Hello beautiful people! Hope you didn't miss me too much Haha! ;)
So my diploma work is pretty much all done and finished. THANK GOD! Just a few bits and pieces to finish off tomorrow! :D
Here's a new story for you! For the purpose of this story Ana and Christian will swap birthdays. Christian's will be in September and Ana's will be in June so they will be in the same year in school
Also Ana is Ray's biological daughter in this
As always I don't own Fifty Shades and all mistakes are my own.
Not sure when updates will be but I'll aim for once a week, probably a Sunday as it's my lazy day! Haha!

Pre warning for you darling GUEST reviewers. Seeing as one of you left me a very colourful review on my Challenges story but were too much of a pussy to log in…if you don't like what I'm writing then its simple. DON'T EFFIN READ IT. My mother always taught me if you got nothing nice to say then don't say anything so I suggest you do the same and I'm certainly not going to miss one reader who has nothing better to do than abuse writers on this site. We do this for enjoyment not for you lot to hurl abuse at us because our stories are not to your taste.

ANYWHO! Rant over. On with the story!

Alarm going off, Ana Steele let a sigh pass her lips as she leant over and turned it off. She had been awake for a few hours. Staring at her ceiling. Thinking. Today would be the day she went back to school. The day she received nothing but pity from everyone there. Well everyone who knew who she was. She wouldn't be known as the book girl anymore. She'd be known at the girl who's mom was murdered by her psycho husband who was now on the run. She had spent the last two months at home, trying to do some of her school work from home while she grieved for the loss of her mother and for the fact that Morton hadn't been found and her father didn't want her out of his sight, but it was clear that Morton wouldn't be returning anytime soon so Ray made the decision to send Ana back to school so she could continue her studies and go back to her friends. Well what friends she had. Kate Kavanagh and Jose Rodriguez were the only friends she really had. She kept herself to herself and usually with her nose in a book.

"Knock, knock." Came Ray's voice as he knocked Ana's bedroom door and peeked inside. Seeing her awake but not out of bed he sighed a little. "Come on kiddo. I'll take you to school before I head into work."

"Okay." Ana replied but made no effort to move from her bed. She just kept staring at the ceiling.

Sighing Ray headed inside her room and headed over to her. Sitting on the edge of her bed he looked to her. "Come on…you can't stay cooped up in here any longer. You need to get back into the real world…back to school. Back to your friends. Your mom wouldn't want you to withdraw yourself from those you love."

Ana sighed. "I know dad. I just know everyone is going to just stare are me and gossip behind my back. I'm not in the mood for it."

"Just ignore them and focus on your studies. You never know maybe they have forgotten all about it. It has been two months."

Ana looked to him. "I doubt it dad. People are not so quick to forget that. Especially with him still out there."

"They'll find him."

"Not going to bring mom back though is it?" Ana questioned as she climbed out of the bed and headed to her en-suite bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Ray sighed as he watched his daughter go. It has been the hardest time for them. Ray thanked God everyday that Ana was too sick with the flu to go to her mother's that fateful weekend. Since his divorce from Carla, Ana made it perfectly clear that she would be living with him. Carla was so carefree and loved to travel and Ana didn't want to be moving around everywhere but that didn't mean she loved her mother any less and Ana always loved her weekends with her mom until of course Carla met Morton. Ray always had his suspicions about Morton but there was no telling Carla. She only saw the good in people but Ray knew that Ana didn't like him. Since Carla married him Ana didn't spend many weekends there and would always come up with excuses not to go over but no one saw what Morton did coming. That visit from the police was something he would never be able to erase from him mind as well as the look on his daughter's face when she learnt what had happened. He had never seen Ana so upset and it broke his heart everyday saying how broken she truly was. Normally Ana was one to put on a brave face, but not anymore.
Getting up from the bed he headed back downstairs and started to get some breakfast ready. Ana was never a big eater so he poured a bowl of granola for her ready whilst he dug into his bowl of cereal.

Finishing up in the bathroom, Ana came out and went over to her closet and changed into a pair of jeans and a hoody with a pair of converse. She was a simple kind of girl. Her hair fell in natural waves as she ran her hairbrush through and she was never one to wear make up to school. She was a natural beauty but to the girls in school she was boring.
Making sure she had everything in her bag she soon headed downstairs, grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl she popped it into her bag before she sat at the breakfast bar, pouring some yoghurt over her granola before tucking in. She wasn't really hungry but she knew her dad would nag her to eat something considering the amount of weight she had already lost since her mother's murder.

"Do you need any money for lunch?" Ray asked her as he put is bowl in the dishwasher.

Ana shook her head. "It's okay I still have some money left from when I babysat the Flynn twins."

Ray nodded a little and glanced to his daughter. "John actually called me last night."

"He needs me to babysit?" She asked curiously. Ana loved babysitting the twins.

Ray hesitated before he sighed a little. "Actually he was wondering how you were doing and offered to give you some sessions to help you if you wanted."

"I don't need to see a therapist dad. It's very kind of Mr Flynn to offer but I'm fine."

"Annie you hardly leave your room, you don't want to see any of your friends…I'm worried about you."

"Well you don't need to. I'm fine." She told him, losing her appetite she got up from her seat, emptying the contents of the bowl into the trash before she put her bowl in the dishwasher. "I'll see you later."

"Wait, I'll take you."

"I'd rather walk." She told him as she grabbed her bag and slid it over her shoulder and made a quick exit to the door. She didn't want to see a therapist. So what if she spent most of her time in her room. Isn't that what grieving teenager did?

"Anastasia-Rose." Ray called firmly after her. "Get in the car. I'm not having you walking." He told her as he grabbed his car keys. With Morton still out there he wasn't risking his daughter. She was all he had left. He wouldn't lose her as well.

Ana sighed. Reluctantly going over to the car she climbed inside as her father unlocked it, bringing her bag onto her lap as she hugged it to herself. She hated arguing with her dad, it was something that rarely happened but since everything that happened to her mom Ana found herself on a short fuse and would lose her temper quite quickly and over the smallest things.

Locking up the house, Ray got into the car and sighed as he looked to his daughter. "I'm sorry Annie. I didn't mean to upset you. It just breaks my heart seeing you like this. I know you're grieving, I just want to take your pain away."

Ana blinked back tears as she sighed a little. "I'm sorry dad. I know this is just as hard for you…guess I'm just nervous about today."

"Don't apologise sweetheart. Look I'll ring you on your lunch. If things are getting too much for you I'll come and pick you up and bring you home. We can do this one day at a time."

Ana gave a nod. "Okay."

Ray smiled softly to her before he started up the car and headed towards the school. It wasn't too much of a drive from where they lived but he still didn't want her walking to school. Bellevue was a lovely, quiet neighbourhood but with Morton on the run he wouldn't run it past him to turn up here. He was unpredictable.

As they drove to school, Ana noticed a few people from school walking to the bus stop and slouched in her seat more so no one would see her. Not many people knew where she lived apart from Kate and Jose. No one would ever think quiet, boring Ana Steele lived in such a sophisticated area but when your father works in a successful law firm, they were able to afford such a lovely home. As Ray pulled up outside the school she offered him a small smile. "See you later."

"Have a good day. I'll call you on your lunch hour."

"Bye dad." Climbing out of the car she moved her bag onto her shoulder and closed the door, watching as her father left before she then headed into the school. She just wanted to get through the day. Ignoring the stares that come her way Ana hurriedly went inside to her locker. She didn't want to speak to anyone. Going to her locker she opened it up, glancing at her schedule on the side before looking for her text books.

"Ana…" Came a voice from behind her.

Turning her head slightly, Ana looked to the blonde in front of her. "Hi Kate…"

"Oh Ana." Kate moved over to her friend and wrapped her arms around her and hugged her. "You should have said you were coming back today, I would have come and got you."

Hugging her back slightly Ana offered her a little smile and a small shrug. "It's okay my dad bought me. I didn't say anything in case I didn't turn in but my dad says I need to get back to school and start getting some normality back."

"And he's right." She told her pulling back from the hug and looking to her. "You're sixteen years old…you deserve to have a life. Do things normal sixteen year olds do…starting by going to the Spring Fling in a couple weeks' time."

Ana sighed. "Kate you know I'm not into the dances and stuff…"

"I know…but it might be a nice change from your bedroom…I'm not taking no for an answer Steele. We need to see that beautiful smile again and you know your mom would go nuts if you bailed out."

Ana rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fine.

Kate grinned to her. "Awesome. We can go dress shopping closer to the time."


Ana jumped slightly hearing someone call her name and looked to see Jose rushing over before pulling her into a bear crushing hug. "Oh Ana! It's so good to see you! I'm so glad you're back! I missed you so much! Oh gosh you've lost so much weight!"

Kate frowned and slapped his arm. "Jose let her go for crying out loud. You nearly broke her rib in that hug and seriously? You should never mention a girls weight to them. Sensitive subject." Kate scolded as she looked to him and shook her head.

"Lo siento." Jose apologised as he pulled away form Ana. "It's just so good to see you. Things haven't been the same here without you."

Ana offered him a little smile. "It's okay Jose and I seriously doubt my presence in the school really made a difference."

"Well you have been the talk of the school…"

"Oh please Jose. Who's seriously going to listen to Leila Williams and her pack of wannabe barbies?" Kate rolled her eyes and looked to Ana. "Ignore him. A few people asked about you in general to see how you were. Leila's just being a pain in the ass as usual."

"Talk of the devil…" Jose mumbled gesturing to where Leila was walking towards them with her boyfriend in tow.

"Well look who's decided to turn up. Got to admit Ana I never thought you'd have the guts to show you face again." Leila commented as she kept her hand in her boyfriends and looked to Ana in disgust.

Kate practically glared at Leila at her comment before glaring at Leila's boyfriend. Christian Grey. Despite being absolutely gorgeous he was always a guy of few words and always let Leila talk to people like complete shit.

"Excuse me?" Ana questioned looking to her. "Last time I checked I was still a student here." Normally Ana wasn't one to talk back and would let things go over her head, but Ana was not in the mood and certainly not in the mood for Leila Williams.

"Your step daddy is a murderer and on the run. It's only a matter of time before he comes here looking for you. You're putting the whole school in danger by being here."

"Well if it makes you feel better Leila if he does come here looking for me he wouldn't even bother looking in your direction. Morton likes girls with half a brain and doesn't spend nighty percent of their time looking in a mirror." Ana snapped glaring at her.

At Leila's gasp, Kate smirked and she noticed even Christian had to fight back a laugh at Ana's comment. Damn she had never seen Ana so feisty, she was a proud best friend right now. Ana never normally stuck up for herself, she normally ignored her and walked away.

"I'm going to ruin you Steele."

"Oh leave it Leila." Christian commented with a roll of his eyes as he pulled his hand from Leila's and folded his arms across his chest. He had had enough.

Leila looked at him confused. "What? Did you just hear what she said to me?"

"Yeah I did and you had it coming." He told her with a frown. "She's lost her mother and all you seem to care about is yourself. Maybe you should go to the library and look up compassion in the dictionary instead of acting like a class A bitch to someone who is mourning." He shook his head before walking away from her. Leila had crossed the line right now. Normally Christian was considered a smart boy…but his relationship with Leila wasn't one of his smartest decisions. At first she was lovely but then popularity got to her head and he started to dislike her very much, especially when she started having a go at Ana. He didn't know much about Ana apart from she was a quiet girl who kept herself to herself but there was something about the way Leila spoke to her always seemed to rub him up the wrong way. She always seemed to target Ana and he didn't know why or what Leila had against her. She seemed nice enough.
He'd been thinking for a couple weeks now about breaking up with Leila but he didn't know how to. He knew that her feelings for him were much stronger than what he felt for her. If anything he only saw her as a friend, though her attitude and the way she behaved around Ana, even friendship was currently debatable. Who makes comments like that to someone who just lost their parent? It was wrong on so many levels. He knew too well the loss of a parent. Yes his was in a different circumstance to Ana's but he still had lost his birth mother, not that many people knew he and his siblings were adopted. In his eyes Leila was currently being a heartless bitch and he currently didn't like her very much.

"Christian! Wait!" Leila called after him. Glaring to Ana she scoffed. "This isn't over Steele." She snapped before running after Christian. If there was anything she would fight for more than anything in the world was her relationship with Christian. She wasn't going to lose him over some stupid girl like Anastasia Steele.

Ana rolled her eyes at Leila before she grabbed her book from her locker and closed it and looked to her friends. "I'll see you guys in Math. I have English Lit first."

"I'll save you a seat." Kate told her with a smile. "And ignore Leila."

"I plan to. I have more important things to do than waste energy worrying about Leila Williams's empty threats. See you guys later." Smiling a little to them she headed off to her first class a sigh passing her lips. It was hard to believe once upon a time she and Leila used to be friends. But then Leila started puberty and got breasts before most of the girls in their grade. Since then the popularity went to Leila's head and their friendship completely diminished. It's only since she got with Christian that Leila seemed to be targeting her more than anyone else. Why she had no idea. Stepping into her class she ignored the stares and whispers coming from everyone and headed straight for her seat at the back of the classroom and grabbed a pen from her bag along with her notebook. As someone sat down next to her, Ana looked up a frown forming on her features. "You do realise that sitting next to me could result in one of us or both of us ending up in the morgue."

Christian smirked as he heard Ana and looked to her as he took out his own stuff. "Good thing that she's not in this class then, besides, not exactly many places left to sit and there is no way that I'm sitting in the front row, Molly Peterson always complains my head is in the way." He commented with the roll of his eyes.

"No but her army of dingbat barbie followers are in this class and will not doubt going running back to her majesty or they're probably texting her right now to rat you out." Ana commented gesturing to Leila's friends in the middle row.

"Dingbat barbie followers?" Christian asked amused. "I like it." He chuckled looking to her before sighing seeing how serious she was looking. "Look forget Leila and forget the barbies. No one dictates to me who I sit next to. Last time I checked I was my own person and could do what I wanted and talk to who I wanted. Just because she's currently my girlfriend doesn't mean she's my boss." He shrugged slightly. "Believe it or not we have more in common than you think."

Ana couldn't help but roll her eyes a little. "I seriously doubt that we have anything in common." She mumbled before she looked up as the teacher came into the room. She just wanted to get on with her studies so this day could be over with, she just wanted to get home already, yet Christian Grey was proving to be a distraction at this point. All that Ana kept thinking about was his last comment. What did he mean? They had a lot more in common than she thought? Somehow she doubted she had anything in common with the enigmatic Christian Grey.


So...let me know what you think :D
Much Love
K xx