Chapter 4:
The crowd was a mixture of violent excitement and anxious weary. You could see from the expressions of the Courtiers just who wanted Feyre to persevere, and exactly who did not. Obnoxious rude slurs were being thrown around in an impatient ramble for the trial to start. I made sure to keep my expression blank. Impassive. Bored.

I looked to my left eyeing Amarantha who stroked Tamlins leg like he was her pet she wanted to tease. Feeling repulsed I walked off the stands weaving through the crowds which were steadily growing. I sought out the tent that had been set up behind the arena, the last of the Fae making their bets before finding seats. Feeling disgusted about the entire event, I placed a heavy bet on Feyre. If she wins, Amarantha will be pissed. It'll be an added bonus to see her face when they announce I'm the only one who bet on her.

The Faerie who was working raised his eyebrows. The standings were marked heavily against Feyre. Everyone putting their favor on the Wyrm. It seemed that most of the creatures were looking to profit off of her death... I'd like to hope they will be wrong.
"Are you sure you want to do that Lord of Night?" He snickered.
"Without hesitation." I rallied back flatly. The keep had me sign my name next to the amount and with a flick of his wrist the scroll disappeared.
"Please, don't mind my intrusion, but won't this make our queen rather irritated if she finds out?"
I flashed the Faerie a lazy half smile and winked. His answering chuckle was a genuine rasp.
"Well, if she beats her odds and wins, come find me straight away. This pot has to be the most handsome I've ever seen."
"I intend too." Was all I said as I turned to head back to my spot. I could hear some form of music starting to chirp and the crowd cheering. I winnowed onto the high platform with the other Lords and pierced my lips. So it begins...

Two guards escorted Feyre out of the passageway. She had a mixture of surprise and consternation clouding her features. You could tell she was overwhelmed right off the back, but coherent enough since she took in her surroundings. I could practically see her brain firing off at rapid speed trying to make sense of the scene that played out before her. I smiled at this, just as her eyes landed on me before she turned her attention to Amarantha who held up her hand to silence the crowd.

"Well Feyre, your first task is here. Let us see how deep that human affection of yours runs." Amarantha practically sang. All Feyre did was bare her teeth almost hissing. I liked her spunk.
"I took the liberty of learning a few things about you." She drawled.
"It was only fair you know. I think you'll like this task." Amarantha waved her hand and the Attor parted from the crowd. It's grotesque wings flapped as it made it's way behind Feyre.
"Go ahead, look." She insisted.

Feyre did as she was told and studied what was before her. Taking in the Wyrm's lair. Seeing it's tunnels, and trenches it left in it's wake. Though she had no idea what sort of creature could make those things. While she was engrossed in the arena the Attor swooped down and pushed her from the stand, sending Feyre free falling. She let out a small scream before it caught her with it's claws. I didn't like to admit that the sound of her distress sent an icy shiver down my spine. How uncomfortable.

As she slipped trying to compose herself in the filth, and among the laughter of the crowd, Amarantha drawled on.
"Rhysand tells me you are a Huntress" God this woman likes the sound of her own voice...
"Hunt This!" She cackled. "Release it!"
I sucked in a breath.

You can do this Feyre. I know you are brave. You are strong, you have a sharp, quick thinking mind, and the skill set necessary to defeat this thing.
I've got every cent I have wagered on you. This is how much faith I have.

The gates opened with a groan and the restless Wyrm stirred. Smelling it's first meal in days. It twisted itself aggressively and sprung from it's cage. I looked to Feyre who seemed to be frozen with fear. Amarantha clicked her tongue clearly disappointed if this was to end so abruptly. "Run" She mouthed. I eased Feyre's fear ever so slightly, replacing it with calm night. I rubbed my thumb and index fingers together- hoping nobody noticed. Tarquin who was standing beside me flashed his eyes to mine before returning his gaze to the events unfolding.

She took off like a lightening bolt then.
The Wyrm had already caught up to her, but she sprinted down the trench and darted around a corner. I assumed her first thought would be to put as much distance between herself and her tormentor. Next she needed to figure out the wretched thing was blind. Disguise herself, and find a weapon. The Wyrm had brute strength, a heightened sense of smell, and speed in it's arsenal. But the creature had many weak points to work with. It's lack of sight put it at a massive disadvantage.

Feyre barreled down the trench. I could see that there was a small sliver in the side of the wall that would give her the upper hand.
Please see it, please see it, please see it. Nice!
She pivoted on her toe and rammed herself into the wall. She was half way through when the Wyrm caught up. The waste seemed to stick to her holding her in place. I could just see her face, tears sliding down her cheeks as she tried to force herself free. She was saying something to herself- it looked like "Not like this.."
Not like this indeed.

With a small flick of my wrist I loosened the putrid muck around her shoulder ever so slightly, which gave her enough room to shatter through the other side. The crowd gasped in an assortment of disappointment and relief. I saw Tarquin release the breath he had been holding in. The Wyrm, mystified that Feyres scent suddenly grew distant released a disgruntled groan and thrashed in the opposite direction. Desperate to find it's snack once more.

She was scanning the crowd when my attention went back to her. From the expression on her face I could tell she had figured it out. Her lips were parted in a slight 'O' shape. But not before she went tumbling into a hole that sprawled out in front of her, limbs flailing before we all heard a muted thud at the bottom. Not being able to see her, but hearing how quickly she gather herself up off the ground told me she wasn't hurt. I laughed a little. It had only taken her ten minutes to figure out that the Wyrm was blind. I felt a growing sense of confidence knowing that she had lasted longer than most against this creature. I crossed my arms again letting a smug smile tug at my lips.

"Why're you in such a good mood?" Tarquin whispered.
"Riches are sweet, aren't they?" I murmured back, lacing my tone with a casual laugh. Tarquin raised his eyebrows but said nothing more.

"Feyre!" Amarantha sang from her seat, floating above the Wyrms lair. "You're ruining everyone's fun, come out!" Her tone was dripping with discontentment. I could basically see Feyre rolling her eyes or frowning from within her cave. She appeared there, trying to make her way out of the hole. She kept slipping down the sides of the walls not being able to get traction. I allowed my eyes to wander over to the Wyrm which seemed a healthy distance away while some Faeries teasing it with limbs from other beasts.

This is your chance Feyre darling, you have time to create a plan. Use it!
Which she promptly did. As the Faeries flying around taunted her expecting to distract- they faltered and gave her inspiration. She hopped down off her make shift bone ladder and began setting a trap. I could see her breaking bones across her leg creating serrated knives, jamming them with force into the frozen mud. Again I wanted to howl with delight. Amarantha must be seething right now.

"What's it doing?" A green faced Fae whined. Feyre was now smothering herself head to toe in the Wyrm's waste. Disguising her smell.
I couldn't help myself and chimed in.
"She's building a trap."
"But the Middengaurd-" It began to protest again.
"Relies on scent to see" I interrupted. That delight coursing through my veins once again. It felt intoxicating. I was letting my hope become more prominent, weaving itself through my heart. "And Feyre just became invisible." My crooked grin was still lazily plastered across my features. Feyre heard everything and locked eyes with mine, sending an electric current through my body. I laughed again as she incredulously raised her hand and gave me a crude gesture. Even under pressure she still had time to bark. How lovely! I shook my head eagerly anticipating if her new plan was going to be successful. Feyre regained her focus and darted towards her enemy. It had to work. It was going to work.

She crept behind the gigantic creature. The other Faeries cackling as it's long body contracted while it fed. The crowd became utterly silent as Feyre lifted her bone shard and sliced into her palm. The Wyrm stiffened, smelling her scent and slithered away so quickly Feyre didn't see which direction it went. I clenched my jaw knowing very well I couldn't intervene. The Wrym was gaining speed coming at her from her blind side. I couldn't help but feel a sinking sensation in my stomach just as-

"TO YOUR LEFT!" Lucian screamed from the stands.
Feyre bolted just in time for the Wyrm to crash through the wall she had been standing in front of. Thank god for that.
She ran for her life, pivoting around the corners with accelerated speed. The Wyrm crashed into each wall as she put more space between them. They were on the last straight stretch. Her pursuer twisting and growling behind her as she leaped into the hole. It followed suit.

Feyre landed with a muted thud but not before she wailed in pain. I saw the bone shard she landed on piercing straight through her arm. She didn't hesitate though- ready to fight as she somersaulted into a defensive crouch. The bone shard she'd been holding held out in front like a knife.

That's my girl I practically purred under my breath.
She'd done it. It was taking her brain some time to catch up with the fact but the crowd went utterly wild as they too realized the Wrym was dead. She snapped her head upwards to the stands relief and pride washing over her features. I raised my eyebrows and clapped alongside Tarquin who was biting back a smile.

Amarantha's face became awash in an exquisite shock, thus making it a priceless picture. She no longer had her hand on Tamlin but instead white knuckled her chair. She was pissed as she rearranged her features into a small smirk. "Well, I suppose anyone could have done that.." She chided.

I couldn't hide my grin as Feyre threw her bone shard at Amarantha. Despite everything she had been put through, her own body broken and bleeding, she still had enough fire burning in her soul to give the false queen one last defiance. I was practically rippling with pride. This human girl repeatedly impressed me with her spirit and skill. The cauldron knows Tamlin doesn't deserve what she's risking out there for him. Amarantha chuckled and raised a ringed finger.
"Naughty..." She whispered.

"I suppose you'll be happy to learn that my Court has lost a great deal of money tonight." She picked up the scroll the keep from earlier had me sign. Amarantha read the names. A smile creeping onto her red lips. "Let's see.." She went on reading. "Yes, I'd say my entire Court bet on you dying in the first minute. Some said you'd last five." She paused as she read the last name on the parchment, pursing her lips as she read my name. I pretended to flick something off my shoulder as she flashed her eyes to mine before returning her gaze to Feyre. I had struck a nerve. Great news.
"And just one person said you would win." She chimed in a slightly sour tone. Frowning now she waved her hand in dismissal.
"Take her away, I tire of her mundane face." The guards hauled Feyre back towards her cell.

"Rhysand, come here." Amarantha quipped. I winnowed in front of her and half bowed.
"My Queen." I purred.
"It would seem that congratulations are in order considering you are now the richest man Under my Mountain." She stared at me with fire in her eyes. I couldn't help myself as I rose from my bow and let the corners of my mouth pull up in a sensuous grin.
"A beauty like yours deserves to be showered in luxury." I murmured. Her eyebrows shot up.
"That's why you bet against her? To potentially win a heavy pot only to buy me gifts?" She laughed heartily, not buying it for a second.
"Well, I also did feel a little badly for her. Poor human girl had nothing in her favor." I mocked. Faking a pout.
"Oh shut up." She smirked and waved her hand in another dismissive matter. "Meet me in my chambers in an hour. We have much to discuss you and I." She ordered.

"Get the High Lord his winnings!" Amarantha chided before making her exit.
One trial down. Two to go. I thought. She can kiss all she's won goodbye soon enough...
I bent over picking up the bone shard that Feyre had thrown, stuffing it in my pocket.

For later then...

Let me know your thoughts!
This was definitely fun, although a lot of looking back to ACOTAR for the events.
Next chapter will be all Feysand! Yahoo!