Hello my lovelies! I'm back and with a complete rewrite of Blind 20. I'm sorry if it's a bit short, but I just know once I get out of the prologue the chapters will get longer. Lots of love and don't forget to give me some feedback and tell me what you think. I am deleting Blind 20 but I will have a copy of it so I can look back at it and see what I want to keep from it. I do not own Ghost Hunt or any of the characters.


She dropped to her knees, tears streaming down her face, the words "Me or Gene?" kept echoing in her head. As she cried it started to rain heavily, soaking her head to toe, until someone walked up and held an umbrella over them as they crouched down. Putting a finger under her chin making her look up at them, she gasped slightly. They had a black eye and it was already swelling.

"What happened?" her voice was hoarse from crying and her eyes were puffy. He'd never admit it that he hated seeing her like this, especially because of him.

"Gene is alive and this was his immediate reaction," Oliver answered her, while wiping a tear from her face and tucking a loose hair behind her ear. "Mai, I was an idiot. I'm sorry," he looked away from her as she looked at him with shock.

"N-Naru, I don't think I can forgive you right now," she took a deep breath to calm herself and continued, "Just hearing those words hurt a lot," she finished and looked away.

He offered his hand to help her up and said, "I know, I just hope you can forgive me with time," he smiled as she took his hand and they walked back to the others. She had let go of his hand, when she was balanced enough to walk on her own.

"Mai!" Monk yelled, running up to her and examining her, while Ayako walked up to look her over herself, since she didn't trust the Monk.

"Let's get you inside and a change of clothes and then I can tell you what you missed," Ayako smirked glancing at their young boss' black eye. She ushered Mai into Monk's car, while monk got into the driver's seat. Soon Masako and John got in and they were on the road, heading towards to a nearby hotel. Ayako booked two rooms, one for John and Monk, and the other for the girls. As soon as they got to the room with their suitcases, that they had taken on the case they finished before going to the lake, Ayako had Mai take a hot shower and she picked out her pajamas for her.

"Thanks," Mai said as she walked out of the bathroom and grabbed the clothes. She went back in and changed quickly into her black tank top and dark blue pajama pants. Ayako and Masako were looking through their suitcases, when she walked back out. There were only two beds in the room and she assumed, she'd most likely be sharing a bed with Ayako, which she didn't mind, it wasn't like they hadn't done it before. "I'm going to go walk around a bit to clear my head, while you two change," she said as she put on her flats, which had dried surprisingly quickly.

"Okay sweetie, take one of the room keys with you and try not to get lost," Ayako spoke before she went into the bathroom.

"Mai, take this before you go," Masako said, as she handed her a phone. "Just in case you get in trouble," she added as Mai took the phone and nodded. It was Masako's personal phone, she had let Mai borrow it once before, when they had gone shopping in a failed attempt to get along.

"Thanks, I shouldn't be gone too long," Mai walked out and closed the door softly. She started down the hallway and ran straight into Lin. "Sorry." she apologized and quickly bowed.

"It's fine. Are you feeling better?" He asked, a smile tugging at his lips.

"I guess, I just wanted to walk around and clear my head," she answered and then looked around knowing that he should be close, but when she didn't see, she asked. "Where's Naru?'

"He's at the hospital with Gene. He'll be back soon, why? Did you want to see him?" Lin looked at her, as the blush already started to tint her cheeks.

"No, I just wanted to make sure that I wouldn't run into him," She said sighing. "Did Gene really punch him?" She asked and he couldn't help but smile at this.

"As soon as Gene was able to stand, he punched Noll, yelling at him and calling him an idiot," Lin smiled at the memory, Noll had finally got what he deserved.

"Oh, do you know why?" she asked and Lin just shook his head no. "Well, i'm going to continue my walk. See ya," he nodded and let her pass. They were on the second floor so she made her way to the elevators and went down to the lobby. When she stepped out of the elevator she first noticed the cafe and walked over. She knew Ayako wouldn't mind her opening a tab on her account, so she ordered a cup of tea and a sandwich.

An hour went by and she was finished with her meal and on her third refill of tea. After she finished it, she made her way to the elevator, but accidentally ran into him. "Mai, I thought you'd be resting by now," He said thoughtfully as he pressed the button to call the elevator.

"I wanted to clear my head and also get something to eat," she replied as the elevator dinged and the doors opened. They both stepped in and the doors closed. A comfortable silence fell over them until they reached their floor. Mai finally decided to break the silence as they stepped out and asked "How's your eye?"

He looked at her and shook his head. "It's fine, just needs some ice." he answered and then asked, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling better," she answered and they finally arrived to her room, "This is my stop. I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight Naru," she said as she went to unlock her door, but before she could he pulled her into a hug and said goodnight and as soon it happened it ended. He let her go and walked off, leaving her a little shocked. Shaking it off quickly, she unlocked the door and walked in. Both of her roommates were sound asleep and she slipped into her shared bed. Sleep would soon claim her and she would have one of the weirdest dreams ever.