(AN: Yeah, I took a long time. I'll explain a bit of what's going on at the bottom)

3rd POV

"Alright everyone! Were here!~ now...Off." Ukai growled at them with a wide, tense smile and a slightly twitchy, too wide eyes. Let's just say that over 5 hours + an entire team of teenagers + junk food + unholy amounts of sugar (The amount that Nishinoya alone consumed was enough to put at least 6 Oompa Loompas into a coma by the 1st hour from the amount alone. Not to mention the sizes and that most of it was American ! Ukai was honestly a bit scared of and for that kid now. Humans can't just eat that much sugar in such a short timeframe and still live. Wait...WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT WAS HIS SNACKING?! WHAT THE HELL NISHINOYA?!)+ said teens running out of things to distract themselves with after their various electronics died, apparently most of them didn't think to bring a book + spending almost the entire time in an enclosed space = ...*shudder* You REALLY don't wanna know the details...Shit, NISHINOYA! NO! DROP THE CHOCOLATE BAR!

The teens hastily grabbed as much as they could of whatever was closest to them and were off the bus in a hurry, leaving only the driver , Hinata, and Ukai behind. As Ukai watched the team run for safety he began to attempt to calm himself, a difficult task that took him a few minutes and the knowledge that Hinata really didn't do anything so he has no reason to be angry with him for the Volly-food Incident that shall never again be mentioned. Because honestly; if you can spike a single French fry with enough force to make Daichi's forehead red he's not going to say a single thing about it. Besides, they were the idiots who decided to test his reflexes after saying that accursed phrase, they got what was coming to them.


Hinata remained on the bus, only starting to stand once Ukai had placed himself in the aisle after everyone was gone. Hinata took a deep breath, grabbed the seat in front of him, pulled himself up, and was almost immediately overwhelmed with dizziness. Instinctively, thanks to trial and error in addition to a great deal of repetition over time, he quickly put his left knee on his seat, turned, hooked an arm around the back of the seat's head as a makeshift securement device, closed his eyes, controlled his expression, and allowed himself to fall into a heavy, if slightly awkward looking, leaning position.* (See AN)

His chest draped over the chair as he desperately clung on to both consciousness and the rapidly draining strength that he desperately needed to keep from collapsing, no matter his state of consciousness. Though if he had to chose a state, he hoped it was either full blackout or unconscious. He usually lost all senses during a full and hearing was typically the first one to return for both, which preferred to any others. Even if touch was usually second. Yeah, that might sound great but to have all feeling, and with blackouts to have been totally aware the entire time, but be unmoving. Not because of choice but because you simply can't? Because your body won't respond to your desperate pleas to just move. It's...well, there's really no words that can describe it.

The position was enough to help his circulation a bit and to help calm his heart enough to hopefully get it under control, help his vision come back again from the void it had retreated to by the time he had closed his eyes, and hopefully calm his breathing. Not that he's going to remember to keep that in mind once it's "calm enough" until he finally realizes it again (aka Hey! I'm not even breathing hard! But what's that sou...? oh...). He could still hear his heart, and it's rapid rate was slightly painful, but nothing compared to other times he thought. (Other times when it made him unable to breathe, times when it made him wish to cry and scream at the agony that he could barely force himself to smile over, times when he wished so desperately for that thing to get out of him so he could finally be free of it's torment, times when he'd clAw his chest in desperate attempts to stop the pain emanating from inside. To stop that horrible tightening, the pressure, it's going to KiLL him. He's going to die. He's going to die. He's going to die, he's going to die,he's going to-)

Stop. You have company Hinata, no time for reflection, he thought to himself. Slowly he cracked open his right eye to see a worried Coach. Giving him a tired smile in hopes to calm him down Hinata began to ever so slowly shift into an upright position, only half-collapsing once and thusly destroying any calm he may have previously give Ukai. He really felt bad for that, he'd probably have to get the man something really nice sometime after having to put up with all this.

Ignoring what his body was trying to tell him Hinata grabbed everything and made his way off the bus. His joints creaked and popped like a haunted house as he moved, he thought the bus driver was going to have a heart attack when his knee popped loudly enough to be easily audible.

Hinata thanked Kami that everyone else had waited as sneakily as they could (aka Not very. That's the fifth time Daichi has gone down for his bag...his bag is already outside) as he honestly had no idea if they were first to arrive and he was to tired, dizzy, fed up, and in too much pain to deal with most people. He wanted a nap and he had better get one pronto or there were gonna be some issues.

(AN: I'm gonna be honest guys, I'm not doing well. But I promise you guys that I have been trying to work on this story. The thing is, my motivation for pretty much everything has plummeted recently. If I had to guess, I'd say that depression and mental exhaustion have just worn me too thin, and my family's situation is really not helping. I'm not going into that shitfest now though, it's just a lot to go into. But basically; I'm currently stuck between the circus called school, a shit ton of family drama, and the cluster fuck called known as my mental health. My family seems to think not telling me news about the people I care for will somehow give me less stress. Yeah, no. I'm a protective person, if someone I care for is hurting and I find out I want to know more damn it!

Ugh... I swear guys I'm trying to update but I just can't find it in myself to give you half-assed writing that I didn't even put any feeling or real thought into. I'm going to be trying to work on this more frequently for you guys as an effort to apologize for the huge delay. I can't promise that updates will come out any faster than before or anything, but I promise that I'm going to be making an effort. I said it once and I'll say it again, I will neverabandon this story.)

* This is a real method from a person who has blackouts.
Another tip for any of you w/ blackouts; try to latch onto something that's secured or sit down, then move when it's over. You're likely able to feel still so don't go thinking that if you collapse you won't feel it. And please, tell your doctor about them next time you see them. They can become safety hazards. Take it from me. I hit my head, a hip, my back, was badly hurt by glass I had broken, and hit the floor due to one before. I was 7 and I felt it all.