Disclaimer - All Characters and Copyrights belong to Stephanie Meyers.

Author's note: Thank you to anyone still reading this story. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 4: First Year - Avoiding the Cullens


We were on the run from the rest of our coven. At one time they were our family, but family does not treat each other the way they treated us or the ones we loved. I missed my Jacob like crazy. I was so glad we were able to grab all our stuff before we left. However, we learned very quickly just how much under the microscope we had been under. Mom, had a weird feeling that we needed to dump our technology as soon as possible. I didn't quite know why, that is until she brought our stuff to a Tech geek. She asked him to check our phones and computers before we even left town. I was shocked to find out the results. Mom of course sighed, and said it was about what she would expect from the Cullens, especially Edward and Alice. We discovered not only tracking software installed, but also bugs to monitor our internet and computer usage. Holy crap I thought. Those freaking assholes. If mom could cry, she would have. She apologized at once for the invasion of my privacy. She stated that she never had a clue this stuff was being used against me. However, the bigger shock was when it was found on her stuff as well. Apparently, good old Edward trusted her least of all, especially after their fight during my suicide attempt. We told the Technician to keep the stuff, and throw it all away when he got a chance. We quickly left the store, and drove to the nearest airport. We were not going to replace the stuff anywhere around here. We were sure the Cullens would eventually get our new tech information with their powers of influence and coercion. I tired to get mom's mind off our problems by focusing on our future. "Hey mom. Where are we going anyway?," I asked. "Well we can't go to anyplace we ever talked about dreaming to go to, or someplace very obvious as those would be the first places they would look for us. We can't contact Mr. Jenks for new paperwork as Jasper would have our new ID's in a minute. I think I know someplace we can get help, if if this person is willing to help me. You maybe, me I'm not to sure," mom smiled as she said this. I was a little confused to say the least. I played with our new technology that we got when we got off the plane. Luckily with our great memories we were able to quickly reprogram our contact lists. Well those we thought deserved to be re-added to said lists. I was a little confused about our present location, but figured mom knew what she was doing. I took the opportunity for some alone time while mom placed a call. I took out my letters from Jake, and sorted them in order by postage on the envelopes. The final envelope in my hand had no date, but I could tell it was the first one that he wrote me. I snorted as I opened up the envelope, and chuckled loudly. My Jacob, I sighed lovingly. Only my Jacob would write a going away letter on the sheet music paper belonging to Edward Cullen. I had tears in my eyes, and I hadn't even read the letter yet. I took a deep breath hoping to still find some trace of the smell of fresh pines, campfire smoke and motor oil. The smell of the man I loved. It was there barely. Instead I was overwhelmed with the stenches of Edward and Rosalie. Did they roll themselves in my letters? How many times did they intrude on my privacy by reading Jake's private thoughts to me. I pulled back on the anger, and focused on what I was about to read.

My Dearest Ness,

I don't know if you will read this, my letter to you first, or after you have heard my thoughts as expressed in the note I left your family. I want you to know though, that I love you with all my heart. Nothing that has been said or done these last few weeks could ever, ever change that. Please know that I could never blame you for the actions that your family has taken on me. I could never lash out at you for any choice that you have made, either wrong or right, or big or small. You can not help being you. You love so much, and bottle up so much pain of others. You are so like your mother in that way. You both would not stop at anything to give your shirts off your backs to help someone in need. You both would defend the ones you love to your own demise. I know at times you feel betrayed by her when she sides with your dad, or the rest of the family. But I need you to do me a favor here, and bottle up some of the compassion and forgiveness you give so freely to others, and give her a large heaping helping of it. The woman who was once my best friend is still in there, somewhere. She's scratching at the surface to break free. However, I no longer seem to have the hammer to break her loose anymore. I still love your mom, and she will always hold a special place in my heart. Ness I am so proud to have you in my life. No one makes me feel as important as you do. When you came into my life, I was reborn. You made me want to become a better version of myself. You were the measuring stick I held all my actions in life against. If I thought you wouldn't be happy with something I was doing or going to do, I would take no further action. You mean the world to me. I know you must hate me right now. I know you will feel like I abandoned you. That couldn't even be close to accurate. You are such a beautiful young women. When I saw you that morning of the event, I could not believe the girl in front of me was the same little girl who used to fall a sleep on my chest. It was at that moment while you were cleaning up, and after I had showered, that I realized you no longer needed a protector. You have grown to be such a strong and loving adult, and I am eternally fortunate to have been a part of the final outcome of Renesmee Carlie Cullen. You are a star, and I know you will light up the sky with your future endeavors. Please promise me you won't sit on your ass doing nothing like the rest of the family. Get out there and be someone! I hope you will still want to talk to me someday again, after you have cooled off for a bit. You presence will always be like a breath of fresh air in my life. I look forward to when we will see each other again. Please come and visit the next chance you get. Even as I finish writing this note, I already miss your smile and laugh. Please forgive me for doing what I felt was right for the both of us. And when you are ready to talk again, please do not hesitate to pick up the phone, or pop over to see me. Alone of course, or if you ever find her again, with my friend, Bella. But only, you two. Please leave all others behind.

Yours until the day I die,


I was in tears as I read this letter, and the subsequent notes he wrote. They all expressed hope of a reconciliation between us. He had assumed as he had not heard back from me, that I was angry at him. Angry at him, never. Smoldering on fire upset with the Cullens, that you could guarantee. I continued to reread his notes to me. I wasn't ready yet to see him, but I hoped soon that I would be worthy to.


I held my breath. A breath I didn't need to take of course, as I waited for him to pick up. I only knew of one other person who could help us escape our current predicament. I hadn't spoken to him personally in years. Just another example of shitty-friend-Bella. A popular model this year, and last. This doll will take your friendship, abuse it, then send it back to sender as it moves on to the next popular endeavor. God, get off you self pity party Bella. You, and only you allowed yourself to get this deep. The moment you let them walk back in after they crushed you, you would forever be owned by them. You sold your soul, and you reaped what you deserve by placing yourself on a damn pedestal. I was just about to hang up, when I heard someone answer. I was nervous to answer as the line said, "Hello?" "Um, Embry? This is Bella. Are you alone? Can we talk in private?" "Crap!, Embry exclaimed. "Give me a moment to go into my office... Ok, Bella. I'm by myself. Can you explain what is so important I had to leave my anniversary party?" "Shit, I'm sorry Embry I honestly had no idea. Look I will just get straight to the point. Me and Ness left the Cullens. I discovered that they had done some pretty rotten things to us both, and I could not allow Renesmee to continue to live in that restrictive environment anymore. Unfortunately, I can not go through my normal contacts for new identities, because of course they are their contacts as well. I'm hoping that maybe with you being a lawyer, that maybe you could help us. I know it's a large ask from someone who hasn't given you a second thought over the years. However, I am hoping since it's for Ness, that maybe you can put aside your hatred for me, and help us out here." Embry laughed before he spoke, "Christ Bella, you were always one for the dramatics. I have never said I hated you. Sure we noticed the change from the girl we grew to know in Forks for two years, but hate you, never. Ok, so this 'restrictive environment', as you call it, would that by chance, be the reason our mighty Alpha, has not heard back from Ness or you?" "Yeah, I'm afraid it is. However, Embry I need you not to tell Jake about any of this. I know it's a lot to ask, but think about it. Edward will come to him first. Edward would be expecting him to be the first person we turn to about this. Ness is not in a good place to see Jake right now. She took his leaving worse than I did when Edward left me." "Shit that is not good Bella," Embry sighed but continued, "So then...why do you think I am the guy to help you out here?" I cleared my throat, "Welllll...I seem to remember a time when you created those fake ID's for us to go drinking that one time. And I got to thinking, with you being so smart, that part of the reason you got the degree as a lawyer, was so that you could help alter the paperwork for those in the Pack that may need it, especially if they continued to phase." I bit my lip waiting for his response. Suddenly he started laughing again, "Holy shit, I forgot about that time with the ID's. You got us busted after the second place we used it, cause you were already buzzed, and kept saying you couldn't believe people thought we looked 25." I joined in his laughter, "How was I supposed to know you could get so buzzed after a couple of Hawaiian fruit drinks?" We continued to laugh for a few moments before Embry continued. "Ok, Bella. As always you seem to be on-point in your assumptions. I can get you what you are looking for. Luckily I don't leave the Rez much, so Edward should have no shot of finding out about our arrangements. I think we go with the obvious when it comes to names. He'll be expecting some weird names. I think we keep you in plain site. I will create dossiers for a Marie and Vanessa Swan. It should take me a couple of days to get all the new paperwork. In the meantime get out of Seattle, and stay out of Forks, or Port Angeles. I want you to go to Neah Bay, the Makah reservation is there. Check in at one of the coastal hotels, and I will call you when I am ready to meet you. Remember to stay out of sight. You shouldn't run into anyone, but remember that some of the people we know are from that tribe. So be safe. Now I need to get back to the party. Jake's out there somewhere and so are some other still phasing Pack members, and I don't want anyone picking up this conversation. Bye, Bel...". "Wait Embry...um when you say still phasing, um...do you mean that Jake is still doing it? It's just that in his note to us, he stated that he was going to stop." Embry cleared his throat, "He's tried to Bella. However, not for the reason you think. Ever since he left you guys, he's been having panic attacks. On the plane ride after he left you, he almost phased in the plane. He was sitting on the plane texting me, when suddenly he got these aching sharp pains in his wrists, and then severe anxiety overtook him. They needed to sedate him to calm him down. He sensed something was wrong Nessie, but when he tried to call anyone, no one answered. Finally, Edward did, and assured him he was mistaken, but that she was angry with him for leaving her. He tried to call you, but it kept going to voicemail. So he figured all of you were upset with him. Now here's the weird part, ever since that happened he swears that he has had these spirit walks. He says he swears at random times he sees Nessie, and talks to her. However, he said that couldn't be right, and they must be dreams." I was getting angry again. However, not with Jake or Embry. Once again Edward had kept something important from us, that Jake was calling to check up with Ness. Something still bothered be even more, "Embry why did Jake think he was dreaming?" Embry paused, "Well not to sound morbid, but it was because in these conversations with Nessie, it was after she tried to kill herself. Jake reasoned that if any of that was true, then Edward would of tossed every rude and demeaning name at Jake so he would feel guilty for leaving. Anyway Bella I really must get back. I'll talk to you in a couple of days, bye now." He didn't wait for my reply, but I couldn't believe what I had heard. Their bond truly was special indeed, and now we needed to get us both back into good places, so that we can rejoin the ones we love.


We checked into the place that Embry had recommended to my mother. While we had some downtime, I let my mother read my letters from Jake. If she could of cried, she would. Instead she let out those tearless sobs. She couldn't believe even after he told her to get lost, that he still was looking out for her. She told me about what Embry had revealed to her about my father, and more importantly about Jake. It was amazing that he felt my pain from so far away, and that he had visited me on a spirit walk when I was emotionally in pain. I had not seen Jake since my mom and me started becoming closer. It was like his Spirit Warrior knew I was ok for now. Now that I knew about the deep connection between us, I for sure needed to get in a better head place. I couldn't let him suffer anymore because I felt like being a Drama queen. A few days later Embry called my mom, and told us the location of the pick up. I was disappointed to find he was not dropping them off himself, but he explained he didn't want to see us in case we changed our appearance at all. Jake always said he was the smartest in the Pack. On the package with our identities he had written some strange patterns of letters. We took the package back to our hotel and started packing our belongings. I noticed my mom staring at the package, when suddenly a smile lit up her face, and she asked me to step out of the room. For 10 minutes I waited in the hall, but then my mom called me back in. I came back in to find that she had taken the letters on the package and formed location names on a separate sheet of paper, and was just wrapping up the final locations on the list. It was written in the following order:




New Hampshire


New York




I was puzzled until it dawned on me the last two locations were written in front of me. Embry and my mom were playing with Alice's visions. When I left the room, she could pick up my mom, so if she was watching, she would of seen the seven other cities and told Edward where we were considering going to. The last two locations they couldn't see because I had stepped back in. Very clever mom. Very clever. "So London or Phoenix, eh?," I asked. "I think so. Any preference?," my mom asked. "I'd prefer not to leave the country," I chuckled. "Hmm, I agree. Looks like we are going to Phoenix. Arghh, I need to get scarves, gloves and hoodies," mom moaned. We hit the stores before we boarded the plan. Goodbye Bella and Nessie Cullen. Hello Marie and Vanessa Swan!


I can't believe she could be so childish. The nerve of her throwing these temper tantrums, and taking my daughter away from me. All I did was try to protect them from that mongrel. Everyone in the family had had enough of his presence. He was like gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe. You couldn't get him off if you tried. True, we made the mistake of beating him up. Well not completely true, the others didn't know it was really Nahuel, but he deserved it. He was always trying to put us down because we were Vampires. He just could never loose gracefully. Then he leaves us that despicable note. The nerve of him calling us out as not giving anything back to the communities we lived in. We always gave away our used clothes. How dare he say we didn't care. Then Bella decided to finally play the mother role, and take my daughter away from me by making her choose sides. Didn't Bella realize we were a unit? The Cullens never goes against one of their own. Rosalie can not wait until until we find them again. And I certainly did not appreciate her little stunt with my piano. That was almost as bad as the mutt using my sheet music to pen his dear Renesmee note. I was seeing red when I noticed that. Luckily I had nothing written on it, so none of my beautiful music was lost. I heard Alice gasp, and then read her mind as I do whenever a new vision comes in. I saw Bella contemplating possible locations to run away to. I quickly called the Family together, and we discussed the list of possible escape routes, I mean relocation destinations:




New Hampshire


New York


All seemed like legitimate locations. We agreed to divide and conquer. I was going to Seattle to check in with that dog. If he gives one indication that he knew where they were, I would kill him. I'm not sure how they were staying off the grid so far, Bella always needed my help in doing anything. So far they had gotten rid of their phones and laptops. Somehow they suspected the bugs we planted in there belongings, and got rid of them. The clerk that worked on their stuff, was no help in determining their next point of departure. Was our daughter's influence from that scoundrel egging them on this journey? Were they suddenly playing Thelma and Louise? I quickly made it to the airport. I thought to myself, "You won't escape for long, my love, then I will have you both back under my protection again. Right where you belong."


It's been a rough few months for me. Professionally, my life was moving along perfectly. The businesses, Wolf Pack's Auto Body Repairs and Black Russet Wolf Designs, were both growing at a steady pace. Since I have been back we have made peace amongst the Packs and consolidated them together again, with me as the lone Alpha. We also began open investing of pooled funds, where all of the Pack (both former and current), could get a chance to invest in our businesses and a chance to explore other opportunities for us, and the tribe in general. I was so happy to be able to provide these chances of prosperity for us. Many of the Pack had stopped phasing once they had found their Imprints. Quil was waiting for him and Claire to finish College, and when she finished her residency and was ready to get married, he planned to quite. Currently, it was me, Quil, Colin, and Brady from the original pack still phasing. Ever since the Cullens left 18 years ago, we have seen little to no Vampire activity. It's been grand so far. While things business wise was going so well, I couldn't say the same thing for me personally. All thoughts of stopping phasing flew out the window when I left Ness. Not sure what happened, but it was like, I could never settle my wolf down. The moment I got on the plane in Alaska I have been on edge. Luckily I was able to stop the Air Marshal from throwing my ass off the plane and in jail. I couldn't and still can't seem to get over that Ness was suffering somehow. Yet, when I did check in with the Cullens, they have assured me she is ok. So maybe I just have guilt and anxiety that she hasn't spoken to me since I left. Whatever the reason, Sue has me taking some anxiety medicine. One of the side effects being my inability to stop phasing. I was disappointed to say the least, but lately I have had less instances of these attacks. It felt like a resolution was coming to a head. I'm so glad, I am finally able see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I was in my office at Black Russet Wolf Designs, I was just going over next quarter's budget numbers, when my favorite Emo Vamp Asshole just walked through the doorway. "And to what purpose do I owe today's visit?" He just glared at me for a few moments, then turned around and walked out the door. "What the fuck was that?," I thought to myself.


I can't believe they weren't there. He had genuinely had no clue they were even missing, or else heis getting that efficient with hiding some of his thoughts. I decided that I would wait and see what developed here. I would get my family back anyway that I could.