I can't remember the e-mail from my first PetuniaViolet account so I decided to use an old one. I'm officially re-writing this story! I also posted it on AO3 under 'PetuniaViolet'! Hope you enjoy this version!

November 8th, 2014


If Mikan Yukihira ever regretted being too scared to get her driving license, that would be now. How many times had she been late to pick up her son from school? At least two times a week, thanks to the wonderful buses and their punctual schedule. The bus had been ten minutes late, and because of that it was affected by the rush hour, which delayed Mikan for at least fifteen minutes. Her son finished school thirty minutes ago.

It was moments like these were she sourly remembered her ex-boyfriend, who got her pregnant at the age of eighteen and then left her to pursue his musical career. She didn't blame him, but at the same time, Mikan thought he was the most self-centric, arrogant, bastard she has ever regretted to meet. Now at the age of twenty-six years old – Mikan knew better.

She couldn't be happier with only her son, Kenshin, and their adorable but lazy, chubby cat named Keno.

After thanking the bus driving for dropping her off, Alice Elementary School had a bus stop right in front of their gates and Mikan appreciated that. She hurried as she crossed the road, after looking both ways of course, and walked into the school grounds after greeting the gatekeeper and receiving a knowing looking from her – she was known around the school to be the 'always late mother'.

As the brunette stepped inside the main building, her amber eyes quickly looked around the empty hall – she cringing as she realized that all students were gone already and then Mikan's heart broke when she spotted her son alone, sitting on a bench while swinging his legs up and down to entertain himself.

The seven-year-old boy, with short but messy hair the same color as his mother, raised his head as he noticed a figure approaching him and Kenshin's amethyst eyes lit up almost immediately with happiness when he realized that his mom was finally here. He grinned and quickly hopped off the bench and hugged her.

"Mommy, you're late!" he cried as he pressed his face on her stomach.

"Shin-kun, I am so sorry! The bus got stuck in traffic!" Mikan quickly said as she pulled him closer. She bent down and started pressing kisses all over his small face, making him giggle.

"Ah, Mikan-chan! I'm glad you're finally here. I was starting to think I'd have to raise Ken-chi all by myself." A blonde, handsome man teased as he approached them.

Narumi Anjou was Kenshin's homeroom teacher, and coincidentally he was also a close family friend. He watched over Kenshin and sometimes babysat him whenever Mikan couldn't make it in time to fetch her son from school, "I also gave Ken-chi a sandwich and a chocolate milk while he waited." Narumi said as he watched Kenshin go back to the bench to pick up his schoolbag with a smile.

Mikan scoffed, delighted, "I don't know how to thank you…"

"You just did." He winked.

Mikan was about to respond when she felt a strong grip on her hand, she looked down to see Kenshin looking up at her rather impatiently.

"Let's go, mommy! If we hurry back now, I can still watch Avenger X-neration!" he stated quickly, already pulling her to the school's doors.

Mikan wasn't budging though, she gave her son a look, "Say goodbye to your teacher first, sweetie. And did you thank him for the food?" she asked with a mildly stern tone.

Kenshin looked at his teacher and smiled sheepishly, "Bye-bye Naru-sensei, and thanks for the meal!" he looked at her again, "Now, can we go?" he looked at her with a look at Mikan described as 'puppy eyes'.

"Kenshin…" she scowled at him, embarrassed at his behaviour as her cheeks gained color.

Narumi chuckled. "It's alright Mikan, see you tomorrow Ken-chi! Don't forget to do your homework." The blonde advised while waving as the two made their way to the door.

"Oh, he won't." Mikan smiled and waved back.

Mikan and Kenshin walked together, holding each other hands, on the busy, city streets. From Alice Elementary School to their apartment it was only a ten-minute walk and it has been resumed to Kenshin promptly talking about his day at school. Mikan could only nod and encourage her son to tell her everything without holding back, she loved hearing his excited voice about every single detail – even seeing a spider in his classroom was a good day for him.

"So you're telling me that your classmate almost threw away an apple just because it had a dark spot in it?" Mikan asked as she faked a dramatic gasp.

"I know right?! He was going to, but I stopped him just in time! I told him what you told me mommy, just throw away the piece with the dark spot! And guess that?" The brunette looked up at his mom expectantly.


"He listened to me! And then he ate the rest of the apple." Kenshin proudly stated.

Mikan felt pride for her son.

"OH! I ALMOST FORGOT TO TELL YOU!" Kenshin suddenly shouted, startling Mikan and some bystanders in the process.

"Y-Yes?" Mikan asked, smiling nervously.

"Serina-sensei told us at the end of the class that tomorrow, we're having a new student!" he announced excitedly.

Mikan's eyebrows rose from surprise, they stopped walking when they reached their apartment's doors. She let go of her son's hand to search for the keys in her purse, "A new student? You're going to be nice to her, right?" she conversed while she opened the door.

Kenshin walked inside the building and giggled, "Don't be silly mommy, Serina-sensei said that it was a boy! Like me!" he explained with a grin.

"Still, sweetie, you must be nice to him. Remember how scary it was when you were the new student?" Mikan inquired as she checked her mail-box.

"I do…" he mumbled as he waited for her by the elevators door, "I'll be nice if he's nice!" he decided as he pressed the button to call for the elevator.

After dinner, and after making sure Kenshin ate his vegetables, Mikan hummed as she washed the dishes while her son did his homework in his bedroom. After she was done with them, she washed her hands and checked on him to see if he needed help.

Kenshin was sitting on his bed, with Keno sleeping on his lap, with his eyes glued on his small TV.

"Have you finished your homework, sweetie?" Mikan asked, already knowing the answer.

He simply nodded, paying more attention to the cartoons.

"It's almost bedtime so don't forget to—"

"Brush my teeth and wash my face, I know mommy!" He rushed for her, giving a knowing grin without looking away from the screen.

She frowned, whenever Kenshin watched that little show of his he'd be always more concentrated on it than everything else, to be honest Mikan always felt a little jealous but she knew it was silly, it was only a cartoon that her son dearly liked. When she was young, she was the same.

The brunette left his bedroom and walked into the living room, she sat down on the couch and sighed tiredly, but happily. Another day of work, she could finally relax, watch her shows as well and just have some time for herself… for a couple of hours.

Thirty minutes later, she heard her son calling her to tuck him in. Lost were the days where he'd ask for a bedtime story, instead he'd read comic books by himself. Mikan went to his room, checked if he brushed his teeth and tucked him in as he expected, then after kissing his forehead she called for Keno to follow her. And the chubby cat didn't move.

It seems like he was sleeping with Kenshin again.

She bid Kenshin a goodnight and returned to the living room, watching TV as quietly as she could.

An hour passed, and she was starting to feel sleepy. So Mikan got up from the couch and turned off the TV, and after stretching her body she checked on her son again and smiled at the sight of Kenshin sleeping soundly as Keno slept by the end of his bed.

She smiled and couldn't fight the urge to tuck in her son even more, after kissing his head she heard him whimper, making her giggle.

"Goodnight Kenshin, I love you." She whispered softly to the sleeping child. Keno meowed quietly at her, and she gave him an affectionate look, "I love you too, Keno." She said, and immediately the white, chubby cat started purring before going back to sleep.

After leaving and gently closing the door, Mikan yawned tiredly as she made her way to her bedroom down the hall. She stripped off her clothes and placed them in the laundry basket and dressed up her pajamas, then Mikan hopped into her bed, giggling like a child, and got under the covers before she could feel the cold, winter air.

The young adult stared at her ceiling and thought about her day and it didn't take much time for her to fall asleep.

November 9th


Kenshin's POV

"Have a nice day at school Shin-kun, I love you." Kenshin heard his mom whisper sweetly as they hugged goodbye.

He smiled, "I love you too, mommy!"

When Mikan was gone, Kenshin made his way inside his school's building in search of his closest friend, Ran Sakura. She was the smartest girl he ever met. She was the best reader of their class and she also had the best hand-writing. Ran would always tell him smart facts, teach him the difficult words and she was always there to give him good advices! Plus, she was a good story-teller, Kenshin was too afraid to tell his mom that she wasn't good at it. He didn't want to hurt her feelings.

And then he found her, sitting on the usual bench with a book big enough to cover her head with her purple, schoolbag resting against her legs. Kenshin grinned slyly and then sat down next to her too suddenly, making her jump on her seat and almost drop her book.

"Kenshin-kun! I told t-that you can't do that! The bench might fall on day…" she scowled him lightly, making him chuckle.

Ran had shoulder-length, slightly wavy brown hair and two, curious amber eyes. Kenshin saw her his first day of first grade and he got fascinated by her intelligence, but was too shy to approach her. Then saw that Ran didn't have friends around her, she probably felt lonely, so he asked his mom what to do and Mikan told him to introduce himself to her, and to be friendly when he did it – since then the two have become inseparable.

Kenshin liked her because she was also sweet and kind, she was like his mother but without the 'scary' part.

"Ran-chan, are you excited to see the new student?" he chirped curiously.

She hummed thoughtfully as she put her book away, "I don't know… how about you?" she smiled.

"I am! My mom told me to be nice, I hope we can become friends! And, maybe he can also be your friend too!" he told her, ruffling her hair and ignoring her weak complaining.

After giving him a stinky look, she looked at her own feet with a distant look, "Yeah… me too." She said uninterestedly, thinking about how much reading all the books from the library sounded more appealing.

He tilted his head at her, confused at her behavior, but simply shrugged and began asking her random questions that Ran patiently, and gladly, responded to.


Homeroom for 1-A class had begun, the students were chatting nonstop on their seats, and when Narumi walked inside with a bright smile, Ran stood from her chair and turned to the whole classroom.

"Please be q-quiet, the teacher has arrived." She nervously told the class before quickly sitting down before she could notice some of the glares her classmates sent her way.

Kenshin glared back at those, quietly telling them to back off with only a look.

"Thank you Ran-chan! Children, as you all know, today we have a new student! So, let's give him a warm welcome, shall we? Come inside now!" Narumi looked towards the door and a boy, slightly taller than Kenshin, walked inside. Whispering commenced throughout the whole classroom.

"Introduce yourself, please." The blonde teacher said brightly as the boy stood in front of the blackboard.

Kenshin stared at him, he had short, raven hair and two sharp, crimson eyes. The brunette could clearly see how much uncomfortable the boy was with all the staring.

"My name is Isamu Hyuuga," he spoke lowly. More whispering came along, and some hands raised up quickly.

"Yes, Nana-chan?" Narumi asked as he eyed a blonde girl with curly pigtails.

"How old are you?" she asked with a sneer.

He glared at her, "I'm eight."

Much to Kenshin's annoyance, his classmates started whispering again, Ran could only sigh and Isamu looked like he just wanted to leave.

"Where do you live?" a boy with shaved hair asked.

"In my house." The raven haired deadpanned.

Some students chuckled, finding his answer funny, but Isamu wasn't joking, at all.

"All right kiddos, since you have so many questions for our new cutie student," Isamu gave Narumi a dirty look, "I'll give you all a free period to get to meet him, toddles!" the handsome teacher said as he rushed out of the classroom.

Kenshin rolled his eyes, typical.

But Isamu stared at the door dumbfounded when Narumi-sensei actually left, he turned to his new classmates and sighed at their hungry eyes,

That blonde bastard didn't even tell him where to sit.