Holy shit idfk how so many ships started sailing in one chapter lmao (and finally an update yeeee)

"Damn, it's so hot in here," Midnight moaned, using a file to fan herself, her tits jiggling fiercely as she did so. Her eyes flitted over Karasuma, whose face showed no emotion.

"Oh, do old Japanese hags have no shame these days?" Irina sighed melodramatically, thrusting her bag onto her desk and pretty much draped her entire body over the dense man.

"Who'd you call 'old hag'?!" Midnight leaned over her workspace to glower at Irina. Karasuma lifted Irina's arm and (very unceremoniously) peeled her off him. Midnight fought to suppress a smirk as Irina struggled to regain her balance.

"Oh, you know. The bitch who still has no idea that her sex appeal is so 10 years ago," Irina said nonchalantly, flipping her hair. "Not many men like dominatrices these days..." She ran her fingers over Karasuma's sleeve playfully. "Especially calm, composed men like my colleague over here. They like to be in control of every situation... but then again, I'm pretty sure Karasuma's never shown any interest in people over thirty." In any person, more like, Irina corrected in her head, sighing bitterly.

A tick mark appeared on the hero's forehead. This is like Mt. Lady all over again, only worse...! "What are you, a petulant child still wet behind the ears? One who's only able to express her insecurities through insults? If you're jealous, you could've just said so," Midnight sneered.

Irina's light blue eyes widened in surprise. "Why would I ever be jealous of you when I already have beauty, skill and youth on my side?"

"You little -"

"I AM HERE!" The door to the staff room slid open, and outside in the hallway stood All Might, dressed formally in a bright yellow suit, muffling a bloody cough with his hand.

"All Might? What are you doing here?" Midnight frowned quizzically. "I thought only Aizawa and I are supposed to be supervising these kids?"

"This is kind of sudden, but the principal sent me to inform you about A class' progress in the training they've been doing and also to supervise them. He also wants me to deliver a message while I'm at it - well, it's more of an idea, actually."

"An idea?" Korosensei appeared in the doorway, followed by Aizawa, who had just been introduced to 3-E. "I wasn't informed that you'd be joining us, All Might-san, but do tell! By the way, it's your lesson now, Irina-sensei."

Irina blew a kiss at Midnight, before sashaying out of the room with her boobs bouncing animatedly.

"Good riddance," the hero muttered under her breath.

"As you know, class 1-A has recently begun staying in the dorms for safety reasons. The principal thinks that our students and yours can make use of the common rooms to bond, get to know each other, and ultimately improve their coordination when carrying out their assassination. And since there's still quite a lot of room in the students' rooms, we figured that class 3-E could move in for the duration of their partnership."

"No objections here," Midnight shrugged.

"Seconded," Karasuma offered.

"The students rooming together...? Ohhhh, nice! A second chance to play matchmaker!" Korosensei trilled, dodging a bullet shot in his direction by Karasuma.

"Perverted octopuses don't have a say in this," he said bluntly.

Comical tears trickled down Korosensei's face. "But that attempt during the Okinawa trip didn't go well... don't you want to see your students happy and in love, Karasuma-sensei?"

"Ah, young love... such a beautiful thing," Midnight chirped in agreement.

Korosensei visibly deflated when he received "no, I don't. Not now, at least. I have no doubt in their abilities, but if that feeling distracts them from their mission, it won't be favorable to them or us" as Karasuma's response.

"Either way, it's decided, then -"

"No, no, All Might-san." Korosensei interrupted, his 'wrong answer' face flashing. "My students, for one, weren't pleased with us making the arrangements about this collaboration without considering their opinions, so it'd be in our best interests not to make that same mistake. We should ask them before dismissal and propose a class vote if necessary."

"That... makes sense, actually," Midnight noted. "Especially since we have to get our new students to warm up to us."

"You can probably learn from him, All Might," Aizawa pointed out. All Might scratched the back of his head, lightly chuckling at his own inexperience.

"Nurufufufu," Korosensei laughed, green stripes coloring his face. "All Might-san, while you are indeed more experienced in dealing with villains, I believe we can both improve our skills as fellow teachers during our time together!" He extended a tentacle for All Might.

"We should probably cherish our time, then, for I think with the addition of our UA students and my illustrious colleagues, your lifespan would definitely be shortened," All Might cleared his throat and replied in his good ol' 'fear not, for I am here' tone, determination clear in his eyes as he awkwardly shook the yellow limb up and down.

In the classroom, Irina turned back around to face her class after scrawling a sentence on the board.

"Hey, tentacle guy with the mask over there! Repeat after me: the scent of your perfume is making me so horny," Uttering a string of English tinged with a slight Serbian accent, Irina pointed at Shouji with a neatly manicured finger and tapped each word on the board with another.

"Uh..." Shouji swallowed, contemplating whether or not to do as his teacher said.

"This isn't classroom appropriate...!" Iida muttered through gritted teeth.

At the back of the classroom, Todoroki reached across the aisle and tapped Momo's arm.

"Todoroki-san...?" she asked, puzzled as she opened the little folded note. Without a moment's hesitation, she peered inside her shirt and drew two freshly created objects from her chest.

Midoriya was frowning slightly at why Shouji wasn't doing what Irina had asked of him when Mineta poked him in his back. "What is it, Mineta-kun?"

"As much as I believe everyone should learn how to appreciate the beauty of all things NSFW, I can feel Todoroki glaring at me and I don't want to be burnt to a crisp or turned into an icicle, so you'd better put 'em on," he whispered. "Or the whole Midoriya Protection Squad will be after my head," he added for emphasis.

Midoriya Protection Squad...? Confused as hell, Midoriya found a pair of earplugs and a slip of paper with 'don't listen to what she says. Trust me, what she's teaching isn't even in the syllabus' written in Todoroki's surprisingly messy script. Midoriya laughed a bit in spite of himself. You'd think a stoic guy like him would have very tidy handwriting... the gap moe is actually kind of adorable.

From the periphery of his vision, he could make out Uraraka and Iida flashing thumbs-ups at the heterochromatic-eyed boy.

"Bitch-sensei, can't you teach us more normal sentences?" Sugino complained.

"Seriously, Bitch-sensei, can you give examples of English dialogues that we'll actually say without shame to other people on the street?" Nakamura added.

Kirishima and Sero had to guffaw into their elbows. "Did they literally just call her Bitch-sensei -?"

(le timeskip)

Midoriya plunked down in his seat after his Home Ec lesson with Korosensei and took out his notebook once again.

"Excuse me?"

The freckled boy glanced up and saw a short bluenette clutching a memo pad in his hands. He gave him a somewhat shy smile. "Uh, hi, I'm Shiota Nagisa. Are you taking notes on Korosensei?"

"Um, yeah! I assume you've been doing that too, Shiota-kun?"

"Nagisa's fine. I've actually gathered quite a number of his weaknesses. Do you wanna take a look?" Nagisa offered.

"Oh, sure! If you want me to, that is," Midoriya said politely.

Nagisa brought over an empty chair and slid into it, letting Midoriya pour over his notes and answering whatever query he had.

"Wow, I didn't expect him to have so many weaknesses!"

Nagisa chuckled. "Neither did I. I mean, he literally blew up 70% of the moon! But turns out he's just as human as any of us if you look beneath the surface."

"Don't judge a book by its cover, right?"

The bluenette grinned. "Yep. See, here, this is the list I've made of the ones I discovered during our summer trip to Okinawa..."

Nagisa leaned in so close to explain that Midoriya could practically smell his shampoo and feel the bluenette's breath on the back of his hand.

A hand suddenly clamped down on his shoulder.

He knew it was a hand, but it smelled metallic and... something wet was dripping from it for some reason?

He slowly turned and almost jumped when he saw the crimson leaking into his shirt. "Hey, do you have a tissue?"

"U-uh..." Midoriya was speechless, not expecting to see such an amount of blood here out of all places.

"Really, Karma-kun?" Nagisa leveled an exasperated gaze at the redheaded newcomer.

"Whaaaaaat, I could use one."

"What is it this time?" Nagisa asked, a scolding smile on his face.

"It's probably a stray that wandered onto the campus. Some of those so-called 'elites' at the main campus were kicking it around in some dark corner, so I gave 'em a taste of their own medicine." Leaning back, Karma revealed a kitten with bloody scrapes scarring its matted brown fur in his left arm. Its large green eyes mirroring Midoriya's, it purred softly as Nagisa began running his fingers gently over its wounds. "I think this little buddy would love to have a home, and I just happen to owe you a birthday present. And I know you love felines a lot more than I do, so..."

Midoriya was mildly surprised by the current look in Karma's golden eyes: while they had glowed with the menace and fierceness of wild, untamed flames just a moment before, the predatory gleam in them was now gone. His doting gaze lingering on Nagisa, nothing but pure adoration was found in the amber depths.

"Thanks, but... I don't think my mom is gonna let me keep it." Nagisa hesitantly withdrew his hand, smiling apologetically.

"Nah, it's fine. I'll just drop it off at the animal shelter later. Want to come with? We can get you a gift on the way." Karma set the kitten down on the desk.

"Kyaaaaa~! She's so cute!!" Mina's squeal echoed in the classroom as she quickly bounced over to marvel at the little furball, which shied away before eventually giving in and nuzzling its head against her pink palm.

"I swear, that cat went 'did you just assume my gender' for a second there," Sero snickered.

"Holy shit, dude, is that still a thing now?" Kirishima gave a hard slap to his bro's back, watching Kouda pick the kitten up and speak soothing words to it while a lot of girls fawned over the sight.

"Saving a kitty, hmm? Who knew the Akabane Karma is actually a huge softie," Nakamura teased, sidling up to Karma, who was giving a massage to the shoulders of a mildly annoyed Nagisa. ("You really should stop beating people up when they annoy you. I don't want you to get suspended again, you know.")

Todoroki, who had just gotten up from his seat, was about to go and confront Midoriya about the blood on his shoulder when the name that rolled off the blond girl's tongue stopped him cold. Akabane... Karma? Why does that name sound familiar...?

"Shut up, Nakamura," Karma groaned and glanced around the room, amber eyes instantly meeting a pair of mismatched ones.

He raised his eyebrows, grinning as he slunk towards Todoroki with the aura of a feral animal. Todoroki, despite being slightly unsettled by his sudden advance, held his stare.

"Why, if this isn't the Todoroki Shouto I've heard so much about. Y'know, Endeavor used to get me to tutor your brother Natsuo~ he sucked so much at math back then - just imagine a fricking second-grader tutoring him when he was in sixth grade!"

Oh. "I think he's mentioned this 'Karma' person once or twice," Todoroki replied thoughtfully. "Nice to finally make your acquaintance." He threw in a shrug. "I guess. You're not a frequent topic of discussion at the dinner table, though."

"Weeeeeell, I'm pretty sure he's gushing about his girlfriend all the time. She's the only thing he texts me about these days; he's been really damn busy trying to please her. Been giving him dating tips too, though I haven't dated girls before, if you know what I mean."

Todoroki sent a fleeting glance in Nagisa's direction. Karma's eyes followed the other boy's before focusing on him with more ferocity than before, silently daring the slightly taller boy to comment on the statement.

Because hell, if this guy was going to call Nagisa a fag or some shit, not even his relationship with Natsuo could save his pretty face from the might of his fist.

"... I haven't dated anyone before, but I guess it all works the same. Not really into the whole romance thing, so how about you tell me more about you and my brother?"

Todoroki pursed his lips ever so slightly, his heterochromatic gaze flickering to Midoriya, who was conversing with Isogai and Maehara (with the latter's hand not-so-discreetly brushing the former's ass). Isogai's antennae instantly stood up straight in momentary shock, but being the class' perfect ikemen, his warm smile didn't falter in the slightest as he swatted Maehara's hand away (much more discreetly).

For a fraction of a second, he wondered if he could ever touch Midoriya in such a manner too.

... maybe he was more interested in romance than he'd claimed to be.

Karma's lips slackened into a careless smile. "Natsuo and I are pretty good friends, and honestly, with the way your dad had quarantined you from the rest of your siblings when you were a kid, I doubt you'd know them or the people they hang around very well. Natsuo did use to talk about you a lot, though. You were apparently really cute as a lil' baby. We liked eavesdropping on your dad, my uncle and my dad as they talked about us."

"Your uncle?"

Karma gave a lazy yawn. "Eh, you'll know who he is pretty soon. The entire class knows him; they just don't know he's my uncle. Except for, like, Nagisa-kun. The rest of 'em are probably gonna flip if they figure it out," he said, biting back a chortle.

(le timeskip)

Todoroki retrieved the can of black coffee from the vending machine and took a hearty swig from it. The class was assembled in front of the front gate of the main campus, waiting for the coach to take them back to the dorm. Being UA first-years that had had encounters with actual villains, they attracted many curious stares. Conspiracy theories were hissed frantically into ears; Todoroki assumed the news of their arrival hadn't been announced. So much for keeping this a secret, he thought as two giggly girls cornered him for a selfie.

Having come second at the end of the sports festival, the crowd that flocked to him was possibly the largest, if only because Bakugou was emitting a dangerous (one that's even more dangerous than before) aura with his death glares at the Kunugigaoka students who dared to go as far as approaching Kirishima. The redhead's cheery demeanor was nothing but exuberant and welcoming; if anything, Bakugou's murderous expression whenever a person leaned in just a little too close when asking for a photo with Kirishima was why there weren't more people in their corner.

Bakugou was rather asocial when compared to the rest of his squad, and that was probably the only thing about him that Todoroki could relate to. He himself had almost used up all of his quotas of conversing with strangers when he saw a boy heading towards him in quick, long strides, a confident smirk plastered on his face. His violet eyes gleamed with interest as he eyed the hero-in-training, his gait screaming power and authority - must be some popular elite here, if the four lackeys flanking him isn't enough evidence, Todoroki mused, returning the boy's stare with an icy one of his own.

"You're Todoroki Shouto-san, yes? From the infamous UA High?" His voice was a smooth drawl and for some reason, everything about this strawberry blond reminded him of class E's resident redheaded delinquent.


"I'm Asano Gakushuu from Kunugigaoka's 3-A. Nice to make your acquaintance." Asano flashed him a smile, his hand out for a friendly handshake. "I'm the student body president, so feel free to come to me if you have any queries about school affairs."

Todoroki grabbed his hand and had just entwined their fingers when Asano jerked him forward.

Let's just say this wasn't how Todoroki dreamed of losing his first kiss.

- what the -!

Asano kept a surprisingly firm hand on the back of Todoroki's head, not letting him go. The former sucked on the latter's lips, sucking him and the thoughts in his head in -

The momentary shock wearing off, Todoroki was about to blast the strawberry blond with a burst of ice in defence when Asano stumbled backwards, shoved by an unseen force. Todoroki frowned. "Hey -"

"Y'know, Asano-kuuuuun, you can't just go hitting on everyone that walks by~"

"Akabane." Asano regarded the approaching boy coolly. "Who I make out with isn't exactly your concern, is it? But what can I say, you have a knack for sticking your nose in other people's business."

Todoroki exchanged looks with Nagisa, who'd moved to stand by him with a kitten - the center of attention during the break earlier today - in his arms ("I'm waiting for Karma - we're going home together.")

"My, my~ I thought Uncle G told you not to use your quirk in public?" Karma purred.

"Hypocrite," Asano scoffed. "Didn't you just do the same?"

"Desperate times, dearest cousin. I'm not letting my friend's little brother get harassed by you."

"Whatever. I got what I need to know for now. A yellow octopus by the name of Korosensei... that's your class teacher, hmm? Of fucking course my father kept me from this. An assassination, huh? Interesting..."

Sensing Todoroki's confusion, Nagisa smiled before launching into an explanation. "Asano-kun's the chairman's son. Karma-kun's mom is the chairman's sister, so that makes the two of them cousins."

"Oh. So... Karma actually has a quirk?"

Nagisa nodded. "Airbending. Asano-kun suddenly breaking the, uh, kiss - that was Karma-kun. The chairman forbade him from using his quirk on school grounds as punishment after an... incident last year; it didn't really matter to him, though. He's never relied much on his quirk - he's always preferred using his bare fists to solve problems. He was put into E class because of behavioral problems, not like the majority of us."

Todoroki waited for the bluenette to elaborate further. When he didn't, he proceeded on to his next question. "Do you, by any chance, know what quirk the Asano guy has?"

"Mind reading, Todoroki-san," Asano interjected pleasantly. "I've long since been curious about what's going on with E class - that old man wouldn't tell me, and I couldn't extract any information from the End Class students. They stuff their secret into the deepest part of their memory; even with my speed of sorting and absorbing necessary information, there never was enough time for me to hack that deep into their mind, let alone decipher anything. So when I happened to overhear something about this class from UA going to E class of all places, I saw my chance - there's no way they'd be as tight-lipped. They're bound to let something slip."

Footsteps came to a stop behind him. "It seems like I was a bit too late, wasn't I?"

Asano's smile went slightly rigid as he turned to face his father. "Are you really that naive, thinking you can keep a big ass national secret like this from me forever?"

"It isn't really a national secret anymore if you blurt it out so loudly and carelessly, you know, my son," the chairman spat the last two words in a low drawl, his expression unreadable.

With the sudden appearance of the chairman, the students who were exiting the campus all stopped and turned to look at the scene with interest.

"See? You still have so much to learn, Gakushuu. Attracting unwanted attention never ends well."

"Shut up," Gakushuu growled.

"C'mon, Uncle G~ don't be so harsh on him, yeah? It's only normal for him to react like that after finding out about something so big."

"About that. We'll talk about it in a more private setting. You're coming too, Karma."

Karma pouted. "Ehhhh~ no fair~" He latched onto Nagisa's arm. "I'm supposed to be going on a date with Nagisa-kun~!"

"Then you're missing this date because of your own inability to comply to instructions," Asano Sr. smiled, violet eyes glinting maliciously.

"It's okay, Karma-kun. I can take the kitten to the shelter on my own, and the café's also open tomorrow," Nagisa soothed.

"Fineeeeee. Sorry, though," the redhead pressed a soft kiss on Nagisa's forehead. "I'll treat you to anything you want to tomorrow, yeah? (Todoroki edged away slightly, feeling rather uncomfortable. Apparently the couple was very fond of PDA.)

Nagisa's reply was drowned out by another wave of gasps and excited chatter, only with their volumes increased tenfold. Announcing the arrival of someone important, probably.

"Holy shit, isn't that -"

"- oh my god, it's him! I never thought I'd see him in person!"

"- Endeavor-san, may I have an autograph?"

Todoroki stiffened at the comment coming from the guy who passed by him in a rush and contemplated making a run for it when his dad's voice rang loud and clear behind him. "Shouto."
