It was a warm summer day. Three friends sat by a tree laughing. Telling stories. They all stopped when a girl walked up to them. James Potter smiled at the girl who smiled back at him. "Hello Lily," he called to the girl who waved back and walked over to them.

"Hello James, Sirius, Remus," she smiled at them. "Ready for this?" it was their graduation day for the friends and they were spending their last hours together by their favorite tree. Lily sat down next to James and kissed him on his check. Sirius smirked at Remus who rolled his eyes and went back to his book.

"I still can't believe that she fell for you James," Sirius let out a bark like laugh and Lily and Remus joined in.

"Hey, she finally saw what I really am," Sirius laughed even more. James rolled his eyes and laughed too.

A few years have passed, and James and Lily are now married and had a son. However, they are being hunted so they were forced into hiding. As long as they were together they will be fine. Unfortunately for them, Wormtail was released. Remus wanted to give him a second chance. Remus had won that argument, even though Remus and Sirius were still mad at Peter for doing what he did. This was his last change, however. So here James sat on the couch with his one-year-old son in his arms. Lilly was in the kitchen making dinner when the door blasted open. "Oh no, James!" Lilly called as James held his son Harry James Potter close.

"That little trader. That little rat," James said running up to Lily. "Take Harry upstares, go!" Lilly took his son in her arms and ran up the stairs while James tried to duel Voldemort. However, he was knocked out after the dark wizard shot a spell making James fly backward and hitting his head on the coffee table. Voldemort laughed and ran up the stares. The next moment went in a blur for Lilly one moment she was begging Voldemort to not kill Harry, then the next she was on the ground knocked out.