle kisses on each cheek. Then she did the same after shouting, "Hermione –"

"Thank you for the present, Susan," Harriet said as she handed Susan a small package of her own. Hermione also added it. Of course, Susan didn't get it yesterday since the Grangers did not have an owl, and they had not been to Diagon Alley so Susan would have to settle for Muggle chocolate. Susan smiled graciously as she led the two inside.

In a few minutes later, Hannah Abbot, Susan's best friend from Hufflepuff arrived.

It was a small affair of tea, light sandwiches, and scones. The only other who came from their year was Mandy Brocklehurst, a Ravenclaw. But it was a good time to connect and get to know each other. It was extremely beneficial for Harriet and Hermione who started to learn English Witch's culture better.

In Hermione's room that night, they talked about their day.

"I didn't realize that I have so much to learn when it comes to social etiquette in the Wizarding world," she said.

Harriet nodded. "I had learned etiquette in Egypt, but I didn't know anything about English traditions."

"I just assumed," Hermione continued, "That it was all about waving wands and doing magic. I will have to be more studious here too."

There was one visit for an afternoon that Susan Bones came over to the Granger house. Hermione's parents took them to a movie theater where they watched Beauty and the Beast. It was a learning experience for Susan and Harriet.

Despite the growth in the friendship between Harriet, Hermione, and now even Susan, the best part of the time was just the normal life away from Hogwarts. Harriet returned to Hogwarts happier and excited for the rest of the year.