Yuri: You know, this fic was so difficult to write. I cried actually, because of how twisted they had become, and like an onlooker to that, I only wanted them to go back to who they were again. :(

P.S. I'm sorry for killing Shouto and Kirishima. *crais

It took them ages before they managed it, that was, the feat to capture Katsuki Bakugou, what with the genius-turned-villain a pain to deal with, a walking disaster at every turn, killing his own brothers in the process of obtaining the fuel to his Polyquirk*, turned into basically the walking equivalent of a nuclear bomb that's exploded in every opportunity, leaving nothing but a body count that would make even the vilest quiver. He was a monster, pure anarchy...the devil's apprentice who sleeps in his bed...

Far from the somewhat verbally abusive, foul-mouthed student he'd been in UA, Katsuki Bakugou had finally learnt to shut his own mouth through the years. But if only his late friends could've guessed that his silence later on should equate to the horrifying way by which he's dealt death by the quarter million* every time he walked the earth in solid rage, they'd have let him scream and bitch all he wanted. They'd have let him be expressive. They'd have valued him even more, though inevitably, Villain Deku, another result of UA's now-admitted incompetence, came to tarry him away...

They were the hope that had gone wrong on so many levels, rivals to the prestige of being number one that circumstances had destroyed: Izuku Midoriya, All Might's "chosen", the first to be seduced by this darkness until he broke into pieces, taking heed the obsession that lurked in the depths of his own mind, only to then snatch Katsuki Bakugou away, causing him to go insane, repeatedly violating him in more ways than one until the latter, too, succumbed to insanity.

What was born from their tribulation was a duo like none other. Partners, lovers, destroyers who worked better as villains than they had ever been as aspiring heroes. Two great minds warped terribly. Two souls that were representative of All Might's pride torn asunder: one who used to possess his heart to save; the other with his determination to always win. Both always wanting to be like or surpass him.

No more.

Not anymore.

Deku and Kacchan were an almost lost cause now, if not for the faint glimmer of possibility those who loved them still held. A tiny flame that urged them on, perhaps, in a thought that they could still return. That maybe the two and their mentality can still be salvaged - whatever was left of it? They were likewise victims. Somewhere in the murderous visage and coldness they've come to embody, there still were the remnants of their dreams that will pull them back to reality.

Enough of this nightmare!

But no one was waking up...

The skies were still dyed crimson. Their mothers still cried blood. Everyone who held affection for them both continued to mourn the demise of their innocence. And here were the two, on the spree of devastation, death-bringers, killers... No one's hero but of themselves.

"Be a good boy and call him here, Katsuki Bakugou."

He was to be the bait, in a last ditch effort, this trap, the Police, banking on the fact that 'Kacchan' was just that valuable to 'Deku' and seeking to catch the latter here, using this horrendously twisted affair the two shared, beginning since childhood, over years of growing up together, binding them at last in this wicked, coercive marriage within a life of crime.

Midoriya Izuku was hooked upon Katsuki, like a drug or intoxicant, like an endless addiction. They knew of the rape. Then the brainwashing. Their relationship was the result of a rotten endeavor Villain Deku was proud of accomplishing in a mere few months. Then it became crystal clear that he couldn't leave his lover alone now - let all the world fall into despair before he did! He would carve it out in blood and mangle it inside-out if he had to!

For that reason, the heroes and the Commission knew he would come. Kacchan was his. He will reclaim him certainly.

"Villain Deku!"

There was a low thrum, the ground rumbling, before something like an explosion happened, though it was just pieces of displaced dirt as something fell, dust billowing up, ground cratering as with a single leap, the male in question cleared the distance. He came alone. He was that confident.

"What's this? A horde of heroes to greet me? I'm flattered."

The trace of youth was evident on his face, this boyish charm with the adorable freckles and the unruly mop of verdant hair. He looked so much like a man-child...except the expression on his face was the grin of a grim reaper.

He had matured, was in fact older, taller, a couple years short after being legal but already a powerful vessel for a Quirk he's inherited. He had mastered One for All, and wielding that, he had undoubtedly left his mark in infamy.

How many heroes had fallen prey to his greed? Had he not killed as many as his Kacchan had or more for the latter? When he was jealous, doesn't he go wild with seething rage and just kill- kill!- k i l l...

Poor Eijirou Kirishima he'd sent down to hell with no remorse. He i s competition after all. One of the few things he'd hated so much and had used to drive Kacchan to the brink.

Gentleman Death that's forgotten how a hero's suit felt like. He now dressed in his Sunday best -the formal shirt, the pressed pants, rolling his sleeves over the generous muscles of his arms, a double-breasted vest, dress shoes, all the way to the pocket watch and the black gloves that stretched up to only half his palm- his appearance takes a page from All For One.

Complete down to the undeniable devious glint in his eyes, this evil that's stained him deep. As he roamed his glance over, grinning again to see his beloved all chained up and restricted.

"Kacchan. There you are. They got you in a bind again I see?" he was playing with the memory of a Sports Festival long forgotten. Why must they always have to cage his love?

Eraserhead was in the crowd, with his heart twisted inside, as if someone plugged a dull knife there and was slowly turning the handle. These two, had such promise. How did he describe them once? The game-changers? The ones whose very presence pushed their classmates to strive for a whole new level of greatness. They have never agreed...not until this and oh how he wished that they had stayed arguing again.

Where were they now? The jock and the nerd*. Where were they now? The two who was one, or both, always at the core of every maelstrom. They were still at its epicentre now. But Aizawa would rather it not be on their way to death row.

"Reminiscing, Sensei?" Midoriya still has that voice, deeper though and different at the same time. It was apathy in sweet honey, retaining that gift of gab he's used on one a many occasion to lift others up. He had, after all, taken over the League of Villains and amassed a following greater than before with this talent. Just like All For One. He had become the great successor of the cause.

Although the All For One was not in him. *It dwells in the fine body of the childhood friend he's turned into his bitch. The very same gagged and pulling at his restraints, denied access to his Quirk, else, Deku wouldn't be standing there, faced with this seeming stalemate of a situation.

One side needed to move. While all the normal world watched the scenes play out from behind the safety of their screens.

"Reminiscing...all of you?"

How could they not be? This was Izuku Midoriya. He was supposed to be the next embodiment of the Symbol of Peace, the epitome of justice.

"Tch- bullshit.

"What use is that? I'd rather you hand me Kacchan now. I have wine and a large bed waiting for him," he shamelessly admitted."It is my birthday."

Oh right. It was one year ago to this day that his followers gave him the best gift ever, a half-naked Katsuki contained in bed, although he eventually released him of those binds to nail him down again. It was just a matter of subduing, asserting his motives better than the other could fight off. Not that Katsuki Bakugou was easy to enslave - he was equally powerful and fought every step of the way of course. His Kacchan didn't become docile if he hadn't beaten him up to a pulp first, yes, then subjected him to some deep and glorious fucking that took some time to do too.

Recalling that was a turn on. Never mind the gnats now surrounding his lover. Villain Deku licked his lips. His eyes seemed to be focused on the other alone...

Those eyes had him jumping before thinking, didn't they? The eyes that pleaded he get him out of this dilemma as it looked to be seeking help...just like that day with the pathetic Sludge Villain. Just like old times eh, Kacchan? he would have teased him. But the opposition couldn't leave him to his reverie and it pissed him off.

All these negotiations - blah blah blah. He was not here for their demands. He just wanted his man back.

"We implore you-surrender yourself peacefully," said Chief of Police Kenji Tsuragamae, in a ploy, as, surrounded by the force and pro-heroes, the authorities held his Kacchan at gunpoint. And it wasn't any ordinary threat. The bullets contained in those weapons...they were the very same that once nullified Lemillion's Quirk.

Ah, so sweet sweet Eri-chan still existed somewhere? Midoriya put it on his mental list to have a talk with her again soon once this is over.

"You sure drive a hard enough bargain, but is that wise?" he somewhat simply smirked. "What if I didn't care what happened?" was what he suggested next, much to the shock of those present, smooth and polished as he had eventually transformed into. "Villain or Quirkless being, Kacchan would still be mine in any way I want."

That drove a single smack of truth. People should have realized by now that he wasn't just into him because their hostage had become one fine piece of work. Deku's devotion to his twisted obsession welled from a reserve of affection that's rooted upon the days even before the latter had manifested his Quirk. He loved Kacchan since he met him, this they should have understood.

Chief Tsuragamae gritted his fangs. It was always impossible to talk to this brat. Look where it landed All Might when he had foolishly tried to dialogue with the boy once before? He gave the signal. They had to tighten the net in now or lose the chance, the pro-heroes on high alert that even Mt. Lady had turned titan, Kamui Woods and Endeavor on the edge in wait.

This time likewise, snipers had trained Midoriya with the same Quirk-removing bullets. Although Villain Deku's body did not show signs of giving mind. He did not move at all, merely standing there dotted red by the scope lights, that smile the only thing fading as he lowered his head first, however he next tugged at his glove to flex his fingers.

He was gearing to go, the force of his Quirk ghosting, electric over his form-

"Remove his muzzle," the Chief ordered in haste regarding Bakugou, but was that likewise smart? "Talk him to ceasing you fool, or we will drag you both out of here without your Quirks! Dead if we have to!"

They pushed his head down and held him steady,maintaining gunpoint, only for their hostage to scream out, parched throat, strained jaw muscles and ragged breathing aside, the last piece that got the other villain starting:"DEKU! SLAUGHTER THESE MOTHAFUCKERS!"

The disparity between heroes and villains was apparent. Where the other side was more leaned towards the preservation of life and the protection of the weak, the latter had no regard for that whatsoever therefore it was easier for them to do something like this -to wipe out a large chunk of the Police Force in one go!


It was a technical mismatch. Humans with nary the proper reflexes could not get away in time,ending up the casualty of but one single smash that decimated around two blocks at once. He had become this overpowered!And with speed and stamina that was difficult to match on any level, prompting everyone to scatter, the heroes moving in with the hopes to overwhelm him.

Already, he had made it past the rain of nullifying bullets, the snipers unable to catch him unaware, making dancing through all that effortless the way he slid, ducked and parried, spun over and out of the way, finally breaking into a sprint closer and closer to his goal. All that stood in his way were the pros.


Bakugou renewed his struggle, a feral animal trying to leap out of the hands that had him under control, unharmed like how he'd anticipated, that no one was really serious about using that Anti-Quirk bullet on him. Which made them all weak. In a battle, the only way to win was to do anything and give everything.

Theyshould have just killed him the first instance they had!


"Seal him in!"

That voice echoed as walls rose around the captive one. They were puling him underground in a rock shell and back to Tartarus where his reinforced cell awaited. Not if his lover could do something about it. Not if the evil bearer of One for All could move the mountains and change the tide of the situation.

"Give him back!"

How long ago was it that he'd screamed that, witnessing his childhood friend getting nabbed by those once-fiends that dared enter camp?In the depths of Midoriya's mind, he still held that same fear didn't he? Of losing the person he cherished the most to the situation, but unlike then, he was sure to do a better job here. He'll make sure of that.

He was stronger, had less the inhibitions and none of his prior concerns. His body could wield his Quirk more effectively now;could do so without feeling any more than a sting or sprain, his body used to the power he'd inherited. His limits...he had pushed them aside and overcome them all.

His heart and his conscience as well...he had killed and buried them both -alongside everyone he had no use for. All he needed was Kacchan after all. Everyone else was trash for the gutters. Like Ochaco Uraraka and Shouto Todoroki. The first in a multitude of others that became one face too many in his massive list. Endeavor was here for revenge was he? He blazed like the sun as he came at Deku with all the strength he could muster.

"Stupid! And you had the right to mourn now when you couldn't even call yourself a decent father!?"


Well this was tedious. It was useless. With hate clouding a hero's judgement, could he even esteem himself any better than the ruffian he seeks to destroy? But there was no contest. This wasn't some rivalry between All Might and the man who was always second to him. This was just Enji Todoroki seeking vengeance.

Very human...how...boring...

Their first explosive clash parted. Villain Deku used the sole of his foot as his starting point, making a springboard or pedestal out of the massive rocks that had surfaced during the commotion and when he fell to the ground to fly up at an angle, smashing Mt. Lady straight to her forehead and knocking her back when she intervened, but grabbing onto her hair and managing to toss her over his head despite the size difference, slamming her down mercilessly upon Kamui Woods who was also on the intent to catch him. Not fast enough.

In this tangled mess, the Police had to cease fire. The heroes were going to get caught, worse, might become useless if they continued,though trying to still land a good shot in at the villain was not past their considerations, especially for the snipers who were on the move and relocating. For the majority of this battle however, they are leaving it in the hands of Endeavor and the other pros as efforts shifted to getting Katsuki Bakugou away. He was an asset they all needed.

But Midoriya would not stand being stopped.

He saw everyone as an obstacle he needed to pass and it only pissed him off that they wouldn't let him be, concentrating his full force in one hand even as he dropped his heel onto Enji Todoroki at the comeback, the current Number One crossing his arms to block the strike from above, but still receiving the full brunt of it despite raising his flames to cover himself.

Then when the charged fist hit as a follow up, it sent him like a comet falling, an opening to which Deku had used to erode through a path further and closer in where his prize was, adding more fatalities to his unkempt style of massacre.

"Stop this, Midoriya!"

Oh yes, he never forgot Eraser as the man met him halfway and actually managed to push him back, those eyes the trouble in his whole personality. That man left him in the maws of those villains nearly two years prior these events. How could he forget this helpless twat who didn't do anything to stop the pain he had gone through after his abduction?

But there was nothing he could do in this situation: " out of my way, Sensei..." as with One for All, Izuku Midoriya tore through that Capturing Weapon despite it supposedly getting enhanced in preparation for this moment, the villain's willpower more than enough to render Erasure to a fail and, faster than Aizawa Shouta could blink and regain himself, the light vanished from his eyes. "I rather like what I turned out to be..."

The world watched as Villain Deku thrust his fingers into the hero's face and ripped his eyeballs out of their sockets."Who will save you now? You couldn't even save me," tossing the mangled body upwards before a heated round kick had sent it aside, crashing in the rubble.

Where were the other heroes? That was everyone's question. Aren't reinforcements coming?

To some who bore witness, they were seeing a procession, of endless coffins on their way to their funerals, hearing a distinct requiem and the sounds of a precious yet sorrowed violin...evil was to triumph this day.

Though for a spit-second, things appeared to have quieted, a moment standing still, before a fiery explosion could be heard and the tallest skyscraper in the area came toppling over, thanks to Endeavor.

Villain Deku looked up as some fifty or so floors made a vertical dive, a literal concrete tower, towards him with the aid of gravity, with force enough to crush anything and everything, having enough time to frown as he pat his clothes down and straightened his red tie, craning his head side to side to alleviate his tensing shoulders, "And I came dressed up for a date with Kacchan."

Just like that, he was instantly buried in the pile, the ground rupturing into a mass of steal, quaking, too much wreck and damage that the area would be irreparable for a long time. The landscape since the start of this encounter had been redone and leveled enough, no, actually, it was worse than that now.

No one knew what happened, but this was certainly a sign of desperation, to the side of the pros running out of options enough that they could sacrifice even their own comrades to take on this superpower. Wasn't Eraserhead still in that area!? And Kamui. Mt. Lady...the policemen whose families were waiting...

Villain Deku was hard to handle. He was the devil that rose into existence and rapidly conquered where he may, the fault of miscalculation and then, to an extent, a certain predecessor's ego that caused him to obtain this Quirk, and another just as dangerous in that department when he went rogue.

It was too early to celebrate. This would not have dented him at all!Even as the destruction cleared and the dust began to settle and peace seemed within an arm's reach.

Far from that.

As across the fallen building, actually having that serve to distance the pursuers from him, Villain Deku stood, the injured Police Chief raised bleeding in his grasp, another unnamed and upstart hero who was entrusted with Bakugou and the evacuations squashed underfoot. In the circle of his other arm he held close to him his grinning bride.

Bakugou Katsuki tossed his head back, leaning it onto that shoulder to look up at his lover, chuckling like the madman he is and already in a heat, panting out but one name, "Deku..."

The other returned a surprisingly gentler smile, getting rid of the body in his grip, shaking the blood off his fingers so that he can nuzzle his beloved's temple, inhaling his scent, "Sorry for being late, Kacchan."

Miscalculation. All of it. Those who had set up this trap and thought not the better of it were all fools. Of course Midoiya Izuku was going to just take it as if it was a stroll in the park. Of course he was just going to get rid of everyone who got in the way.

Who were they kidding? W h o were they actually trying to trick into thinking that there was more they could do to stop him? It was all false hope, plain pretense. For who could stop a villain that All Might himself had chosen to raise?

As for Deku, there was nothing wrong with the world.

Even as, again, Endeavor was charging towards them now, determined to stop the two. As more miscreants on the side of good arrive at the scene to help. He reached to run a bloody hand up upon his now-maniacally laughing lover's neck, staining his skin, directing Katsuki by the chin to give him a kiss, the other so willingly indulged that he instantly melted in their open-mouthed connection.

While his hands were finally freed of the weight constricting them, effortlessly accomplished with a single crush by his saviour's grip, the fuel to his havoc pumping hard through his pores that he was intoxicated by it.

One superpower unleashed another into the already crying world and this will put it into further despair...

"Clean up Kacchan.

"We still have somewhere to go..."


Polyquirk/the brothers/the new All for One vessel - see my Draft Book - BNHA (1) and (2) in the Draft Logs of my AO3. I haven't fleshed those stories yet so the outlining and shizz seen there is all just major spoiling.

Quarter million - estimates of killed and wounded in Hiroshima (150,000) and Nagasaki (75,000) bombing. Just that in this story, Bakugou could kill off more than the conservative count in one explosion.

Jock and Nerd - a doujinshi I used as a basis for the love affair herein questioned. I picked up copies some time back. You can find it with translations online if you want.