Well I am back. Haven't published anything lately but that doesn't mean I haven't been thinking and writing ideas down. Now that the temperatures are getting colder it gives me an excuse to write again. This story came about after I had asked a few loyal readers to toss me some of their suggestions on what to write next. So, thanks goes to Wilf21 for winning the lucky storyline this time. And thanks for the others whose story ideas are still burning a hole in my creative and wacky future storylines. So here is what I came up with. Missupertigz

"The Carmichael's are getting a divorce!" Those words rang through Sarah's head as she took one last look around the room at the time spent in 'their' house. Sarah rolled the ring on her finger and each turn she hoped that things were different. As the CIA cleaners grabbed and removed the last remaining items portraying their perfect life or so she thought, Casey startled her out of her thoughts as he walked by. Stopping, he turned "Walker you got everything you need?"

A long sigh was drawn out as Sarah replied " Yeah." At the same time, she looked down at her hand and removed the ring that for her represented what could have been if the job wasn't the job.

It killed her more than she wanted to admit as she turned to close the door. Her outer facade presented a cool seasoned agent but her inner soul cried NO! The door closed and so were the what ifs. As Casey drove out of the drive way Sarah took one last look at the house, she knew that she would be lying to herself if she denied that anything happened, but a lie was better that feeling the truth.

Days later and trying to forget the previous week with all she could muster. Sarah dropped Casey off after working late at the Orange Orange. Instead of taking a left to her hotel she turned right and headed towards Meadow Branch. Chuck had asked her a week ago she wanted to go back there, and her answer was no. So why now?

Taking the last turn, she parked just south of 'their' driveway and stared. Looking around you would never have thought that a week ago the neighbourhood was inhabited by Fulcrum agents. This week for sale signs staked each of the lawns of the homes circling the cul de sac. Driving closer she parked parallel to the house recalling memories of their time there that made her realize that she truly had feelings for Chuck. Recalling the second morning they were there. She had made him breakfast and his appreciation for her cooking melted her heart. And it was something she could get use to. Another moment was when she accidentally saw him in the shower. Their dog had slipped through the door allowing enough of a view of the shower. Watching him from the hallway as the soap cascaded down his muscular back just shy of his torso….. Walking inside the bathroom the steam filled the room like an umbrella. All she heard was the duet of running water and her heart beating. Undressing with furor she opened the door. Remembering how the cold air startled Chuck and Chuck turning away trying to hide his assets. Continuing to shield his assets, Sarah slid her hands slowly up his wet back squeezing his shoulders slightly. Leaning in and placing a warm kiss in the middle of his back and pausing, he eventually turned around. Trying not to stare but who was he kidding. He took it all in as he lowered his head slightly placing his lips on hers. Subtle at first it continued till he wrapped his soapy arms around her now wet body.

Snapping out of the last memory, it only got worse as her thoughts replayed another memory. This time it was real, not like the last one that she wished had happened, but Chuck somehow had heart warmed her in more ways than one. Recalling the night before Chuck had downloaded the Fulcrum files. It was a perfect date night. Casey was doing surveillance and Chuck had started a fire to take the chill out of the room. They ordered take out and along with the deep-fried shrimp and egg rolls, Sarah had, well they both had too much to drink. Chuck closed the flute on the fireplace and blew out the candles as Sarah tried to get up. Chuck trying not to laugh as Sarah tried to stand, with no success. He helped her up the stairs. Their closeness as they made their way to her room, allowed Sarah to let Chuck in. Sarah pulled Chuck closer as they kissed. This wasn't like the time with Montgomery but as her lips remembered how it felt with Chuck near hers she wanted it to last. As arms flung and bodies crashed together Chuck reached Sarah's room laying her down on the bed. For all the times that they fought the will they or won't they was now becoming a reality. Sarah just wanted to be that girl whom someone loved and would love her with no questions asked. As her body hit the sheets, Chuck followed covering her body with his, moving things along. Pulling his shirt over his head she stared at his chest and delicately dragged her fingers threw the hair on his chest. "I won't break." He whispered. As he hovered closer to hers. Placing her hands on his ribs she lifted her self up and kissed his chest. Falling back Chuck nestled inside her neck placing kisses over and over as Sarah ran her hands through his curly hair. Chuck continued to kiss her neck moving up dragging his lip along side her cheek. Reaching her lips. His hands grabbed the hem of her shirt, as his long arms slid up her shirt and sliding under and around her bringing her even closer. Sarah wrapped her long legs around his torso, pushing Chuck upwards. Bringing his head up to taste her lips again. He smiled then laughed in her shirt seeing that Sarah had fallen asleep. Looking at where they're were well, lacking in the clothes department he new he couldn't be that man. Rolling to his side he got up turned, then covered Sarah's body with the duvet. Not wanting to ruin his whole evening, he would take what he could get. Slipping under the covers he leaned in beside Sarah, giving her one last good night kiss.

Next Morning

Sarah awoke and crawled to the bathroom, her head pounded as she focussed her eyes into the mirror. Her reflection then caught a more precious sight. Turning around she looked down at what she was wearing, still clothed but barely, she walked out and lifted the sheets that were covering Chuck. Seeing that he was only missing his shirt. She remembered that she had taken it off him, but the rest was far from being as clear. Kneeling down on the floor despite her head pounding she pushed back his hair that covered his face. Staring at the man that heart warmed her several times over and over now laid sleeping so peaceful knowing that his mind most times would not allow him to do so. Smiling as she got up she placed a kiss on his forehead. Knowing that if Chuck was any other guy he would have taken what he wanted and left. She wished that he would wake up and that they could resume where they left off.

Regretting that she had come back in the first place she put her car into drive and headed back pulling into her spot at the hotel. Reality continued to knock at the door as she heard her cell ring. Turning it over and seeing that it was Beckman she answered. Unaware that she had been trying to call her for some time. Listening to her request she headed upstairs and changed. Meeting at Castle Beckman waited as Casey and Chuck sat down waiting for Sarah to arrive. Beckman was brief but wanted an updated since Meadow Branch and the threat of Fulcrum was now a priority. Not getting anywhere and Chuck all of sudden not being the annoying Chuck she was learning to like, she quickly got perturbed with everything he said or didn't say. Chuck looked around and not being taken seriously he got up and walked off leaving the three wondering what is going on. Beckman looking at who was left. Casey looked at Sarah making it obvious that he wasn't going after him. Sarah got up and walked out looking for him. Seeing where he went she caught up to him. Reaching the upper stairs just near the doors to Orange Orange she stopped and took a breath before she spoke. She knew that she could go in guns a blazing and ream him out for leaving but she chose to listen. As she opened the door Chuck was reaching for the outer glass door leading to the parking lot. Hearing the sliding door behind him he turned. Sarah smiled slightly. But Chuck's reaction wasn't what she was hoping for. He turned the lock and left, no words as the door closed shut.

Days later another mission

Chuck sat in the car as usual as Casey and Sarah continued to be awesome. As he waited he saw one of the men that he had flashed on slip into the back of the building that they had been watching. Knowing that Casey and Sarah were near the front Chuck, called into his sleeve alerting them. But no one answered. Alerting them again and still no answer Chuck opened the door and got out closing the door slightly and slipping into the back. When Casey and Sarah finally heard Chucks voice they turned around running back to where Chuck said he was. Reaching the back first, Chuck had caught up to the bad guy and wanting so desperately to contribute to the mission, he reacted or flashed, he didn't care, knowing the end result would be enough, and things would be okay again. When Casey and Sarah reached Chuck, Chuck looked startled but amazing still alive as the bad guy much bigger than Chuck in more ways than one was out cold. Sarah saw the end results of the fight and walking up to Chuck. Chuck hoped that she would see that he had good intentions and that she'd be proud of him. Instead Sarah reached and grabbed his face. "This line of work is not for you. Why would, you risk your life. Why didn't you stay in the car?" Chuck gestured to the man knocked out cold on the ground. But Sarah didn't care. Chuck leaned forward obviously physically hurt but that was a far cry to what Sarah continued to do. As Sarah's rant continued she grabbed his face again and repeated the previous statement. 'This line of work is not for you.' By now Chuck had had enough and stood his ground which irritated Sarah even more. Casey moved in quickly to stop the onlookers watching these two argue by breaking up the heated argument. Casey motioned for Chuck to go not because of Sarah's ranting but because it was beat. Casey waited till Chuck left to be check out grabbing Sarah's arm they moved to the side. Confronting Sarah was one thing she didn't like, but to have it come from Casey was another matter. "What was all about!" Sarah never answered. Casey asked her again. "What happened between you two in Meadow Branch." Sarah looked up. "What shouldn't have happened." Casey spoke once last time. "He was only doing what you trained him to do."

Sarah walked off leaving the area for the other agents to take over.

Days went by and Chuck continued to distant himself. Their missions were less enjoyable and their time in the car was more like a business meeting. In and out with not much progress. Even Casey noticed but if it didn't interfere with his job again he didn't care.

It was Sarah's turn to stay late to watch Chuck as he had the late shift. Fiddling with the remote. She knew that one press of the button she would be in contact with Beckman. Not knowing what to say or how to approach the conversation she knew that she needed a changed. Seeing Chuck's face on the screens and the subtle looks he gave the cameras, knowing that she was watching him. She had to do something. Her excuse would be that she had some personal time and what better time as her relationship with Chuck had now taken a turn. Maybe time away would allow her to come back fresh and ready to be a handler again. With Chuck well that was debatable at the moment.

Taking a deep breath, she pressed the link and instantly Beckman came on the screen. After what seemed to be the longest pause ever, Sarah spoke up getting Beckman's attention.

"So where do you want to go."

"Didn't have a preference General but there must be some mission that needs immediate attention."

"So how long and how much time do you want to put into this mission?"

"Till its done General."

Beckman knew that there had to be more to this. Why would she want to go on another mission and leave such an important mission of protecting the countries most valuable asset? But this was Sarah Walker, so questioning her wouldn't be worth her time.

"Okay Agent Walker. I will see what I can do. Be ready to go at any moment."

Sarah looked up. "Yes. General and thank you."

Exiting the call Sarah sat back. Her eyes were drawn to the one person that to her was the one to blame. But did she make the right decision, or did she make things worse?

Knowing Chuck was home safe she headed back to her hotel unlocking her door to her room her cell rang. As she reached to see the name on her cell she went directly to her mission suitcase. Loading her gear, she grabbed her pile of passports looking for her South American aliases as well as some Mexican currency. Jotting down a few details just to get her to her destination, she left with no trace to where she was heading, nor did she let anyone know where she was going especially Chuck. She told herself that she was doing this for him, for them. She was no good to anyone if her feelings caused him any pain. But who was she kidding.

Closing the door to her room, she grabbed a cab and headed to the airport.

Arriving at the airport she grabbed a drink waiting for her flight that had been delayed several hours. She grabbed her lap top and clicked on the cryptic email that Beckman had sent her. She read about her mark and who she could trust when she arrived. As Sarah continued to read, she read that the mission had gone on far too long for the CIA and they didn't want to let go of their progress by handing it over to the DEA. Sarah knew that Carina would be waiting in the background ready to pounce on anything that she couldn't finish or take care of. Sarah craved the new chance to prove to herself that she still had it in her to be that agent and in a few weeks, she'd be back, and she would be more of a focussed agent. Finally boarding the plane, she took one last look at the sky line of downtown LA. Finding her seat, she settled for a quick trip to Mexico.